Katherine Sanchez Derechos Humanos

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Katherine Snchez Burgos.


Do people today feel protected by human rights and how does the State help
people according to their needs? "People will forget what you said, forget about
what you did, but you will never forget how you made them feel" (Maya
Angelou). Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of
their nationality, place of residence, sex, color, among others. Today people
have been favored thanks to the declaration of human rights. First, I will
describe and talk about the right to life and its benefits. Secondly, I will speak
about the right to peace. Finally, I will talk about how human rights have
evolved in Chile.
First I will talk about the right to life that every human being has for the simple
fact of existing, because human life must be protected, valued and respected
in a dignified way. As much as the inequality against any person, either by
action or by verbal acts. I will focus on all those conditions of injustice and the
lack of opportunities for children to avoid development, teaching and learning
from an early age; Today people make many mistakes and are not willing to
change, as Jos Luis Sampedro says "There is a lot of talk about the right to life,
but not what is important is the duty to live" today there are institutions or
organizations to contribute to society thanks to the state. One of them is called
"Chile grows with you", which helps children and families through actions and
services of a universal nature, presents special support to those who face
greater difficulty "according to their needs." Potential of each individual, who
does not feel invisible to society by supporting programs aimed at children in
order to generate a network of support for the proper development of children,
"this is what is called integrity of social protection. There are several theories
that if children grow up in inadequate grunts do not have inadequate activities,
but there are peasants struggling to get ahead, to change their lives and to go
to lack of opportunities that do not allow the child to create their own life.
Second, talk about the right to peace, since for human rights peace is a basic
condition, but also the time necessary for humanity. I will mainly focus on
crime, as it has changed the lives of many people, since young people do not
focus on studies that are critical, so people do not think about how they are
acting, it is the need that leads to Acts of misconduct, Juvenile delinquency is
part of the family, social, economic, and political conflicts in general, of the
system, and which catalog the different forms of life in society, where the
lifestyles of young people Crime to solve All their problems. Today many young
people lack plans or life projects, and are considered incapable of adapting to
the social environment, so they take crime as an alternative to survival. Easy
access to medicines, lack of job opportunities, health, education, other factors,
for this reason there are institutions that try to help troubled youth, in order to
solve the crime and therefore live in a Peaceful country with peace Crime is an
act that every person that does not exist, but there are no opportunities in the
social environment, the peace of humanity is so important and that there are
innocent people who die.
Thirdly, I will talk about how human rights have evolved in our country,
analyzing some of the most relevant achievements in Chile in recent years.
Beginning with the military government, which has involved profound changes
in the productive structure, a situation that relates the economic. Because of
this, human rights defenses are beginning to be created, perhaps because of
this, Chileans have been able to create ways and strategies for the defense,
protection and promotion of human rights because of the profound cultural,
economic and political. In nineteen ninety-three, it has allowed people to speak
in favor of human rights around the world. I will focus on the achievements that
human rights have made since the year nineteen ninety-three until today; The
integration of human rights in peacekeeping activities has greatly improved the
preparation of peace missions, to prevent human rights violations and to react
when they occur. There has been an ideal change in the recognition of the
human rights of persons with disabilities, especially and fundamentally, the
right to effective participation in all levels of life, marches based on defending
their needs and Also defend their situations.
To conclude, people have felt protected by human rights, either by institutions
and international organizations, since it is an order that emerged at the end of
the war of imperialist capitalism known as the Second World War. Human
Rights, is a condition for the protection of the world's population. The law
implies a legal structure and in the case of international rights applied to States
and exceptionally to certain organizations with political recognition. Protected
legal assets, in this case are environmentally friendly. In terms of Human
Rights, the legal structure is within the framework of international law that
commits and obligates States to the international community through
conventions, declarations, agreements and international treaties, to regulate
citizen-state relations and protect citizens from The abuses of power of the
State that has the monopoly and control of force, or failure to comply with the
duties of the state organization in the face of any catastrophe of any kind,
which undertakes to ensure the well-being of each citizen on the basis of his
Economic and social rights, etc. "From the misused general expression" human
rights "to the determination of the International Law of Human Rights, in order
to advance the Declaration of the Rights of Peoples or declaration of Algiers
towards the construction of the Rights of the Workers and Exploited and its
mechanisms of application ".

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