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»Mind-reading« with EEG-phase »decoding« (theta phase demodulation)

of brain working memory (WM) and decision-making processes

Uni Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Co-authors: Logar V & Belic A.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Various neuropsychological phenomena are commonly explored by electrophysiological methods (electroencephalography- EEG etc.), so the they can be explored on the ms level of electrical ac- METHODS RESULTS of ANN response prediction DISCUSSION
tivity of the brain. This allows the study of basic mechanisms of information processing. Interregional synchronized (phase-coupled, coherent) oscillatory activity is one possible mechanism of the
functional integration of different brain areas. Reports have shown that performing WM tasks causes an elevated rhythmic coupling in different areas of the brain; it has been suggested that this ANN and learning Decoding of WM probe scanning/comparation, decision-making processes or motor activity?
1. raw EEG signal- no success
indicates information exchange. In networks governed by an oscillation, the phase at which a cell fires relative to the oscillation could also carry information. Thus, the oscillatory coupling between
brain networks might reflect exchange of phase-coded information. Since the information exchanged is encoded in brain waves and measurable by electroencephalography (EEG), it is reasonable  The calculated states’ estimates in the one-second interval prior to the response can be used to calculate the
to assume that it can be extracted with an appropriate method. In our study we made an attempt to extract the information using an artificial neural network (ANN), which can be considered as subjects’ response. This suggests that the response signal is generated in the brain at least one second prior
a stimulus-response model with a state observer. The EEG was recorded from three subjects while they performed a modified Sternberg task that required them to respond to each task with the to the response & shows that EEG signals are indicative of the brain state estimates that are relevant to the
answer "true"or "false". The study revealed that a stimulus-response model can successfully be identified by observing phase-demodulated theta-band EEG signals 1 s prior to a subject's answer. stimulus response.
The results also showed that it was possible to predict the answers from the EEG signals with an average reliability of 75% for all the subjects. From this we concluded that it is possible to observe
 Since the brain is a very complex system it is very difficult to say whether the trained ANN represents a
the system states and thus predict the correct answer using the EEG signals as inputs. Many oscillatory models of WM support principles of phase coding and temporal segmentation. This provides
model of working memory for the logical or the physical answer.
a potential explanation of why it is that the brain oscillates. It is temporal clocking system for a neural code designed for handling ordered units of information. The newest aspects on the brain
coding reveal that phase coding serves as a general coding scheme in the brain, also in other higher brain processes, motor control and behaviour.  The Sternberg task elicits the preparation of motor activity with delayed execution, so the relation to the mo-
toric activity of the hand is obvious. However, if we consider the fact that the relation exists for the whole
Neural encoding vs. decoding Examples of phase coding in the brain 2. alpha band-pass filtered signals- no success second before the answer and theta freq. involvement, this suggests that the working memory is very likely
 basic neurophysiological mechanism of WM: repeated reverberations of electrical impulses in reverbera- involved in the process.
 Neural en-coding : systematic variation of neural activity with respect to a behavioural variable (e.g. stimu-  theta phase precession in hippocampal “place cells”: • verification and validation three-layer feed-forward network (10-2-1)
tional (feedback) loops; repeated/posttetanic excitation of a synapse in excitational loop> increase of excita-
lus-response function); research options are single/multiple-cell firing rate recordings, corellations of activ- for cell participating in the representation of X, a gradual phase advance occurs over time- plausible expla- • tangens sigmoid activation function of neurons on first and second layer
tory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) – postsynaptic facilitation- runs the STM circuit with no sensory input.  Free will? BUT as Libet's experiment showed the brain activity appears before conscious, voluntary inten-
ity etc. Standard statistics can be used. nation for the theta phase advance observed in the rat hippocampus (episodic memory). • linear activation function of neurons on third layer
 dilemmas : how is information stored or manipulated in working memory? (reverberational excitatory tion to act. This indicates that we never consciously initiate our actions or decisions, even though our feeling
 Neural de-coding : extracting the value of specific behav. variable from the neural activity (neural “popula- • 15 principal components for the input and recorded answers for the output signal
circuits, »delay-period activity« neurons) and what is the information stored ? (retrospective vs. prospec- tells us differently. According to Libet, we can only influence actions by vetoing them.
tion vectors” calculated), which- after known encoding- makes it possible to predict behaviour.  Phase reset and memory: • trained with scaled conjugate backpropagation algorithm
tive codes).
a) 6–13 Hz oscillations stopping and restarting following both encoding and • Successful training of the ANN would support the assumption that the working-memory content encoded in
 elevated, persistent activity of the prefrontal cortex neurons, to guide forthcoming actions (Fuster, animal
retrieval - consistent phase following stimulus presentation- some stimulus-
Phase coding in the brain and synchronous oscillations evoked cognitive process resets the phase of ongoing oscillations. phase lock-
studies), either from a brief sensory input or a readout from long-term memory.
the EEG signals can be successfully extracted using an ANN. Conclusions
 neural oscillations (originate from mainly post-synaptic electrical potentials of pyramidal cortical neurons);  Memory processes are most closely related to theta and gamma brain rhythms.  phase shifts of the EEG signals seem to have a key role during activity and information transfer in the
ing arises from an actual reset of ongoing oscillations (Rizzuto et al. 2003) Signal preprocessing of all electrodes
phase- specific time point relative to the oscillatory wave or time lag between two waves. Theta frequency- the active maintenance and recall of working-memory representations? an important role -the brain, while the phase-demodulation method proved to be a crucial step in the signal processing.
One possible role for phase reset would be to establish the synchrony
 brain’s functionality, cognition and behavior are based on distributed, parallel information processing in phase characteristics of the theta rhythm The persistent activity of the prefrontal cortex neurons in the theta • simplistic filtering methods, for extracting the appropriate brain rhythm; (4Hz - 7Hz)
between disparate brain areas that may accompany cognitive processing?
the brain; information exchange among the neuronal populations, which are anatomically separated but in- rhythm carries the information about previously encountered stimuli or future responses required to solve work-  it is well known that binding of the brain areas results in higher coherence values of the signals obtained
b) Jensen and Lisman - phase reset to fit reaction time distributions in the • the phase-demodulation method, for extracting the phase-coded information
volved in specific function/task, is carried out by synchronizing/coupling their oscillatory activity- integral ing-memory tasks. 3. theta band-pass filtered signals – no success from these areas (Classen et al., 1998). Therefore, greater phase locking of the signals as a result of
Sternberg task. • PCA- principal component analysis, for achieving the linear independence and detecting the source of the
aspect of the function of the brain. slow wave (4–12 Hz) phase reset to initiate serial scanning operations binding is obviously the key to easier signal decoding when using the phase demodulation approach.
signal; 5 signals instead of 29
 Emerging view of brain processes - reverberations of reentrant electrical activity in complex neural net- after probe onset.
works. Interregional synchronized (phase-coupled, coherent) oscillatory activity is one possible mechanism • all this steps lead to more efficient training of the ANN  phase demodulation and PCA give satisfactory results when predicting subject's answers: cca. 80%
c) Oscillations as timing mechanisms for neural activity, organizing differ-
of the functional integration- binding. History: visual cortex of monkeys, cats; binocular rivalry…unified ent neural processes in different phases of an ongoing rhythm: phase-coding • the original data (29 electrodes) can be reduced to a small number, in this study 5, of the most significant prin- reliability- posibility of using an artificial neural network for solving tasks with Yes/No response.
perception of neural activity to separate the processes underlying memory encoding and cipal components, which contain 95% of the signal’s information.
 Multiple superimposed synchronized (coherent) oscillations in different frequency bands represent func- retrieval (Hasselmo et al., 2002; 2004).  Phase demodulation may thus be a useful approach for analysing the EEG related to working-mem-
tional neuronal correlates governing specific mental functions. The proposed role of brain oscillations is ory. It is possible, however, that phase demodulation also describes some aspects of working-memory
switching neural networks between different functional states with activating or inhibiting proper neural activity in the brain itself?
systems. Evidence about causality of this relationship is also based on some computational simulation neu- Phase decoding/ “mind reading” at process/ content level
ral models.  The goal - how this oscillatory activity of the brain as revealed by the electroencephalography (EEG) or  With the proposed model we introduced a new approach or possibilities for the development of BCIs.
 In oscillatory networks, the phase at which a cell fires relative to the oscillation could also carry informa- magnetoencephalography (MEG) as well as more invasive recordings, is related to the dynamics of cogni-
tion. Thus, the oscillatory coupling between networks might reflect exchange of phase-coded information. tive performance, including working memory. 4. Theta phase-demodulated signal: cca. 80% success in answer prediction- true or false
LIJ model of a network functioning as a multi-item short-term memory buffer. New approaches to brain- computer interfaces (BCI)
 Electrophysiological methods (electroencephalography- EEG, single or multiple cell recordings, etc) allow (similar results for all subjects)
Theta and gamma oscillations play an important role in the concept. An afterdepolarization (ADP) is triggered after a cell fires
 information in the brain is carried by neuronal spikes or action potentials the study of basic mechanisms of information processing in the brain. Excellent time resolution, lower spa-  We show that in spite of the fact that detected brain signals represent a superposition of all the active neurons,
(sensory input) and it causes depolarizing ramp that serves to trigger the same cell to fire again after delay. These ramps are
 sensory inputs - cells fire, which aspects of the firing pattern are important, how the information is encoded tial resolution temporarily offset for different memories, an offset that causes different memories to fire in different gamma cycles. The key it is still possible to decode some information that is transferred between the active regions of the brain when
in theses spikes?  As information exchanged is encoded in brain waves and measurable by EEG, it can be extracted with an function of this buffer is to perpetuate the firing of cells in a way that retains serial order. The repeat time is determined by Schematic representation of the model for response prediction from the EEG signals the cooperation of the regions is necessary to accomplish the task.
 The most accepted hypothesis - firing rates of spikes encode the information. appropriate method. theta oscillations due to external input. Gamma oscillations arise from alternating global feedback inhibition and excitation
 BUT in networks governed by an oscillation, the phase at which a cell fires relative to the oscillation could  Measure of synchronised brain oscillations: EEG- coherence (the cell with most depolarized ramp will fire again) because of separate firing of different memory codes.  BCI development - considering the computational time to pre-process the data, a real-time online analysis
carry information.  Phase-decoding techniques, such as phase demodulation- possible to decode at least some of the informa- Phase demodulation would be possible if the real-time non-causal limitations of the methodology could be overcome. But non-
 A network receiving the phase encoded firing patterns must receive the oscillatory signal as well in order tion exchanged and relevant to the tasks being performed. However, as the brain solves problems in parallel  since the phase characteristics of the signals are supposedly playing an important role ininformation ex- determinicity of brain is a limitation.
to utilize the phase code. Thus, the oscillatory coupling between brain networks often observed experimen- not all measurable states are related to all responses. Therefore, only relevant states need to be extracted change , the signals were phase demodulated. to form the fourth input data set.
tally might reflect exchange of phase coded information. from the measurements to predict the response. OUR RESEARCH  Neuroprosthetics
 temporal-coding hypothesis in humans- a general coding scheme in the brain?  Phase modulation is a method that modulates the transmitted information or signal as a variation of the car- 1. devices that can substitute a motor, sensory or cognitive modality that might have been damaged as a
rier-wave phase. (carrier experimentally chosen- theta) result of an injury or a disease
This principle allows different neuronal populations in different regions to integrate firing patterns dependent on Mind reading = brain reading Objective and experimental design 2. implantable devices can also be used in animal experiments as a tool for neuroscientists in order to de-
the phase (shift)of the (theta) oscillatory drive input to the regions  Interdisciplinary approach: fMR, EEG, MEG, intracranial multiple electrode recordings etc. Modified Sternberg paradigm of working memory velop a better understanding of how the brain works. Wireless neuro recording from the brain of awake,
 The phase demodulation was calculated with the demod function in Matlab, which uses the Hilbert transfor-
 Prof. Dr. John-Dylan Haynes, Max Planck Institute: “Every thought can be related to characteristic EEG and subject's answers were recorded during the modified Sternberg task freely behaving animals can open many important doors into understanding how the brain handles different
mation for the calculations- just the reverse transformation to get the phase content of the signal.
 theta and delta oscillations facilitate phase coding and gamma oscillations help to decode combinations of pattern of activation of the brain. After we teach the computer to recognize these patterns, it becomes functions.
simultaneously active neurons. possible to read the mind of a person just from temporal-spatial patterns of his/ her brain activity.” ;
 The timing of neuronal spikes in oscillatory networks is under the combined influence of external inputs prof. Jack Gallant group etc. studies Interpretation of results
and the internal dynamics of the network. This shows how important are the internal dynamics of the brain  Research: predictions of intention/decisions, mental acts (attention, calculations, choosing), sensory MAIN REFERENCES
itself in producing representations. perception (photos), truth/lie decoders, motor acts (monkeys-screen cursor, robotic hands moving),  The study revealed that a stimulus-response model can successfully be identified by observing phase-demod-
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 limbic cortex and other subcortical structures simplistic assumption of modulated EM sine waves achieves a reasonably good relation between the EEG
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the carrier wave codes certain information, we decided to build a model based on the phase-demodulation  Thus, phase demodulation can be considered as a dynamic transformation of the signals that computes the rosciences 28(2):67-72
Thus it is possible to transfer different information from the phase en- tion, as measured by increased EEG coherence) of differ-  Kahana M J, Seelig D, Madsen J R (2001) Theta returns. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11:739-744
approach of signal preprocessing state estimates from the filtered EEG signals
coder only by changing the phase relationship to the decoder. ent areas of the brain during working-memory tasks- re-  Raw signals or other frequency bands or non- phase demodulated signals did not prove efficient in training  Sternberg S (1966) High-speed scanning in human memory. Science 153:652-654
lates to information exchange or informational integration Logar et al. / Neural Networks 21 (2008) 881–887; Neurosci Res., 2008 and prediction of ANN response.
Baddeley’s working memory model (Baddeley, 2000) (BINDING).

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