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Our Classroom Discipline Plan

You are expected to follow all school-wide and classroom rules each day.
Breaking these rules will result in consequences as laid out by this plan. By not
immediately stopping the behavior addressed, you will continue down the list,
until a referral to administration if necessary.

1. Private signal- Your first warning will be a non-verbal signal such
as a tap on the desk or a look from me, this should be enough to
know you need to stop, and get back to work.

2. Verbal Warning

3. Hallway Conference-If your behavior continues, I will ask you to
come out in the hallway with me to briefly discuss your actions
without disrupting the rest of the class.

4. Reflection Card/Lunch Detention-If the conference does not help,
I will ask you to fill out a reflection card, and depending on the
severity of the behavior, lunch detention may be assigned.

5. After-School Detention- If you are repeatedly assigned lunch
detention, after school detention will be the next step.

6. Referral Administration- If you continue to act out in class, we
will have a meeting with administration to determine the
necessary next steps.

Serious offenses can, at the teachers discretion, result in more severe consequences regardless of previous
steps taken.
Reflection Card

1. What was my behavior______________________________________________


2. What were the reasons for my behavior________________________________

3. Which class rule/policy was I disobeying by doing this_____________________

4. What can I do/should have done, to make things right____________________

Name_____________________ Date____________

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