Hossam Reda Interview

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Hossam Reda Interview

Hannah: [00:00:00] Hello my name is Hannah Gemei. What's yours?

Hossam: [00:00:04] Hossam El Deen Reda.

Hannah: [00:00:04] Can you spell it out for me?

Hossam: [00:00:05] H o s s a m e l d e e n r e d a .

Hannah: [00:00:10] I'm a mass communication student in AUC I'm studying IMC. Whats your

Hossam: [00:00:15] I am a TV reporter at DMC Channel.

Hannah: [00:00:18] Where do you live?

Hossam: [00:00:19] Sixth of October.

Hannah: [00:00:21] How old are you?

Hossam: [00:00:22] Twenty-Five years old.

Hannah: [00:00:24] Are you OK with me uploading the interview online?

Hossam: [00:00:26] Yes of course.

Hannah: [00:00:28] When did you graduate from AUC? What major were you in?

Hossam: [00:00:32] Fall two thousand sixteen. I was a mass comm student, multimedia journalism

Hannah: [00:00:39] Why did the job of a TV presenter interest you like what led you to be a TV

Hossam: [00:00:45] Well it's my dream since I was a kid. I wanted to be a TV presenter. And it
gives me all that I need. Fame, money. It helps me to present for everyone. My point of view in life,
is I can help others with their problems. I can discuss problems from my point of view. I believe
that a TV presenter it's the voice of this country towards giving people advice is showing the truth
for everyone. It's interaction between the country and the people themselves.

Hannah: [00:01:31] How did you get started and like what experiences led you to your present
position that you are in now?

Hossam: [00:01:37] Well it came to me by chance a friend of mine introduced me to her friend who
works at DMC and then I had my interview with Ramy Radwan an AUC graduate. He's a TV
presenter for my show. I had no experience at all in this field. All my experience was giving just a
program at AUC TV. When I studied the radio with Dr. Kim Fox also this is what I did before
working at DMC TV. But Ramy really believed in me and he told me that I had no experience but
he will give me a chance. And then I started working at DMC. It was by chance.

Hannah: [00:02:26] So it must have been a bit challenging for you in the beginning. So can you tell
me about some of the challenges you faced?

Hossam: [00:02:33] Well I had no experience at all as I told you. I didn't know anything about
being a reporter in the field itself. It took me like a month to be able to start showing my reports on
TV. They trained me well, they help me in this field so well. I used to go with others that had
experience in this field. Every day, six or seven hours a day just to learn from them. It was not easy
for me to start from the bottom as I had to think about new ideas. I had to write my scripts. I had to
choose people well. I had to change my appearance every time, and my new reports. So it was not
that easy at all.

Hannah: [00:03:32] Can you tell me about your daily routine as a TV reporter?

Hossam: [00:03:37] OK I wake up at 8 a.m. I start my day at 10 am. Every day, I shoot from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. And then I have a break from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Then I go to "The City of
Worldwide Production" From 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. working on my reports. Choosing the bites choosing
the music, adding some funny videos from the internet or from old movies, and then I go home at 2
a.m. to wake up 8 a.m. start my work day again.

Hannah: [00:04:26] What part of the job do you find most satisfying to you?

Hossam: [00:04:30] Being on camera. Watching my report everyday on TV is the most satisfaction
thing in my life.

Hannah: [00:04:41] How would you describe like the working atmosphere that you work at and the
people that you work with every day?

Hossam: [00:04:48] They are so friendly. People there are so friendly with me, they help each
other. They know that they had no experience before so they are not that strict with me. Life has so
many problems. My biggest problem with this career that they have to think about a new idea every
day. I have been working since January, December last December. Till now I have like 70 reports.
They are all new ideas. I have to think about a new idea every day. This is my most. This is the
hardest thing in my career. But other than that they are all so friendly. That's it.

Hannah: [00:05:47] Can you tell me about like a major accomplishment that you consider to be
most significant in your career so far?

Hossam: [00:05:54] My first report that was that was. My first report it hit on the page, Facebook
page and YouTube one million and two hundred thousand views. This is the most significant thing
that I have ever done till now. And all my reports are ranged from two hundred thousand to five
hundred thousand views. Till now I am satisfied with that. But my first report was the most
significant one.

Hannah: [00:06:30] Thank you Hossam for your time. It was nice having you.

Hossam: [00:06:33] Nice to meet you too and having you too.

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