Birth Route in Case of Cesarean Section in A Previous Pregnancy

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Birth route in case of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy

Via de parto em caso de cesariana em gestao anterior
Authorship: Federao Brasileira das Associaes de Ginecologia e Obstetrcia (Febrasgo) and
Associao Mdica Brasileira (AMB)
Participants: Ricardo Simes1,2, Wanderley M. Bernardo2, Antnio J. Salomo1, Edmund C. Baracat1
Conflict of interest: no conflict of interest declared
Federao Brasileira das Associaes de Ginecologia e Obstetrcia (Febrasgo)
Programa Diretrizes da AMB

The Guidelines Project, an initiative of the Brazilian Medical Association, aims to combine information from the medical field in order to standard-
ize procedures to assist the reasoning and decision-making of doctors.
The information provided through this project must be assessed and criticized by the physician responsible for the conduct that will be adopted, de-
pending on the conditions and the clinical status of each patient.

Introduction garding birth route (vaginal delivery or cesarean section)

Over the past decades, the increase in cesarean section rates in case of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy.
worldwide, especially in developed countries, has been ev-
ident. Nearly a third of all births in the US occur by cesar- Material and methods
ean section and the proportion of both, first cesarean and Evidence used to analyze maternal morbidity and mortal-
repeat cesarean, is still increasing every year (A)1 (D).3 ity regarding birth route chosen in case of cesarean section
Cesarean delivery is a relatively simple procedure, but in a previous pregnancy was obtained as follows: prepara-
with inherent risks to its indication that predispose to var- tion of a clinical question, structuring of the question,
ious complications such as puerperal infection, ectopic preg- search of evidence, critical appraisal and evidence selection.
nancy and thromboembolic events, especially when repeat-
ed. The risk of maternal death is increased, as much as the Clinical question
occurrence of infection, hemorrhage and anesthetic com- Is performance of elective cesarean section in case of ce-
plications, which also increases maternal morbidity com- sarean delivery in a previous pregnancy related with less
pared to vaginal delivery. Late complications, especially poor maternal morbidity and mortality compared with vagi-
placental implantation in the subsequent pregnancy (pla- nal delivery?
centa with low insertion and varying degrees of placenta ac-
creta), are directly related to a history of cesarean section (B).2 Structured question
Maternal morbidity increases in response to each addition- The clinical question is structured according to the P.I.C.O.
al cesarean section, especially for women with three or more components (P [Patient]; I [Intervention]; C [Compari-
cesarean sections who have a high risk of low insertion pla- son]; O [Outcome]).
centa, placenta accreta and hysterectomy (A).1
With regard to the fetus, although cesarean section P: C-section in previous pregnancy
can save lives if indicated due to cord prolapse, placenta I: C-section
previa, cephalopelvic disproportion and fetal distress, for C: Vaginal delivery
example, it can also lead to increased risk of iatrogenic O: Maternal morbidity and mortality
prematurity and neonatal respiratory distress when per-
formed without a precise indication (B).2 Scientific databases consulted
Nevertheless, even though the complications related The scientific databases consulted were: PubMed-Med-
to trial of labor (TOL) in pregnant women with previous line and Cochrane. Manual search based on reviewed ref-
cesarean section are minimal, they are not ruled out and erences (narrative or systematic) was also performed.
must, thus, be taken into consideration.
Strategies for search of evidence
Objective PubMed-Medline
The objective of this review is to provide the best evidence Strategy: (cesarean section, repeat OR repeat cesarean
available today on maternal morbidity and mortality re- section OR cesarean sections, repeat OR repeat cesarean

196Rev Assoc Med Bras 2015; 61(3):196-202

Birth route in case of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy

sections OR section, repeat cesarean OR sections, repeat scar dehiscence (total or partial), hemorrhagic com-
cesarean) AND (trial of labor OR vaginal birth after ce- plications (bleeding in the intra- and post-partum
sarean OR vaginal birth after cesareans OR vaginal births period requiring blood transfusion), retention of pla-
after cesarean). cental remains, hysterectomy related to any birth
complications, vulvar or perineal hematoma (requir-
Cochrane ing surgery), thromboembolic events, surgical wound
Strategy: repeat cesarean section. complications (wound infection, dehiscence or pain),
puerperal infection, bowel, bladder or ureter injury
Studies retrieved (5/1/2014) (Table 1) requiring surgical treatment, occurrence of fistula in-
volving the urinary, genital or gastrointestinal tracts,
TABLE 1 Number of studies retrieved according to the pulmonary edema, postpartum depression. Late ma-
search strategies used for each scientific database. ternal outcomes include complications in breastfeed-
Database Number of studies
ing, perineal pain, abdominal pain, dyspareunia, uri-
nary incontinence, fecal incontinence, genital
dystopia, occurrence of low insertion of placenta or
PubMed-Medline 584
placenta accreta/percreta in future pregnancies.
Cochrane 43

3. Language
Inclusion criteria for studies retrieved We included studies available in Portuguese, English,
Selection of studies, assessment of titles and abstracts ob- French or Spanish.
tained from the search strategy in the consulted databases
was conducted by two researchers with skills in the prepa- 4. According to publication
ration of systematic reviews, both independent and blind- Only studies with full text available were considered for
ed, strictly observing the inclusion and exclusion criteria critical assessment.
previously established (see item 2). All potentially relevant
studies were identified. Whenever the title and the summa- Studies selected in the first assessment
ry were not enlightening, researchers sought the full article. After entering the search strategy in the primary databas-
es (PubMed-Medline and Cochrane), the assessment of
1. Study design titles and abstracts led to the selection of nine studies.
Narrative reviews, case reports, case series and studies pre-
senting preliminary results were excluded from the as- Evidence selected after critical evaluation and exhibition
sessment. Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes were used of results
with the basic purpose of recovering references that per- The studies considered for full text reading were critical-
haps had been missed in the initial search strategy. Stud- ly assessed according to inclusion and exclusion criteria,
ies designed as cohort or controlled clinical trials (ran- study design, P.I.C.O., language and availability of the
domized or not) were included. full text (items 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Cohort study was defined as those with follow-up of pa- Results pertaining clinical status will be displayed in-
tients, equal history, and analysis of prognostic outcomes. dividually showing the following items: clinical question,
Controlled clinical trials were evaluated according to number of studies selected (according to inclusion crite-
the Jadad score.4 ria), description of the studies (Table 2), results and sum-
mary of the available evidence.
2. P.I.C.O. components References related to the studies included are shown in
Patient: women in labor of a term singleton fetus in Table 4.
cephalic presentation, who had babies delivered by After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria,
cesarean section in previous births (cesarean delivery the evidence selected in the search and defined as ran-
performed by means of transverse uterine section). domized controlled trials (RCT) were subjected to an ap-
Intervention: elective cesarean section. propriate checklist for critical assessment (Table 3). Crit-
Comparison: vaginal delivery. ical assessment of RCTs allows to classify them according
Outcomes related to maternal morbidity and mor- to the Jadad score, so that trials with Jadad <3 are consid-
tality: maternal death, uterine rupture, hysterectomy ered inconsistent (B), and those with scores 3, consis-

Rev Assoc Med Bras 2015; 61(3):196-202 197

Simes R et al.

tent (A). For critical analysis of non-randomized studies, maternal morbidity and mortality compared with vagi-
including prospective observational studies, we used the nal deliver?
Newcastle-Ottawa scale.5
For results with evidence available, whenever possi- Evidence selected
ble the following specific items are defined: population,
intervention, outcomes, the presence or absence of ben- TABLE 4 Selection process.
efit and/or damage and controversies.
Type of publication Included
Cost issues will not be included in the results.
Randomized clinical trials
The results will be presented preferably in absolute
Current cohort studies 9 6-14
data, absolute risk, number needed to treat (NNT) or
Non-current cohort studies
number needed to harm (NNH), and occasionally in mean
and standard deviation.
References related to included and excluded studies The main reasons for the exclusion of studies were: study
are shown in section References. design other than observational longitudinal clinical tri-
als (retrospective or prospective) or experimental (con-
trolled clinical trials, randomized or not); absence of the
TABLE 2 Worksheet used for description of studies full text; selection for the performance of elective cesare-
included and exposure of the results.
an section in women not considered eligible to trial of la-
Worksheet for description of studies and exposure of the bor; studies that did not assess the two approaches simul-
results taneously; studies that included populations with unique
Evidence included characteristics such as twin pregnancies, breech delivery
Study design and two or more cesarean section scars.
Population selected
Time of follow-up Results of the evidence selected
Outcomes considered Of the 584 articles initially retrieved, nine were selected
Expression of results: percentage, risk, odds, hazard ratio to support the synthesis of evidence regarding maternal
morbidity and mortality related to type of delivery in case
of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy. Studies in-
TABLE 3 Critical assessment script for randomized cluded are shown in Table 4.
controlled trials (checklist).
Study data Sample size calculation 1. Crowther CA, et al. (B).6
Reference, study design, Jadad, Estimated differences, power, Design: concurrent observational longitudinal
strength of evidence significance level, total number study with nested randomized clinical trial.
of patients Population: 2,345 pregnant women with one pre-
Patient selection Patients vious cesarean section and eligible for planned vag-
Inclusion and exclusion criteria Recruited, randomized, inal delivery were recruited from 14 centers. Pa-
prognostic differences tients with fetuses at term (gestational age 37
Randomization Patient follow-up weeks) were allocated according to preference
Description and blinded allocation Time, losses, migration (n=2,323) or randomized (n=22) into groups for
Treatment protocol Analysis planned vaginal delivery or cesarean section.
Intervention, control and blinding Intention to treat, analyzes of Outcome: to assess, as the primary outcome, peri-
intervention and control natal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, exclud-
Outcomes considered Result ing cases related to fatal congenital anomalies. The
Primary, secondary, measuring Benefit or harm in absolute analysis included birth trauma (bone fractures, sub-
instrument of the outcome of data, benefit or harm on dural hematoma, brain or intraventricular hemor-
interest average rhage), spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury,
seizures (within 24 hours of birth or need for two
Clinical question or more drugs to control) Apgar score <4 at five
Is performance of elective cesarean section in case of ce- minutes, need for assisted ventilation, stay in neo-
sarean delivery in a previous pregnancy related with less natal intensive care unit for longer than four days.

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Birth route in case of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy

As a secondary outcome, maternal morbidity and es of uterine rupture, the authors found that 124
mortality were assessed, including maternal death, cases were reported among women undergoing tri-
uterine rupture, severe bleeding, need for blood al of labor versus the absence of this outcome for
transfusion, need for uterine curettage due to pres- births that occurred by means of cesarean section.
ence of ovular debris, hysterectomy, need for sur- Regarding the occurrence of maternal death and
gical treatment of vulvar or perineal hematoma, need for hysterectomy, there was no difference be-
pulmonary embolism, thromboembolic events, tween groups.
pneumonia, surgical wound infection, dehiscence, In neonatal morbidity and mortality analysis,
bowel, bladder or ureter injury requiring surgical the authors observed that hypoxic-ischemic en-
treatment, genital tract fistulae. cephalopathy occurrences were among the babies
Results: of the 2,345 pregnant women, 1,108 un- born vaginally (12 cases) versus the absence of this
derwent cesarean elective delivery (including 10 outcome for elective cesarean section.
randomized to such procedure), while 1,237 un-
derwent planned vaginal delivery (with 12 cases 3. Eriksen NL, et al. (B).8
being randomized to this type of delivery). In this Design: non-concurrent observational longitudi-
study, the authors found that among women un- nal study.
dergoing cesarean delivery, outcomes related to Population: records of 152 pregnant women with
perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality a previous cesarean section were reviewed. 68 wom-
were significantly less frequent compared to wom- en underwent elective cesarean section, while 73
en undergoing planned vaginal delivery (0.9 versus underwent planned vaginal delivery.
2.4%, respectively). With respect to secondary out- Outcome: maternal, perinatal and neonatal mor-
comes relating to maternal morbidity and mortal- bidity and mortality.
ity, there was no significant difference between Results: regarding maternal and neonatal morbid-
groups (RR=0.69 with 95%CI: 0.46 to 1.05). It is ity and mortality, there were no differences be-
worth noting that the data reported here refer to tween the two types of delivery.
a cohort study and, given the small sample of pa-
tients randomized, risks cannot be estimated. 4. Flamm BL, et al. (B).9
Design: prospective observational longitudinal
2. Landon MB, et al. (B).7 study.
Design: multicenter, prospective, observational Population: of the 7,229 women with a previous
longitudinal study (1999 to 2002). cesarean section, 5,022 underwent trial of labor,
Population: out of 45,988 women presenting sin- and 2,207 underwent elective cesarean section.
gleton pregnancies and history of previous cesare- Outcome: maternal morbidity and mortality.
an delivery, n=17,898 underwent trial of labor and Results: the need for blood transfusion and the in-
15,801 underwent elective cesarean section. We must cidence of febrile complications during the post-
underscore that heterogeneity between these two partum period were significantly higher among
groups existed mainly regarding maternal age, eth- women undergoing elective cesarean section.
nicity, smoking status, body mass index, history of
vaginal delivery, number of previous cesarean sec- 5. Loebel G, et al. (B).10
tions, the presence of maternal or obstetric disease, Design: non-concurrent observational longitudi-
weight and gestational age at birth. nal study.
Outcome: to assess maternal, perinatal and neo- Population: records of 1,408 pregnant women
natal morbidity and mortality. (pregnant women with singleton pregnancy at term
Results: over the four years, higher maternal mor- and a previous cesarean section) were reviewed.
tality was observed, with regard to the need for Outcome: maternal, perinatal and neonatal mor-
blood transfusion and occurrence of endometrio- bidity and mortality.
sis among women undergoing trial of labor to the Results: regarding maternal morbidity and mor-
detriment of elective cesarean section (RR=0.589 tality, there was no significant difference in the
with 95%CI: 0.484 to 0.716, and RR=0.624 with need for blood transfusion, infection, uterine rup-
95%CI: 0.540 to 0.722, respectively). Analyzing cas- ture and surgical lesion between the two birth

Rev Assoc Med Bras 2015; 61(3):196-202 199

Simes R et al.

routes. On the other hand, analyzing neonatal a lower risk of these outcomes among women un-
morbidity and mortality, the authors were able to dergoing trial of labor (RR=0.81 with 95%CI: 0.724
identify more frequent respiratory complications to 0.908, and RR=1.27 with 95%CI: 1.068 to 1.521).
among those born by cesarean section (p<0.05).
9. McMahon MJ, et al. (B).14
6. Blanchette H, et al (B).
Design: non-concurrent observational longitudi-
Design: concurrent observational longitudinal nal study (1986 to 1992).
study. Population: records of 6,138 women with a histo-
Population: prospective study over 4 years includ- ry of previous cesarean section were reviewed (un-
ing all births to women who underwent previous dergoing trial of labor [n=3,249] or elective cesar-
cesarean delivery (n=1.481). Comparison was made ean section [n=2,889]).
between those who chose to repeat cesarean section Outcome: maternal and neonatal morbidity and
(n=727) and the women who opted for TOL (n=754). mortality.
Outcome: maternal morbidity and mortality. Results: the authors found that the risk of severe
Results: regarding the occurrence of uterine rup- complications including uterine rupture, hyster-
ture, need for blood transfusion, and hysterectomy, ectomy and need for surgical lesion was greater
the authors found a higher frequency among wom- among patients undergoing trial of labor com-
en undergoing trial of labor. However, among these pared to those undergoing elective cesarean sec-
women, the maternal mortality rate was lower com- tion (RR=1.96 with 95%CI: 1.18 to 3.26). Regard-
pared to those undergoing elective cesarean section. ing minor complications (need for blood
transfusion, puerperal fever and surgical wound
7. Paterson CM, et al. (B).12 infection), there was no significant difference be-
Design: non-concurrent observational longitudi- tween groups (RR=0.82 with 95%CI: 0.68 to 1.0).
nal study. Based on the analysis of Apgar scores, need for ad-
Population: records of 1,059 women in singleton mission to neonatal intensive care unit and peri-
labor and with a previous cesarean section. natal mortality, there was no difference between
Outcome: postnatal morbidity and mortality. groups.
Results: 395 women underwent elective cesarean
section and 664 underwent trial of labor. 71% of Discussion
the women undergoing trial of labor gave birth by Based on the above, we have identified a lack of controlled
vaginal delivery. In this study, higher maternal mor- studies analyzing the best type of delivery in cases of cesar-
bidity (postnatal infection) was identified both in ean section in a previous pregnancy. Supported mainly by
patients undergoing elective cesarean delivery and observational studies, most of them retrospective, current
in those with cesarean section performed due to evidence analyzing the outcomes of maternal morbidity
failure to progress, compared to vaginal delivery. and mortality related to the type of delivery in this clinical
context is fragile, especially on account of biases inherent
8. Wen SW, et al. (B).13 to this particular type of study (B).6-14 Facts that contrib-
Design: non-concurrent observational longitudi- ute to the difficulty in finding definitive evidence about
nal study (1988 to 2000). the best type of delivery include: heterogeneity in terms of
Population: records of 308,755 women with a his- methodology employed to measure the outcomes; distinct
tory of previous cesarean section were reviewed. characteristics of the women enrolled (body mass index,
Outcome: maternal morbidity and mortality. age, race, obstetric history, gestational age) and their ba-
Results: the authors found that the risk of uterine bies (especially with respect to birth weight); and different
rupture was higher among women undergoing tri- study durations, from start to end of the intervention, plus
al of labor compared to those undergoing elective follow-up period (in which the conduction of labor in terms
cesarean section (RR=2.59 with 95%CI: 2.31 to of technologies and rates of trial of labor differed). This
2.91). Regarding the need for hysterectomy, there creates difficulties to analyze the true magnitude of the
was no significant difference between groups. benefits and risks in cases of cesarean section in a previous
Analyzing the occurrence of postpartum infection pregnancy, without clarifying the doubts about the real
and need for blood transfusion, the authors found superiority of elective cesarean section indication in these

200Rev Assoc Med Bras 2015; 61(3):196-202

Birth route in case of cesarean section in a previous pregnancy

patients compared to trial of labor in terms of effective- sis by type of delivery in cases with previous cesarean sec-
ness and safety. tion. Even after this analysis, consistent with findings re-
The study by Landon et al. illustrates the difficulties ported in the initial study, it was found that elective
presented above because, despite being the most impor- cesarean indication was associated, to the detriment of
tant prospective observational longitudinal study con- trial of labor, to a significant reduction of maternal com-
ducted to evaluate this outcome, it has biases inherent to plications (B).15
the study design, which are easily identified and compro-
mise the analysis (B).7 In this study, despite the fact that Final recommendations
the women included in both groups were mostly obese, Based on the evidence available at present, trial of labor
with BMI > 30 Kg/m2, there was heterogeneity especially (TOL) is a reasonable option for women with a previous
regarding maternal age, ethnicity, smoking status, obstet- cesarean section (performed through transverse uterine
ric history, factors leading to indication of the first cesar- section).
ean delivery, obstetric diseases, gestational age, and fetal The available data derived from observational longi-
weight at birth. The study was multicentric, and thus tri- tudinal studies (concurrent or not) show that both labor
al of labor rates varied greatly among different centers and elective cesarean section in pregnant women (with a
included (ranging from 18 to 63%), with a decrease single fetus in cephalic presentation) with one previous
throughout the study period (in 1999, there were on av- cesarean section are associated with significant risks and
erage 48% of patients undergoing trial of labor, falling to benefits, which differ for the mother and the fetus (risk
30%, in 2002). Despite that, we have identified a signifi- of uterine rupture, febrile morbidity, need for blood trans-
cant increase in the number of maternal complications fusion and hysterectomy).
in cases of pregnant women undergoing trial of labor
Characteristics that are clearly associated with a fa-
(such as need for blood transfusion, diagnosis of endo-
vorable progress of trial of labor are: indication of the
metriosis, and uterine rupture), compared to patients re-
first cesarean section (non-recurring reason) and a histo-
ferred for elective cesarean section, especially in cases
ry of vaginal delivery, in the case of multiparous women
where there was failure to progress. However, due to the
with a previous cesarean section.
heterogeneity of the groups and the exclusion of patients
Since data is not conclusive as to the best type of de-
who underwent elective cesarean section at the beginning
livery in this context, recognition of the prognostic fac-
of labor, the interpretation of these results has limited
tors associated with the failure of the trial of labor should
range (B).7
be helpful, as an attempt to select more properly women
In 2012, another concurrent observational longitudi-
who should effectively undergo such procedure.
nal study, aimed at analyzing the outcomes related to type
of delivery on maternal morbidity and mortality (here con-
sidered as a secondary outcome), was published6 (B). Also
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infection) was characterized as secondary (B).6 6. Crowther CA, Dodd JM, Hiller JE, Haslam RR, Robinson JS; Birth After
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patient preference restricted cohort with nested randomised trial. PLoS
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Med. 2012; 9(3):e1001192.
opted a multiple logistic regression model was published. 7. Landon MB, Hauth JC, Leveno KJ, Spong CY, Leindecker S, Varner MW, et
Using a propensity score with control of presented con- al.; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Maternal-
Fetal Medicine Units Network. Maternal and perinatal outcomes associated
founding factors (heterogeneity between groups), the with a trial of labor after prior cesarean delivery. N Engl J Med. 2004;
study had the main objective of comparing the progno- 351(25):2581-9.

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8. Eriksen NL, Buttino L Jr. Vaginal birth after cesarean: a comparison of 13. Wen SW, Rusen ID, Walker M, Liston R, Kramer MS, Baskett T, Heaman M,
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