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Higher English Sophie Shanahan

Notes on Perfume

Chapter Quotation Analysis

1 stench stank - Repetition of these terms puts
emphasis on the prominence of the
various scents of the setting
- Introduces the importance of olfactory
imagery in exploring the narrative of
the novel
- Also an effective mechanism through
which to create a scent-scape of the
city, as Grenouille will have
experienced it
on the most putrid - Foreshadows both the unfeeling,
spot in the whole unnerving nature of Grenouille as he
kingdom, Jean- grows up, and the treatment he will
Baptiste Grenouille receive in society
was born
the whole mess the - Dehumanising
new born thing cut - Emphasises the neglect that
theumbilical cord Grenouille faces from the beginning of
with her gutting knife his life
- This perhaps fuels his lack of
compassion, where for his soul he
required nothing in terms of care or
amid the offal and - Cements his position in society
fish heads they - As he has been found within these
discover a new-born offcuts, Grenouille is placed on a level
child with them
- This alludes to his treatment in
society, as he is likely to be discarded
with little care and thought of as
having no measurable worth
2 the bastard of that - The first detail with which Grenouille
woman is introduced is his illegitimacy and
bastard this is repeated throughout his
- This not only highlights the
importance of this in terms of position
within Parisian society, but suggests it
will be a defining feature in
Grenouilles treatment
its a matter of - Illegitimate and unwanted children
money were viewed as an economic resource
for nurses and orphanages and thus
not given sufficient care
I dont want any - However, as the wet-nurse is
money at all unwilling to keep Grenouille despite
an offer of financial support, the
repulsive nature of the child from
such a young age is emphasised
Higher English Sophie Shanahan

3 its nose awoke first - Animalistic

- Human qualities are applied to the
nose itself, suggesting its noticeable
oddness and capabilities
the eyes werenot - The babys other senses, which
well adapted for sight Grenouille views as inferior in later
life, seem to have suffered as a result
of his heightened olfactory
the childs face - The first allusion to potential from this
swelled like a bud child who is said to appear to bloom
opening to bloom. Or is immediately qualified with a more
rather like the cups of violent, unpleasant description,
that small meat- suggesting any assumption of
eating plant potential for goodness was misplaced
he felt naked and - Grenouille induces a self-conscious
ugly vulnerability from Father Terrier
his filthiest thoughts - This is another reference to the
lay exposed general unnerving nature of the child,
who seems to repulse every care-
giver whom he encounters
4 this numbed woman - It is clear that only a soulless and
felt nothing unfeeling host would be able to raise
the death had left and tolerate Grenouille as it seems
her cold that he would be discarded and
he probably could neglected by any other nurse
not have survived
anywhere else
he had a tough - Hints at Grenouilles immunity and
constitution near invincibility, again can be seen
he survived the as a reason for societal exclusion
measles, dysentery, - This may give foundation to the
chicken pox etc. violent acts of his fellow children, who
he was crumpled and otherwise seem to show hostility
squashed and blue, towards him merely because he
but not dead disturbs them

he was an - Suggestion that Grenouille is unlikable

abomination from the by nature and that it is his inherent
start character that induces such fear in
monstrous child those he encounters
sinister presence - The boy is, however, then excluded
they were afraid of because of this by other children and
him it could be this marginalisation that
drives him to solitude in the future
- Grenouille is also shown no
compassion, despite not showing a
need for it, and this can also be
considered a factor in his lack of
empathy as he develops
the young Grenouille - This parasitic, selfish comparison
Higher English Sophie Shanahan

was such a tick suggests Grenouille is a drain on

he gave the world society
nothing but his dung - He seems to rely upon others for food
and shelter, though not compassion
or attention, and then provides no
recognisable benefit in return
5 not until the age of - Later development
three did he begin to - As with his eyesight, Grenouilles
stand on two feet practical skills seem to be inferior to
he spoke his first his sense of smell, and he only
word at four employs these when he feels they are
entirely necessary
fishes which in a - Again, a suggestion that words are
moment of sudden only necessary when associated with
excitement burst from a scent
him - This is also the first mention of an
the object of wood emotional connection from Grenouille,
had never been of but is in direct connection with a
sufficient interest familiar, interesting scent

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