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Appendix I, Worksheet

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Licensing a Car
Last week I had a harrowing experience getting my car licensed at the local
authorities. I'm quick on the uptake and I know that experiences with government
agencies can be frustrating at times. It's very difficult for us rank and file citizens to
keep up with all the new legislation that is constantly changing. So, that means that
getting my things ready I kept my train of thought on what I needed to do so that
everything would go smoothly. However, I thought if I made a little mistake the official
would go easy on me. I mean, it must be par for the course that people forget certain
documents, or pieces of identification.
If you miss just one thing, it can't be all that bad. I'm the sort of guy that can't
hurt a flee. The official would see that, wouldn't he?
Well, I have to tell you that I've had a change of heart. I went to the office and
forgot to bring a receipt for the purchase of the car. The official explained that the
department had made a clean sweep the week before. Things were very serious and he
couldn't allow any irregularities. I told him of my trials and tribulations getting
everything ready, but he would have none of it. I have to say I got out of character a bit.
I hate to admit this, but I had a fit. I harped on how difficult it was to jump through
hoops, and how unfair and impossible the regulations were. He didn't rise to the bait. He
just waited it out. When push comes to shove he was right and I was wrong. I went
home, got the required document, and took care of it. I really shouldn't have been such a
An Unpleasant Colleague
Tim was one of the least liked people at work. That wasn't always the case, but,
over time, he became the one person everyone in the office tried to avoid. Of course,
there was a reason for this. In fact, there were many reasons. Most importantly, Tim
wasn't liked because he had won the rat race. He was number one and people were
jealous - pure and simple. Still, it's important to remember that even the high man on
the totem pole may have days on which they're in bad sorts. That was true last week
and, as you can imagine, his colleagues were more than happy to thumb their nose at
It all started when Peter ruffled Tim's feathers by announcing a drop in sales.
Tim felt Peter had let things slide and therefore sales had decreased. Of course, this
rubbed Peter in the wrong way. In fact, he stirred up the hornet's nest by blaming Tim
for having ridden roughshod over the sales force. They, in turn, had reacted badly and
not worked hard enough. Peter claimed that the sales force would never bite the hand
that feeds it. They continued to argue for some time and soon everyone was involved.
Sales is an essential part of any business, and there are cycles when sales are up
and sales are down. Still, it is never a good idea to wash your dirty linen in public, but
Tim was angry at Peter and was in bad sorts. Tim accused Peter of passing the buck and
then started to list all the things Peter had supposedly done wrong. Unfortunately for
Tim, Peter had a number of the sales force on his side. They backed him up and
complained of Tim's continual pressuring tone. In the end, Tim had to eat humble pie
and everyone returned to their desk with a slight smile on their face.

The adventure of Johny

A friend of mine, Johny, lives not far from my house. He is a very rich farmer, the
richest in my village. Our neighbors like him because he is all heart and not stingy. He
has a friend, Billy, a business companion, who lives in a glamorous city. Every month
he visits Johny for business. He is a successful businessman.
One morning, he came to meet Johny. He said, Friend, what do you think of
accompanying me in a long journey of pleasure? No problem, Johny answered. But
when? he asked. Now, Billy replied. OK. You said a long journey, but how will we
go? Billy said. Well go by air. Oh no, please. Im afraid of traveling by air. You
know that newspapers are always reporting accidents, especially when taking off and
landing, said Johny. Let your hair down friend, well use my private plane and I
myself will be the pilot. Will you trust me? said Billy. OK, lets go, replied Johny.
They went to the city and after a short sightseeing trip and lunch, they headed to the
airport. Arriving there, they walked to the runway and boarded Billys aircraft. Billy sat
behind the steering wheel and Johny sat beside him. Billy started the engine and Johny
was afraid of his own shadow. He closed his eyes tightly and began to pray. Some
minutes passed and Johny opened his eyes. He thanked God for safe flight. All of
sudden, he said to Billy, Hi Billy, look down there, the people are as small as ants.
Be calm friend, they are ants, we are still on the ground.

Business first, and then Pleasure

A man who is a billionaire now, was on the breadline when he was a boy. When asked
how he got his riches, he replied, My father taught me never to throw time down the
drain till all my work for the day was finished, and never to spend money to burn till I
had earned it. If I had half an hours work to do in a day, I must do that the first thing,
and in half an hour. After this was done, I was allowed to play; and I could then play
with much more pleasure than if I had the thought of an unfinished task before my
mind. I early formed the habit of doing everything in its time, and it soon became
perfectly piece of cake to do so. It is to this habit that I now owe my prosperity. Let
every boy who reads this, go and do likewise, and he will meet a similar reward.
=====Thank You=====

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