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Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074

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SN curves for fatigue of bond in reinforced concrete structures under

transverse tension
Alexander Lindorf , Manfred Curbach
Institute of Concrete Structures, Technische Universitt Dresden, Faculty of Civil Engineering, D-01062 Dresden, Germany

article info abstract

Article history: In reinforced concrete construction, design verifications for the fatigue of reinforcing steel and concrete
Received 21 December 2009 are required separately. In this manner, the fatigue behaviour of the bond between steel and concrete was
Received in revised form not taken into consideration. Longitudinal cracking along the reinforcing bar due to transverse tension
19 May 2010
reduces the loading capacity as well as the fatigue strength. By means of comparing current design codes
Accepted 31 May 2010
Available online 29 June 2010
regarding the fatigue of concrete and reinforcing steel, an appropriate approach is being looked for to
represent the fatigue of the bond. The SN curves for the bond, which resulted from pull-out tests, were
set in relation to SN curves for the fatigue of reinforcing steel. It becomes evident how the fatigue of
Fatigue of bond bond resistance due to increasing transverse tension load gains in importance compared to the fatigue of
SN curves reinforcing steel.
Whler lines 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Repeated loading
Transverse tension
Longitudinal cracking

1. Introduction had been compared, to deduce an appropriate description of bond

The fatigue resistance of reinforced concrete structures con-
tains the fatigue strength of the applied building materials and 2. SN curves for reinforcing steel
their bond behaviour. Until now, reinforcing steel and concrete are
The fatigue design concerning reinforcing steel is based on
verified separately against fatigue failure. In spite of numerous re-
standardised SN curves (Whler lines), which describe two lines
search projects on bond behaviour due to cyclic loading carried out of different slopes in a double-logarithmic scale (Fig. 1).
in the recent past [1], design codes do not yet provide a fatigue de- These SN curves for the fatigue of reinforcing bars embedded
sign procedure for the bond between reinforcement and concrete. in concrete are so-called normalised SN curves, which are related
Within a research project, which aimed at investigating the to a defined fatigue limit (endurance limit) of the steel stress.
bond behaviour due to fatigue loading and transverse tension, it

could be observed that the fatigue strength of a whole reinforced
n = nR . (1)
concrete structure necessarily depends on the bond conditions R
between reinforcing steel and concrete. The bond conditions are Paraphrasing Eq. (1) based on the stress ranges of steel stresses
strongly influenced by tensile loading transverse to the reinforcing results in an SN-curve distribution against the number of load
bar. The transverse tension can lead to cracks, which then develop cycles according to Eq. (2), cf. [7].
closely along the reinforcement and weaken the bond. 1/k
The test results elaborately described in [2,3] serve to assemble n
n (1 ) = nR 1 (n) = 1R . (2)
a relationship between the fatigue strength of reinforcing steel, 1R nR
concrete and bond. For this purpose, current design requirements In doing so, the value 1R equates to a defined resisting stress
for the fatigue of reinforcing steel and concrete, according to DIN range value at a limit number of load cycles nR . However, no exact
1045-1 [4], EN 1992-1-1 [5] and CEBFIP Model Code 1990 [6], fatigue limit (horizontal distribution of SN curves) is validated.
Therefore, the SN-curve distribution, modified by Haibach [8], is
based on two intervals with different slopes. The change of slope is
characterised by the values 1R and nR . The slopes are described
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 351 463 34665; fax: +49 351 463 37289.
E-mail address: (A. Lindorf).
by the stress exponent k1 and k2 being defined as follows:
URL: (A. Lindorf). k2 = 2 k1 1. (3)
0141-0296/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Lindorf, M. Curbach / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074 3069

Table 1
Parameters of SN curves for reinforcing steel bars embedded in concrete.
Straight & bent bars Bar diameter ds (mm) Stress exponent k1 Stress exponent k2 Number of load cycles nR Resisting steel stress range 1R (MPa)

CEBFIP Model Code 1990 16 5 9 106 210

16 . . . 40a 5 9 106 210 . . . 160a
DIN 1045-1 (08/2008) 28 5 9 106 175 (195)b
>28 5 9 106 145 (156)b
EN 1992-1-1 (12/2004) 5 9 106 162.5
Previous version DIN 1045-1 (07/2001).

Another difference compared to reinforcing steel is the consid-

erably greater scatter of the load cycles to fatigue failure. According
to Knig and Danielewicz [12], the ratio of 5% against 95% quantiles
of the load cycles to damage is 1:10 for reinforcing steel. However,
the number of load cycles to fatigue damage of the same dimension
for concrete has a ratio of 1:1000 to 1:10 000.

3.2. DIN 1045-1 and EN 1992-1-1

The fatigue verification of concrete in DIN 1045-1 and EN 1992-

1-1 is based on an SN function for concrete in pure compression
introduced by Danielewicz [13] (with reference to an unpublished
document of SN curves for concrete in pure compression, a basis
for discussion of the General Task Group No. 15 of the CEBFIP
Fig. 1. Shape of SN curves for reinforcing steel. Model Code 1990).
1 Smax
Currently introduced design values for 1R and nR as well as k1 lg n = 14 (4)
and k2 for straight and bent bars, which are embedded in concrete, 1 Smin /Smax
can be found in Table 1. These values were deduced from fatigue where
tests at exposed, not embedded, reinforcing bars, which can be Smax = ck,max /fck,fat (5)
found in DIN 1045-1 in particular, cf. [9].
The matter of fatigue strength of reinforcing bars embedded in Smin = ck,min /fck,fat . (6)
concrete and the hence deduced design fatigue limit 1R is still a So, various ratios of the minimum and maximum stresses nor-
subject of controversial discussion, e.g. [10]. This, if nothing else, is malised to the concrete compressive strength result in SN curves
pointed out by the recently undertaken changes of the reinforced according to Fig. 2(a). The fatigue verification of concrete is stated
concrete code DIN 1045-1 [4] and the reinforcing steel code in Eq. (8) according to DIN 1045-1 and EN 1992-1-1 for a limit num-
DIN 488-1 [11] in Germany. Besides reducing the design fatigue ber of one million load cycles (lg 106 = 6).
limits and harmonising the limit numbers of load cycles, potential 1 Smax 6
conversion factors were omitted, which try to take into account = 0.43 (7)
the difficulty in determining the difference of embedded and 1 Smin /Smax 14
exposed bars concerning their fatigue endurance behaviour, cf. [9]. Smax + 0.43 1 Smin /Smax 1.0.
Therefore, DIN 488-1, DIN 1045-1: Tabel 11 (exposed reinforcing
steel bar) and DIN 1045-1: Table 16 (embedded reinforcing steel
bar) henceforth contain the same information. 3.3. CEBFIP Model Code 1990

According to CEBFIP Model Code 1990 the SN curve for con-

3. SN curves for concrete
crete compression loading is divided into different sections. For the
first part until one million load cycles Eq. (9) is valid.
3.1. Characteristics
(1 Smax ) 6.

lg n = 12 + 16 Smin + 8 Smin (9)
The processes, which run in metallic materials, are not analogi-
In correlation with the then preferred approaches to be ac-
cally transferable to a multi-phase, cyclic-loaded building material
cepted in CEBFIP Model Code 1990, Petkovi et al. [14] com-
such as concrete. However, the damage process seems to proceed
pared these SN curves, which led to their own formulation. This
similarly under cyclic and monotonic loading. approach considers a flattening of the SN curve at one million
Unloaded concrete already has micro-cracks between the ce- load cycles and was finally accepted in CEBFIP Model Code 1990
ment matrix and aggregates. They occur due to the restrained (Fig. 2(b)).
shrinkage of the cement matrix caused by the aggregates. At suffi- Fig. 3(b) shows the compared functions of the SN curves for
ciently high loading, micro-cracks can occur in the cement stone. Smax = 0.8 with the regression of test data from [14]. Thus, only the
The crack density of cyclically loaded specimens is higher than root term function provides conservative results. Test data and the
the crack density of monotonically loaded specimens. With further appropriate determined regression lines are presented in Fig. 3(a).
increase in load or load cycles, micro-cracks join and become
macro-cracks, which eventually can lead to concrete failure with- 4. SN curves for bond
out reinforcement, cf. [12].
Unlike steel, concrete does not possess a fatigue limit. Even after 4.1. Initial situation
one billion load cycles, failure can still occur. Fig. 2 shows current
standardised SN curves for concrete in pure compression, which Because of separately conducted fatigue verifications for rein-
will be regarded in detail in the following. forcing steel and concrete, as yet no design relevance was awarded
3070 A. Lindorf, M. Curbach / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074

(a) DIN 1045-1, EN 1992-1-1. (b) CEB-FIB Model Code 1990.

Fig. 2. SN curves for concrete in pure compression.

a Table 2
Parameters of SN curves for bond.
Minimum bond Crack width Slope factor Stress coefficient
stress min (MPa) w (mm) m C (MPa)

0 0.019 9.1
0.1 0.032 9.1
0.2 0.063 10.3
0.3 0.075 10.3
0 0.019 11.0
0.1 0.048 12.6
0.2 0.037 10.8
0.3 0.059 12.7

limit state of bond fatigue (ULS of fatigue) occurs when reaching

the value s0 + 1s at the unloaded bar end. According to this, the
b subsequently discussed SN curves are based on a slip increase of
1s = 0.1 mm, but not on bond failure.

4.2. Approach according to Basquin

One of the simplest functions to describe the fatigue strength of

the finite life branch of SN curves was introduced by Basquin [15]
as follows:
max = C nm . (10)
Applied analogically on maximum bond stresses max , Eq. (10)
results in Eq. (11).

max (n) = C nm . (11)

The function describes a straight line in double-logarithmic
Fig. 3. Investigations by Petkovi et al. [14]. scale, where exponent m represents the slope and coefficient C the
relative position in the diagram.
for fatigue strength of the bond between reinforcement and con- Fig. 4 shows results from conducted pull-out tests and SN
crete. Therefore, no standardised definition of SN curves for the curves in semi-logarithmic scale by means of regression based on
fatigue of the bond exists. But the pull-out test results, which the approach according to Basquin, distinguishing between two
were already described in detail in [2,3], show that with increasing minimum stress levels and four different transverse tension states
transverse loading, that is to say with increasing longitudinal crack resulting in four different crack widths, respectively. The crack
widths along the pull-out bar, the bond fatigue strength decreases. width of w = 0.0 mm refers to a pull-out test without transverse
In order to place this fact in relation to the fatigue behaviour of tension. All appropriate parameters m and C are listed in Table 2.
reinforcing steel and concrete, an adequate approach of the SN The test results are well represented by the approach according
curve for the bond must be found. to Basquin [15]. But the SN curves for the bond cannot be easily
Besides the basic function for the SN curve, it must be taken converted into the context of the already described SN curves for
into consideration, whether bond failure is an adequate design the fatigue of concrete and reinforcing steel.
criterion. In the case of monotonic bond loading, it is assumed that
the ultimate limit state (ULS) has been already reached at a certain 4.3. Approach analogical to fatigue of concrete
displacement (slip) between reinforcing steel and concrete at the
unloaded side of the pull-out bar. Therefore, regarding repeated Assumed by Mller et al. [16] bond fatigue is comparable to
loading, which is characterised by a progressive slip increase, a the fatigue of concrete. Thus, it stands to reason to approach the
certain value of slip increase 1s has to be defined as well. The fatigue of bond resistance similarly as the fatigue of concrete. The
A. Lindorf, M. Curbach / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074 3071

Fig. 4. Experimental results and SN curves for bond according to Basquin.

SN curves for bond, Eqs. (12) and (13), result from the appropriate 4.4. Further approaches to fatigue of bond
undertaken application of normalised bond stresses, analogical to
DIN 1045-1 and CEBFIP Model Code 1990. The requirement of setting up SN curves for the fatigue of
1 Tmax the bond was already discovered by Rehm and Eligehausen [18].
lg n = a (12) Subsequently, Koch and Balzs [19] developed an analytical
1 Tmin /Tmax description. According to Stssi [20], they published the approach
(1 Tmax ) (16) based on normalised bond stress ranges.

lg n = a + b Tmin + c Tmin (13)
where 1 (a + 1) + b (nc 1)
= . (16)
Tmax = max /ult (14) ult 1 + a nc
Tmin = min /ult . (15) Later on, Koch and Balzs [21] changed their approach of SN
curves for the bond, which led to expressing Eq. (17) on the basis
The maximum and minimum repeated loads, normalised to the of Block and Dreier [22].
ultimate bond stress ult (bond strength), can be expressed as bond
1 1R 1R
stress ratios according to Eqs. (14) and (15). The parameters a,
a(lg n) .
b and c are specific coefficients. Lotze [17] indirectly confirmed = + 1 (17)
ult ult ult
this assumption by dividing the repeated loads into two groups in
general: The value 1R represents the fatigue limit of the bond stress
range. The parameters a, b and c are specific coefficients. Critical
Repeated loading due to pure compression and indirect tension analysis shows that with the approaches of Eqs. (16) and (17) a
(flexural tension, splitting tension, bond) relationship between the SN curves for the bond and the existing
Repeated loading due to axial tension. SN curves for the fatigue of concrete or steel is difficult to define.

Hence, this classification shows the relation between repeated 4.5. Approach analogical to fatigue of reinforcing steel
loading of the bond and pure compression of concrete. The bond
can be regarded as an interaction between indirect tension and As already explained, so-called normalised SN curves accord-
compression load (the same classification according to Lotze) and ing to approach (2) are applied to describe the fatigue of steel. The
therefore described with a general approach for concrete compres- analogical application on maximum bond stresses max leads to
sion load. Eq. (18).
However, according to Eqs. (12) and (13), the formed SN curves
merge at a point on the ordinate (see Fig. 2), by which the existing

test results from Fig. 4 can only be displayed insufficiently. max (n) = R . (18)
3072 A. Lindorf, M. Curbach / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074

Table 3 Table 4
Parameters of normalised SN curves for bond. Normalised design SN curves for bond.
Minimum bond Crack width Stress Resisting bond Minimum Crack Stress Resisting
stress min (MPa) w (mm) exponent k stress R (MPa) stress width exponent stress at nR
0 52 7.0
min (MPa) w (mm) k R (MPa)
0.1 31 5.8 100 0 56 281
0.2 16 4.3 0.1 27 225
0.3 13 3.6 0.2 17 180
0 52 8.4 0.3 13 143
0.1 21 6.5 200 0 42 323
5.0 0.1 29 284
0.2 27 6.5
0.3 17 5.6 0.2 22 252
0.3 17 223

Fig. 6. Standardised relationship between SN diagram and Smith diagram for

reinforcing steel.

the SN curves into a combined diagram. However, in doing so,

the respective reference values have to be taken into consideration.
While SN curves for bond resistance are based on the maximum
bond stress, for reinforcing steel they are based on the stress range
of steel stresses. Therefore, the reference values must be set in the
same context.
Eq. (22) is valid for the relation between steel and bond stress
at an existing bond length of lb = 10ds resulting from conducted
pull-out tests.

ds ds
= = = . (22)
4 lb 4 10 ds 40
Already Verderame et al. [23] point out that a multiplicity of
Fig. 5. SN curves according to Table 3.
monotonic and cyclic bond investigations of the past are based on
a bond length of 10 ds . Above all, it could be determined in [24] that
In the case the SN function according to Basquin already exists,
the normalised SN curves can be determined from its parameters. the design values of the bond stress in DIN 1045-1 and CEBFIP
Eq. (19) is valid: Model Code 1990 are deduced from monotonic tests with bond
 1/k lengths of 10 ds .
n By using Eq. (22), it is possible to set the SN curves for the
C n = R
. (19) fatigue of the bond in relation to the applied maximum steel
stress. Table 4 shows the relevant stress exponent k and the fatigue
Thus, the following relationships begin to show:
limit R in modelled form for design application assuming a linear
1 dependency of m and C against the crack width. The fatigue limit
k= (20) is again based on a limit number of one million load cycles.
 1/k Regarding steel fatigue it is assumed that only the stress range,
1 independent from the mean stress, affects the fatigue behaviour
R = C R = C nm
R. (21)
nR and the fatigue limit.
The value R represents the resisting bond stress at a limit This becomes apparent in parallel boundary lines in the Smith
number of load cycles nR . Table 3 consists of parameters deduced diagram, cf. [25]. By means of Fig. 6, it begins to show that with
from test results to express a normalised SN curve for a limit the mentioned assumption and a defined resisting stress range
number of one million load cycles. 1R at one million load cycles SN curves for relevant resisting
Finally, Fig. 5 shows the resulting SN curves against the crack maximum stresses can also be created. For this, Table 5 consists
width for both investigated minimum bond stresses, respectively. of the converted values.
Now the SN curves for the fatigue of reinforcing steel and for
5. Comparison the fatigue of the bond can be displayed in the same diagram by
means of Tables 4 and 5, cf. Fig. 7. SN curves for reinforcing steel
In order to draw precise conclusions, whether fatigue failure is are created by the parameters k = 5 and nR = 106 as well as the re-
caused by reinforcing steel or the bond, it is advisable to convert sisting maximum stresses R appropriate to the present minimum
A. Lindorf, M. Curbach / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 30683074 3073

Table 5 6. Conclusion
Conversion of resisting stress ranges at one million load cycles.
Resisting steel stress range Resisting maximum steel stress R (MPa) The fatigue behaviour regarding the bond effect between rein-
1R (MPa) min = 100 MPa min = 200 MPa forcing steel and concrete can be considerably affected by trans-
162.5 262.5 362.5 verse tensile loading of the structural member. That is why it must
175 275 375 be questioned to what extent the previous method is adequate in
210 310 410 conducting verifications of steel and concrete fatigue separately.
Because exceeding of a certain relative displacement leads to
crucial consequences concerning the bond between reinforcing
steel and concrete, the ultimate limit state of fatigue must be
defined by a valid slip value. The introduced SN curves for the
bond clearly show that at low maximum steel stresses, the slip
increase of 0.1 mm, which is considered allowable, does not occur
before reaching the steel fatigue.
However, at high maximum loads, exceeding the slip increase
limit is to be expected long before fatigue failure of the reinforcing
steel occurs. This fact is intensified by increasing longitudinal crack
widths due to transverse tensile loading. The reduced bond fatigue
strength gains in importance compared to steel fatigue.
In continuing the research project, the reflections presented
in this paper for a bond length of 10 ds will serve as the basis
to specify design verifications concerning fatigue in reinforced
concrete structures and to extend the complexity of bond fatigue.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this

project (research no. CU 37/8-1) from the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation).


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