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1. Introduction:
Nanotechnology ("nanotech") is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and
supra molecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology referred to the
particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication
of macro scale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more
generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National
Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with
at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Scientists currently debate the future
implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials
and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, biomaterials
energy production, and consumer products. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many
of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and
environmental impact of nanomaterials. But till now the nanotechnology has shown its
enormous development in its area and it is still developing. Considering the development of
nanotechnology in recent years Governments moved to promote and fund research into
nanotechnology, such as in the U.S. with the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which
formalized a size-based definition of nanotechnology and established funding for research on
the nanoscale. Nanotechnology is showing its capability in their fields. A more realistic view
is that it will leave virtually no aspect of life untouched and is expected to be in widespread
use by 2020. Mass applications are likely to have great impact particularly in industry,
medicine, new computing systems, and sustainability. Among this nanotechnology is
facilitating so many improvements so as to have developments in various fields.
Nanotechnology can be harnessed to address some of the critical problems faced. It can be a
better solution to the problems faced in medical and computing fields. Nowhere is the
application of nanotechnology more exciting than in the biomedical field, where advances are
being made in both diagnostics and treatment areas. The National Nanotechnology Initiative
(NNI) expedites the discovery, development and deployment of nanoscale science and
technology to serve the public good.
2. Evolution:
In the world of Nanotechnology, several phases have identified that are emerging in
the market place. Each phase leads to the next and of course, time is relative based on
setbacks and advancements made in the Nanotech world. The timeline is of particular interest
because it helps us to visualize the evolution of Nanotechnology and its impact on the
business world. One thing is for sure: progress is being made and its not reversible.
3. Various developments:
Globally, the demand is shifting toward development of sustainable systems which
are technologically superior. This is the new dimension of the 21st century knowledge
society, where science, technology and environment will have to go together. Thus, the new
age model would be a four dimensional bio-nano-info-eco-based [one], as said by Dr.
Kalam, it is been true that nanotechnology has its development. Several developing countries
have launched nanotechnology initiatives in order to strengthen their capacity and sustain
economic growth. India's Department of Science and Technology will invest $20 million over
the years 20042009 for their Nanomaterials Science and Technology Initiative. Science and
technology alone are not the answer to sustainable development challenges. Like any other
science and technology waves, nanoscience and nanotechnology are not silver bullets that
will magically solve all the problems of developing countries; the social context of these
countries must always be considered. Nevertheless, science and technology are a critical
component of development.
We are facing such a development in this world for nanotechnology. Scientists and
researchers play a major role in the development of the nanotechnology in various fields.
People are starting to talk about the consequences of advanced nanotechnology, and we
believe we have some insights that we are leading it in the right way. We will research and
publish our ideas, then work to educate the peopleincluding the public and various policy
makerswho have an interest in the consequences of technology. It is always peoples effort
and belief that we can develop nanotechnology to this stage. Nanotechnology have been
developed from checking the quality of food to making whole body to run on it.

4. 6 tech trends for 2015 that will change our future:

Technology and innovation can be frustrating to watch in action. Thats because there
usually isnt much action just incremental change with occasional flashes of brilliance.
Many of us are itching towards the future and further of this world. As said previously world
is becoming to be more likely to respond and take its own steps in developing various ideas
of nanotechnology. Speaking of future, we can say that there are 5 things that could make the
world to be a better trend.

1. Big Data gets to work

2. Artificial intelligence
3. Robots with us
4. Nanotech and material sciences
5. Batteries and no more wires
6. Flexible displays

Among this nanotech and material sciences are the most important things that
are going to change this world totally. Well be facing a vast change in our trend in our future.
Our future is going to rely on this.
4.1. Nanotech and material sciences:
2014 saw numerous nanotechnology breakthroughs like nano cages that could deliver cancer-
killing medicine at a molecular-level that can deform to hide objects from human touch.

Of course, that soon is predicated on the speed of clinical trials and FDA approvals. Even
so, expect more DNA-level eureka moments and, just maybe, some real-world applications in
2015.Nano technology is also propelling material sciences, everything from waterproofing
phones to smarter fabrics. It could also mean some new materials in 2015. Next year, there
will even be a conference in Korea devoted to smart materials. Expect a few interesting
announcements to come out of that.
5. Applications:
Agriculture/ food:
Agricultural chemicals/ Food
Batteries/ fuel cells/ Solar
Memory/ sensors/ semiconductor devices
Energy/ Environment:
Hydrocarbon processing/ oil/ special chemicals
Life science:
Cell biology/ genomics/ pharmaceutical
Textiles and Apparels:
Fiber/ fabric/ garment finishing
Mechanical devices:
Machineries/ lubrication
Material science:
Fluids/ particles/ polymers
Nano optics:
Displays/ lithography/ optics/ nano positioning/ photonics
6. Nanotechnology in Industries:
Clearly, there are enormous advantages to having materials that are 100 times stronger
than we have now. Objects made from these materials could be up to 100 times lighter, using
100 times less material. In industries we are experiencing difficulties in working with heavy
machines and the disadvantages they have. Thus through nanotechnology we can change this
position in industries. Almost 300 nano materials and 50 devices with unique characteristics
have been successfully developed around the world.

Carbyne is a linear chain of carbon atoms with alternating single and triple bonds. A
carbyne molecule could be cross-linked to other carbyne molecules using the same sorts of
structures that Drexler designed for gate knobs in the mechanical nano computer. The various
classes of nanoparticles that serve as the building blocks of nanomaterials and devices
include nanocrystalline materials such as ceramic, metal and metal oxide nanoparticles;
fullerenes, nanotubes and related structures; nanofibers and wires, and precise organic as well
as hybrid organic-inorganic nanoarchitechtures such as dendrimers and polyhedral
silsesquioxanes, respectively.
7. Modern Developments:
"Our goal is to make self-powered nanotechnology," Professor Zhong Lin Wang of
the Georgia Institute of Technology.
The modern technologies and applications of nanotechnologies are developing at a
faster rate and the influence the work of people by their technical development.
Nanotechnology, believes the technology could also find a use in healthcare. It could perhaps
be used to power tiny medical devices like a true cochlear implant or heart pacemaker, or a
delivery mechanism for subcutaneous drug delivery implants or antibiotic drug reservoirs for
preventing infection in retinal implants. Any new power source which could provide a more
integrated and soft solution in place of conventional hard battery technology would be very
attractive for clothing or other electronic textile-based applications. An RFID (radio
frequency identifier tag) tag is a uniquely identified (or identifiable) object that can be
embedded to any physical body to track its position or location. This RFID has the
advantages of being control over inventory, increased security, time management, better
organization, reduction in paper work.
A lot more have been developed as a result of this modern world. They are always
been developing peoples life and they also used in various industries. The next ten years will
see nanotechnology playing the most dominant role in the global business environment.

8. Future Challenges:

Development of intelligent wearable systems using nanotechnology. Solution to

cancer, Parkinsons disease and AIDS through biosensors, devices and drug delivery systems.
Realization of molecular sized machines. Remote sensing through nano Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles and satellites. The nanotechnology is the greatest building block for healthcare,
structural material, in electronics, automation, etc, and will become the platform for new
cutting edge technologies to grow for the better living of mankind. The developments must
be done in all the fields so as to satisfy the needs of the people.
The developments must be done in the field of computer and medicine. In this
computer world it is necessary to make developments in the required field. In computers
future technology of robots must be developed and nanotechnology must provide with their
contribution towards it. In medical field nanotechnology must provide with enough
advancements to cure many diseases. These are some of the challenges that nanotechnology
will face. But with peoples belief and development this can be achieved easily.

9. New Emerging Techs:

9.1. Revolutionize flexible electronics, solar cells
Binghamton University researchers have demonstrated an eco-friendly process that
enables spatial control over the electrical properties of graphene oxide. This two-dimensional
nanomaterial has the potential to revolutionize flexible electronics, solar cells and biomedical
9.2. From trees to power

McMaster Engineering researchers Emily Cranston and Igor Zhitomirsky are turning
trees into energy storage devices capable of powering everything from a smart watch to a
hybrid car.

9.3. Nanodiamonds might prevent tooth loss after root canals

People undergoing root canals may have gained a powerful, if tiny, new ally.
Researchers from the UCLA School of Dentistry have found that using nanodiamonds to
fortify a material used in the procedure could significantly improve outcomes for patients.

9.4. Post-silicon future with carbon nanotube electronics

IBM Research today announced a major engineering breakthrough that could

accelerate carbon nanotubes replacing silicon transistors to power future computing

9.5. Direct Dosage:

It is been under research that we can have direct dosage of drugs over the wound or
the place where it is injured so that we have a direct attack over the microbes. The probability
of curing of disease will be high. It is also true that the time taken for that disease to cure will
get reduced on the usage of nanotechnology.

These are some of the recent technologies developed using nanotechnology. They are
useful in making our day to day life easier and comfortable. Even in schools they are
developing some devices for students to have some basic idea about the nanotechnology.
Thus by having some basic knowledge about nanotechnology they can bring their own idea
of developing technology. Among this Nanotube is one of the emerging trend in

9.6. Carbon Nanotube:

Carbon in the solid phase can exist in different allotropic forms: graphite, diamond,
Buckminster fullerene and nanotubes.
A single sheet of Graphite is called graphene. Carbon nanotubes are often described as
a graphene sheet rolled up in the shape of a cylinder. They were prepared in 1991 by sumo
Carbon nanotubes are large molecules of pure carbon that are long and thin shaped
like tubes about 1-3 nm in diameter and hundreds to thousands of nanometers long. Nano
tubes are 100 times stronger than steel.
In this there are two types of nanotubes, they are single walled nanotube (SWNT) and
Multi walled nanotube (MWNT). Most single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) have a diameter of
close to 1 nanometer, with a tube length that can be many millions of times longer. The
structure of a SWNT can be conceptualized by wrapping a one-atom-thick layer of graphite
called graphene into a seamless cylinder. Whereas on the other hand, Multi-walled nanotubes
(MWNTs) consist of multiple rolled layers (concentric tubes) of graphene. There are two
models that can be used to describe the structures of multi-walled nanotubes.
9.6.1. Nanobud:
Carbon nanobuds are a newly created material combining two previously discovered
allotropes of carbon: carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. In this new material, fullerene-like
"buds" are covalently bonded to the outer sidewalls of the underlying carbon nanotube. This
hybrid material has useful properties of both fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. In particular,
they have been found to be exceptionally good field emitters.
9.6.2. Synthesis:
Techniques have been developed to produce nanotubes in sizable quantities, including arc
discharge, laser ablation, high-pressure carbon monoxide disproportionation, and chemical
vapor deposition (CVD). Most of these processes take place in a vacuum or with process
gases. CVD growth of CNTs can occur in vacuum or at atmospheric pressure. Large
quantities of nanotubes can be synthesized by these methods; advances in catalysis and
continuous growth are making CNTs more commercially viable.
9.6.3. Properties:
1. They have remarkable strength due to C-C bond.
2. They have high elasticity. The tubes can recover from severe structural
3. The nanotubes are highly resistant to chemical attack.
4. They are also highly resistant to oxidation.
5. The thermal conductivity is 100 times higher than that of copper.
9.6.4. Common Applications:
1. Due to high Electrical conductivity, nanotubes are used in electronic devices such as
field effect transistors.
2. They are used as hydrogen storage systems in fuel cells.
3. By using nanotube filters, it is possible to filter out bacteria and viruses from water.
4. They are used as composite for batteries and as field emitters for television monitors.
5. They are particularly useful in electronics field to create non-violate memory.
9.6.5. Current Applications:
Current application and use of nanotubes has mostly been limited to the use of bulk
nanotubes, which is a mass of rather unorganised fragments of nanotubes. Bulk nanotube
materials may never achieve a tensile strength similar to that of individual tubes, but such
composites may, nevertheless, yield strengths sufficient for many applications. Bulk carbon
nanotubes have already been used as composite fibers in polymers to improve the
mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the bulk product.
9.6.6. Advantages of Carbon Nanotube:

1. Improves conductive, mechanical, and flame barrier properties of plastics and

2. Optimizes processing fabrication, and reduces shipping costs.
3. Enables eco-friendly anti-fouling paints, and other new applications.
4. Enables clean, bulk micromachining and assembly of electronic components.
5. Improves the true total cost of formulation, processing, and manufacturing.

9.6.7. Disadvantages of Carbon Nanotube:

Not long ago I saw on Discovery Channel, where researchers are trying to identify/find
carbon nanotubes that were released in the environment.

In other words, create them, but if we are not careful with them and they are released in the
environment, it could be very damaging to animals and the environment in general. We
already have countless chemicals and materials that are released and out of control in the
environment. At least we can start to be responsible we from now on... now that we are aware
of how much impact on the environment our creations are.

1. Despite all the research, scientist still dont understand how they work.
2. Extremely small, so are difficult to work with.
3. Currently the process is relatively expensive to produce the nanotubes.
4. Would be expensive to implement this new technology in and replace the older
technology in all the places that we could.

Despite the disadvantages, nanotubes are of greater importance and plays an important role in
various fields. They have their influence in the fields of electrical, electronics, medical and
mechanical. Thus nanotubes are a major development and important application of

10. Nanotechnology in computing and electronics:

One of the recent trend in nanotechnology is that its use in computer and electronic

Nanotechnologies are increasingly used in mobile phones, computers and other high
technology equipment. The nano bit will not fundamentally change how your computer, your
mobile phone, gaming console or your MP3 player operate, but it will make them faster,
cheaper and with more memory.
The limits of the way we currently make computer chips is not far off. There is a drive in
electronics and computing to create chips with more and more transistors to increase their
processing power. But when the dimensions of these chips get smaller and smaller, problems
start developing and they don't work properly.
Nano tools and processes are being used to allow the dimensions of these chips to continue
shrinking and allow the processing speeds of computers to progress.
This may allow for better computers, phones and processing power in lots of other devices to
become less more comfortable and easy for manipulation.
Nanotechnology in computers is providing advanced means of memory storage. The
"nanodot," with its ability to condense vast amounts of data in a closely-packed compartment,
may eventually replace the hard drive disk. Nanomaterials are generally more expensive than
silicon materials, but the rise in demand outweighs the economic concern.

11. Conclusion:

Thus nanotechnology is one of the successfully field in science & Technology due to
decrease in its size it can produce remarkable and conventional change that will help to
human and environment. The recent trends of nanotechnologies are rather emerging than
developing. Their growth in the field of research have been a revolution in that field.
Nanotechnology is becoming the trend setter of todays world. In this mechanical world we
should get upgraded along with it. In this nanotechnology plays a great role. It is proving that
smaller things can also finish the work of 100 men. Even smaller things can create a flood is
been proven by it. Thus the nanotechnology has been a developing trend setter in this world.


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