3rd & 4rth Periodic Test in English 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016


Teachers Copy

Directions: Listen to the selection carefully. Answer the followed questions by shading the
letter of the correct answer.

It was a cold morning by the beach. Totoy and some of his friends were walking along
the shore. Their small feet dug small holes in the sand as they walked. Totoy noticed
something moving in one of the holes. Looking closely, it was a tiny crab trembling in the
cold. Sorry, little crab. Go, get yourself warmer deep into your haven, said Totoy.

1. Who went walking along the beach?

A. Totoy alone
B. Totoy and his father
C. Totoy and his friends
D. Totoy and his cousins
2. What did Totoy see in one of the holes?
A. A shrimp B. a shell C. a fish D. a crab
3. Which adjective is used to describe the crab?
A. Tiny B. huge C. brave D. cold
4. Why was the crab trembling?
A. Because it was alone
B. Because it was disturbed
C. Because it was very cold
D. Because it was dancing
5. Looking closely, Totoy noticed a tiny crab trembling in the cold. Which word means
the same as tiny?
A. Close B. little C. deep D. shore
6. Which of the following sentences does not refer to Totoy?
A. He is a small boy.
B. He is friendly.
C. He dislikes crabs.
D. He understands the crab.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
District 1 Testing Material
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016


Directions: Read each item/selection carefully. Then answer the questions that follow by
shading the letter of the correct answer.

7. Which of the sentences states a request?

A. Feed the monkey. C. How fast it swims!
B. The monkey climbs the tree. D. May I see your pet monkey?
8. Which one is asking permission?
A. We will join the field trip. C. Can you help me carry this book?
B. Go to the library. D. Stop! Dont cross the street.
9. Which is _____ expensive, pork or chicken?
A. Less B. least C. most D. best
10. Mount Mayon has the _______ perfect shape.
A. More B. most C. less D. least
11. Heel is to foot as palm is to _______.
A. head B. hand C. leg D. stomach
12. A kitten is to cat as kid is to _______.
A. pig B. dog C. cow D. goat

The Wind and the Sun

(Aesops Fable)
The wind and the sun argued one day which one was the stronger. Spotting a man
travelling on the road, they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat
from the mans back the quickest.
The wind began. He blew strong gusts of air, so strong that the man could barely walked
against them. But the man clutched his coat tight against him. Then, the wind blew harder
and longer. The harder the wind blew, the tighter the man held his coat against him. The
wind blew until he was tired, but he could not remove the coat from the mans back.
It was now the suns turn. He gently sent his beams upon the traveller. The sun did very
little, but quietly shone upon his head and back until the man became so warm that he took
off his coat and headed for the nearest shady tree.
13. Which event happened first?
A. The wind and the sun saw a traveller.
B. The wind and the sun challenged each other.
C. The wind blew strong gusts of air.
D. The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger.
14. Which event happened last?
A. The wind blew so hard and ended in despair.
B. The sun sent his beams upon the traveller.
C. The traveller took off his coat and looked for a tree.
D. The wind and the sun argued which of them was stronger.

15. Then, the wind blew harder and longer. Which of the underlined word is a time
A. Then B. harder C. longer D. wind
16. The sun gently sent his beams upon the traveller. What kind of adverb is the word
A. Verb B. time C. place D. manner

17. Based from the selection, which of the following is an adverb of place?
A. On the road C. harder and longer
B. Strong gusts of air D. shady tree
18. Which of the following sentences states a fantasy?
District 1 Testing Material
A. The traveller held his coat tighter when the wind was strong.
B. The man took off his coat when he felt very warm.
C. The wind and the sun argued about who was stronger.
D. The man clutched his coat tighter against him.
19. Which of the following statements expresses a reality?
A. The man took off his coat when he felt very warm.
B. The sun whispered to the traveller.
C. The wind blew until he was tired.
D. The wind and the sun argued who between them was stronger.
20. The wind blew strong gusts of air so that ___________________.
A. The man will be cold. C. The man will remove his coat.
B. The man will run. D. The man will stay on the road.
21. The man took off his coat because ___________________.
A. The wind blew hard. C. The coat was wet.
B. He felt so warm. D. He stayed under the shady tree.

The Rainbow
By Christina Rossetti

Boats sail on the rivers,

And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier than these.

There are bridges on the rivers,

As pretty as you please;
But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.
22. The word pretty in line 6 means ____________.
A. strong B. please C. ugly D. beautiful
23. What does the word bow in line 7 connote?
A. Tree B. bridge C. heaven D. rainbow
24. Based on the poem, what word will complete box 2?
Boats- rivers Ships- ________ Clouds- sky Rainbow-heaven
A. Treetops B. seas C. sail D. road
25. Which sentence about the rainbow follows the correct order of adjectives?
A. The rainbow is like a lovely, bow-shaped bridge.
B. The rainbow is a bow-shaped, lovely bridge.
C. The poem is about the bow-shaped, lovely rainbow.
D. The rainbow is a lovely bridge.
26. In stanza 2, the poet compared the bridges in the river and in the sky after
comparing the boats and the clouds in stanza 1. What kind of adverb is the
underlined word?
A. Place B. manner C. time D. verb
Axil - the angle formed by a leaf with the stem
Axillary - located in an axil
Calyx - the collective term for all the sepals of a flower
Corolla - the collective term for the petals of a flower
Drupe - a fleshy fruit that contains a single seed
Lenticels - raised pores or short lines on the stems of plants
Panicle - a loose irregularly branched inflorescence
Pedicel - a tiny stalk that supports a single flower

27. Based on the given page of a glossary, what does calyx mean?
A. Collective term for all the petals of a flower

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B. Collective term for all the sepals of a flower
C. The angle formed by a leaf with the stem
D. A tiny stalk that supports a single flower
28. How are the words arranged?
A. Alphabetically C. according to importance
B. According to topics D. according to their order in the book
29. If the word ligule is to appear on this page, where should it be placed?
A. After panicle C. before lenticels
B. After lenticels D. before pedicel
30. What other reference material gives the meanings of alphabetically arranged words
together with their correct pronunciation. It has guide words on top of every page.
A. map B. index C. dictionary D. Almanac

Main Entry: heroic

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having the characteristic of a hero, very brave
Synonyms: noble, courageous, valiant, fearless
Antonyms: afraid, cowardly, faint-hearted, fearful, frightened

31. Based from the thesaurus entry, what is an antonym of heroic?

A. Fearless B. noble C. fearful D. valiant
32. Which word means the same as heroic?
A. Noble B. afraid C. frightened D. faint-hearted
33. All the school doors are locked. You cannot see teachers and pupils around.
A. There are no classes. C. There is no electricity in school.
B. There is an activity in the district. D. They are inside the classroom.
34. Rita studies her lessons every day. She gets perfect scores in her test. She makes
her assignments and submits her projects on time.
A. Rita is an honest pupil. C. Rita is an obedient pupil.
B. Rita is a lazy pupil. D. Rita is a hardworking pupil.

Communication, 52 Hyperbole, 200 Stage Play, 312

Debate, 233 Idioms, 160 Voice, 404
Figure of Speech, 172 Public Speaking, 239

35. What topic is found on page 312?

A. Debate B. Idioms C. Stage Play D. Figures of Speech

Directions: Study the graph and answer the questions that follow.

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36. On which item does the Alvarez family spend the most?
A. Rent B. Food C. Education D. Clothing
37. On which item does the family spend the least?
A. Savings and Miscellaneous C. Recreation and Water
B. Miscellaneous and Electricity D. Recreation and Savings
38. What percentage is spent on Education?
A. 9% B. 13% C. 15% D. 20%
39. Which item has 10% expenses?
A. Food b. Clothing c. Savings D. Transportation
40. What does the graph show?
A. The debts of Alvarez family C. The expenses of Alvarez family
B. The savings of Alvarez family D. The expenses of Alvarez

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District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016



Objectives No. of items Item Percentag

Placement e
Note significant details. 5 1,2,3,4,6 12 %
Use context clues to find the meaning of 1 5 2%
unfamiliar words
Identify the kind of sentence for a specific 2 7,8 5%
purpose. (request, asking permission)
Determine the degree of adjectives used in 2 9,10 5%
context. 3 11,12,24 8%
Build vocabulary through word association. 2 13,14 5%
Identify sequence of events. 1 15 2%
Use appropriate word signals to show the
sequence of events. 3 16,17,26 8%
Identify the kind of adverb used. (manner,
place, time) 2 18,19 5%
Distinguishes reality from fantasy. 2 20,21 5%
Identify cause and effect relationship.
Identify the meaning of content specific words. 1 22 3%
Identify different meanings. (connotations) 1 23 3%
Use correct order of adjectives. 1 25 2%
Locate information from glossaries. 3 27,28,29 7%
Locate meaning of words from the dictionary. 1 30 3%
Use thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms 2 31, 32 5%
of words.
Make generalizations. 2 33,34 5%
Locate information from an index. 1 35 3%
Interpret charts. 5 36,37,38,39,4 12%
TOTAL 40 100%

District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016


1. C
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. A
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. A
33. A
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. D
38. B
39. D
40. C

District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016
Teachers Copy
Directions: Listen to the story carefully. Answer the followed questions by shading the letter
of the correct answer.
The Sleeping Beauty
In a palace many years ago, the most beautiful princess was born to king and queen.
They named her Rosamond and gave a party during her baptism. All the wise women were
invited except the thirteenth wise woman.
On the day of the party, the thirteenth wise woman came. She was so angry for she did
not have a golden plate. She left the palace hurriedly and said, Rosamond will not die of
hurting her finger with a spindle but she will sleep for a hundred years instead.
The king ordered his servants to burn all the spindles in the palace.
Rosamond grew up and become the loveliest princess in the kingdom. On her fifteenth
birthday, she went around the palace. She entered in one of the rooms and saw a woman
with spindle. She borrowed the spindle and was wounded. Immediately, she fell into a deep
sleep. All the people in the kingdom went asleep, too, including the animals.
After a hundred years, a handsome young prince came to the palace. He was surprised
of the thick vines that covered the palace. He went inside and saw the lovely sleeping
princess. For him, she was the most beautiful princess he ever saw. He fell in love with an
instant. He knelt down and kissed her.
The princess woke up. All the people and animals woke up, too.
1. Which of the following sentences expresses an opinion?
A. The king and the queen had a daughter named Rosamond.
B. The y gave a great party during her baptism.
C. The king ordered the servants to burn all the spindles.
D. The prince thinks Rosamond is the most beautiful princess he ever saw.
2. Which sentence is a fantasy?
A. The king and queen were very happy when Rosamond was born.
B. There were many visitors during her baptism.
C. On her fifteenth birthday, she went around the palace.
D. She slept for more than a hundred years.
3. Which of the following situations is likely to happen in real life?
A. A beautiful princess was born to a king and queen.
B. Rosamond fell asleep the moment she hurt her finger with the spindle.
C. All the people in the kingdom fell asleep including all the animals.
D. The princess slept for more than a hundred years.
Polar bears are animals that live near the North Pole. The ground there is mostly ice.
The fur on polar bears looks white. Polar bears hunt and eat seals and other ocean
animlas. Most polar bear cubs stay with their mothers until they are about two years old.
The cubs are very cute and they look like teddy bears.
4. Which of the sentence is a fact?
A. Polar bears live near the North Pole.
B. Polar bears fur looks yellow.
C. Polar bear cubs stay with their mother until they are one year old.
D. Polar bear cubs look like cows.
5. Which of the sentence is an opinion?
A. The ground there is mostly ice.
B. The cubs are very cute and they look like teddy bears.
C. Polar bears hunt and eat other polar bears.
D. Most polar bear cubs stay with their mother until they are two years old.

District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016


Directions: Read each item/selection carefully. Then shade the letter of the correct answer.
6. Jims father store food in preparation for the winter months. What does the word
store mean?
A. Sell B. keep C. buy D. distribute
7. If your plan fails, we have to find someone who can devise a better one.
What does devise mean?
A. Make B. copy C. dislike D. against
8. She is a famous singing star in her country but unknown to the rest of the world.
What is the antonym of famous?
A. Honest B. hardworking C. popular D. unknown
9. The Philippines is known for its abundance of natural resources. However, people
still experience shortage of food and basic necessities. What is the antonym of the
underlined word?
A. Natural B. experience C. necessities D. shortage
10. My father gave my mother a beautiful diamond ring on their 25th wedding
What is the meaning of ring from the given meanings below?
A. A circular metal worn especially on the finger.
B. A square enclosure in which a fighting contest like boxing takes place.
C. A band of small object revolving around a planet.
D. A circular band holding, connecting, hanging or pulling objects.
11. Christ commands us to love one another whatever our station in life is.
What is the correct meaning of station from the given meanings below?
A. A social position C. a building for a definite purpose
B. A place to stand in D. a place where bus or train stops
12. Many pupils did the wrong thing because they _______ the instructions.
A. Reread B. unkind C. dislike D. misunderstood
13. He was not neat. He is ______.
A. Clean B. smart C. untidy D. intelligent
14. If rewrite means to write again, what does retell mean?
A. said again B. tell again C. read again D. do it again
15. We should always be ______ when using a very sharp knife.
A. Careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly
16. The potato chips I bought had no taste. They were ______.
A. useless B. delicious C. nutritious D. tasteless
17. My brother and I play _____ because our baby sister is sleeping.
A. Quietly B. noisily C. happily D. loudly
18. If you are a follow___ of God, you will obey His commands. What suffix will you add?
A. Ly B. un C. er D. or
19. He walked ______ the two lines of soldiers.
A. Among B. between C. beside D. under
20. Anthony shared his kite _____ his friends.
A. From B. into C. along D. among
21. Mother asks the fish vendor to _____ the milk fish.
A. Deform B. declog C. debone D. defrost
22. The farmer tied the goat _______ the tree.
A. Into B. under C. among D. between
District 1 Testing Material
23. The mother bird is hatching the eggs ____ the nest.
A. On B. at C. of D. in
24. The lesson for Reading will begin ___ page ten.
A. In B. at C. on D. of
25. We set the plates _______ when we want to eat.
A. Under the table C. among the table
B. On the table D. between the table
26. The number _______ in a fraction is called the numerator.
A. Below the line C. above the line
B. Under the line D. on the line
27. Which of the following sentences has a simple subject and simple predicate?
A. The cat eats the fish.
B. The cat eats the fish and meat.
C. The cat and dog eat the fish.
D. The cat and dog eat the fish and meat.
28. Lei and Ann read books in the library. What kind of simple sentence is it?
A. Simple subject and simple predicate
B. Compound subject and simple predicate
C. Simple subject and compound predicate
D. Compound subject and compound predicate
29. Which of the following sentences has a simple subject and compound predicate?
A. Boys and girls bring books and notebooks to school.
B. Boys bring books and notebooks to school.
C. Girls bring books to school.
D. Girls bring notebooks to school.
30. Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?
A. Bees and butterflies are useful animals.
B. Pam likes dogs but Leslie likes cats.
C. Can you run? Can you jump?
D. Butterflies are our friends.
Rx tab. Paracetamol 500mg
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31. How many tablets should the patient take in one day?
A. three B. four C. five D. thirty
32. What is the dosage of the medicine?
A. 50mg B. 30mg C. 500mg D. 1000mg

Echo a sound wave that is reflected when it hits a high obstacle such as hill
Erosion- the process by which the uppermost part of the soil is washed away by
Wind or water
Fierce - violently hostile or aggressive in temperament, given to fighting or killing
Fossil - remnants; traces or remains of organisms in the past
Friction- the rubbing of two things together which produces heat
Glisten - to give off sparkling reaction
33. Which word will produce heat and fire?
A. Echo B. friction C. fierce D. erosion
34. What term refers to remains of the past?
A. Glisten B. friction C. echo D. fossil
35. What word means the moving away of soil from one place to another?
A. erosion B. echo C. glisten D. friction

District 1 Testing Material

Adjectives, 149
Comparison, 155-164
Making descriptions, 147; 153
Agreement of subject and verb, 121-122
Count nouns, 47
Mass nouns, 46-48
Singular and plural, 40-44
Prepositions, 224-229

36. Your assignment is how to form the plural of nouns ending in o. What topic in the
index does it refer to?
A. Count nouns B. Mass nouns C. making descriptions D. singular and plural

37. If you want to study more on prepositions, what page of the book are you going to
A. 224-229 B. 166-171 C. 121-122 D. 155-164


Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7


Vol. 8 Vol. 9 Vol. 10 Vol. 11 Vol. 12 Vol. 13

38. You want to learn more about the different planets. On what volume are you going to
look for it?
A. Vol. 6 B. Vol. 7 C. Vol. 8 D. Vol. 9
39. You also want to know more about different flowers. What volume are you going to
A. Vol. 1 B. Vol. 2 C. Vol. 3 D. Vol. 4
40. Elsa wants to learn about energy. On what volume can she find it?
A. Vol. 2 B. Vol. 3 C. Vol. 4 D. Vol. 5

Prepared by:


District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016



Objectives No. of Items Item Percentage

Distinguish fact from opinion 3 1, 4-5 8%
Tell whether an action or event is a reality 2 2- 3 5%
or fantasy
Use context clues to find meaning of 2 6-7 5%
unfamiliar words (synonyms)
Use context clues to find meaning of 2 8-9 5%
unfamiliar words (antonyms)
Identify meaning of words with multiple 2 10-11 5%
Identify meaning of words with prefixes 4 12-14, 21 10%
(un-, in-, mis-, re-, de-, dis-)
Identify meaning of words with suffixes ( 4 15-18 10%
-ful, -less, -er, -or, -ly, -y, -able, -ible)
Use preposition in sentences ( to, from, 6 19-24 15%
among, between, in, on, under, above)
Use prepositional phrases in sentences 2 25-26 5%
Use simple sentence ( simple subject + 1 27 2%
simple predicate)
Use simple sentence ( compound subject 1 28 2%
+ simple predicate)
Use simple sentence ( simple subject + 1 29 2%
compound predicate)
Use compound sentence 1 30 2%
Interpret medical prescriptions 2 31-32 5%
Use glossary to get meaning of words 3 33-35 7%
Use index to locate information 2 36-37 5%
Use encyclopedia to get information 3 38-40 7%

TOTAL 40 100%

District 1 Testing Material

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas City
Batangas City District 1
Batangas City
SY: 2015-2016


1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. D
35. A
36. D
37. A
38. C
39. C
40. B

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