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Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose.............................................................................................................
2.0 Preparation.......................................................................................................
2.1 Prerequisites..................................................................................................
3.0 Configuration....................................................................................................
3.1 EHRMS-UNITEN Customizing Settings.........................................................
3.1.1 Work Schedules....................................................................................... Define Public Holiday Classes............................................................... Personnel Subarea Groupings............................................................... Group Personnel Subarea for the Work Schedule ......................... Group Personnel Subarea for the Daily Work Schedule .............. Daily Work Schedules............................................................................ Define Break Schedules................................................................... Break Schedules

11 Daily Work Schedules

13 Define Rules for Variants................................................................. Define Daily Work Schedule ....................................................... Period Work Schedules.......................................................................... Define Period Work Schedules .................................................... Day Types.............................................................................................. Define Day Types............................................................................. Define Selection Rules ................................................................ Define Special Days......................................................................... Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules............................................ Define Employee Subgroup Groupings ....................................... Define Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar ...................... Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules ........................... Generate Work Schedules Manually ........................................... Generate Work Schedules in Batch................................................. Planned Working Times......................................................................... Set Default Value for the Work Schedule ....................................... Set Which Hour Fields Are Entry Fields ....................................... Define Working Weeks..................................................................... Set Default Value for Time Management Status ........................

3.1.2 Time Data Recording and Administration.............................................. Substitutions...................................................................................... Define Personnel Subareas for Substitution Types ....................... Define Substitution Types ............................................................ Set Defaults for Substitution Types ............................................. Absences............................................................................................ Absence Catalog............................................................................. Personnel Subareas for Attendances/Absences

45 Absence Types

47 Illness Types
49 Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes

49 Absence Counting
52 Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule

52 Rules for Absence Counting (New)
54 Employee Subgroups for Time Quota

54 Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas

56 Rules for Rounding Counted Absences

58 Counting Rules

60 Assign Counting Rules to Absence Counting

66 Determine Daily Work Schedule Variants for Absence


2|Page Indicators for the Personal Calendar
76 Attendance/Actual Working Times...................................................... Define Attendance Types ............................................................ Define Types of Overtime Compensation........................................ Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes .............. Overtime............................................................................................ Define Types of Overtime Compensation ................................... Availability.......................................................................................... Group Personnel Subareas for Availability Types ........................ Define Availability Types ............................................................. Determine Daily Work Schedules for Availability ........................ Define Work Schedules Rules for Availability .............................. Managing Time Accounts Using Attendance/Absence Quotas............ Settings Groupings for Time Quotas................................................ Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas

96 Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas

97 Time Quota Types............................................................................ Absence Quota Types

99 Calculating Absence Entitlements.................................................102 Accrual Absence Quotas
102 Permit Generation ofQuotas in Time Evaluation
102 Permit Quota Generation Without Time Evaluation

104 for Generating Absence Quotas
105 Specify Rule Groups for Quota Type Selection

105 Set Base Entitlements


3|Page Determine Validity and Deduction Periods
113 Define Generation Rules for Quota Type Selection

116 up Methods for Quota Accrual
130 Set Up Automatic Accrual Using Report RPTQTA00

130 Deduction Using Attendance/Absences
136 Define Deduction Rules for Absence Quotas

136 Assign Deduction Rules to Counting Rules

139 Specify System Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes ..............145 Limit Employee Status for Time Management ..............................148

Time Management Module
1.0 Purpose
This document explains the various steps involved in configuration of Time
Management Module for EHRMS-UNITEN Phase II project. The steps
stated below are in IMG menu path order for easy reference and to
document areas of configuration done in Development client 130
(TNB system) for the above mention project.

IMG menu path

2.0 Preparation
2.1 Prerequisites
Before you start configuring, you are require to complete user
requirement workshop and finalize business blueprint. As part of the
EHRMS implementation for UNITEN, a workshop was held on 8th
September 2009 to gather user requirement.

Please refer to TNB document server path:

\\\Enterprise Resource Planning\EHRMS

UNITEN Project\07 Functional\07 Time\00 Blueprint\Workshop for
the Workshop Slides and Confirmation list.
\\\Enterprise Resource Planning\EHRMS
UNITEN Project\07 Functional\07 Time\00 Blueprint for the finalize
Business Blueprint.

3.0 Configuration
3.1 EHRMS-UNITEN Customizing Settings
Please refer to TNB document server path:

\\\Enterprise Resource Planning\EHRMS

UNITEN Project\07 Functional\07 Time\01 Config Documents\01
Config Notes for the Configuration Tables in Development 130.

3.1.1 Work Schedules

Work schedule is an information medium for all employees who work on
time-based schedules. It also contains a detailed overview of all working
times. In a work schedule, you can:

Define Public Holiday.

Determine working and break times.
Assign different public holiday calendars to different organizational
units in your enterprise.
Create work situations for your enterprise such as different shift
models for different places of work, or different public holiday
calendars for subsidiaries of your enterprise that are based in
another area.

A work schedule consists of several different elements that can be

combined much like building blocks in a variety of ways to form a
complete work schedule. These elements can still be processed
individually, offering flexibility and precision when you define and set up
the time data relevant for your business requirements. The following
elements are available and allow you to do the following:

Daily Work Schedules 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Start and End of Working Time Breaks: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Break Times 8.25 hours per day
Planned Hours

Daily Work Schedule (for days off) Day Off / Rest Day
Planned Hours 0.0 hours per day

Period Work Schedules (for one MO TU WE TH FR SA SU

Normal, Saturday and Sunday Off REST

Work Schedules Period work schedule based on the

public holiday calendar

Personal Work Schedules Work schedules for individual

employees include data from Absences

(2001), Attendances (2002) and
Substitutions (2003). Define Public Holiday Classes

In this section, you assign public holiday classes to the holidays defined in
the public holiday calendar.

EHRMS Settings

Public holiday calendar for TNB is determine by national public holiday

and state public holiday. Each public holiday type are define as floating
public holiday or fixed date, and guaranteed or not guaranteed. TNBs
setting for Public holiday class is 1 (stands for ordinary public holiday).
The holiday class specifies the holiday type (optional).

UNITEN will use the same public holiday calendar settings, hence no
config changes was made.

Changes in the public holiday calendar are not client-specific. The

authorization for maintaining public holidays is not assigned to
UNITEN. The maintenance is done by EHRMS administrator for UNITEN on
year basis.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Define
Public Holiday Classes
Transaction Code SCAL
2. No config changes to current settings. UNITEN will use the same public
holiday calendar.


Important note for customizing:

If you have generated work schedules before making changes to public

holiday calendar, you must generate the work schedules again.

Public holiday classes are used only in the HR module (Personnel

Administration). They are required for payroll, wage type generation,
absence counting, day types, and for the rules for daily work schedule

The public holiday calendar is not updated automatically when you make
changes to the Customizing settings. All changes made within the public
holiday calendar must be transported manually. Use your own transport
connection and take note of the information you receive when the public
holiday calendar is transported.

8|Page Personnel Subarea Groupings
You can use personnel subarea groupings to group your employees for
work schedule rules. Group Personnel Subarea for the Work Schedule

In this step, you group your personnel areas and personnel subareas for
work schedule.

EHRMS Settings

TNB use value 14 for Personnel Subarea Grouping for Work schedule and
existing U001 & U002 will remain as it is (no change). To differentiate
between TNB and UNITEN processing, a new Personnel Subarea grouping
50 is assigned for UNITEN. Table V_001P was configured with 3 new
additional Personnel Area UR01, UT01 and UT02. All the Personnel
Subarea under theses personnel area are tagged to Personnel Subarea
grouping 50 for Work Schedule. Created 33 entries for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Personnel
Subarea Groupings Group Personnel Subareas
for the Work Schedule
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Select: country Malaysia.
3. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c) * all PSA under the same
Personnel Person PS PA
area nel groupi
(Refer to screenshot)
subare ng
UR01 * 50
UT01 * 50
UT02 * 50
a) Enter UNITENs personnel area as per predefine in EHRMS
b) Enter all UNITENs Personnel subareas under the same personnel
c) Assign a UNITEN value, 50 as grouping for personnel subareas with
the same work schedule rules.
4. Result:
Record created.


9|Page Group Personnel Subarea for the Daily Work
In this step, you define daily work schedules for your enterprise. By
entering the planned working time, the system calculates the planned
hours for one day, taking the break schedule into consideration.

EHRMS Settings

Personnel Subarea grouping for TNB is assigned to Daily Work Schedule

grouping 14 and existing U001 & U002 will remain as it is (no change) . Table
T508Z was configured with a new additional Personnel Subarea grouping
for UNITEN, is assigned to Daily Work Schedule grouping 50.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Personnel
Subarea Groupings Group Personnel Subareas
for the Daily Work Schedule

10 | P a g e
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b)
PS grouping DWS
50 50
a) Enter Personnel Subarea grouping assigned to UNITEN.
b) Assign daily work schedules grouping 50 for UNITEN.
3. Result:
Record created.

Screenshot Daily Work Schedules

The daily work schedule represents the actual working time for a
particular employee on a given day. It can differ from the employee's
agreed daily working time stipulated in the work contract or collective

In the following steps, you set up daily work schedules. Define Break Schedules

In this step, you define work break schedules for your enterprise. You can
specify exactly when breaks may be taken within the daily work schedule,
and whether they are paid or unpaid. Determine Break Schedules

Determine types of break schedules and revaluate daily work schedules.

EHRMS Settings

TNBs work break schedule is assigned to grouping 14. For UNITEN (UR01,
UT01 and UT02) a new work break schedule, LUNF and LUNC was
created. Hence Table T508Z was configured with a new additiDWS
11 | P a g e
grouping = 50 is tagged to work break schedule LUNF (12:30 to 14:30 -
unpaid) and LUNC (13:00 to 14:00 - unpaid).


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Daily
Work Schedule Define Break Schedule
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c (d) (d) (e (f) (f) (g) (h) (i) (i)
Grp Bre ) Start End ) Unpa Pai Afte RefTi Type Type
g ak N P id d r m 1 2
50 LUN 01 13:0 14:0 1.00
C 0 0
50 LUN 01 12:3 14:3 2.00
F 0 0

a) Assign your work break schedules to grouping 50 for daily work

b) Enter the name of your work break schedule in the Work break
schedule field.
c) Assign as many planned working time breaks as you wish to your
break schedule, and a maximum of four overtime breaks, and
number them sequentially.
d) Enter the start and end times of the break in the fields provided.
e) Use the P field to indicate breaks after 12 midnight during night
f) Specify the break duration for each break type in the Unpaid break
period or Paid break period fields (in industry minutes).
g) If the break does not have to be taken at a specific time but after x
hours of work, enter the number of hours in After hrs. The Start and
End fields remain empty in this case. In the standard system, the
start of planned working time is taken as the starting point for
calculating dynamic breaks. You can change this in time evaluation.
h) If you only want selected breaks to be processed in time evaluation,
enter an indicator of your choice in the Type 1 or Type 2 field. Use
operation TFLAG to specify which breaks should be taken into
account in time evaluation, according to the entries in the Type 1
and Type 2 fields.
i) Enter "0" in field Type 1 for breaks outside of planned working time
which you want the system to propose as default values when an
Overtime (2005) record is created.
4. Result:
Record created.


12 | P a g e
Important note for customizing:

You can assign a work break schedule to several daily work schedules.

If you change a break schedule after it has been assigned to daily work
schedules, you must revaluate the daily work schedules in most cases. Revaluate Daily Work Schedules

This report revaluates daily work schedules. If you have changed a break
schedule, you can use this report to predetermine the planned hours of all
daily work schedules that use this break schedule. In addition, the report
creates a list of all selected daily work schedules with the old and new
planned working time.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Daily
Work Schedule Define Break Schedule
Transaction Code SPRO
2. No config changes to current settings.


13 | P a g e Define Rules for Variants
In this step, you can define rules for daily work schedules. The rules allow
you to stipulate that a variant of the daily work schedule should apply on
certain days. Taking the following parameters into account, you can set up
rules for daily work schedule variants:

The public holiday class of the current day

The public holiday class of the next day

EHRMS Settings

Variant for monthly WS rule generation, UNITEN follow TNB. Rule 05 is



1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Daily
Work Schedule Define Rules for Variants
Transaction Code SPRO

14 | P a g e
2. No config change to current settings.

Screenshot Define Daily Work Schedule

In this step, you define daily work schedules for your enterprise. By
entering the planned working time, the system calculates the planned
hours for one day, taking the break schedule into consideration.

You also define daily work schedules for availability in this step. For more
information, see Determine Daily Work Schedules for Availability.

EHRMS Settings

Unlike TNB, Uniten has only seven different daily Work Schedule. Table
V_T550A was configured additional 7 new DWS; Afternoon Shift-UTN
(AF90), Morning Shift-UTN (MO90), Night Shift-UTN (NG90), UTN Normal
Friday (NOFR), UTN Normal (NORM), Off Day (OFFD) and Rest Day (REST).


15 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Daily
Work Schedule Define Daily Work Schedules
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
DWS Daily Daily work Plann Plann DWS Daily
groupi work schedule ed ed selecti WS
ng schedul text worki worki on rule class
e ng ng
hours time
50 AF90 Aftn Shift- 8.00 15:00 5 2
50 M090 Morn Shift- 8.00 07:00 5 1
50 NG90 Nght Shift- 8.00 23:00 5 3
50 NOFR UTN Normal 7.00 08:00 1
50 NORM UTN Normal 8.25 08:00 1

50 OFFD Off Day 0.00 1

50 REST Rest Day 0.00 1

a) Enter DWS grouping 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create unique ID for the daily work schedules.
c) Enter ID name.
d) Planned working hours field is calculated by the system by entering
the working time.
g) Enter the planned working time that an employee has to work each
f) Enter which rules should be carried out to choose variants of a daily
work schedule.
g) In the DWS class field, classify the daily work schedule for time
wage type selection or time evaluation using a value from 0-9.
Based on the work schedule class, you can then specify special
regulations in time wage type selection or time evaluation.
3. Result:
Record created.

16 | P a g e

17 | P a g e
Important note for customizing:
The values for PS grouping and DWS grouping should be equivalent!

If you choose different values for PS grouping and DWS grouping, you need to
match this new combination of values in IMG Group Personnel Sub-areas for the
Daily Work Schedule. Period Work Schedules

A period work schedule is made up of a sequence of daily work schedules
over a defined period. Period work schedules can extend over one week,
several weeks, or a period that is not divisible by seven. Define Period Work Schedules

In this step, you define work break schedules for your enterprise. You can
specify exactly when breaks may be taken within the daily work schedule,
and whether they are paid or unpaid. You create period work schedules by
specifying the sequence of daily work schedules for a work schedule for one or
more weeks.

EHRMS Settings

UNITENs has two type of period work schedule, normal and shift.
Employees on a certain shift work for 7 days in a row due to unpredictable
works chedule. UNITENs timesheet clerk will use infotype 2003
substitution to change the days to rest day or off day. Table T551A
was configured additional 4 new PWS for the first week from Monday
through Sunday from 11:00pm to 7.00am (daily work schedule NG90) as
the starting point. In the second week, they work from Monday to Sunday
from 3:00pm (daily work schedule MO90) and the thrid week,
they work from Monday to Sunday from 3:00pm to 11:00pm (daily work
schedule AF90).


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules
Period Work Schedules Define Period Work
Transaction Code SPRO

18 | P a g e
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)
DW PW Period Wee 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
S S WS k
grp text
50 3SHF 3-Shift 001 NG90 NG90 NG90 NG90 NG90 NG90 NG90
50 3SHF 3-Shift 002 AF90 AF90 AF90 AF90 AF90 AF90 AF90
50 3SHF 3-Shift 003 MO90 MO90 MO90 MO90 MO90 MO90 MO90
M Normal M M M M M M M
a) Enter 50 for the personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules.
b) Enter a name and a long text for the period work schedule.
c) Enter the number of the week in the Week number field. Number the weeks
sequentially if the period work schedule is for several weeks.
d) Enter the names of your daily work schedules in the 01 to 07 fields (e.g.
daily work schedule NG90 under 01). The numbers 01 to 07 stand for
Monday to Sunday.
3. Result:
Record created.


Important note for customizing:

If the number of days in a period is not divisible by seven, indicate the end
of the period by entering * in the relevant column for daily work

19 | P a g e
If you create additional period work schedules at a later stage, please
define the counting class for valuating absences.
If you use the SAP time evaluation or payroll components, you should also
define the valuation class of the period work schedule for wage type
generation. Day Types

The day type determines the following for each day of the work schedule,
regardless of the daily work schedule

the payment relevance for a day

the relevancy of the day for calculating attendances. Define Day Types

In this step, you define the meaning of the individual day types. The day
type determines the influence on payment and also the relevance of the
day for calculating attendance times. It is therefore also used in Absence
Counting and to determine wage types.

EHRMS Settings

All holidays assigned to public holiday classes 1 which is paid days off
and public holiday classes 2 for non-paid days off. These public holidays
are allocated to day type 1 which means "off/paid" and day type 2 which
means "off/unpaid". Public holidays with class 3 is assigned to day type 3
which means "off/special". No changes to current Table T553T. UNITEN will
follow TNBs setting, day type 1 for "off/paid" and day type 2 for


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Day
Types Define Day Types
Transaction Code SPRO
2. No changes to current settings


20 | P a g e Define Selection Rules
In this step, you set rules according to the public holiday class to specify
which day types should be assigned to public holidays on weekdays and
public holidays on weekends.

EHRMS Settings

TNB uses rule 14 for day types where else UNITEN have been assigned to
rule 50. Hence table T553A was added with a new rule.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Day
Types Define Selection Rules
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
Rul D.ty.wk D.typ.S D.typ.S
e dy at. un.
11111111 11111111 11111111
1 1 1


21 | P a g e Define Special Days
In this step, you can assign day types to special days or bridge days on a
fixed date.

By assigning a special day type to a particular day, you can define special
days on which employees do not have to work for individual work
schedules or individual employee groupings and personnel subarea

You can create a link to one or more work schedule rules/work schedules
by means of a link between a special day and a selection rule for day

EHRMS Settings

This Day types for special day is not use by TNB and UNITEN. No changes
to current Table T553S.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Day
Types Define Special Days
Transaction Code SPRO

22 | P a g e
2. No changes to current settings

Screenshot Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules

A work schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that

specifies the working times of a group of employees.

A work schedule rule is assigned a period work schedule, which in turn is

made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by assigning a
period work schedule to several work schedule rules.

Work schedules are not stored all at once, but stored for each month. The
work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work
schedule and is not person-specific. Define Employee Subgroup Groupings

The employee subgroup grouping for work schedules allows you to group
several employee subgroups and base their work schedules on the same

EHRMS Settings

TNB and UNITEN employees are tagged to work schedule grouping 2 for
salaried staff. Table V_503_D was configured with additional new values to
cater for UNITEN. New employee group (X,Y,Z) and New employee
subgroup (3U - 3X and 2H - 2K) was added and tagged to work schedule
grouping 2 for salaried staff.


23 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Work Schedules Work
Schedule Rules and Work Schedule Define
Employee Subgroup Groupings
Transaction Code SPRO
2. For UNITEN select Employee Subgroup grouping 2 (salaried staff).
3. Select country grouping 14.
4. Enter the Employee Subgroups grouping for Work Schedules in the
Employee subgroup grouping field.
Make the following entries:

(a) (a) (b) (b) (c)

EE Name of employee Employ Name of EE ES
GR grp. ee subgroup grouping
P subgro
0 Lembaga Pengarah * * 2
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi * * 2
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi 2H Naib Canselor 2
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi 2I T.Naib Canselor 2
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi 2J Dekan 2
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi 2K Pengarah 2
3 Eksekutif * * 2
3 Eksekutif 3U Timbalan Pendaftar 2
3 Eksekutif 3V Penolong Pendaftar 2
3 Eksekutif 3W Kaunselor 2
3 Eksekutif 3X Pustakawan 2
5 KontrakBkn Eksekutif * * 2
8 Kontrak Eksekutif * * 2
Kontrak Purusan
9 * * 2
A to
BknEksekutif * * 2
X Akademik Kontrak * * 2
Y Lembaga Canselor * * 2
Z Akademik * * 2
* all EE subgroup name under the same EE subgroup

a) Select Employee group ID and ID name

b) Select Employee subgroup ID and ID name
c) Enter 2 in employee subgroup grouping for work schedules in the
Employee subgroup grouping field.
5. Result:
Record created.


24 | P a g e Define Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar
In this step, you define the personnel area and personnel sub-area
grouping for the public holiday calendar. This allows you to assign a
unique public holiday calendar to a personnel area or personnel sub-area.

EHRMS Settings

25 | P a g e
TNB personnel area and personnel sub-area grouping for the public
holiday calendar is tagged by states. UNITENs personnel area UR01 and
UT01 and personnel sub-area grouping for the public holiday calendar is
tagged to ZS (selangor state) while personnel area UT02 and personnel
sub-area grouping for the public holiday calendar is tagged to ZC (pahang
state). Table V_001P_M was configured with personnel area UR01, UT01
and UT02 accordingly.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Work
Schedule Rules and Work Schedules Define
Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c)
Personnel Personnel sub-
area area ID
UR01 * ZS
UT01 * ZS
UT02 * ZC
* all personnel subarea name under the same personnel area.

a) Select UNITEN personnel area.

b) Select UNITEN personnel subarea.
c) Enter Holiday Calendar ID.
3. Result:
Record created.


26 | P a g e
Important note for customizing: Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules

In this step, the work schedule rules that are assigned to employees in the
Planned Working Time info type (0007) are defined. The employee
subgroup and personnel sub-area groupings for work schedules and the
public holiday calendar are taken into account.

EHRMS Settings

UNITEN has two types of work schedule rule, one for shift and the other
normal. Table V_T508A was configured with work schedule rule GRP0A,
GRP0B, GRP0C for shift and NORMAL. Work schedule rule GRP0A start
point in period work schedule is set to 015, GRP0B set to 008 and GRP0C
set to 001. The employee subgroup and personnel sub-area groupings for
work schedules and the public holiday calendar are tagged according.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Work
Schedule Rules and Work Schedules Set
Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a (b) (c) (d) (e) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

27 | P a g e
)E Hol PS WS Start End Perio Ref. Start Rule
Sg . g rule Date Date d date for point for
Cal work PWS in day
. ID sche PWS type
d. s
2 ZS 50 GRP0A 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 015 50
90 99 00
2 ZS 50 GRP0B 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 008 50
90 99 00
2 ZS 50 GRP0C 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 001 50
90 99 00
2 ZS 50 NORMA 01.01.19 31.12.99 NOR 01.01.19 001 50
L 90 99 M 00
2 ZC 50 GRP0A 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 015 50
90 99 00
2 ZC 50 GRP0B 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 008 50
90 99 00
2 ZC 50 GRP0C 01.01.19 31.12.99 3SHF 01.01.19 001 50
90 99 00
2 ZC 50 NORMA 01.01.19 31.12.99 NOR 01.01.19 001 50
L 90 99 M 00

All values concerning the block working time are just for statistic
purposes. Proper Values are e.g.:
Daily working hours 8.00 Monthly working hours 173.00
Weekly working 40.00 Annual working hours 2080.00
Weekly workdays 5.00 Addnl monthly hours
a) Select Esg grouping 2 for salaried staff
b) Select Holiday Calendar ID ZS and ZC for UNITEN.
c) Select PS Grouping 50 for UNITEN.
d) Select UNITEN WS rule.
e) Check/set the start and end date.
f) Select UNITEN Period WS.
g) Enter Ref. Date for PWS.
h) Enter start point in PWS.
i) Select UNITEN rule for the day types.

3. Result:
Record created.


28 | P a g e
Important note for customizing: Generate Work Schedules Manually

In this step, you can generate work schedules. Use this functionality if you
want to generate, change or delete individual work schedules. Use the
create all function if you want to generate more than month. Call the
function via the 'Edit' menu option. If you want to create a work schedule
from January through December of a particular year, you must include
December of the previous year and January of the following year.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

29 | P a g e
IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Work
Schedule Rules and Work Schedules Generate
Work Schedules Manually
Transaction SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) Employee subgroup grouping 2
(b) Holiday calendar ZS
(c) Personnel subarea grouping 50
(d) Work schedule rule Normal
(e) Calendar month from 012010
(e) to (MMYYYY) 122010
a) Select Esg grouping 2 for salaried staff
b) Select Holiday Calendar ID ZS and ZC for UNITEN.
c) Select PS Grouping 50 for UNITEN.
d) Select UNITEN WS rule.
e) Check/set the start and end date.

3. Result:
Record created.


30 | P a g e
Important note for customizing:

Use the "Create" function to generate the monthly work schedule one
month at a time (with confirmation). Use the "Create all" function to
generate the work schedule for the required period without confirmation. Generate Work Schedules in Batch

In this step, you can generate work schedules by batch input. You want to
generate all existing work schedules simultaneously.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Work
Schedule Rules and Work Schedules Generate
Work Schedules in Batch
Transaction SPRO

31 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) Employee subgroup grouping 2
(b) Holiday calendar ZS
(c) Personnel subarea grouping 50
(d) Work schedule rule Normal
(e) Calendar month from 012010
(e) to (MMYYYY) 122010
(g) Name of batch input session RPTSHF00
(h) BTCI = /online = A or E
a) Select Esg grouping 2 for salaried staff
b) Select Holiday Calendar ID ZS and ZC for UNITEN.
c) Select PS Grouping 50 for UNITEN.
d) Select UNITEN WS rule.
e) Check/set the start and end date.
g) Give a name for creating batch input, say RPTSHF00.
h) Specify the type of batch input. This entry defines how the
generated data is saved.
Permitted values are:
blank : A batch input session is generated. The session must be
started separately.
'A' : The session is processed immediately. All screens
are displayed.
'E' : The session is processed immediately. Only screens which
require error handling are displayed.
'N' : The session is processed immediately. No screens
are displayed.

4. Result:
Record created.


32 | P a g e
Important note for customizing:

If you want to generate all work schedules at once, enter the period only
and leave all other input fields empty. Batch input sessions can be
processed in the background. If you work in several clients, you must
generate the work schedules in all clients. Planned Working Times

The Planned Working Time infotype (0007) allows you to enter a work
schedule to define individual working times for employees. Set Default Value for the Work Schedule

If you are assigning a planned working time to an employee for the first
time, you can use a feature to generate a default work schedule according
to the employee's organizational assignment. You can use the following
organizational data to form a decision rule:
Company code (BUKRS)
Personnel area (WERKS)
Personnel subarea (BTRTL)
Employee group (PERSG)
Employee subgroup (PERSK)
Country grouping (MOLGA)

EHRMS Settings

By default TNBs setting for shift indicator is NSO00001. UNITENs default

value for shift indicator for employees is NORMAL. However for those shift

33 | P a g e
employees, the UNITEN time sheet administrative have to manually
change in infotype 0007 (plan working time). This is because of the
unprediable work schedule for a group of employee (unit keselamatan).
The feature SCHKZ was configured by adding new company code 7562 for
UNITEN R & D Sdn Bhd and for existing company code 7561 was changed
and added by personnel are UR01, UT01 and UT02.

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Planned
Working Time Set Default Value for the Work
Transaction SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) Create nodes UT01
(b) Set default value for UT01 NORMAL
a) Create nodes for UNITEN UR01, UT01 and UT02. Create new 7562
b) Set default value for each node created above.
3. Result:
Record created.


34 | P a g e Set Which Hour Fields Are Entry Fields
When the system creates a Planned Working Time record (infotype 0007),
the prerequisite is that the employee works full-time. The working hours
per day, week, and year - on which the work schedule rule is based - are
transferred to the infotype record. When you maintain the infotype, you
can overwrite one of these values (that is, number of hours). The system
can then calculate all remaining hours fields by comparing your entry to
the number of hours defined originally.
You can use feature WRKHR to determine which of the four hours fields
should be ready for input. You can base this on the employee's
organizational assignment.

When the infotype record is created, the weekly working days are
automatically taken from the work schedule rule specified in the record.
This value can also be overwritten. You can use feature WRKHR to
determine whether the system should use the value from the current work
schedule rule or the value in the original record when the infotype record
is changed or copied. You want to be able to enter the weekly working hours
for all employees in personnel area 0001 (&WRKHR=W/ ,). Otherwise, you want
the working hours per day to be ready for input (&WRKHR=D/ ,). a) When a

35 | P a g e
Planned Working Time infotype record (0007) is changed or copied, you
want the system to use the weekly working days as specified in the
original record (&WRKHR=D/ ,). It does not matter if the original value was
taken from the work schedule rule or entered manually.

b) If an infotype record is changed or copied, you want the system to

automatically set the value specified in the current work schedule rule
(&WRKHR=D/X,). This value can be overwritten later.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Planned
Working Time Set Which Hour Fields Are Entry
Transaction SPRO

2. No changes made:

Screenshot Define Working Weeks

You define the working week in this step. It allows you to define individual
working time periods that are not based on fixed durations.
The term "working week" is flexible and is characterized by the following
The working week can start at any time and on any weekday
The length of the working week is determined by specifying a
number of days
You can determine the working week for individual employees in the
Planned Working Time infotype (0007).

36 | P a g e

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Planned
Working Time Define Working Weeks
Transaction SPRO

2. No changes made.


37 | P a g e Set Default Value for Time Management Status
The time management status specifies whether an employee participates
in time evaluation, and if so, which form. Here, you can use a feature to
create a default value for the time management status in the Planned
Working Time infotype. This default value is proposed when you create an
infotype record. It can be determined on the basis of an employee's
organizational assignment.
The following are possible values:
0 No time evaluation
1 Time evaluation - actual times
2 Time evaluation - PDC
7 Time evaluation without payroll integration
8 External services
9 Time evaluation - planned times

EHRMS Settings

TNB uses default value for TM status 9 for Time evaluation - planned time
where else UNITEN was default to TM status 0 for No time evaluation. The
feature TMSTA was change and configured by personnel are UR01, UT01
and UT02.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

38 | P a g e
IMG Menu Time Management Work Schedules Planned
Working Time Set Default Value for Time
Management Status
Transaction SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) Create nodes UT01
(b) Set default value for TM 0
a) Create nodes for UNITEN UR01, UT01 and UT02.
b) Set default value 0 for each node created above.

3. Result:
Record created.


39 | P a g e
3.1.2 Time Data Recording and Administration
In this section, you make all the settings necessary to allow you to record
working times for individual employees. This includes absences such as
illness, leave, substitutions, overtime, and so on. You define a status for
Time Management which indicates whether all attendances are recorded
for an employee, or only exceptions to the work schedule. You also
determine how the system should react if working time data is entered
which overlaps with existing data (for example, if an illness record
overlaps with a leave record). Substitutions
In this section, you make system settings for infotype 2003, Substitutions.
Substitutions are planned exceptions to an employee's work schedule for
a defined period of time.
Substitutions are treated as planned specifications in time evaluation. Define Personnel Subareas for Substitution Types

In this step, you assign groupings for substitution types and availability
types to your personnel areas and subareas.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a

new Personnel Subarea Grouping is assigned. Table V_001P_E was
configured with Personnel Area UR01, UT01 and UT02 for Uniten

40 | P a g e
employees will use new Personnel Subarea Grouping 50 for substitution
and availability types.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Substitutions Define Personnel
Subareas for Substitution Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (a) (b) (b) (c)
Person Personnel area text Pers. Pers. PS
nel subar subarea groupi
area ea text ng
Uniten R&D Sdn Bhd,
UR01 * * 50
Uniten Bdr Baru Bangi
UT01 * * 50
Uniten Muadzam Shah
UT02 * * 50
* all Pers. Subarea under the same Personnel Area

a) Select UNITEN personnel area UR01, UT01 and UT02.

b) Select all the Personnel Subarea under above mention PA.
c) Enter PS grouping 50 for UNITEN.

3. Result:
Record created.


41 | P a g e Define Substitution Types
In this step, you define substitution types and time constraint classes for a

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a

new Substitution Types, Swap Shift was assigned to personnel subarea
grouping. Table V_T556 was configured with adding 1 new value with
Time Constraint Class, 2.


42 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Substitutions Define
Substitution Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
PS Substituti Substitut Time Chg. RWH
groupi on type ion type cstr. Comp subtyp
ng text class . e
50 01 Swap Shift 02
a) Create PS grouping 50 for UNITEN.
b) Enter subtype 01 for UNITEN.
c) Name the substitution type text.
d) Enter time cstr class 02 for UNITEN.
The time constraint class is used to check for collisions between Time
Management infotypes (2001 to 2012).
e) Chg.Comp. (Indicator for shift change compensation) leave it blank.
f) RWH subtype (Reduced hours substitution indicator) leave it blank.

3. Result:
Record created.


43 | P a g e Set Defaults for Substitution Types
In this step, you maintain the Define substitution type (VTART) feature. In
this feature, you define which substitution type is to be the standard
default in the Substitutions infotype (2003). You can vary the default
values according to the organizational and personnel structures in your


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Substitutions Set Defaults for
Substitution Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. No changes made.

Screenshot Absences
In this section, you store all information required for defining and
recording absences.
Absences are paid or unpaid planned working times during which the
employee has not worked. They therefore represent an deviation to the
employee's work schedule. Absence Catalog

In this section, you make the settings required for recording and
processing absences.

44 | P a g e Group Personnel Subareas for
In this section, you make the settings required for recording and
processing absences.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a

new Personnel Subarea Grouping is assigned. Table V_001P_D was
configured with Personnel Area UR01, UT01 and UT02 for Uniten
employees will use new Personnel Subarea Grouping 50 for
Absence/Attendance types.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Group Personnel Subareas for Attendance and
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c)
Person Pers. Pers. PS
nel subar subarea groupin
area ea text g
UR01 * * 50
UT01 * * 50
UT02 * * 50
* all Pers. Subarea under the same
Personnel Area

a) Select UNITEN personnel area UR01, UT01 and UT02.

b) Select all the Personnel Subarea under above mention PA.
c) Enter PS grouping 50 for UNITEN.

3. Result:
Record created.


45 | P a g e Define Absence Types
In this step, you define absence types for your different personnel subarea
groupings. You can also define the checks the system performs when you
enter an absence.

EHRMS Settings

TNBs personnel subarea grouping for Absence / Attendance Types is

tagged to 99 where else personnel subarea grouping for Uniten
employees will use 50 for Absence/Attendance Types. Table V_T554S was
added with 38 absence type for UNITEN which is tagged to personnel
subarea grouping 50 for Absence/Attendance Types .


46 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Define Absence Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSG Absen Absence Type text Start End Date
ce Date
01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK23 Pertubuhan Sukarela
0 9
Urusan Kesatuan 01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK24
Sekerja 0 9
01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK26 Aktiviti Sukan
0 9
a) Create PSG 50 for UNITEN
b) Enter Absence type and name the absence type.
c) Enter Start date and End date for the above mention absence type.

Absence: Input Checks

First day is day off Blank Minimum duration 001
Last day is day off Blank Maximum duration 030
Non-working period Blank Unit Blank
Second date Blank Calendar Day Blank

3. Result:
Record created.


47 | P a g e
Important note for customizing:

When you define a new absence type, copy one that has already been
defined. Choose an absence type which is similar to the one you want to

48 | P a g e
Remember: when you copy an absence type, the system does not only
copy the information you can see in this step. A number of settings that
are stored in other views are also copied. Familiarize yourself with the
many configuration options before you copy absence types. Define Illness Types

In this step you can define the sickness types relevant to your
organization for infotype Absences (2001), when absence type "Sickness"
is selected. Example influenza, broken leg, not specified and so on. Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint

Use the data entry screen number for an absence to determine which
screen (entry screen) is used to enter, display and maintain a record of
this particular absence type.

The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new record in
the Absences infotype (2001) overlaps with existing time infotype records.

EHRMS Settings

UNITENs time screens and time constraint classes setting are the same as
TNB. All the absence type entry screen is configure to 2001 with the time
constraint class 1 except for absence type sick leave the time constraint is
tie to 3. Table V_554S_0 was configured by coping the current TNB value
and renaming it to Personnel Subarea grouping 50.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSG Absen Absence Type text Start End Date
ce Date
01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK23 Pertubuhan Sukarela
0 9

49 | P a g e
Urusan Kesatuan 01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK24
Sekerja 0 9
01.01.199 31.12.999
50 CK26 Aktiviti Sukan
0 9

a) Create PSG 50 for UNITEN

b) Enter Absence type and name the absence type.
c) Enter Start date and End date for the above mention absence type.

Absence: General Settings

Absence indicator A Screen number 2001
Availability Blank Time constraint class 1
Absence grouping 2 Absence class 1
Checked date Blank

3. Result:
Record created.


50 | P a g e
51 | P a g e Absence Counting
In this section, you make the settings for attendance/absence counting.
When an attendance/absence is recorded, the system refers to the
planned working hours in the employee's daily work schedule to calculate
the attendance/absence hours. This is not always desirable. There are
times when you want to apply special regulations for counting
attendances and absences. Define Counting Classes for the Period

Work Schedule
In this step, you define counting classes for your period work schedules,
which are used to valuate attendances and absences. You can query the
class in Define Rules for Absence Counting. Use different counting classes
for period work schedules with very long daily work schedules (10 hours)
and many days off. In this case, more than 1.00 leave days is calculated
for each workday.

EHRMS Settings

TNB employees in U001 and U002 will remain as counting class 1 for
absence and attendance counting. Uniten employees under the personnel
area UR01, UT01 and UT02 will also use counting class 1 for absence and
attendance counting. Table V_T551C was configured with UNITEN value
which is tagged to Personnel Subarea Grouping 50 for period work
schedule valuation.

52 | P a g e

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Define Counting Classes for
the Period Work Schedule
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (c) (c) (d)
PSG Period Start End Counting
for WS Date Date Class
01.01.199 31.12.999 1
50 3SHF 0 9

01.01.199 31.12.999 1
50 NORM 0 9

a) Create PSG for Daily Work Schedule 50 for UNITEN

b) Enter Period WS for UNITEN.
c) Enter Start date and End date for the UNITEN work schedule.
d) Enter counting class 1 for UNITEN.

3. Result:
Record created.


53 | P a g e Rules for Absence Counting (New) Employee Subgroups for Time Quota

In this step, you group your employee subgroups for time quota types.
Employee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence quota
types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types.

EHRMS Settings

TNB employees, employee subgroup grouping for Time Quota as per

follows (for detail refer to table):
EEGRP = 0 & 2 >> Time Quota =J
EEGRP = 3 >> Time Quota =G
EEGRP = 5, 8 & 9 >> Time Quota =P
EEGRP = A to I >> Time Quota =A to O
UNITEN share the same time quota as above and added 2 more value for
academic staff as follows:
EEGRP = X >> Time Quota =X
EEGRP = Z >> Time Quota =Z
Table V_503_E was configured with UNITEN value which is tagged to
employee group X, Y, Z and employee subgroup 3U to 3X and 2H to 2X.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Rules for Absence Counting
(new) Group Employee Subgroups for Time
Transaction Code SPRO

54 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) (a) (b) (b) (c)
EE Name of EE EE Name of ESG Time
grou group subgro EE quota types
p up subgroup
X Akademik Kontrak * * X
Lembaga Y
Y * *
Z Akademik * * Z
* all EE subgroup under the EE group.
a) Create new EE group X, Y and Z for UNITEN and name the EE group.
b) Enter EE subgroup and name of EE subgroup.
d) Enter counting class 1 for UNITEN.

3. Result:
Record created.


55 | P a g e Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas
In this step, you group your personnel subareas with regard to the
permissibility of time quota types. Personnel subareas for which the same
attendance and absence quota types are defined are assigned to the
same grouping for time quota types.

EHRMS Settings

Personnel Subarea Grouping (PSG) for TNB employees, PA U001 and

U002 will remain as PSG 99 for Absence/Attendance Types. To
differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a new
PSG is assigned. PA UR01, UT01 and UT02 for Uniten employees will use
new PSG= 50 for for Time Quota Types .


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Rules for Absence Counting
(new) Group Personnel Subareas for Time
Transaction Code SPRO

56 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) (a) (b) (b) (c)
Person Personnel area text Pers. Pers. PS
nel subar subarea groupi
area ea text ng
Uniten R&D Sdn Bhd,
UR01 A000 R&D 50

Uniten Bdr Baru Bangi

UT01 * * 50

Uniten Muadzam Shah

UT02 * * 50

* all Pers. Subarea under the same Personnel Area

a) Select UNITEN personnel area UR01, UT01 and UT02.

b) Select all the Personnel Subarea under above mention PA.
c) Enter PS grouping 50 for UNITEN.

3. Result:
Record created.


57 | P a g e Rules for Rounding Counted Absences

In this step, you set rounding rules for absence and attendance counting.
If you specify an hours or day multiplier for counting attendances and
absences, the values determined can have several places behind the
decimal point. It is difficult to use these values for quota deduction and
payroll. In this step, therefore, you set rules for rounding the values. You
use concrete numbers for the rounding rules and can specify whether you

Only values within the specified interval to be rounded or the

interval to be rolled

The specified upper and lower limits to be included in the calculation

You can specify several subrules for a rounding rule and number them
sequentially. The system runs through the subrules in sequential order
until it finds one that applies.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a

new rounding rule 50 was created. Table V_T559R was configured with 1
new value for UNITEN.


58 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Rules for Absence Counting
(new) Define Rules for Rounding Counted
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
RoRu Name No. Low Incl Uppe Incl Target Roll
le er . r . value
limit limit
50 Uniten 001 0.5 1.5 1.0
a) Create new rounding rule, 50 for UNITEN and name the rule.
b) Enter 001 for sequential number.
c) Enter lowerest limit, 0.5 for UNITENs rounding interval.
d) Select the Incl. field, the value of the lower limit is included in the
calculation (greater than or equal to).
e) Enter highest limit, 1.5 for UNITENs rounding internal.
f) Unselect the Incl. field.
g) Enter target value, 1.0 for rounding (that is, the value to which the
absence or attendance is rounded).
h) Select the rolling interval, the target value for rounding is
determined as follows: The value of the length of an interval is added
to the target value.

3. Result:
Record created.


59 | P a g e Counting Rules
In this step, you define rules for counting attendances and absences. The
rules are used to determine the payroll days and hours for an attendance
or absence. The payroll days and hours that have been counted are used
to control the deduction of quotas. They can be used in Payroll to valuate
the absence.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee Time Quota and Uniten

Time Quota, uniten employee is tagged to counting rule 50. Table T556C
was added with new value for UNITEN.

Procedure for Counting Rules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Rules for Absence Counting
(new) Define Counting Rules
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (c) (d)
ESG PSGp Counting Text
g rule
A 50 001 Annual Leave

60 | P a g e
a) Create ESG, A for UNITEN.
b) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.
c) Enter counting rule, 001 for UNITEN.
d) Enter leave text, Annual Leave.

3. Applicability of rule:
Conditions for current day:
Monday Friday
Tuesday Saturday
Wednesda Sunday
Holiday Class
Not a public holiday
Day type
Work acc. To work schedule

Conditions for work schedule:

Counting class for period work schedule
Counting class 0 Counting class 5
Counting class 1 Counting class 6
Counting class 2 Counting class 7
Counting class 3 Counting class 8
Counting class 4 Counting class 9
Daily work schedule class
Daily work schedule class 0 Daily work schedule class 5
Daily work schedule class 1 Daily work schedule class 6
Daily work schedule class 2 Daily work schedule class 7
Daily work schedule class 3 Daily work schedule class 8
Daily work schedule class 4 Daily work schedule class 9
Condition for planned hours
Planned hours = 0
Planned hours > 0
Condition for
< 1 day

Hours Days
Quota 100 Quota 100
multiplier % multiplier %
Rounding Rule 01 Rounding 01

61 | P a g e
Multiply first Multiply first
Round first Round first

Deduction rule:
Absence quotas Attendance quotas
Within 901 AnnualLeave Within entitlement
Over 901 AnnualLeave Over entitlement

4. Result:
Record created.


62 | P a g e
63 | P a g e
Procedure for Deduction rules for absence

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Rules for Absence Counting
(new) Define Counting Rules
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (e)
ESG PSGp Deduction Text Start End Date
g rule Date
Annual 01.01.1990 31.12.9999
A 50 901
a) Create ESG, A for UNITEN.
b) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.
c) Enter absence deduction rule, 901 for UNITEN.
d) Enter leave text, Annual Leave.
e) Enter Start date, 01.01.1990 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Unit of relevent absence quota type
Hours Days
Absence quota types
15 Cuti Lebihan diluluskan Days
14 Baki dibawa kehadapan Days
11 Tahunan (Annual) Days
Quota type sequence for further
No further deduction
Sort all other quota types in
ascending order

64 | P a g e
Sort all other quota types in
descending order

Deduction priority
Quota types Priority Ascending Descendin
Valid from Not Relevant Ascending Descendin
date g
Valid to date Not Relevant Ascending Descendin
Deduction Not Relevant Ascending Descendin
from g
Deduction to Not Relevant Ascending Descendin

4. Result:
Record created.


65 | P a g e
66 | P a g e Assign Counting Rules to Absence
In this step, you determine which rule for attendance or absence counting
should be used for each attendance/absence type.

EHRMS Settings

The assigning of counting rule to absence types , for UNITEN employee is

tagged to PSG = 50. Table V_554_Q was added with new value for


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Assign Counting Rules to
Absence Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSGp Abs. Abs. Type text Start End Date
g Type Date
Pertubuhan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK23
Sukarela 90 9
Urusan Kesatuan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK24
Sekerja 90 9
01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK26 Aktiviti Sukan
90 9

a) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create Absence type, CK23 and name the absence type, Pertubuhan
c) Enter Start date, 01.01.1990 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Counting/Quota deduction
Counting rule 005
Quota deduction
Deduction over interval Blank

4. Result:
Record created.

67 | P a g e

68 | P a g e Determine Daily Work Schedule Variants
for Absence
In this step, you define rules for counting certain full-day absences. This
affects payment of absences, and also the formation of time credits. When
you enter a full-day absence, the system automatically refers to the
planned working hours in the relevant daily work schedule to determine
the number of absence hours. Depending on the rules you specify in this
step, you can have the system refer to a different variant of the daily work
schedule which stipulates a different number of planned working hours.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee.

The variants for Daily work schedule for UNITEN employee is tagged to
PSG 50. Table V_T550A was added with new value for UNITEN.

The Daily workschedule variant for UNITEN employee is tagged to PSG

50. Table V_T554S_O was added with new value for UNITEN.

No changes was made in this table V_550X_B - Daily Work Schedule Rules
for Absence Recording.

Procedure for Check Variants for Daily Work Schedule

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Determine Daily Work
Schedule Variants for Absence
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (c) (b) (d) (d)
Grpg DWS Varian DWS text Start End
t Date Date
Aftn Shift-UTN 01.01.199 31.12.99
50 AF90
0 99
Morn Shift-UTN 01.01.199 31.12.99
50 MO90
0 99
Nght Shift-UTN 01.01.199 31.12.99
50 NG90
0 99
UTN Normal Fri 01.01.199 31.12.99
0 99
UTN Normal 01.01.199 31.12.99
0 99
Off Day 01.01.199 31.12.99
0 99

69 | P a g e
Rest Day 01.01.199 31.12.99
0 99

a) Create Grpg, 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create DWS, AF90 and name the DWS, Aftn Shift-UTN.
c) Leave Variant field blank for UNITEN.
d) Enter Start date, 01.01.1990 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Planned working hours
Planned working hours 8.00
No planned working Blank
DWS selection rule 05
Working times
Fixed working hours 15:0 23:00
Daily WS class 2

4. Result:
Record created.


70 | P a g e
Procedure for Assign Grouping for Daily Work Schedule

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Determine Daily Work
Schedule Variants for Absence
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSGp Abs. Abs. Type text Start End Date
g Type Date
Pertubuhan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK23
Sukarela 90 9
Urusan Kesatuan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK24
Sekerja 90 9
01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK26 Aktiviti Sukan
90 9

a) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.

71 | P a g e
b) Create Absence type, CK23 and name the absence type, Pertubuhan
c) Enter Start date, 01.01.1990 and End date, 31.12.9999.
3. Applicability of rule:
Absence: General Settings
Absence indicator A
Availability Blank
Absence grouping 2
Check end date Blank
Screen number 2001
Time constraint class 1
Absence class 1

4. Result:
Record created.


72 | P a g e
73 | P a g e
Procedure for Create Rules for Daily Work Schedules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Determine Daily Work
Schedule Variants for Absence
Transaction Code SPRO

2. No changes made here


74 | P a g e
Procedure for Check Daily Work Schedule Selection Rule

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Absence Counting Determine Daily Work
Schedule Variants for Absence
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer procedure as in Procedure for Check Variants

for Daily Work Schedule


75 | P a g e Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
In this step, you determine whether or not an absence recorded in an
employee's personal calendar should be assigned an absence category.
The absence category is a one-character indicator that can be assigned to
an an absence type.

EHRMS Settings

The symbol for attendance and absence for TNB and UNITEN are the
same. However to differentiate them UNITEN symbol's are tagged to PSG
= 50. Table V_T554P was configured with new value for UNITEN.

Procedure for Define Indicators for Personal Calendar

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b)
PSG Abs. Absence Category
Cat. text
50 A Cuti Rehat

76 | P a g e
50 B Cuti Sakit
50 C Cuti Separuh Gaji
50 D Cuti Tanpa Gaji
50 E Cuti Khas
50 F Cuti Lain-Lain

a) Create Grpg, 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create Absence category, A and name the absence category, Cuti

3. Result:
Record created.


Procedure for Determine Calendar Indicators for Absence

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Absences Absence Catalog
Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
Transaction Code SPRO

77 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSGp Abs. Abs. Type text Start End Date
g Type Date
Pertubuhan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK23
Sukarela 90 9
Urusan Kesatuan 01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK24
Sekerja 90 9
01.01.19 31.12.999
50 CK26 Aktiviti Sukan
90 9

a) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create Absence type, CK23 and name the absence type, Pertubuhan
c) Enter Start date, 01.01.1990 and End date, 31.12.9999.
3. Applicability of rule:
Absence: Calendar
Absence Catergory E Cuti
Relevance to pers. Blan
calendar k

4. Result:
Record created.


78 | P a g e Attendance/Actual Working Times
Attendances are used to record the actual hours worked by an employee.
You make the settings required to enter attendance data in this section. If
attendances are recorded in detail, you can assign the hours worked by a
particular employee to specific orders or cost centers, and to maintain
data on business trips. It is also possible to record all attendance times
manually in the Attendances infotype (2002). You can evaluate them using
the time evaluation report.

79 | P a g e Define Attendance Types
In this step, you define attendance types for a personnel subarea grouping
for attendance/absence types. It also describes how to determine the
system reaction to attendances recorded for a day or a period when the
employee has time off. There are four possible system reactions if
attendance records are entered on days off.

E - the system rejects the entry

W - the system accepts the entry but issues a warning message
S - the system accepts the entry but informs the user about the
BLANK- the system accepts the entry

EHRMS Settings

The absence input checks for TNB and UNITEN are the same. However to
differentiate them UNITEN absence checks are tagged to PSG = 50. Table
V_554S_B was configured with two new value Normal hours Work
Related (NH) and Overtime for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Attendance/Actual WorkingTimes
Define Attendance Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSGp Attn. Attendance Type text Start End
g Type Date Date
Normal Hrs Work 01.01.19 31.12.99
50 NH
Related 00 99
01.01.19 31.12.99
50 OT Overtime
00 99

a) Create PSGpg, 50 for UNITEN.

b) Create Attendance type, NH and name the attendance type, Normal
Hours Work Related.
c) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.
3. Applicability of rule:
Absence: Input Check

First day is day Blan

off k

80 | P a g e
Last day is day off Blan
Non-working Blan
period k
Second date Blan
required k
Minimum Blan
duration k
Maximum 999
Unit K Calendar

4. Result:
Record created.


81 | P a g e Define Types of Overtime Compensation
In this step you define overtime compensation types. The type of overtime
compensation for recorded attendance time, recorded overtime and
approved overtime can be entered in the Attendances (2002). The
overtime compensation type indicates whether the employee should
receive remuneration and/or time off for working overtime.

EHRMS Settings

UNITEN share the same overtime compensation with TNB. No changes

was done to table T555R.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Attendance/Actual WorkingTimes
Define Types of Overtime Compensation
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b)
Overtime Text
4 Deleted Overtime Entry
5 Outstation

a) Create Overtime compensation, NO changes or new value for

b) Enter Overtime compensation name.

82 | P a g e
4. Result:
Record created.

Screenshot Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint

The Entry screen number for an attendance determines which screen is
used to enter, display and maintain a record of a particular attendance
type. The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new
record in the Attendances infotype (2002) overlaps with existing time
infotype records in the system.

EHRMS Settings

UNITENs time screens and time constraint classes setting are the same as
TNB. All the absence type entry screen is configure to 2002 with the time
constraint class 1 except for overtime the time constraint is tie to 2. Table
V_554S_N was configured by coping the current TNB value and renaming
it to Personnel Subarea grouping 50.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Attendance/Actual WorkingTimes
Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint
Transaction Code SPRO

83 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) (b) (b) (c) (c)
PSGp Attn. Attendance Type text Start End
g Type Date Date
Normal Hrs Work 01.01.19 31.12.99
50 NH
Related 00 99
01.01.19 31.12.99
50 OT Overtime
00 99

a) Create PSGpg for absence and attendance type, value 50 is use for
b) Create Attendance type code, NH and name the attendance type,
Normal Hours Work Related.
c) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.
3. Applicability of rule:
Attendance: General

Att./absence P (valid for attendance)

Availability Blan (not available)
Absence grouping 1 (this grouping is used to determine daily work schedule variants)

Check end date Blan (When an attendance is entered, the attendance type for the
start date is read. In this field, you specify whether the end date
k of the attendance must be within the validity period of the
attendance type)
Screen Number 205 (no quota deduction)
(By specifying the screen number for an attendance type, you
1 determine which screen is used for entering, displaying and
maintaining records)
Time cstr. class 1 (The time constraint class is used to check for collisions between
Time Management infotypes (2001 to 2012). It allows you to
specify different regulations for checking for collisions between
individual subtypes)
Att./absence class 10

4. Result:
Record created.


84 | P a g e Overtime
You make the settings for processing overtime in this section. Define Types of Overtime Compensation

In this step you define overtime compensation types. You can specify the
type of overtime compensation for Attendances infotype (2002) for
recorded attendance times

EHRMS Settings

No changes was done in table T555R.

85 | P a g e

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Overtime Define Types of
Overtime Compensation
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b)
Overtime Text
4 Deleted Overtime Entry
5 Outstation

a) Create Overtime compensation, NO changes or new value for

b) Enter Overtime compensation name.
3. Result:
Record created.

Screenshot Availability
You make the settings required to define attendances for availability in
this section. Group Personnel Subareas for Availability Types

In this step, you assign groupings for availability types to your personnel
areas and subareas.

86 | P a g e
EHRMS Settings

Personnel Subarea Grouping (PSG) for TNB employees, PA U001 and

U002 will remain as PSG 14 for substitution/Availability types. To
differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a new
PSG is assigned. PA UR01, UT01 and UT02 for Uniten employees will use
new PSG 50 for for substitution/Availability types.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Availability Group Personnel
Subareas for Availability Types
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (a) (b) (b) (c)
Person Personnel area text Pers. Pers. PS
nel subar subarea groupi
area ea text ng
Uniten R&D Sdn Bhd,
UR01 * * 50
Uniten Bdr Baru Bangi
UT01 * * 50
Uniten Muadzam Shah
UT02 * * 50
* all Pers. Subarea under the same Personnel Area

a) Select UNITEN personnel area UR01, UT01 and UT02.

b) Select all the Personnel Subarea under above mention PA.
c) Enter PS grouping 50 for UNITEN.
3. Result:
Record created.


87 | P a g e Define Availability Types
In this step, you define availability types for a personnel subarea grouping
for availability types.

EHRMS Settings

UNITEN will be using availability type 01- Standby duty and 02- Deleted
Standby Duty, which is tagged to PSG 50. Table V_T557 has been added
wiith two new value for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Availability Define Availability

88 | P a g e
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (f) (f)
PS Avail. Avail. Type text Avai TC Avai C Shif Shif
Grp SubTy l. C l. al t t
g pe typ
3 Blan Blan
50 01 Standby duty R 01
k k
Deleted Standby 0 Blan Blan
50 02 R 01
duty k k

a) Enter value 50 for PS grouping for availability type, UNITEN.

b) Enter availability sub type, 01 and name the availability, Standby
c) This key is used in the payroll program for Civil Service, Germany,
and specifies the type of availability duty (The value R was copied
from standard SAP config).
d) Time constraint class, 01 is used.
e) Value 0 stands for availablility Not Available meaning employee
cannot work any more shifts during this availability while value 3
stands for available On-Call.
f) Specifies whether the availability type refers to an on-call duty (Cal)
or an availability shift (Shift).
3. Result:
Record created.


89 | P a g e Determine Daily Work Schedules for Availability
In this step you can carry out the following:
Determine daily work schedules for availabilities
Indicate the daily work schedules permitted for availabilities
You enter availabilities based on the daily work schedule in the Availability
infotype (2004). The daily work schedules you indicated in this step are
then proposed in the Daily work schedule as possible entries. Daily work
schedule processing for availabilities is unique in the following ways:
1. Breaks are not included when processing availabilities. For this
reason, you do not need to create breaks for daily work
schedules for availabilities
2. The SAP System determines the start and end of an availability
during processing:
o For work schedules with fixed start and end times
according to the Planned working time fields.
o For flextime work schedules according to the Normal
working time fields.
3. Specifications for the daily work schedule selection rule (see
Define Rules for Variants) are not included during processing.
4. Absences with an availability recorded for the period are not
counted during processing using the function Determine Daily
Work Schedule Variants for Absence.

90 | P a g e
EHRMS Settings

The daily work schedules for availabilities for UNITEN employee will be
tagged to PSG 50. Table V_T550A was added with new value for UNITEN.

The daily work schedules permitted for availabilities for UNITEN employee
will be tagged to PSG 50. Table V_T550A _B was added with new value

Procedure for Create and Check Daily Work Schedules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Availability Determine Daily
Work Schedules for Availability
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Procedure for Check Variants for daily Work

Schedule and follow the entries.


91 | P a g e
Procedure for Indicate Daily Work Schedules for Availability

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Availability Determine Daily
Work Schedules for Availability
Transaction Code SPRO

92 | P a g e
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (d) (e)
Grp Daily Daily work Varia Start End Availabi
g work schedule nt Date Date lity
sched text
50 AF90 Aftn Shift- 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
UTN 90 99
50 M090 Morn Shift- 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
UTN 90 99
50 NG90 Nght Shift- 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
UTN 90 99
50 NOFR UTN Normal 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
Fri 90 99
50 NORM UTN Normal 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
90 99
50 OFFD Off Day 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
90 99
50 REST Rest Day 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
90 99
a) Enter PS grouping for UNITEN.
b) Enter unique ID to represtent UNITEN daily work schedules and
name the DWS ID.
c) Leave Variant field blank.
d) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.
e) Use this indicator to determine the admissibility of availability types
for certain daily work schedules.
3. Result:
Record created.


93 | P a g e Define Work Schedules Rules for Availability
In this step, you define which work schedule rules are permitted for an
You can enter an availability in the Availability infotype (2004) that is
based on a work schedule rule. In this way, you can create availabilities
based on the period work schedule. When you display possible entries for
the Work schedule rule field, only those work schedule rules you indicated
as as permitted in this step are displayed. Work schedule rule processing
for availabilities is unique in the following ways:
1. Breaks are not included when processing availabilities.
2. The SAP System determines the start and end of an availability
during processing:
o For work schedules with fixed start and end times according to
the entries in the Planned working time field.
o For flextime work schedules according the the entries in the
Normal working time field.
3. Specifications for the daily work schedule rule are included
during processing for generating the work schedule, but not for
counting absences.

94 | P a g e
EHRMS Settings

The work schedules rule for availabilities for UNITEN Holiday calendar id
ZC & ZS will be tagged to PSG 50. Table V_T508A _B was added with
new value for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Availability Define Work
Schedule Rules for Availability
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a (a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (e) (e) (f)
) ESG Hol Text PS WS Start End Availabil
ES for WS . G rule Date Date ity
Gr Cal
p .
2 Salarie ZS Selangor State 50 GRP0A 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZS Selangor State 50 GRP0B 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZS Selangor State 50 GRP0C 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZS Selangor State 50 NORMA 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays L 90 99
2 Salarie ZC Pahang State 50 GRP0A 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZC Pahang State 50 GRP0B 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZC Pahang State 50 GRP0C 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays 90 99
2 Salarie ZC Pahang State 50 NORMA 01.01.19 31.12.99 Blank
d staff Holidays L 90 99

a) Select Esg grouping 2 for salaried staff

b) Select Holiday Calendar ID ZS and ZC for UNITEN.
c) Select PS Grouping 50 for UNITEN.
d) Select UNITEN WS rule.
e) Check/set the start and end date.
f) Use this indicator to determine the admissibility of availability types
for certain work schedule rules.

95 | P a g e
3. Result:
Record created.

Screenshot Managing Time Accounts Using

Attendance/Absence Quotas
In this section, you make the settings for controlling the processing of
absence and attendance quotas. Time quotas (time off entitlements and
attendance approvals) can be grouped or refined according to the
following factors:
Employee subgroups for time quotas (type of employee)
Personnel subareas for time quotas (where is the employee
For generating absence quotas: quota type selection rule group
(which conditions and rules apply when absence quotas are
An Absence quota specifies an employee's entitlement to time off for a
limited period. It is dependent on an absence quota type. You can use the
Absence Quotas infotype (2006) to manage all employees' time off
entitlements and leave types. The infotype's special functions ensure that
an employee can only claim the leave days stipulated in the contract as
the absence type Leave. When you record an absence in the Absences
infotype, the system checks whether the employee possesses sufficient
time off entitlement. Settings Groupings for Time Quotas

In this section, you group your employee subgroup grouping and the
personnel subareas together based on the time quota types permitted.

96 | P a g e Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas

In this step, you group your employee subgroups for time quota types.
Employee subgroups for which the same attendance and absence quota
types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time quota types.

EHRMS Settings

TNB employees, employee subgroup grouping for Time Quota as per

follows (for detail refer to table):
EEGRP = 0 & 2 >> Time Quota =J
EEGRP = 3 >> Time Quota =G
EEGRP = 5, 8 & 9 >> Time Quota =P
EEGRP = A to I >> Time Quota =A to O
Uniten employees will also use above mention time quota and added 2
more value for academic staff as follows:
EEGRP = X >> Time Quota =X
EEGRP = Z >> Time Quota =Z
Table V_503_E was added with UNITEN value which is tagged to
employee group X, Y, Z and employee subgroup 3U to 3X and 2H to 2X.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Setting Groupings
for Time Quotas Group Employee Subgroups for
Time Quotas
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Procedure for Grouping Employee

Subgroup for Time Quota and follow the entries.


97 | P a g e Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas
In this step, you group your personnel subareas with regard to the
permissibility of time quota types. Personnel subareas for which the same
attendance types are defined are assigned to the same grouping for time
quota types.

EHRMS Settings

Personnel Subarea Grouping (PSG) for TNB employees, PA U001 and

U002 will remain as PSG =99 for Absence/Attendance Types . To
differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee a new
PSG is assigned. PA UR01, UT01 and UT02 for Uniten employees will use
new PSG= 50 for for Time Quota Types .


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using

98 | P a g e
Attendance/Absence Quotas Setting Groupings
for Time Quotas Group Personnel Subareas for
Time Quotas
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Procedure for Grouping Personnel

Subarea for Time Quota and follow the entries.

Screenshot Time Quota Types

In this section you define the attendance and absence quota types that
you wish to use for managing time accounts. You specify how attendances
and absences are to be deducted from the employees' quotas. Define Absence Quota Types

In this step, you define the valid absence quota types (entitlement to time
off and leave types) for your employee subgroup and personnel subarea
groupings for time quota types.

99 | P a g e
EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee

leave quota type for UNITEN will be tagged to PSG =50. Table V_T556A
was added new absence quota type.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Time Quota Types
Define Absence Quota Types
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (d)
ES PS Absenc Quota text Start End
G G e quota Date Date
A 50 11 Tahunan (Annual) 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 14 Baki Dibawa Kehadapan 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 15 Cuti Lebihan diluluskan 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 21 Cuti Sakit 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 23 Cuti Sakit Masuk Wad 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
a) Enter ES grouping.
b) Enter PS grouping.
c) Enter unique ID to represent UNITEN Absence quota type and name
the quota type.
d) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.
3. Applicability of rule:
Absence Quota Type
Time/measurement unit Day This field specifies the unit of time or
measurement which is to be used as a basis for
s calculations.
Time constraint class 01 The time constraint class is used to check for
collisions between Time Management infotypes
(2001 to 2012).
Start Time Blan If you create an absence quota type with the
hours time unit, you can specify default values for
k the start and end times.
End Time Blan
Transfer rem. entitlement Blan Specifies that the absence quota type remaining is
copied from the Leave Entitlement infotype
k (0005).

100 | P a g e
Neg. deduction to Blan Specifies the value in hours or days by which the
time quota can be deducted over and above the
k entitlement.
Rounding Blan This field defines how payroll days are calculated
from absence days.This field is of particular
k significance for calculating leave as, in most cases,
the system accepts only whole or half days of
Payroll-relevant data
No comp. Blan If there is an entry in the field, the current quota
type is locked for compensation.
4. Result:
Record created.


101 | P a g e
102 | P a g e Calculating Absence Entitlements
In this section you make the settings required for the automatic accrual of
absence quotas. Automatic Accrual Absence Quotas

In this section, you specify how time off entitlements are generated in the
Absence Quotas infotype (2006). You can choose between two procedures:
1. Generating default values
Time off entitlement is generated either for multiple employees
using the Generate Absence Quotas report (RPTQTA00) or online
when you create an infotype record.
2. Automatic accrual
Time off entitlement is generated automatically during time
evaluation. Permit Generation ofQuotas in Time

In this step, you specify that an absence quota is accrued automatically
during time evaluation. Entitlements van be accrued in the Absence
Quotas infotype in one of two ways:
1. The system calculates the entitlement anew each time and
overwrites the existing value in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006).
These quota types are referred to as those that are replaced.
Note: Absence quotas that are replaced should be processed by
time evaluation once only, that is, these should be able to be
updated only by function QUOTA, only by a time transfer, or only by
operation UPDTQ. In any other case, the quota number cannot be
determined as you require.
2. The system calculates the entitlement acquired during the current
accrual period and adds this value to the existing infotype record.
These quota types are referred to as those that are increased.
The quota number determined during time evaluation cannot be changed
in the Absence Quotas infotype (2006). You can use the Quota Corrections
infotype (2013) to correct the quota number of quotas that are increased,
but not of quotas that are replaced.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee

leave quota type for UNITEN will be tagged to PSG 50. Table V_556A_B
was added new absence quota type.

103 | P a g e

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Automatic Generation of
Quotas in Time Evaluation Permit Generation of
Quotas in Time Evaluation
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a (b (c) (c) (d) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
) ) AQ Quota text Start Date End Date Unit No Increa Repla NegD TCC
ES PS typ Gen se ce ed
G G e .
A 5 11 Tahunan 01.01.19 31.12.99 Day Blank Blank Blank 01
0 (Annual) 90 99 s

A 5 14 Baki Dibawa 01.01.19 31.12.99 Day Blank Blank Blank 01

0 Kehadapan 90 99 s

A 5 15 Cuti Lebihan 01.01.19 31.12.99 Day Blank Blank Blank 01

0 diluluskan 90 99 s

A 5 21 Cuti Sakit 01.01.19 31.12.99 Day Blank Blank Blank 01

0 90 99 s

A 5 23 Cuti Sakit 01.01.19 31.12.99 Day Blank Blank Blank 01

0 Masuk Wad 90 99 s

a) Enter ES grouping.
b) Enter PS grouping.
c) Enter unique ID to represent UNITEN Absence quota type and name
the quota type.
d) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.
e) This field specifies the unit of time or measurement which is to be used as
a basis for calculations. Enter Days.
f) Select the No gen. (no generation) field, the absence quota type is
not generated in time evaluation. In this case, you maintain the
absence quota values manually in the Absence Quotas infotype
g) Specify whether the entitlement in the Absence Quotas infotype to
be increased by the results of quota generation. Leave this field
h) Specify whether the entitlement in the Absence Quotas infotype to
be replaced by the results of quota generation. Leave this field
i) Specifies whether negative deduction is permitted for the quota,
and if so, how much. Leave this field blank.
j) Specify the time constraint class (to check for collisions between
Time Management infotypes), enter 01 for UNITEN.
104 | P a g e
3. Result:
Record created.

Screenshot Permit Quota Generation Without Time

In this step, you enable an absence quota to be:
Granted using default values when a record is created for the Absence
Quotas infotype (2006)
Generated using the Generate Absence Quotas report (RPTQTA00)
Defined manually in the infotype
Absence quotas generated using these methods can be changed online in
the Absence Quotas infotype (2006).


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Automatic Generation of

105 | P a g e
Quotas in Time Evaluation Permit Quota
Generation Without Time Evaluation
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Premit Generation of Quotas in Time

Evaluation and follow the entries.
Screenshot Rules for Generating Absence Quotas

In this section, you specify the rules governing the generation of time off
entitlements. Specify Rule Groups for Quota Type

In this step, you determine which groupings are used to access the table
for absence quota type selection when absence quotas are generated.
Absence quota type selection is based on the employee's organizational
assignment and is determined by the Quota type selection rule group.
Specific rules for quota selection can be defined using different quota type
selection rule groups. You can define the quota type selection rule group
in several ways:
1. Feature QUOMO:
The feature QUOMO can be used when generating default values during
recording, in report RPTQTA00, and in time evaluation. This feature
allows you to determine quota type selection rule groups depending

106 | P a g e
upon a variety of employee organizational assignments.
If you generate the absence quotas in time evalation, the value from
the feature is automatically queried by the system.
2. In time evaluation (standard schemas XMOD, TM04, TM01
and TQTA):
Function MOD calls a personnel calculation rule that has been adapted
to the requirements of the schema (TMON, MODT and so on). The
employee subgroup grouping for the personnel calculation rule is
queried in this rule using operation PAYTP. Using operation MODIF Q=xx,
you can then determine for each of these groupings which quota type
selection rule group should be used in time evaluation to access the
entries in the Absence Quota Type Selection table for the relevant
3. Using a specially designed personnel calculation rule in the
time evaluation schema:
In this case, you also determine the quota type selection rule group
using operation MODIF Q=xx.

EHRMS Settings

To accomodate rule for UNITEN, QUOMO is determine by Personnel Area

and Employee Group.(refer to QUOMO feature for more detail). This
feature was rearrange to include UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Specify Rule Groups for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Make the following entries:

(a) Create nodes UT01
(b) Create nodes 2 Pengurusan Tertinggi
a) Create nodes for UNITEN Personnel Area; UR01, UT01 and UT02.
b) Create nodes for UNITEN Employee Group:
2 Pengurusan Tertinggi
3 Eksekutif
5 KontrakBknEksekutif -> create node Employee Subgroup
5x Keselamatan
8 Kontrak Eksekutif
9 Kontrak Pengurusan Tertinggi

107 | P a g e
X Akademik Kontrak -> create node Employee Subgroup
ZC Profesor
ZD Reader
Z Akademik -> create node Pay Scale Group

3. Result:
Record created.


108 | P a g e
109 | P a g e Set Base Entitlements
In this step, you set rules for determining the total entitlement (base
entitlement) to an absence quota type. The base entitlement forms the
basis for calculating the prorated leave or absence entitlement for each
accrual period.
If you determine the base entitlement according to the employee's age or
seniority, you enter a constant expressed in days or hours.
If you use time evaluation to generate absence quotas, you can make the
rule more specific. You may want to do this if the differentiation based on
an employee's age or seniority is not sufficient for your purposes, or if you
want to use other criteria to determine the base entitlement. You can do
this by incorporating personnel calculation rules in the time evaluation
schema. In the rules, you fill a special time type with the base entitlement
according to the employee's organizational details or the results of time
evaluation. You store the special time type, which the system reads in
order to determine the entitlement, in this view. If you want to vary the
base entitlement according to age or seniority interval, you can
distinguish between the various entitlements by numbering them
The base entitlement is set for a specific period. You have three options
for determining the base period:

110 | P a g e
According to employee-independent periods:
The base period can relate to the calendar year, the time evaluation
period, or an individually specified period in the Period Parameters
According to employee-dependent periods
You can determine the base period according to the payroll period or
a period relating to a date type from the Date Specifications
infotype (0041).
Using date specifications
Some collective agreements and company agreements stipulate
that the base entitlement must be determined in relation to the
period of employment. They state that, after a base period,
employees must receive the exact base entitlement. To comply with
this requirement, you must use a date type.
Example: You accrue entitlements on a daily basis. One employee
joined your company on February 15, 2000, another employee on
March 1, 2000. Both employees have a base entitlement of 20 days
per year. After the employees have been with your company for
exactly a year, the first employee's generated entitlement is slightly
too high, the second employee's slightly too low, because of the
leap year. The reason for this is that the following data was used as
a basis for the calculation:
o In 2000, because of the leap year, 366 days for 20 days'
o In 2001, 365 days for 20 days' base entitlement
Note: The differences in the amount of entitlement calculated are only
relevant for the requirements mentioned above.
According to the accrual period
In this case, the period over which you generate employee's quota
entitlements is used as the base period (base period = accrual
EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee base

entitlement for UNITEN will be tagged to PSG 50 and PSG for time quota
type 50. Table V_T559E was added base entitlement for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating

111 | P a g e
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Set Base Entitlements
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (e) (f) (f)
ES PS AQ Quota text Rule Seq. Start Date End Date
G G type no.
A 50 11 Tahunan (Annual) 001 001 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 11 Tahunan (Annual) 001 002 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 11 Tahunan (Annual) 001 003 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 15 Cuti Lebihan 001 001 01.01.19 31.12.99
diluluskan 90 99
A 50 21 Cuti Sakit 001 001 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
a) Enter ES grouping.
b) Enter PS grouping.
c) Enter unique ID to represent UNITEN Absence quota type and name
the quota type.
d) Rules for determining an employee's total entitlement (base
entitlement) to an absence quota type. Enter Rule 001.
e) You can attach several subrules to a rule if you want to determine
the base entitlement according to the employee's seniority or age.
Enter Sequence No 001.
f) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Seniority 0 005 year Length of service with enterprise (seniority)

- s
Age Blan Specifies the employee's age

Constant 16 day An employee's total absence quota
entitlement for a certain period.
Period balance Blan A time type is a grouping of times according
to various aspects such as payment
k regulations, internal company requirements
and control tasks.
Relatedto Period
Calendar year Period of 1 year from 01/01/xxxx - 12/31/xxxx

Accrual period Blan Time interval on which the calculation of the entitlement is
Time Evaluation Blan Time evaluation period as specified in the Determine time
evaluation periods step
period k
Payroll period Blan Payroll period that is valid at the end of the accrual period for
the employee's payroll area
Other period Blan Individually defined period; the period parameter is specified in
the Define period parameters in Customizing for Payroll.

112 | P a g e
Rel. to date type Blan Period is defined in relation to a date type from the Date
Specifications infotype (0041). You determine the accrual
k period using the length fields (for example, the date the
employee joined the company, with a period of one month).
Length Blan
4. Result:
Record created.


113 | P a g e Determine Validity and Deduction
In this step, you decide which validity and deduction periods you want to
be valid for an Absence Quotas infotype record (2006) created by the
system. You do this for each absence quota type.
114 | P a g e
The deduction from and deduction to dates define the period in which the
absence quota can be reduced by an absence. It need not be identical to
the validity period, and can exceed it.
You only specify a validity period for absence quotas that are generated
during time evaluation. Fields for entering the validity period are therefore
only available for absence quotas for which you have selected replace or
increase in the Generating quotas allowed in time evaluation step.
The validity period represents the period for which the time off
entitlements are filled in one infotype record. If no entitlement of this type
has been generated or if the validity period has been exceeded, a new
record is created.
You have a certain amount of flexibility in defining validity periods. The
validity period can be:
A fixed period such as a calendar year or the time evaluation period
Employee-dependent period, such as the payroll period or the date
A period defined in the quota selection rule, such as the accrual
A period you have defined in Customizing, such as the period

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee the

validity/deduction interval for absence quota for UNITEN will be tagged to
PSG =50. Table V_T559D was added with new values for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Determine Validity and
Deduction Periods
Transaction Code SPRO

115 | P a g e
2. Make the following entry:
(a) (b) (c) (c)
ES PS AQ type Quota text
A 50 11 Tahunan (Annual)
A 50 15 Cuti Lebihan
A 50 21 Cuti Sakit
A 50 23 Cuti Sakit Masuk
A 50 24 Cuti Sakit (Khas
a) Enter ES grouping.
b) Enter PS grouping.
c) Enter unique ID to represent UNITEN Absence quota type and name
the quota type.

3. Applicability of rule:
Deduction interval:
Deduction from
Start of validity The deduction interval specifies the period in which an
employee can deduct records in the Absence Quotas infotype
interval (2006) that have been created
End of validity Blan
interval k
Relative position Blan You can use the Relative positon field to refine the
specifications on the start or end date of the validity intervals.
No deduction Blan The deduction interval is specified in relation to the validity
interval. You can base the deduction begin or deduction end
before k date on a date type that is created
Deduction to
Start of validity Blan The deduction interval specifies the period in which an
employee can deduct records in the Absence Quotas infotype
interval k (2006) that have been created
End of validity
Relative position Blan You can use the Relative positon field to refine the
specifications on the start or end date of the validity intervals.
No deduction Blan The deduction interval is specified in relation to the validity
interval. You can base the deduction begin or deduction end
before k date on a date type that is created

4. Result:
Record created.


116 | P a g e Define Generation Rules for Quota Type
In this step, you define rules for automatically accruing absence entitlements for
your employees. If you want to set up rules for generating absence quotas using
the report RPTQTA00 or for determining default values, you can now use a
restricted view of the Customizing table. All non-relevant fields for this method
remain hidden. The system knows which view of the Customizing table to display
according to your specifications made in the Permit Quota Generation Without
Time Evaluation activity.

117 | P a g e
EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee the

following table was configured:
Table T559L was added absence entitlement for UNITEN.
Table V_556A_B was added new absence quota type.
Table V_T559E was added base entitlement for UNITEN.
Table V_T559D was added with new values for UNITEN.
Table T559V was added with new values for UNITEN.
No changes was made in table T559M.
Table V_554S_M was added with new values for UNITEN.
Table V_T559R was added with 1 new value for UNITEN

Procedure for Selection rules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry for UNITEN:
(a (b (c) (d) (d) (e) (e) (f) (f)
) ) Quot Rul Nam AbQuo Quota Text Start End
E P a e e of taTyp Date Date
S S grp rule
A 50 01 001 Unite 11 Tahunan (Annual) 01.01.19 31.12.99
n 90 99
A 50 01 001 Unite 21 Cuti Sakit 01.01.19 31.12.99
n 90 99
A 50 01 001 Unite 23 Cuti Sakit Masuk 01.01.19 31.12.99
n Wad 90 99
A 50 01 001 Unite 31 Cuti Pertubuhan 01.01.19 31.12.99
n 90 99
A 50 01 001 Unite 32 Cuti 01.01.19 31.12.99
n Sukan/Kebudayaan 90 99
a) Employee subgroup grouping for time quota types is a grouping of
employee subgroups for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter ES grouping, A.
b) Grouping of personnel subareas for time quota types is a division of
personnel subareas for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter PS grouping, 50.
Grouping of personnel subareas for time recording is a division of
personnel subareas for which the same access control groups are
defined. Enter PS grouping, 50.
c) Quota type selection rule group to control absence quota type
selection based on the employee's organizational assignment. Enter
as per QUOMO feature setting.

118 | P a g e
d) Selection rule for absence quota types to set rules regarding how an
employee's absence entitlement is generated. Enter as per QUOMO
feature setting.
Name the rule, Uniten.
e) Absence quota type unique ID to forms the subtype of the Absence
Quotas infotype. Enter subtype 11 and name the quota type,
Tahunan (Annual).
f) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Applicability tab
Start of accrual
Earliest accrual Blank Specifies the earliest date for calculating the accrual
Relationship to enterprise
Entry Date 01.01.180 31.12.99 Employee's
date of entry in the

0- 99
Challenge group Blank
The directory for severely challenged persons classifies
Degree of 0 - 100 employees according to their type of challenge. Each
challenge % classification has its own identifier.

Accrual period tab

Daily Blank The entitlements of the employee are calculated daily.
Note that when using this time period, the entitlements
determined in this case will contain a lot of places after
the decimal point and can thus cause rounding
Month Blank Period from the first day to the last day of the month

Calendar year
Period of one year from 01/01/XX to 12/31/XX
Time evaluation Blank
period Period determined in time evaluation, defined in the
Determine the time evaluation period step in the
Implementation Guide (IMG) for Time Evaluation.
Payroll period Blank
Period determined in payroll; valid payroll period of the
day to be evaluated of the payroll area of the
employee to be evaluated
Other period Blank
Individually specified period; period parameters are
defined in the Define period parameters step in the
IMG for Payroll.
Rel. to date type Blank
Period is defined in relation to a date type from the
Length Blank Date Specifications infotype (0041). You determine the
accrual period using the length fields (for example, the
date the employee joined the company, with a period
of one month).
Take Account of Blank
Change of Work If you do not select this field, the organizational
reassignment, reentry, or leaving is not taken into
Center/Basic Pay account in the accrual period in which the change
takes place.

119 | P a g e
Base entitlement tab
Rule for base 001
entitlement Rules for determining an employee's base entitlement to
an absence quota type.
Base Entitlement
Number 16
Specifies the amount (in days or hours) of a time quota status.
Day Bal. Blank
A time type assigns a meaning to a time interval. The balances
Period Bal. Blank formed in time evaluation are posted to the time types.
Unit Days
This field specifies the unit of time or measurement which is to
Base Calendar be used as a basis for calculations
Period year
FromSenior 000
ity Length of service with enterprise (seniority) By defining a
seniority interval, you can specify special rules for determining
ToSeniority 005 an employee's base entitlement according to his or her
Unit text years
This field specifies the unit of time or measurement which is to
be used as a basis for calculations
From age 000
Specifies the employee's age. By specifying an age interval, you
To age 000 can define special rules based on an employee's age.
Unit text blank
This field specifies the unit of time or measurement which is to
be used as a basis for calculations
Calculation of
Cal. blank
Process A calculation process is a group of all functions required in the
calculation of an employment period.
Key Date for Determining Senority
For Exact Day blan
k In this field, you specify the key date used to calculate seniority.

Start blan
k If an employee's seniority is to be determined for a particular
date, then any change in the seniority is taken into account
End of Accrual blan within the accrual period. The resulting accrual entitlement is
then calculated proportionately according to the different base
Period k entitlements.
Start blan
End of Base blan
Period k
Date Type Seniority
(Revised) In this field, you specify the key date used to calculate seniority.
The length of seniority is calculated from the difference
between the key date of the current year and the date the
employee started working at the company.
Key Date for Determining Senority
For Exact
Day In this field, you enter the time to be used for determining an
employee's age.
Start blank If the employee's age is determined from a certain day, the
system takes account of a change in age within the accrual
End of Accrual blank period. The resulting accrual entitlement is then calculated
proportionately according to the different valid base
Period entitlements.
Start blank

120 | P a g e
End of Base blank
Date Type blank
The date type defines the meaning of a particular date

Accrual entitlement tab

Calculated pro rata according to accrual period
Pro rata calculation When the cumulation point is reached, the accrual
period is compared with the base period of the quota
type currently being processed, and a proportionate
accrual entitlement is determined.
No pro rata Blank When the cumulation point is reached, the total base
entitlement of the quota type currently being
calculation processed is always used as the basis for the accrual
Multiplication with time balance
No multiplication
Period balance Blank By entering a day balance or a period balance, you can
control the absence quota type selection based on the
actual working time performed (the result of dividing
the planned hours by the attendance hours).
Reduction, rounding, max. entitlement
Reduction rule 01
Reduction rules can be used to reduce accrual entitlements for
part-time employees or employees who have inactive days
during the accrual period.
Rounding rule 50
You can use rounding rules in absence counting or in automatic
absence quota accrual
Reduction quota Blan
k In this absence quota, you can record capping differences caused
by a reduction due to the employee having a part-time status or
inactive time within the accrual period.
Max. entitlement Blan
k You can use the field to define an upper limit for the accrual
entitlement. This is particularly useful if you determine quota
entitlements based on hours worked.
Maximum Blan
exceeded k In this absence quota, you can record capping differences caused
when the maximum permitted accrual entitlement is exceeded.

Total entitlement tab

Calculated pro rata according to accrual period
Rounding rule 50
Specifies how values determined by the system should
be rounded.
Max. entitlement Blank
You can use this field to define an upper limit for the
quota entitlement per transfer. This is particularly
useful when determining quota entitlements on the
basis of time worked.
Settlement of existing Blank
quota entitlements You can use this function to grant employees absence
entitlements in advance, even before entitlements are
generated automatically. The existing quota is then
taken into account alongside the automatically
generated quota. This enables you to record leave for
next year before the new absence quotas for the
annual leave have been generated.

4. Result:
Record created.

121 | P a g e

122 | P a g e
123 | P a g e
124 | P a g e
Procedure for Quota types

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Permit Generation of Quotas in Time

Evalution and follow the entries.

125 | P a g e
Procedure for Base entitlement

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Set Base Entitlement and follow the



126 | P a g e
Procedure for Validity/deduction interval

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Determine Validity & Deduction Periods

and follow the entries.


127 | P a g e
Procedure for Validity period for default values

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

128 | P a g e
2. Make the following entry for UNITEN:
(a) (b) (c)
ESG for time PSG for time Quota type sel. grp
quotas quota
A 50 01
B 50 01
C 50 01
D 50 01
E 50 01
a) Employee subgroup grouping for time quota types is a grouping of
employee subgroups for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter ES grouping, A.
b) Grouping of personnel subareas for time quota types is a division of
personnel subareas for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter PS grouping, 50.
c) Quota type selection rule group to control absence quota type
selection based on the employee's organizational assignment. Enter
as per QUOMO feature setting.

3. Applicability of rule:
Valid from date
Calendar year Period of 1 year from 01/01/xxxx - 12/31/xxxx

Time evaluation Blan Time evaluation period, as specified in the Determine time
evaluation periods step
period k
Payroll period Blan
k Payroll period that is valid at the end of the accrual period for
the employee's payroll area
Other period Blan Individually defined period; the period parameter is specified in
the Define period parameters step in Customizing for Payroll.
Date type Blan The date type is read from the Date Specifications infotype
(0041). An infotype record must have been created for all
k employees
Start The validity interval for an absence quota should be a calendar
year. The start date is the first day of the calendar year for
End Blan which the accrual entitlement is to be determined. The end
k date should be at least three (3) months after the end of the
Relative position Blan calendar year for which the accrual entitlements is to be
Valid to date
Calendar year Period of 1 year from 01/01/xxxx - 12/31/xxxx

Time evaluation Blan Time evaluation period, as specified in the Determine time
evaluation periods step
period k
Payroll period Blan
k Payroll period that is valid at the end of the accrual period for
the employee's payroll area
Other period Blan Individually defined period; the period parameter is specified in
the Define period parameters step in Customizing for Payroll.
Date type Blan The date type is read from the Date Specifications infotype
(0041). An infotype record must have been created for all
k employees
Start The validity interval for an absence quota should be a calendar
year. The start date is the first day of the calendar year for
End Blan which the accrual entitlement is to be determined. The end
k date should be at least three (3) months after the end of the
Relative position Blan calendar year for which the accrual entitlements is to be

129 | P a g e
k determined.

4. Result:
Record created.


Procedure for Reduction indicators for absences

130 | P a g e
1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Define Rules for Reducing Quota

Entitlements and follow the entries.

Procedure for Rounding rules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Rules for Generating
Absence Quotas Define Generation Rules for
Quota Type Selection
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Define Rules for Rounding Counted

Absence and follow the entries.

131 | P a g e Setting up Methods for Quota Accrual
In this section, you make the settings required in Customizing to set up the
following options for generating absence quotas:

Automatic accrual of time off entitlements using time evaluation

Automatic accrual of time off entitlements using the report
RPTQTA00 Generating Absence Quotas
Determining default values by creating time off entitlements in the
Absence Quotas infotype (2006). Set Up Automatic Accrual Using Report

In this step, you set up the automatic accrual of time off entitlements
using report RPTQTA00: Generate Absence Quotas.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee

quota type for UNITEN will be tagged to PSG =50 and PSG for time quota
type= 50 . Table V_556A_B was added quota types for UNITEN.

132 | P a g e
Procedure for Determine Absence Quota Type for Accrual

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Setting up Methods for
Quota Accrual Set Up Automatic Accrual Using
Report RPTQTA00
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Permit Generation of Quota in Time

Evaluation and follow the entries.

133 | P a g e
Procedure for Set Up Report Variants for Absence Quota

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Setting up Methods for
Quota Accrual Set Up Automatic Accrual Using
Report RPTQTA00
Transaction Code SPRO

134 | P a g e
2. Make the following entries:
(a) Program RPTQTA00
(b) Period 01.01.2010
(c) Selection Blank
(d) Quota to be generated 11
(e) Generation type Test run
(e) Output options Display all quota
a) Enter program name, RPTQTA00.
b) Enter period for quota creation, 01.01.2010 31.12.2010.
c) Leave the selection field blank.
d) Enter quota type for Tahunan (Annual), 11.
e) Select generation type, Test run.
f) Select output options, display all quota records.


135 | P a g e
136 | P a g e
Procedure for Set Validity Interval for Quota Accrual

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Calculating
Absence Entitlements Setting up Methods for
Quota Accrual Set Up Automatic Accrual Using
Report RPTQTA00
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Procedure for Validity period for

default values and follow the entries.

137 | P a g e Quota Deduction Using Attendance/Absences

In the following steps, you specify rules for deducting quotas. Define Deduction Rules for Absence

In this step, you define the rules according to which absences are to be
deducted from the absence quotas. Quota deduction does not depend on
individual absence types, but is determined by the Counting rule for
absences that is assigned to an absence type. There are two variants of
these counting rules:
1. Deduction rules used for deducting quotas until existing entitlement
is used up.
2. Deduction rules used for deducting quotas over and above the
existing entitlement when the quota named in bullet point #1) is
used up.

EHRMS Settings

To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee and Uniten employee the

validity/deduction interval for absence quota for UNITEN will be tagged to
PSG 50. Table V_556R_B was added with new values for UNITEN.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Quota Deduction
Using Absence Define Deduction Rules for

138 | P a g e
Absence Quota
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry for UNITEN:
(a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (d)
ESG PSG Deduction Text Start End
rule Date Date
A 50 901 Annual Leave 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 902 Sick Leave 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 904 Sick Leave (Ward) 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 905 Agency Leave 01.01.19 31.12.99
90 99
A 50 906 Sport Activity 01.01.19 31.12.99
Leave 90 99
a) Employee subgroup grouping for time quota types is a grouping of
employee subgroups for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter ES grouping, A.
b) Grouping of personnel subareas for time quota types is a division of
personnel subareas for which the same absence quota types are
defined. Enter PS grouping, 50.
c) Specifies quotas for absences should be deducted and assign
different rules for quota deduction to the counting rules.
d) Enter Start date, 01.01.1900 and End date, 31.12.9999.

3. Applicability of rule:
Unit of relevant absence quota types
Hours Blan
k Specifies the unit (hours or days) in which the specified
absences quotas should be deducted.
Quota type text
Cuti Lebihan 15 An absence quota type forms the subtype of the Absence
Quotas infotype
diluluskan unit
Baki Dibawa 14
Kehadapan unit
Tahunan (Annual) 11
Quota type sequence for further deduction
No further deduction Only the quotas specified under absence quota types are
Sort all other quota Blan If the employee has other quotas that are deducted in
the specified time unit, they are sorted in ascending
types in ascending k order for deduction (first 01, then 02, 03, etc.)
Sort all other quota Blan
types in descending k All other quota types sorted in descending order
If the employee has other quotas that are deducted in
order the specified time unit, they are sorted in descending
order for deduction (first 99, then 98, 97, etc.)
Deduction priority
Quota types Priority Specifies the priority with which the quota types should
be taken into account when determining the deduction
Valid from date Not sequence.
If you indicate a quota type as not relevant, it is the last
139 | P a g e
Valid to date Not sort criterion to be taken into account when the sequence
is determined. Under Deduction priority, you can specify
Revelent whether you want the quota type to be the main criterion
for determining the sequence in which the quotas are
Deduction Not deducted. The start of validity of a quota can also have
from Revelent the highest priority for determining the sequence.
Deduction to Not
Ascending Specifies whether the criteria entered is to be sorted in descending
or ascending order. You want to deduct quota for the employee that
Descending Blan will be the first to be forfeited or to expire. To do so, specify the
k Deduction end (date) in ascending order.

4. Result:
Record created.


140 | P a g e
141 | P a g e Assign Deduction Rules to Counting
In this step, you assign quota deduction rules to counting rules. All
absences and attendances with quota deduction that are counted using
the selected counting rule are processed using these deduction rules. As
well as a deduction rule for deducting the employee's quotas with an
entitlement greater than 0, you can also specify a deduction rule for all
quota types for which the corresponding infotype records can be deducted
over and above the entitlement.

EHRMS Settings

142 | P a g e
To differentiate between TNB Uniten employee Time Quota and Uniten
Time Quota, uniten employee is tagged to counting rule 50. Table T556C
was added with new value for UNITEN

Procedure for Counting Rule

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Quota Deduction
Using Absence Assign Deduction Rules to
Counting Rules
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Define Counting Rules procedures and

follow the entries.


143 | P a g e
144 | P a g e
Procedure for Deduction rules for absence quotas

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Quota Deduction
Using Absence Assign Deduction Rules to
Counting Rules
Transaction Code SPRO

145 | P a g e
2. Refer to Define Deduction Rules for Absence
Quotas procedures and follow the entries.


146 | P a g e
147 | P a g e
Procedure for Rounding rules

1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Managing Time Accounts Using
Attendance/Absence Quotas Quota Deduction
Using Absence Assign Deduction Rules to
Counting Rules
Transaction Code SPRO

2. Refer to Define Deduction Rules for Absence

Quotas procedures and follow the entries.


148 | P a g e Specify System Reaction to Overlapping Time
In this step, you determine how the system reacts if existing time infotype
records overlap with new time infotype records. Such collision checks are
also performed for subtypes. The concept of a time constraint class was
developed so that you do not have to define a time constraint reaction for
each subtype with regard to all other infotypes or subtypes within an
infotype. Subtypes within an infotype (attendance/absence type,
attendance/absence quota type, availability type and substitution type)
that have the same time constraint reaction are grouped together by the
time constraint class.

The time constraint reaction is determined by a reaction indicator. The

reaction indicator is set for each time constraint class of an infotype or
subtype with regard to the time constraint classes of all other infotypes or
subtypes. The system can react to a collision in one of four ways, each of
which you can determine using a reaction indicator.

149 | P a g e
A: the old record is delimited, ie. the part of the old record that
overlaps with the new record is deleted. One or two new records can
be derived from the old record.
E: the new record cannot be created. The system displays an error
W: the new record can be created without the old record being
changed. The system displays a warning.
N: the new record can be created without the old record being
changed. The system does not display a warning.

EHRMS Settings

No changes was made in table V_554Y.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Specify System Reaction to
Overlapping Time Infotypes
Transaction Code SPRO
2. Make the following entry for UNITEN:
(a) (a) (b)
Infotyp Infotype text Deduction rule
2001 Absences 04
2002 Attendances 04
a) Enter infotype, 2001 and 2002. Name the infotype Absences and
b) Specifies deduction rule, 04.

3. Applicability of rule:
Reaction when there is an overlap with existing infotype
records (2001)
Infotype 2002
Infotype text Attendanc Infotype for Time data
Time cstr. 04 Deduction rule for time constraint class, used to check for
collisions between infotype 2001 and 2002.
Reaction E The system does not allow you to create the new record,
and displays all collisions.
Reaction when there is an overlap with existing infotype
records (2002)
Infotype 2001
Infotype for Time data
Infotype text Absences
Time cstr. 04 Deduction rule for time constraint class, used to check for
collisions between infotype 2002 and 2001.
Reaction E The system does not allow you to create the new record,
and displays all collisions.

150 | P a g e
4. Result:
Record created.


151 | P a g e
152 | P a g e Limit Employee Status for Time Management
The Time Management status indicator shows whether or not an
employee takes part in time evaluation. If you want an employee's time
data to be evaluated using the time evaluation driver, you can use the
indicator to specify the method of evaluation. A Time Management status
is assigned to the employee in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007).

153 | P a g e
The following are the standard specifications for the Time Management
0 - No time evaluation
1 - Evaluation of actual times
2 - Evaluation of actual times and plant data collection (PDC)
8 - External services
9 - Evaluation of planned times (recording of exceptions to the work

EHRMS Settings

TNB employee time management status is tagged to 9-Neg. evaluation

where else UNITEN is tagged to 0-No time recording.


1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:

IMG Menu Path Time Management Time Data Recording and
Administration Limit Employee Status for Time
Transaction Code SPRO
2. No new creation. Standard Time Management status 0 is used


154 | P a g e

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