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Learner Profile Reflection Sheet

Parent Teacher Conferences, Fall 2016

Name: _Michael Duncan_____________________________

IB Learner Profile Attributes

Caring Communicator Inquirer Knowledgeable Principled

Reflective Risk-taker Balanced Thinker


My strongest Learner Profile Attribute is Open- Minded_______________ because _I am able to understand

both sides while being considerate of others and their way of thinking.___


The Learner Profile Attribute I need to grow in the most is _Reflective ________________

because ___at times we might think of the end goal head of us but it is important to reflect and think of the
progress which we had made this far and reflect on what we have learned.

The class in which I show the strongest LP Attributes is _Open- Minded________________.

This is demonstrated when I am able to understand both sides of how people cooperate and why they choose to
do things a certain way as oppose to others.________________________________________________


The class in which I need to better demonstrate LP attributes is __Math_____. I

can do this by _seeing different ways in which an equation can work and what the question is

The class I am the strongest in academically is Spanish___________________________.

This is because it is an interesting subject and it involves a lot with culture and

The class I struggle with the most academically is ___AP Gov_______________________.

This is because __Im not much of a government person to begin with so that was already a red flag but I am
able to do my best and try and

Student Sign: _Michael Duncan_____________________________ Parent Sign: _Mark and Barbara


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