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Journals & Newsletters

July 2010

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Please note: As of May 1, 2003 The SERC Library has access to EBSCOHost databases, Wilson Web,
select journals from Science Direct Journals and Sage Online Publications:

PB - Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

ERC – Education Research Complete
SDJ – Science Direct Journals
SOP – Sage Online Publications
W - Wilson Education Abstracts
Wiley – Wiley InterScience Journals

These are full text databases and articles may be printed from the databases. PB, ERC, E, and W indicate
the databases, which contain the journals full text. Please note that on-line availability is subject to change.
If you have questions, please see one of the Librarians.

Please Note: Journals available in the online databases are subject to changes in their availability in these
online databases based on decisions by database providers.
AAC: Augmentative and Alternative 1985; 1989 – 2003
Academic Therapy (changed to Intervention in 9/1976 – 1990 Archived
School and Clinic)
Action in Teacher Education 4/1989 – Fall 2007 W
Active Living 5/1997 – 2004
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1998 – 2004
ADA Compliance Guide 1991 -
Adolescence 1990 – 2003 PB, ERC, W
Aggression and Violent Behavior 1996 – 2007
American Annals of the Deaf 1990 – 2003 W, ERC
American Educational Research Journal 1990 – 2007 SOP online only
American Journal of Art Therapy 1995 – 2002 W (till 5/02), PB (till
5/02) ERC (till 5/02)
American Journal of Distance Education 1999 - 2001 ERC (12 mo. delay)
American Journal of Education 1996 – 2003 ERC (12 mo. delay)
American Journal of Mental Deficiency 1941-42; 1944-46; Archived
(changed to American Journal on Mental 1954-55; 1954-65; Archived
Retardation) 1966-75; 1976-87 Archived
American Journal of Occupational Therapy 1980 – 2009
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1976 – 2001
American Journal of Speech-Language 1993 – 2005
American Journal on Intellectual and 2009 –
Developmental Disabilities (formerly Am.
Journal on Mental Retardation)
American Journal on Mental Retardation 11/1987 – 2008 W (till 11/00)
(formerly Am. Journal of Mental
Retardation)(changed to American Journal on
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
American Rehabilitation (incomplete years 1980 - 2001 ERC (till 9/04)
2000 and 2001) Archived
American School Board Journal 1990 - 2009 ERC
Annals of Dyslexia (formerly the Bulletin of 1982 – 2001 PB, ERC, W
the Orton Society)
Applied Research in Mental Retardation 1982 – 1986 Archived
(changed to Research in Developmental
Arts & Activities 9/1980 - 2003 ERC, W -
ASCA School Counselor – V 39 Missing #6 9/2001 – 2004

Assessment for Effective Intervention 9/2000 – 2008 SOP online only
(formerly Diagnostique) – V 26 Missing #2
ASHA 1/1995 – 11/1999
Attention (V 4 #3 Winter 1997, V 5 #3 Winter 1994 - 2009
1998, V 8 # 1 Spring 2001, V 10 #5 Spring
2004 are missing from bound volumes)
Australia and New Zealand Journal of 1982 – 1995
Developmental Disabilities (changed to Journal
of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
Australian Journal of Developmental 1981
Autism (V7 #3 Sept. 2003 missing from bound 2000 – 2007 SOP online only
Autism/Asperger’s Digest Magazine 11/2001 –
(Missing Oct/Nov 2003)
Autism Spectrum Quarterly Fall 2004 -

B.C. Journal of Special Education 1987 – 1998

Behavior Modification 1980 – 2008 SOP online only
Behavioral Disorders 11/1978 -
Behavioral Interventions: Theory & Practice in 1994 - 2008 PB (6 mo. delay)
Residential & Community-Based Clinical
Programs (Formerly Behavioral Residential
Treatment: An interdisciplinary Journal)
Behavioral Residential Treatment: An 1990 – 1993 PB (till 12/93)
Interdisciplinary Journal (changed to
Behavioral Interventions: Theory & Practice in
Residential & Community-Based Clinical
Beyond Behavior-Missing V 11 #2 2002 – 1/1990 – ERC
Missing V 13 #2 2004
Bilingual Research Journal 6/1995 – 1/1998
British Journal of Special Education (formerly 1985 - 2004 ERC (12 mo. delay)
Special Education: Forward Trends)
Bulletin of the Orton Society (changed to 1973 – 1981
Annals of Dyslexia)

Career Development for Exceptional 1978 – 1982; SOP online only

Individuals 1998 – 2008
Case in Point 1988 – 1997
Catalyst for Change 9/1979 – 9/1999 W
Child Abuse and Neglect the International 1990 - 2007
Child and Youth Services 1983; 1985 – 1989 Archived
Child & Youth Care Forum 1991 - 2008 W ERC (12 mo.
Child & Youth Care Quarterly (changed to 1987 – 1990
Child & Youth Care Forum)
Child Care Information Exchange 9/1998 - 2005
(Missing May/June 2003) – Changed to
Child Development 1990 – 2008 ERC/PB (12 mo.

Child Development Perspectives 2008

Child Welfare 1990 - 2008 PB, ERC
Childhood Education 10/1979 -
Children & Schools (formerly Social Work in 10/2000 - PB, ERC
Education) (V 22 #4 is included with V 23
Clearing House 1980 – 2003 W, ERC
Closing the Gap 2 years only
Cognitive Development 1995 - 2007
The Collaborative Educator 1987 – 1993
Communication Disorders Quarterly (formerly 1999 – 2008 SOP online only
Journal of Children’s Communication
Development) (Missing V 24 #1 Fall 2002)
Computers in the Schools (V 15 not available) 1994 – 2008 ERC (12 mo. delay)
Counterpoint 2 years
Curriculum Review 1982 - 2007 W, ERC
Curriculum/Technology Quarterly (V 7 #4 1997 - 2003
Summer 1999 & V 8 #3 Spring 2000 not

Developmental Psychology 1/1995 – 2009

Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 2008 PB (6 mo. delay)
(formerly Mental Retardation and
Developmental Research Review)
Diagnostique (V 12 #3 not available) (changed 9/1996 – 6/2000
to Assessment for Effective Intervention)
Disability, Handicap and Society (changed to 1986 – 1993 PB (till 12/93)
Disability & Society)
Disability & Society 1994 - 2008 PB (18 mo. delay)
DPH Journal (changed to Physical Disabilities:
Education and Related Services) 6/1988 – 1993
D.V.I. Quarterly 2002 -
Dyslexia 1998 - 2004 PB (6 mo. delay)

Early Childhood Law and Policy Reporter 1991 -

Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1995 - 2009

Early Education and Development 1995 - 2008 ERC (12 mo. delay)
Education and Training in Developmental 2003 –
Disabilities (formerly Education and Training
in Mental Retardation and Developmental
Education and Training in Mental Retardation 1987 – 1993 Archived
(formerly Education and Training of the
Mentally Retarded) (changed to Education and
Training in Mental Retardation and
Developmental Disabilities)
Education and Training in Mental Retardation 1994 - 2002 W (till 12/02)
and Developmental Disabilities (formerly
Education and Training in Mental Retardation)
(Missing V 36 #4 2001 & V 37 #4 2002)
Education and Treatment of Children 1989 - 2002 PB, ERC, W
Education and Urban Society 1990– 2007 SOP online only
Education for the Handicapped Law Report 1979 – 3/21/1991
(changed to Individuals with Disabilities
Education Law Report)
Education Week 2 yrs-ending 2007 W, ERC
Educational Administration Quarterly 2000 – 2007 SOP online only
Educational Horizons 9/1998 - 2001 W
Educational Leadership 1990 - ERC, W
Educational Technology (V 40 #3 May/June 1980 - 1989 Archived
2000 is not available)
Educational Technology (V 40 #3 May/June 1990 -
2000 is not available)
Elementary School Guidance & Counseling 10/1990–1997 PB (till 8/97), ERC
(changed to Professional School Counseling) (till 8/97)

Elementary School Journal 1980 - 1989 Archived

Elementary School Journal 1990 – ERC (12 mo. delay)
Emotional & Behavioral Difficulties 2001 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay)
ERS Spectrum 1999 - 2009
Essential Teacher 2005 -
Exceptional Children 1966 -
The Exceptional Parent (V 28 # 10 not 1971 - 2007 W ERC
Exceptionality 4/1990 – 9/1995 PB (12 mo. delay),
ERC (12 mo. delay)
Exchange (formerly Child Care Exchange) 2006 - 2009

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental 1996 – 2008 SOP online only
Disabilities (formerly Focus on Autistic
Behavior) (V 18 #3 Fall 2003 missing from
bound volume)

Focus on Autistic Behavior (changed to Focus 1986 – 1995 ERC (till 12/95),
on Autism and Other Developmental PB
Focus on Exceptional Children 1969 - 2005 ERC, W
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics 1979 – 9/1995

G/C/T (Gifted, Creative/Talented) 1979 – 7/1986

Gifted Child Quarterly 1968 – 1989 Archived
Gifted Child Quarterly 1990 - 2006 SOP online only
The Gifted Child Today Magazine (formerly 9/1986 – 1989 Archived
G/C/T Gifted, Creative/Talented)
The Gifted Child Today Magazine 1990 – 2003 ERC, W
Guidance & Counseling 9/1998 – 2002 W, ERC (till 6/06)

Habilitative Mental Healthcare Newsletter 1990 –1997

(changed to Mental Health Aspects of
Developmental Disabilities)
Handicapped Requirements Handbook 1980 – 1992
(changed to Section 504 Compliance
Harvard Education Letter (V 14 #2 1998 not 2/1985 -
available) (Current issues are on bound
journal shelves in blue notebook)
Harvard Educational Review 1980 -
High School Magazine (changed to Principal 9/1995 – 2000 W
Leadership – High School Edition)

IEP Team Trainer 6/2000 - 2009

Individuals with Disabilities Education Law 4/5/1991 -
Report (formerly Education for the
Handicapped Law Report)
Infants and Young Children 1988 - 2003
Infant-Toddler Intervention: The 1995 – 2001
Transdisciplinary Journal
Instructor (Incomplete year V 107 1997, V 113
#3 October 2003 is not available) 8/1989 – 4/2005 ERC, W
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2007 –
(formerly Mental Retardation)
International Journal of Disability, 1989 – 2008 ERC, PB (18 mo.
Development and Education (formerly delay),
Exceptional Child – Australia)
International Journal of Inclusive Education 1997 - 2008 PB (18 mo. delay)
Intervention in School and Clinic (formerly 9/1990 - 2003 SOP online only
Academic Therapy)
Journal for a Just and Caring Education 1998 – 9/1999
Journal for Computer Users in Speech and 5/1989 – 1992
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 1978 - 1989 Archived
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 1990 - W
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 7/2000 -
Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education 9/1980 – 2000 Archived
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 1980 - 2009
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 1990 – 2009
(V 112 #3 August 2003 is missing from bound
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 1996 - 2003 W ERC (12 mo.
(formerly Journal of Reading) (V 41 #6 1998 delay),

not available)
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1975; 1979 -
Journal of Applied School Psychology 2002 – 2008 ERC (12 mo delay)
(formerly Special Services in the Schools)
Journal of Attention Disorders 1996 – 2007 SOP online only
Journal of Autism and Childhood 1971 - 1978
Journal of Autism and Developmental 1979 - 2008 W,PB,ERC (12
Disorders mo. Delay)

Journal of Behavior Health Services & 1998 - 2000 PB

Research (formerly Journal of Mental Health
Journal of Career Development 9/1984-88; 1990-
Journal of Career Education 9/1981 – 6/1984 ERC
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1990 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay)
and Allied Disciplines
Journal of Children’s Communication 1996 – 1999
Development (changed to Communication
Disorders Quarterly)
Journal of Childhood Communication 1980 – 1983; 1985
Disorders (changed to Journal of Children’s
Communication Development)
Journal of Communication Disorders 9/1995 - 2007 SDJ online only
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 6/1995 - 2009
Journal of Correctional Education (V 54 #4 1986 - 2004 W ERC
Dec. 2003 missing from bound volume)
Journal of Counseling & Development 9/1990 - 2004 PB, ERC, W(18
mo. delay)
Journal of Creative Behavior (V 35 #2 not 1984 - 2004 ERC (12 mo. Delay)

Journal of Curriculum and Supervision 9/1993 - 10/2004 ERC, W
(no longer being published)
Journal of Developmental and Physical 1991 – 2009
Disabilities (formerly Journal of the
Multihandicapped Person) (V16 #2 2004
missing from bound volume)
Journal of Developmental and Learning 2003 - 2008
Journal of Developmental Education 1995 – 4/2003 W, ERC
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 6/2000 - 2003 SOP online only
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 1999 - ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Early Intervention (formerly Journal 1989 – 2008 SOP online only
of the Division of Early Childhood)V 27 #1
2005 missing
Journal of Education for students Placed At 1996 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay),
Risk ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Educational and Psychological 1990 – 4/1997 PB (12 mo. delay),
Consultation ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Educational Psychology 1976-1980; 1995 -
Journal of Educational Research 9/2000 - 2004 PB, ERC, W
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 1993 – 2007 SOP online only
Journal of Emotional and Behavior Problems 1992 – 1995
(changed to Reclaiming Children & Youth:
Journal of Emotional and Behavior Problems)
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 1998 - 2003 PB
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental 1996 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay),
Disability (formerly Australia and New Zealand ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Developmental Disability)
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 1992 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay)
(formerly J. of Mental Deficiency Research) ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Law and Education 1977 - 2009 W, ERC
Journal of Learning Disabilities 1968 - 2004 SOP online only
Journal of Mental Deficiency Research 1980 – 1991
(Changed to Journal of Intellectual Disability
Journal of Mental Health Administration 4/1990 – 1997
(changed J. of Behavioral Health Svs Res)
Journal of Music Therapy 1987 – 2005,2007 W
Journal of Pediatric Health Care 11/1996 - 2008
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and 1990 -
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual 2004 – 2008 Wiley online
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 1999 – 2007 SOP online only
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 3/1990 – 2007 SOP online only

Journal of Reading (changed to Journal of 1990 – 1995
Adolescent and Adult Literacy)
Journal of Reading, Writing and Learning 1989-1991
Disabilities International (changed to Reading
& Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning
Journal of Research and Development in 1980 - 2000
Education- missing V 33 #4 Summer 2000
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 9/1989 – W (till 2/01)
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 2004 – 2008 ERC (12 mo. delay)
Journal of Rural and Small Schools 1986 – 1991
Journal of School Health (V 69 #9 Nov 1999 & 1990 - 2004 PB, ERC (12 mo.
V 70 #8 October 2000 are not available) delay), W
Journal of School Nursing 1994 – 2008 SOP online only
Journal of School Psychology 1990 - 2007 SDJ online only
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education (V 10 1/1998/1999 - 2005 ERC
#1 Fall 1998 is not available)
Journal of Special Education 1966 – 2008 SOP online only
Journal of Special Education Leadership 1999 -
(formerly Case in Point) (V 13 # 1 2000 is not
Journal of Special Education Technology 1981; 9/1987 - W, ERC
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research 1990 – 1996
(changed to Journal of Speech, Language and
Hearing Research)
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing 1997 - 2008 W, ERC
Research (formerly Journal of Speech and
Hearing Research)
Journal of Staff Development 1995 - W
Journal of the Association for Persons with 1/1983 – 1/2002 W (till 12/01)
Severe Handicaps (formerly Journal of the
Association for the Severely Handicapped)
(changed to Research and Practice for Persons
with Severe Disabilities)
Journal of the Association for the Severely 1980 – 9/1983
Handicapped (JASH) (formerly AAESPH
Journal of the Division for Early Childhood 1987 – 1988
(changed to Journal of Early Intervention)
Journal of Teacher Education 1990 - 2007 SOP online only
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 1990 - 2006 PB, ERC, W
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (V 18 #2 1991 - 2005 PB (12 mo. delay)
missing from bound volume) ERC (12 mo. delay)

Language Arts (V 76 #1 Sept 1998 & V 80 #5 1990 -

May 2003 are not available)

Language, Speech and Hearing Services in the 1990 - 2003 ERC, W
LD Forum 1/1992 – 6/1996
Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary 1/1989 - 2006
Journal – Missing V 13 #1
Learning Disabilities Focus (changed to 1988 – 1990
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice)
Learning Disabilities Research (changed to 1988 – 1990
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice)
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 1991 - 2008 PB (12 mo. delay),
(formerly Learning Disabilities Focus and ERC (12 mo. delay)
Learning Disabilities Research)
Learning Disability Quarterly 1978 - 2003 PB, ERC, W
LRE Compliance Advisor August 2006 – 2009

Mailbox Bookbag 1999 - 2009

(V 4 #1 Aug/Sept 1999, V 6 #6 May/June 2002,
V 8 #1 Aug/Sept 2003, V 8 #3 Dec/Jan 2003-
04 are missing from bound volumes)
Mathematics Teacher 9/2000 - W (till 11/01)
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Schools 1994 - W (till 11/01)
(V 9 #8 April 2004 is not available)
Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter 1984 - 2009
(formerly Mental Disability Law Reporter)
Mental Disability Law Reporter (changed to 1977 – 1983
Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter)
Mental Health Aspects of Developmental 1998 - 2008
Disabilities (formerly The Habilitative Mental
Healthcare Newsletter)
Mental Retardation (changed to Intellectual 1966 - 2006 W (till 3/01)
and Developmental Disabilities)
Mental Retardation and Developmental 1995 – 2007 PB (6 mo. delay)
Disabilities Research Reviews (changed to
Developmental Disabilities Research Review)
Middle School Journal 1994 - 2009
Monographs of the Society for Research in 1999 - 2008 ERC (12 mo. delay)
Child Development PB (12 mo. delay)
Multicultural Review 6/2001 - 2003
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse 2002 –
Exceptional Learners
Music Educator’s Journal (V 86 #4 January 7/1999 – 5/2001 ERC, W
2000 is not available)

NASSP Bulletin 1990 - 2001 SOP online only
New Schools/New Communities (formerly 1994 – 1996
Equity and Choice)

Odyssey: New Directions in Deaf Education 1/2000 - 2006

(formerly Perspectives in Education and
OT Practice 7/1998 – 6/2010
OT Week 7/1998 – 11/1999

Palaestra 9/1992 - 2004

Paraprofessional Connection (Current issues 1988 -
are on bound journal shelves in blue
Pediatric Nursing (V 25 #3 May/June 1999 is 1990 - 2004 ERC
not available)
Pediatric Physical Therapy 1990 - 2008
Perceptual and Motor Skills 2000 – 2008
Perspectives for Teachers of the Hearing 9/1982 – 5/1989
Impaired (changed to Perspectives in Education
and Deafness)
Perspectives in Education and Deafness 9/1989 – 1999
(formerly Perspectives for Teachers of the
Hearing Impaired)
Phi Delta Kappan 1990 - 2004 ERC (3 mo. delay),
Physical and Occupational Therapy in 1982 - 2008
Physical Disabilities: Education and Related 1994 -
Services (formerly DPH Journal)
PN – Paraplegia News (V 57 #12 is not 2002 - 2003
Pointer (changed to Preventing School Failure) 9/1977 – 1989 Archived
Preventing School Failure (formerly Pointer) 1989 - 2003 ERC, W
Primary Voices K-6 (V 8 #1 & V 9 #3 2001 are
not available) 1999 – 2002
Principal (V 83 #1 S/O 2003 is not available) 9/1995 - 2004 W
Principal Leadership – High School Edition 9/2000 - 6/2003 W, ERC
(formerly High School Magazine)
Professional School Counseling (formerly 1997 – 2004 PB, ERC, W
Elementary School Guidance and Counseling &
School Counselor)
Proven Practice: Prevention & Remediation 1999 - 2001
Solutions for Schools (V 2 #1 is not available)
Psychological Assessment 1999 - 2009

Psychology in the Schools 1990 - 2008 Wiley online

RASE (See Remedial and Special Education)

Reaching Today’s Youth (V 4 #1 is not 1996 - 2000 SOP online only
Reading Psychology 1999 - 2008 ERC (12 mo. delay),
PB (12 mo. delay)
Reading Research Quarterly 1990 - 2009 W
ERC (12 mo. Delay)
Reading Teacher (V 56 #1-4 2003 missing) 1990 - 2009 PB (12 mo. delay),
ERC (12 mo. delay),
Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming 1992 - PB (12 mo. delay),
Learning Difficulties (formerly Journal of ERC(12 mo. delay)
Reading, Writing and Learning Disabilities
Reclaiming Children & Youth: Journal of 1995 - 2005 ERC
Emotional and Behavioral Problems (formerly
Journal of Emotional and Behavior Problems)
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin 1990 – 2003 PB, ERC, W
Remedial and Special Education (RASE) 1984 – 2007 SOP online only
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe 4/2002 - 2008 W, ERC
Disabilities (formerly Journal of the
Association for Persons with Severe
Research in Developmental Disabilities 1987 - 2007 SDJ online only
(formerly Applied Research in Mental
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 9/1986 - 2004
Rethinking Schools Fall 2006 -
Re:View (formerly Education of the Visually 1989 - 2005 PB, ERC, W
Review of Educational Research (V 70 #4 1990 – 2007 SOP online only
Winter 2002 is not available)
Review of Research in Education 1993 - 1998
Roeper Review 1978 - 2003 PB, ERC, W
Rural Special Education Quarterly 1984 - 2002 ERC, W
RzWzT – The Magazine for 1999 - 2002
ReadingzWritingzThinking (V 3 #5 May 2002

The School Counselor (changed to Professional 9/1990 – 1997 PB (till 8/97),

School Counseling) ERC (till 8/97)
School Law Bulletin (in Law Section) 4/2000 – 5/2009
School Nurse News-starts V 18 #3 – (missing 5/2001 -
V 19 #1 & V 20 #3)
School Psychology Quarterly 1999 -
School Psychology Review 1990 - 2006 PB, ERC, W
Schools in the Middle: Theory into Practice 1991 – 2000 W (till 5/00)
Science and Children (V 37 #7 April 2000 is 1995 - 2009 W, ERC
not available)
The Science Teacher (V 65 #6 1998; V 70 #9 9/1995 - 2009 W, ERC
2003 is not available)
Seminars in Speech and Language 1990 - 2009
Section 504 Compliance Advisor (in Law 1997 -
Section) (V 1 #1 March 1997 is not available)
Section 504 Compliance Handbook (in Law 1993 -
Section) (formerly Handicapped Requirements
Social Education (missing V 67 #3 April 2003) 1999 -
Social Studies & the Young Learner 1/1999 -
Social Work in Education (changed to Children 1990 – 2000 PB, ERC (12
& Schools) (V22 #4 Fall 2000 is bound with mo. Delay)

Children & Schools V 23 2001)

Special Education Law Update (in Law 9/1992 - 2002
Section) (V 8 1998-1999 is not available)
Special Education: Forward Trends 1980 – 1984
Special Education Leadership Review 1992 – 1996
Special Education Technology Practice 2001 -
Special Educator (in Law Section) 5/1985 -
Special Living 9/2001 - 2003
Special Parent/Special Child 5/1985 – 3/1992
Special Services in Schools
(changed to Journal of Applied School
Psychology) 10/1984 – 2001

Teacher Magazine (V 14 #8 May/June 2003 4/1991 - 2003 ERC

Teacher Education and Special Education 1977 – 2007 W,ERC(6
Teachers College Record 1990 - 2004 TCR online
Teaching and Change 1993 – 2001
Teaching Children Mathematics (formerly 1994 – W (till 12/01)
Arithmetic Teacher, V 10 #5 Jan. 2003 is not
Teaching Exceptional Children 1968 -
Teaching Music(V7 #6 June2000 not available) 1999 – 2001 ERC, Archived
Teaching PreK-8 (formerly Early Years) 2/1987 - ERC, W

Tech Directions (formerly School Shop) (V 58 8/1992 – 2004 ERC (2 mo. delay),
#9, V 63 #8, 9, 10 Mar/Apr/May 2004 are not W
Technology and Disability 1991 - 2008
Technology & Learning (formerly Classroom 9/1990 – 2004 W
Computer Learning) (V 21 # 1 August 2000 is
not available)
TESOL Journal(missing V 12 #4) 9/1992 – 2003
TESOL Quarterly (Teachers of English to 1992 -
Speakers of Other Languages)
Theory into Practice 1990 – 2003 PB (12 mo. delay),
ERC (12 mo.
delay), W (till 6/04)
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 9/1995 - 2005
Think (changed to RzWzT – The Magazine 1991 – 1999 Archived
for ReadingzWritingzThinking)
Today’s School Psychologist 3/2001 - 2009
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 1981 – 2008 SOP online only
Topics in Language Disorders 1980 - 1989 Archived
Topics in Language Disorders 1990 –
Topics in Learning and Learning Disabilities 1981 – 1/1984
(changed to Remedial & Special Education)

Understanding Our Gifted 9/1989 - 2009

Urban Education 1990 – 2007 SOP online only

Voices from the Middle 1999 -

Vocational Education Journal (formerly 8/1985 – 1986 ERC (till 8/96),
VocEd) Archived
Volta Review 1990 – 2001 PB, ERC
Volta Voices 2002

Young Children 11/1977 – 9/1981; Archived

Young Children 1990 -
Young Exceptional Children 11/1997 – 2008 SOP online only
Youth & Society 9/1997 – 2008 SOP online only

Zero to Three – V 25 #2 2004-2005 missing 3/1982 -


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