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1. Watch a short video called Pantheon of Rome and answer the

following questions.

1. Who is the Pantheon devoted to?

2. What language does the word pantheon derive from? What does it mean?
3. Is the Pantheon still preserved?
4. When was it built and by whom?
5. What happened in the year 80AD? And 30 years later?
6. When did the Romans rebuild the temple again?
7. In honour to whom did Hadrian preserve the text at the entrance?
8. What happened in the 7th century?
9. What is the Pantheon most famous for, the inside or the outside?
10. Describe the inside of the Pantheon.
11. To what God do the statues represent?
12. Why is the Pantheon also a mausoleum? Who is buried there?
13. Where is the Pantheon located?

2. Watch another short video about the Pantheon of Rome and answer
these questions.

1. What are the columns of the entrance like?

2. Where did they come from?
3. The Pantheon is a radial building. What does it mean?
4. The designers of the Pantheon seemed to be obsessed, but with what?
5. What feelings do you get inside?
6. Where does the dome lay on?
7. What are the dominant colours of marble?
8. What other buildings in the world are inspired in the Pantheon?
Answers to exercise 1:
1. To the Gods of ancient Rome
2. From Greek and it means all gods.
3. Yes, and one of the best preserved.
4. Marcus Agrippa in the year 27AC
5. A fire destroyed it and it was rebuilt and destroyed again.
6. Under the emperor Hadrian
7. In honour of Marcus Agrippa
8. It became a church dedicated to St. Mary and the martyrs
9. The inside
10. huge, vaults symbolise heaven, perfect sphere, a whole in the roof
known as oculus to let light streams into the building and to let out smoke
from sacred fires, it rains both outside and inside.
11. Roman Gods such as Venus, Saturn, etc.
12. The members of the Royal family and several Renaissance artists
such as Raphael.
13. In Piazza della Rotonda

Answers to exercise 2:

1. Made of marble and Corinthian

2. Greece
3. It has a central point and it radiates around. It can accommodate a perfect sphere.
4. Spheres, rectangles, circles, perfect geometrical shapes.
5. You could rotate and freedom because its a vast space.
6. On brick and concrete of the barrel.
7. purple, orange and blue
8. St. Peters Basilica in Rome, Thomas Jefferson, Rotunda, University of Virginia,
Guggenheim Museum in New York, National Gallery of Washington.

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