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Standard Operating Procedure and Checklist of Minimal Requisite Facilities for utilization of hazardous waste under Rule 9 of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 Utilization of ETP Sludge generated from Pulp & Paper Industry ay | we December, 2016 Central Pollution Control Board | (Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India) Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, | Shahdara, Delhi - 110032 oe 00s for utilization of Hazardous Waste Utiization of ETP Sludge 2 Type ow Source of generation Recovery/Preduct Chemieal Sage (Primary [Paper & Pulp Industry For enerey recovery In sludge) of ETP including mosphere Flldsed Bed sludge trom secondary {Combustion (AFBC) Boer? lar Presurised Flidaed Bed Combustion (PFBC} Boier/ Cevltng Fludzed Bod {Combustion (CF8C) Bole for steam or electrity generation Source of Waste ‘Sludge in pulp and paper industry during treatment of wastewater from the primary arr ‘and secondary clair. The Chemical sudge of primary clarifier i categorized as hazardous waste as per S.No 35.3 of schedule of HOWM Rules, 2016, that can be utllse as energy resource in AFEC bol. ‘Proposed Process The utilsation process involves mining of TP sludge we weight) with coal in the eatio of 20: 30) and feeding this mature In AFBC bole as energy resource. The ue gases from the oer after passing though heat economisr i cleaned in Electostate precipttor (SP) oF bag filters and dspesed into atmosphere through stack, ETP Sige 7 Coal Feeding mixing hopper ‘AFaC/PrBCICEEC Boiler | —| Heat Economizer | ESP/ Bag Fiters Fy Ash Product Usage / Utilization The mbed ETP sludge with coal is used a= supplementary energy resource in AFBC/PFBCICFC bole f power pant which wil conserve the natural resource ie. coal oF ‘other conventional fuels (permite by concerned SPCB unde At At, 1981). WO Division, cP C8, Delhi ye St 2iPare 2a ‘Standard Operating Procedure fr utilation ‘This SOP is applicable only for ulation of ETP sludge generated from primary and secondary clair units of fven Treatment Plant 38a supplementary energy resource in FOC /PFBCICFRC bol. (1) The dewatered primary ETP Sludge & Secondary Sludge (wth moisture not more than 40 %) generated from ks own Efuent treatment Plant shall be colacted and stored in pits under covered storage sheds within premises, so ast eliminate rain water intrusion. Further, the storage sheds shall ave proper slope and seepage collection pit s0 a5 collect seepage/fioor washings. The collected seepage/tioor washings shall be channelized to efivent Treatment Plat for further treatment (2) _Usisation of primary ETP sludge & Secondary Sludge shal not exceed 20% of the coal consumed in AFBC bol (2) Transfer of ETP Sludge from the storage shed shall be caried out thoveh ‘mechanical conveyor system t storage hopperixing unt, (4) Uniform mising of coat and ETP sludge in the ratio of 20: 80 (TP Sludge: Coal) shal be achleved using appropriate mechanized mating units (5) The uniformed minture shall be transfer to the AFBC/PFBCICFBC boiler through mechanised system, (6) The AFBC bole shell maintain the temperature not less than 950°C (7) Uslization of ETP sludge shall not be caved out during un-stabe/breskdown condition inthe bol, (8) The hot fue gases shall be passed through heat economiser and treated In lectrostatcPreciitatr (ESP) or bag dust colectors connected to stack of height a¢ prescribed by SP, (9) The unit shall ensure that all personel invalved inthe plant operation shall wear ropes personal protective equipment such as masks, safety gloves, goggles, safety Shoes et. suitable for power plant operations (20) The unit shal obtain authorization from the concerned State Plltion Control Board under the Hazards and Other Wastes (Managemant & Transboundary Movernent ules, 2016, for generation, storage and tization of ETP Sudge (22) The uni shal submit quartery and annual information on ETP Sladge generated, consumed, quantity ullsed o« resources conserved epecying the details He type and quantity of resources conserved) to the concerned SPCB. Further, the unt shall slko submit quarterly analysis report of fy ash generated dutng wization of ETP sludge for inital one yea. (22) logbook with information on source, quantity, quality, date wise ulation of TP Studer shall be maintained including analyst report of emission monitoring & cetluent discharged, as applicable ‘ Hw Division, CPCB, Dt yf B1Dage 2. ass 256 22 (23). The unit shall maintain record of hazardous waste wtsed and disposed as per Fox 3 & shall fle annual returns in Form 4 as per Rule 20 (2) and (2) of the aardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement} Rules, 2016, 10 ca. (14) Incase of enuconmental damages rising due to improper handing of hazardous wastes including acidetal spiloge uring generation, storage, processing, transportation and disposal, the unt shall be lable to implement immediate response measures, environmental site assesment and remediation of Contaminated soi/groundwaterfsediment ete. a¢ per the “Guidelines on Implementing Usblties for Environmental Damages due to Handling & Disposal of Harardous Wastes and Penalty" published by CPC. (25). During the proces of utation and handing of hazardous waste, the unit shall comply withthe requirements in accordance with the Publi ably Ineurance Act, 1991 as amended, wherever applicable Standards (2) Source emision standards shall comply with following om } ‘perth standards oid vide notifeton no. 50.3305 (6) 50, sted 07/12/2015 (ii) NOx a (6) €0: 100me/m3 (1) ro: 20ma/nms. | Oran stringent standards as peso by SPCB (4) Het 50 mem (2) Monttorng ofthe specified source emissions shal be cari out quater, The "monitoring skal be cried out by NABL/EPA accredited laboratories and he resus ‘shall be submitted tothe concerned SPCB quater, es ‘Sting Industry = en ‘This SOP i aplcabe only for ulation of ETP sludge In an sting power plant or captive bole already in operation, hence stings not applicable Sue of Plant & Eficiency of uisation "hs 3” pat AFCIPFCIC ber rst he flat. The anit shots Ege mera of 20:89 together) Hence, ‘euste ctesof eee setae nla acorn. ee HWM Division, CPC8, Oath alPane Online emission analysers for PM, SO» and NOx in the stack shall be installed and connect ‘the online emission data othe concerned State Pollition Control Board and CPCS sever ‘Checiist of Minimal Resuisie Facilities: Requisite Facies 1. | Covered Storage shed 5) for dewatered primary ET Sludge & secondary sludge of adequate sie to store 07 days of consumption 7. | Mechanised systens for handing & transer of ETP Sage and coal 3 | Appropriate mechanised system Tor mikng of coal and EP ude. "| Boller base on tmerpher Faded Bed Combustion (ABO) Pressurized Fuidned ed Combustion (Pr8CY/ Creating Fhdized Bed Combustion (CFC) | BectrostatePreiptators or Bag ites 7. _| stack of eight as prescribed by SPCB with easy acca to por hole, for conducting stack monitoring | One analyzers or PM & CO emision monitoring stack HW Dison, CPCB, Deli Sip age ee

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