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Write your name in Japanese

1. Imagine that you are looking at the town from a tall building, and describing what you see to your friend.

a) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate expression.
(the speaker is surprised)

b) You friend asks you the following questions. Write your answers in Japanese.

Written Homework L4 Page 1

2. Answer the following questions.






3. Listen to the audio file in the materials in Coursework and draw a picture showing the items mentioned in the audio

4. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate particle. Write X for no particle.



Written Homework L4 Page 2

5. Read the following passage about Marys weekend. Arrange the following activities in the order
Mary did.

( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1. watched TV 2. went to an Italian restaurant 3. went to park
4. bought some bread and coffee 5. studied Japanese

6. Write about your last weekend using the passage above as a model. Use at least five different verbs.









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Homework Assessment

Task Completion Accomplished all Could pay a little Some forgotten areas
task requirements more attention to
with attention to details. Late (Date: / )

4 3 2 1
5 4.5
Grammar Showed the evidence There are some Needs a thorough review
Section for a solid careless mistakes. of the grammatical
understanding of new structures.
grammatical ( ) location words
structures. ( ) existence
( ) past tense
( ) particles
( ) others
7 6

4 3 2 1

Composition Creates with Showed the effort to Problems with accuracy.

language by combine and Readers will have
combining learned recombine learned difficulty understanding
elements effectively. elements creatively. what you wrote.
Easily understood by Problems with
a native speaker. maintaining accuracy.

5 4 3 2 1
Dictation Perfect Minor problems Needs to pay more

3 2 1

Your Grade: /20

Written Homework L4 Page 4

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