Billboards Assignment

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As per a survey that we conducted regarding empty hoardings revealed that at least 31

% hoarding and billboards businesses has fallen due to recession. On Murree road in
Rawalpindi, from Fiazabad to Saddar, there are total of 200 small and big hoardings and
billboards out of which 89 were found empty. Among these hoardings we noted that
relatively bigger boards were FREE and available for TO LET. By the way, these large
sized hoardings cost Rs. 7 to 8 Million per year on average.
Occupied boards were mainly featured multinational and telecom companies; in fact 8
hoardings carried Cellular products while one had Nokia handset on it.
Down the road, we observed that Chandni Chowk is worst effected region with 6 big
FREE and Available hoardings. Similarly there were 7 empty hoardings at Laari Adda
out of total 17 big and small hoardings there.
Telenors board on Jang Building retains its prominence; otherwise Mobilink has
apparently invested heavily for outdoor with 68 Paisa promotion in Rawalpindi,
Peshawar-Pindi Road and Pindi-Murrue Road. We know that Mobilink is displaying this
68 Paisa skins throughout the country with healthy visibility.
Through industry sources, we came to know that national, multinational companies and
other local advertisers dont bear handy pockets to invest in outdoor media during this
recession. Resultantly there is a lowering trend in the hoarding rates.
We called The sign 0300-8544331 (Number was found on multiple hoardings), where
an official told us that market trends are clearly not good as they were before.
Gentleman communicated us that hoardings which had rate of 10 million per year a
year ago is now available at Rs. 8 million per year; even then we dont have advertisers.
Recovery is the biggest problem now a days and even kanad (An advertising Agency)
has over 7 crore in the market under receivables. Agencies are waiting and looking
towards the government for their due funds but we dont see anything happening in
this area in near future.
Mr. Riaz of The Sign, who has over 15 years of experience in outdoor advertising
while speaking with us told that outdoor is in middle of nowhere as we dont see any
direction, policy or strategy from Government to better the situation. Due to cash crisis,
I had to cut down my staff from 15 to 10 employees, added Mr. Riaz. Ad Voice the
second largest company for outdoor is undergoing almost similar situation.
In view of above mentioned situation, advertisers may find low priced bill boards. Other
possible affects on BTL can be as following..
Hoarding Pricings are dropping and may go further down if situation remains
People from outdoor may move to other advertising fields
It may take at least one year for outdoor business to recover from recent recession
Cash inflow crisis is acting like poison for the outdoor industry.
The rate of single ad in defence main entrance billboard is 23 to 25 lakh for a
And for per year rate is 7million
And the other side of the city
Rates of lariadda are very cheap as compare to DHA. They are charging
maximum 25K for a month and 2 to 3 lakh for 1 year

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