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Mini Lesson Plan (Based on SIOP Model)

Lesson Plan Title

Integrating Curriculum Projects
Section V

Name: Claudia Bravo Date: 3/20/17

Grade Level: 2

ELD Objectives: ELA Language Standards for Grade Level

After the mini lesson on American INdian Nations SL.2.2 Recount or describe key ideas or details
long ago, ELL students in grade 2 will be able to from a text read aloud or information presented
understand the concept of American Indians and orally or through other media.
create a diorama along with a written report L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions
using English vocabulary with 95% accuracy. of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
ELD Language Objective:
ELL students in grade 2 will listen actively to ELA Content Standards for Grade Level
spoken English, gestures, visuals, and 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies
demonstrations within an academic context. 1.1 Determine the purpose or purposes of
Students will also use precise and domain listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve
specific vocabulary to create their report problems, for enjoyment).
1.2 Ask for clarification and explanation of
ELD Content Objective: stories and ideas.
ELL students in grade 2 will write about their 1.3 Paraphrase information that has been shared
native indian tribe using domain-specific orally by others.
vocabulary context that conveys a visual family 1.4 Give and follow three- and four-step oral
tree of their own. directions.

Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels ELD Standards (2014) that apply

Level 1: Define, Label, Recognize Collaborative
Level 2: Categorize, Organize, Construct 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others
Level 3: Contrast, Compare, Explain, through oral collaborative conversations on a
Differentiate range of social and academic topics.
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range
of social and academic contexts.
12. Selecting and applying varied and precise
vocabulary and language structures to
effectively convey ideas.
Materials Key Academic Vocabulary Research Based Learning
Pencils Native American indians Strategies (provide text
History books Tribes chapters/reference)
History note books Economy integrating curriculum
Shoe boxes Products projects(50 Strategies)
devices Patriarchal Theory Base of
Matriarchal Instruction
Agriculture o Provide Comprehensible Input
customs o Increase Verbal Interaction
o Contextualize Language
o Reduce Anxiety
o Provide Active Involvement
Tapping into Prior
Knowledge (SDAIE)
Contextualize the
Lesson Group Discussion, Hands
on Activities (SDAIE)
Student to Student
Interaction (SDAIE)

Pre-Assessment: How will Motivation Strategy: How Real World Connection: How
you determine prior will you catch attention of are learning goals relevant to
knowledge? students and focus their minds students lives?
on the learning goals?
We will discuss in whole class Students will learn how to follow
what we know about Native Teacher will show a video about verbal and visual instructions
americans and create a KWL native americans long ago. while creating their diorama.
chart on chart paper so that we Following the discussion, Modeled talk will be helpful in
can reflect back after the students will be asked to create lowering students anxiety
project. a diorama on a Native because they know and can
American tribe. respond to what is expected
from them. This serves as an
important function for when
teachers in the future use it
consistently and increases the
opportunities for ELLs to interact
successfully with their peers and
it builds feelings of community
within the classroom, which
leads to greater academic
All strategies will be research based and Students: Practice and Application
from one of the texts. Please provide 1. Students will gather in pairs and share
reference for each. what they already know about native indian
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities 2. Students will come together to the front
(Strategy Steps) of the classroom in order to listen and engage
1. Assign students to sit in pairs and share with the video
what they already know about their native 4. Students will share what they read.
americans. 5. Students will be introduced to the
2. Gather students to the front of the language development integrating curriculum
classroom to watch video projects
4. After watching the video have students 6. Students will be able to see the teacher
share what they learned model the essential strategy in order to help
5. The teacher will introduce the project support them as they practice and apply the
which is the diorama strategy in a meaning-based context.
6. Integrated curriculum project 7. Students will gather around their group
Students will be given the topic, and tables and begin their art project.
explained the guidelines 8. Students will practice how to model the
Teacher will introduce tribes that the instructions presented and use English
students will create vocabulary to complete the task.
Teacher will demonstrate each step as 9. Students will be reminded on what to do
he/she talks about it at each of their group tables since they have
Teacher will post a visual with drawings visuals to follow in case they forget.
and demonstrate what to first, second, third, 10. Students will receive help from their teacher
etc. at the Writing Center by using interactive writing
After the demonstration, the teacher in order to practice writing words describing
refers to the visual and asks one of the students family.
to tell her what to do at each step. 11. Students will share their completed family
7. Have students gather around their group tree with the class after they have gathered and
tables and begin creating. organized their materials to complete the task.
8. Each group table is carefully modeled __________________________________________________
and key English vocabulary is taught and ____________
practiced. Collaborative (engagement with others)
9. Students will be reminded on what to do 1. Collaborative Discussions in Class- Students
at each of their group tables since there are will discuss their background knowledge about
visuals available to remind them in case they their native american tribes
10. Teacher will be able to work with small Interpretative (comprehension and analysis
groups of students at the Writing Center using of written and spoken texts)
interactive writing to teach them how to write 1. Comprehend Visual and Writing Skills- Students
words describing family. will comprehend how to write by using different
11. Students will be asked to gather and methods, such as visuals to create their own tribe
organize their materials to complete the task 2. Interpret Different Resources (Visuals)-Students
and share their completed projects in class. will interpret different information they have
_________________________________________________ studied about native americans.
Collaborative (engagement with
others) Productive (creation of oral presentations
1. Collaborative Discussions in Class and written texts)
1. Students will create their final art project about
Interpretative (comprehension and their native american tribes and share them with
analysis of written and spoken texts) the class.
1. Students will comprehend different writing
skills when it comes to writing on their art
2. Students will interpret different resources
(visuals) they have studied in class and connect
it to their own language development.

Productive (creation of oral

presentations and written texts)
1. Students will follow verbal explanations and
physical demonstration of directions in order to
create their diorama
Review and Assessment: What specific Student Reflection: How will you provide for
assessment tools are being used? student reflection on learning?
Whole-Group Assessment (Informal):
Teacher will observe discussions being held in Students will have the opportunity to verbally
class that lead to language development and share with their teacher and classmates about
which students participate in the teacher-led and what they have learned during this activity.
student-led discussions about native americans

Individual Assessment (Formal):

Students will produce a well-developed diorama
about their tribe that will be graded on
organization, following directions, and effort.
Students will be assessed on their ability to
follow verbal explanations and physical
demonstrations from the teacher. In addition,
students will be provided with a rubric for their
final product.
Teacher Reflection Extension:
What do you anticipate to be a problem for Based on data/evidence, what are the
specific students? next steps for future lessons? Provide
evidence for your answer.
ELD Objective
EL students may struggle to listen and comprehend After students verbally share what they
the steps required for the art activity, which have learned throughout this activity, I will
contains academic domain specific language. In reflect on the responses by answering the
addition, words and definitions will still most likely following questions:
be challenging to a few EL students.
1. How did this lesson help students
Content Objective extend their learning?
Students may struggle to correctly incorporate 2. How did this lesson help students
usage of their assigned vocabulary words and develop more of a language development
organize them into their family tree, which are toward their own learning?
required for this activity. 3. What strategy/strategies helped them?
What would likely go well? Why? 4. What did they learn from this lesson?
All students will likely benefit from this art activity 5. What did they learn from other students
since they will be able to apply their background presentations?
knowledge dealing with the vocabulary terms
identified throughout the topic and inform others Modifications will be made if needed
about families. In addition, EL students will most (vocabulary, etc.) in order to meet the
likely be successful when they create their tree needs of each student.
since they will learn how to follow model talk
received from the teacher who provides assistance
on choosing vocabulary words and spelling English
words. Lastly, students will enjoy working together
and interact successfully with their peers that lead
to less student anxiety.

In what area(s) would you like to develop

more proficiency?
In order to develop more proficiency during this
lesson, I would like to spend more time observing
students following the directions and determine the
sections that need to be remodeled. Also, ask
follow-up questions that students can answer by
demonstrating a part of the directions I have given
and modeled. Overall, students would benefit from
proficiency in completing their art project by
enabling students to work in a manner that is both
timely and efficient.

What theory or theorists would most strongly

support use of this strategy?
One theory that would most strongly support this
strategy would be, Language Acquisition Theory by
Leo van Lier, This theory explains how teachers and
learners must know what they are doing and why,
be consciously engaged, and reflect on the learning
process. Also, Krashens Hypotheses that explain
how students acquire the English language by how
it is used daily and used in a classroom setting.
Lastly, Theory Base of Instruction demonstrates
comprehensible input, verbal interaction,
contextualize language, reducing anxiety, and
provide active involvement opportunities.

Attach copy of student work

Completed family trees will be hung in the
classroom wall after students share their
information that connects to their vocabulary
Growth Mindset Reflection- (completed
after the lesson)

1. What part of your lesson prompted

students to move into a growth mindset?

2. Why do you think this particular

activity/or learning task prompted a GM?

3. Mention students by name and

describe specific demonstrations of

4. How will you let students know they

have developed more GRIT / GM?

5. What changes overall have you seen

in your class that indicate that a Growth
Mindset has been supported and
expanded to this point in the semester?

6. What did not work that you will

change for next lesson:

7. Next steps based on analysis of this


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