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1) After selecting the patient there are no restrictions and the user can both r

and edit the data.

2) Name and cpr field will be disabled on break the glass.

3) Intended encounters are not part of this USD.

4) No error message should be displayed if there is no network for BTG.

5) Only patients open encounters will be visible.

6) BTG can be used if only one open encounters exists on a patient.

7) Begrundelse field will be pre-filled with a text from a Profile Option.

8) If the patient access is cancelled , the user is directed back to cpr no with
empty field.

9) Error should be given in case no field is filled for the reason.

10) Error messages should be handled in the case of wrong cpr no , if patient ha
s no open encounters and if patient does not exists.

11) The list will be shown no matter how many open encounters a patient has ( ev
en 0 )

12) If the searched patient is not found , then there should be an error "Der fi
ndes ingen patient med det angivne "

13) If the staff does not have data access on the patient searched then there sh
ould be an error "Du kan ikke se kontakter p\\u00e5 denne patient, da du
ikke har dataadgang."

14) If there is no encounter associated with the searched message then there sho
uld be error message "Du kan ikke se kontakter p\\u00e5 denne patient, da
der kendnu ikke er oprettet nogen kontakter
p\\u00e5 patienten."

15) The encounter list would show only Inpatient, Ambulatory and Emergency encou
nters and no Dead encounters.

16) Episode of care would not be part of that clinical list

17) If there is a patient who has no enc. error

18) If there is a patient who has only intended enc ( both closed and open )

19) If there is patient who has only death enc

20) If there is a patient who has only closed enc

21) If there is a patient who has both open and closed enc.

22) If the staff does not have data access on the patient searched then there sh
ould be an error "Du kan ikke se kontakter p\\u00e5 denne patient, da du
ikke har dataadgang."23It has also been decided
that the user can only do BTG if he does not have the data authorization to
the patient. But if the user has the data authorization to the patient, but
does not have the Create/update access on few of
the encounters. Then in that case he would not be able to see those encounte
rs in the patient selector screen and would be able to do BTG using mobile

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