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Think and Observe!

1. What does the first image represent? How about the second one?
2. Can you tell the differences between the first and the second picture?
3. Which one do you think is more recent? Why?
4. Do you know anything about chariot races?
5. Have you seen the film Gladiator?

In this lesson we are going to study the ancient Rome form of entertainment
that took place in the Colosseum. First, we are going to study one of the most
important examples of the Roman Empire architecture and engineering.
Secondly, we are going to learn that todays sports arena has its roots in the
Roman arena.
1. What was the Colosseum?

1. Listening. Predicting the topic. Now listen to your teacher reading a

text you will analyze later. Circle the words your hear as the teacher
reads them. You wont hear 8 words.

3. Vocabulary. Find the words to these definitions from the box above.

a circular or oval area of ground around which seats are arranged for
watching plays, sports, etc. outside ________________________
in ancient Rome, a man who fought another man or animal until one of
them died for public entertainment______________________
a male ruler of an empire ______________________
a person who is owned by someone else and has to work for them
to harm or spoil something ___________________
a competition to do better than other people __________________
a sudden violent movement of the earths surface _______________

2. One of the most famous buildings in Rome is the Colosseum. Almost

2,000 years old, its ruins have attracted artists who draw and paint its
architectural grandeur. Using the text below by Simon James, identify
the statements bellow that are True and those that are False.

1. The Colosseum opened in A.D. 80. ______

2. Only animals were killed in the arena. ______
3. The outside of the Colosseum was decorated with statues. ______
4. A canvas awning often provided shade. ______
5. There were only five entrances to the Colosseum. _______
6. Gladiators fought each other to the death. _______
7. Only 5,000 people could fit in the Colosseum. _______
8. The weight of the seating was carried on arches. _______
9. Emperors paid for bloody fights to gain popularity. _______
10. The arena could be flooded in order to make a swimming pool. ______
4. Now watch a short video about the Colosseum of Rome. Try to find the
answers to these questions.

1 What is today the Colosseum of Rome? How many visitors are there every year?
2 Where is it located?
3 When did its construction start? Under what emperor?
4 How long did it take to build it? In honour of what emperor?
5 What are its dimensions?
6 To what can it be compared nowadays?
7 How many floors were there?
8 How many arches did each floor have?
9 How many people could the Colosseum hold?
10 Where was the seating for the nobles and for the common
11 What was there under the Colosseum?
12 How many animals could die in the course of the games?
13 When did the last games take place?
14 What destroyed the southern part of the Colosseum?

5. Now watch another short video about the Colosseum of Rome. Try to
find the answers to these questions.
- How long did it take to leave your seat in the Colosseum after the show?
- Why did Emperors let people watch shows in the Colosseum?
- What were the 2 most famous types of games?
- What animals were used in fights?
- Who were the gladiators? Mention 3 types of people.
- Apart from gladiatorial games, what 2 other shows were also popular in the
- How long was the Colosseum used for?
6. Read the text below about the Colosseum and underline the new
Answers to exercise 1:
Not mentioned: church, castle, coin symbol, temple, bullfight, factory, martyr

Answers to exercise 2:
1. amphitheatre 2. gladiator 3. emperor 4. slave 5. damage 6. contest 7.

Answers to exercise 3:
1. T 2. F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.F

Answers to exercise 4, the video Deconstruction of the Colosseum:

- One of the most popular attractions with 3,9 million visitors every year
- In the cicty centre, just east of the Roman Forum
- In 70/72 AD, Vespatian in honor of his son emperor Titus
- What are the dimensions? 157 feet high and 1788 feet perimeter
- Its like a football stadium.
- 4 floors with 80 arches each floor
- About 50,000 spectators
- Nobles the inner lower part and the common man the higher seating
- Many rooms and tunnels for gladiators and wild animals, elevators, ramps,
- 1 million animals
- In the 6th century
- Several earthquakes

Answers to exercise 5:
1. 15 minutes to leave the site
2. to gain the favour of the people
3. venation or animal hunt and munera or gladiatorial show
4. lions, tigers, elephants, bears, alligators
5. slaves, criminals and prisoners of war
6. theatrical plays and chariot races
7. for over 450 years

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