Bamidterm First Sem 12-13

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General de Jesus College

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First Semester A.Y. 2012-2013

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer then write it on
your paper. (10 pts.)

1. It may take the form of the letter head or complete mailing address of the
a. heading b. date c. inside address d.
2. It includes the addressees name, name of the firm, the street, the city and
zip code number.
a. heading b. inside address c. reference line d. attention
3. It is composed of the month, written in full; the day of the month and the
year written in full.
a. inside address b. complimentary close c. subject line d.
reference line
4. It is usually written on the top left corner of the letter two spaces below the
dateline and two spaces before the inside address.
a. subject line b. reference line c. attention line d.
identification initials
5. To avoid making your document bias-free, use the following job titles instead
of businessman except:
a. executive b. department head c. chairman d.
6. To address a chairman, one may use the following job titles except for:
a. chairman b. chair c. chairperson d.
7. This is a part of the business letter often used to make it easy to refer quickly
to the content of the letter.
a. attention line b. subject line c. reference line d.
identification initials
8. Which sentence is properly written following the correct use of pronoun?
a. In his speech, Jan said that the employees will receive their bonus in
b. In her speech, Judy said that the employees will receive their bonus in
c. In her speech, John said that the employees will receive their bonus in
d. In their speech, John said that the employees will receive their bonus in
9. Which is not correct in making your language nonracist and nonagist?
a. Give someones race or age only if it is relevant to your story.
b. Make use of the pronouns often.
c. Avoid terms that suggest that competent people are unusual.
d. Refer to a group by the term it prefers.
10.These are the initials of the encoder and the initials or the name of the
a. postscripts b. attention line c. reference line d.
identification initials

II. Identification. Identify what is being asked for in the statements. Write
it on your paper. (15 pts.)

11.It is a language that does not discriminate.

12.It is a concrete way to show empathy and the foundation of persuasion.
13.It is a Latin word for hand.
14.It treats both sexes neutrally.
15.It is the complimentary greeting that begins a letter.
16.It is used if the writer wishes to reach a certain person in the company
because the letter is something urgent.
17.It is used to safeguard at the mailing time enclosed materials that should
accompany the letter like records, checks, etc.
18.It indicates that the writer has forgotten something to say in the body of the
19.It is written if the writer has to furnish some copies of the letter to other
persons or offices.
20.It is printed two spaces below the last line of the body and aligned with the
heading of the letter.
21.It contains the complete message of the letter.
22.It is form of written communication between a sender and a receiver.
23.It is the preferred job titles for waitress.
24.It is the preferred language for manning.
25.It is the preferred job title for foreman.

III. Matching Type. Match the items in column A to the items ion column
B. Write only the letter on your paper. (10 pts.)

26.sales man A. employee
27.workman B. lawyer
28.manpower C. moderator
29.manhours D. sales representative
30.woman lawyer E. personnel
31.ladies on your staf F. Ms. Browning
32.girl at the front desk G. women on your staf
33.managers and their wives H. managers and their
34.manning I. staffing
35.businessman J. worker hours

IV. Classification. Classify each given terms as to the following

categories listed below. Choose only the letter. (20 pts.)
A. Making Language Nonsexist
B. Ways of Eliminating Sexist Pronouns
C. Objectives of the You-Attitude style of writing
D. Ways of Creating You- Attitude in Sentences
E. Creating Goodwill with Content

36.Anticipate and answer questions the reader is likely to have.

37.Talk about the reader, not about yourself.
38.Respect the readers intelligence.
39.Protects the readers ego.
40.Use plural nouns and pronouns.
41.Revise the sentence to omit the pronoun.
42.Avoid you in negative situations.
43.Be complete.
44.Show the audience how the subject of your message afects them.
45.In positive situations, use you more often than I.
46.Emphasizes what the readers want to know.
47.Use you.
48.Words and phrases.
50.Dont talk about feelings, except to congratulate or ofer sympathy.
51.Looks at things from the readers point of view.
52.Job titles.
53.Courtesy titles.
54.When you include information the reader didnt ask for, show why it is
55.Use pronoun pairs.
V. True or False. (10 pts.) Identify the pair of statements as to whether
true or false. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the list
below. Write,

A. If both statements are correct

B. If both statements are incorrect
C. If the first statement is correct and the second is incorrect
D. If the first statement is incorrect and the second is correct.

56.A. You need to adapt your message to your audience.

B. Peoples past behavior predicts how theyll behave in the future.
57.A. Readers want to know how they benefit or are afected.
B. In most business situations, your feelings are relevant and should be
58.A. Talk about you and your company, not about the reader.
B. Avoid emphasizing what the reader wants to know.
59.A. Even people in your organization wont share all your knowledge.
B. Demographic factors are sometime irrelevant, sometimes important.
60.A. Arrange information to meet your needs, not your readers
B. Put information readers are most interested in first.
61.A. All messages should use you-attitude.
B. You can avoid blaming the readers by using impersonal expression.
62.A. Any sentence that focuses on writers work or generosity has you-attitude.
B. Talk about the group to where the reader belongs in negative situations.
63.A. The reader doesnt care whether youre happy or worried.
B. All the reader cares about is the situation from his or her point of view.
64.A. Passive verbs describe the action performed on something that necessarily
saying who did it.
B. Impersonal construction omits people and talk about only things.
65.A. Use neutral titles which do not imply that a job is held only by men or only
by women.
B. Avoid terms that assume that everyone is married or is heterosexual.

VI. Identify the following statements as to containing You-Attitude or

not. Write A- if it contains or B-if it does not. (10 pts.)

66.You failed to sign your check.

67.You can now charge up to P5, 000 on you American Express card.
68.I was sorry to hear that your mother died.
69.Youll be happy to hear that your scholarship has been renewed.
70.You did not include all the necessary information in your letter.
71.We are pleased to send you a copy of Investing in Stocks, which you
72.An ATM has been installed in your area for your convenience.
73.The book you ordered will be shipped this afternoon and shall reach you by
74.In your report, you forgot to tell how many people you surveyed.
75.Congratulations on your promotion to district manager! I was really pleased
to hear about it.
76.The donuts were not enough for the meeting.
77.A free e-mail account shall be provided to students.
78.Our services will be arranged to reach you within 24 hours.
79.The necessary information to process your claim is insufficient.
80.Another benefit for you has been added by the company.

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