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International Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 16, No.

International Epidemiological Association 1987 Printed in Great Britain

Recall Bias: A Proposal for

Assessment and Control

Probably every major text on epidemiology offers at Whether the source of the bias is underreporting of
least some discussion of recall bias in retrospective true exposures in controls or overreporting of true
research. A potential for recall bias exists whenever exposures in cases, the net effect of the bias is to
historical self-report information is elicited from exaggerate the magnitude of the difference between
respondents. Thus-, the potential for its occurrence is cases and controls in reported rates of exposure to risk
greatest in case-control studies or cross-sectional factors under investigation. Consequently, recall bias
studies which include retrospective components. leads to an inflation of the odds ratio. It leads to the
Recall bias is said to occur when accuracy of recall likelihood thai-significant researchfindingsbased upon
regarding prior exposures is different for cases versus retrospective data can be interpreted in terms of a
controls. methodological artefact rather than substantive
The current paper will describe the process and con- theory.
sequences of recall bias. Most critically, it will suggest
methods for assessment and adjustment of its effects. It is important to note that recall bias is not equiva-
lent to memory failure itself. If memory failure regard-
ing prior events is equal in case and control groups,
WHAT IS RECALL BIAS? recall bias will not occur. Rather, memory failure itself
Generally, recall bias has been described in terms of will lead to measurement error which, in turn, will
'embroidery' of personal history by those respondents usually lead to a loss of statistical power. Loss of power
who are cases. For example, Mausner and Kramer1 will bias hypothesis tests toward the null. In contrast,
comment that 'people may be more likely to search for inequality of memory failure in cases versus controls
explanations for the disease in the cases and, there- leads to recall bias which, in turn, will bias hypothesis
fore, may assign more significance to past events' tests away from the null.
(p. 165). A classic example is reported by Brown and The confusion between simple memory failure and
Harris2 who comment on a 1958 study by Stott.3 Stott, differential memory failure is common in the litera-
finding that mothers of 'mongol' children reported ture. For example, a 1967 study by Klemetti and
more shocks during pregnancy than mothers of normal Saxen4 is often cited as evidence that recall bias exists
children, concluded that socioemotional factors had an in retrospective studies of maternity outcome. How-
aetiological role in mongolism. Later research, of ever, as noted by Lippman and Mackenzie,5 Klemetti
course, indicated that chromosomal abnormalities and Saxen found that, while mothers' retrospective
were the cause, and that ordinary events were prob- reports of drug use during pregnancy poorly corre-
ably redefined as traumas by mothers of cases in an sponded with their prospective reports, the degree of
effort to explain what happened. memory loss was not moderated by the outcome of the
Perhaps less recognized as part of the recall bias pregnancy or condition of the child. Thus, there was no
process is that those without the disease under support for anamnestic inequality between cases and
investigation (ie controls) may be less likely to recall a controls. A similar confusion between simple recall
true exposure. For example, mothers who have given difficulty and recall bias occurred in a recent report.6
birth to healthy infants may have less motivation to When comparing data on accuracy of two methods for
recall earlier drug use during pregnancy than those collection of data on perimenstrual stress, the authors
mothers whose infants had birth defects. note the unreliability of retrospective reports and state
that their results are consistent with recall bias hypoth-
Psychiatric Epidemiology Training Program. Columbia University.
eses. However, they did not note differential unre-
School of Public Health. Tower 3-20E, 100 Haven Avenue. New York. liability among cases and controls and, therefore, did
NY 10032. USA. not support recall bias hypotheses.

Despite the attention given to recall bias in most METHODS OF ASSESSING AND ADJUSTING
epidemiological texts, the research literature focusing FOR RECALL BIAS
specifically on recall bias is extremely limited. A com- Given the possibility that recall bias may be operating,
puterized literature search on the topic scanned four it becomes imperative to try to assess its effect in any
data bases (ie Psychological Abstracts post-1967, Bio- case-control or cross-sectional study.
logical Abstracts post-1977, Index Medicus post-1966 Recall bias can be ruled out when actual exposure
and Science Citation Index post-1977) and found only status can be verified through unbiased records. Since
23 articles mentioning recall bias in their title or no unbiased records are available in most studies, this
abstract. Five of these 23 articles were general approach has only limited application. In fact, if
methodological papers on the case-control study. unbiased records are available, it would often seem
Seven were critical reviews of epidemiological less expensive and more accurate to avoid the ques-
research for a specific disease. Seven were studies in tioning of respondents at all regarding the verifiable
experimental psychology of memory and cognition, exposures.
and only some of these had application to recall bias in Recall bias is less likely to be invoked as a plausible
epidemiological research. Finally, only four were explanation for research findings when other
specific original research papers. Three of these four exposures have equal 'intuitive plausibility' as risk
papers were in the field of maternity outcome. An factors for the disease under investigation, in com-
additional manual search of the research literature parison to the significant exposure, yet the other
suggests that case-control reports of maternity out- exposures are not significantly related to disease
comes are more likely than other areas of research to status. For example, in a case-control study on mater-
discuss recall bias. Recall bias appears to have been nal use of Bendectin and infant malformation,8 a sig-
given somewhat less attention in other areas of epi- nificant odds ratio was found for Bendectin use. No
demiological research. significant effects were found for other drugs used
No claim can be made that a computerized literature during pregnancy. The authors convincingly argue
search represents an all-inclusive search of articles dis- against the possibility of recall bias, because biased
cussing recall bias. While many more original articles recall of exposure to a potential teratogen should be
probably mention issues of recall bias in their discus- equal across the different agents.
sion sections, the fact that so few studies mention recall Another possible method for assessing whether
bias in their abstract suggests that the issue is recall bias is operating at all is to directly ask respond-
ultimately accorded limited prominence in the con- ents to identify the exposures which they believe are
clusions reached from the studies. relevant risk factors for the disease. To reduce sensi-
Nevertheless, the same texts which recognize the tization, the questioning should occur following the
possibility of recall bias in case-control studies usually completion of the' rest of the interview. If those risk
note that the case-control design is the most appropri- factors which appear to be significantly related to case
ate methodology for study of rare or chronic diseases status are not believed by respondents to be risk factors
with long incubation or latency periods. Case-control for the disease at all, one possesses fairly good evi-
designs are also most appropriate for generating dence against the existence of recall bias. However,
hypotheses in newer areas of research and when work- what strategy can one apply in a study where the inves-
ing under tight budgetary restrictions. Thus, although tigated exposures are plausible risk factors to the
problems posed by recall bias may be substantial, the respondent?
necessity for case-control designs suggests that these The strategy I propose is adapted from the logic of
problems will be with us for some time to come. the validity scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Per-
While firm evidence for the presence of recall bias is sonality Inventory (MMPI),9 the most popular person-
inconclusive,5 multiple studies have demonstrated its ality inventory to date."1 The authors of the MMPI
existence in some areas of psychiatric research.7 A included in their multi-scale instrument a validity scale
conservative approach in all areas of research would to correct or adjust some of the other scales, based
dictate that a study be viewed as 'guilty until proven upon a measure of each respondent's test-taking atti-
innocent'. It is not the task of one's critics to prove that tude or response set.
recall bias exists; rather, I contend that it is the Similarly, a validity scale can be constructed to
researcher's task to either present a strong case against adjust or correct for differential recall patterns among
the existence of this threat to the study's validity and/or respondents. Construction of the validity scale will
try to statistically control for recall bias in one's involve the researcher's identification of a number of
analysis. previously evaluated exposures which have been ruled
out as risk factors for the disease under study. Each another estimate of the extent to which respondent
item on the validity scale should question the respond- reports are biased by recall. Again, the discrepancy
ent regarding his or her past exposure to a specific scores, summed across a number of items, can be used
'fake' risk factor. When case respondents positively in thefinalstatistical analysis as a control for recall bias
endorse an excessively large number of validity scale effects. Odds ratios resulting from the combined analy-
items in comparison to control respondents, it is likely sis of risk factors and the validity scale can be statis-
that the endorsement is due to overreporting recall tically adjusted for recall bias effects.
bias rather than actual higher rates of exposure. The latter method of validity scale construction need
The exposures on the validity scale should be of not be confined only to studies where a set of plausible
approximately equal plausibility when compared to but 'fake' risk factors cannot be identified. If record
the exposures which are the putative risk factors of the verification is possible, it is recommended that the
research project. If exposures are not of equal plau- latter scale construction method be used in combina-
sibility, the validity scale will not appropriately tion with a method based upon reports of exposure to
measure 'search for cause' cognitive processes. It plausible but false risk factors.
would be important to verify the equal plausibility of
'fake' validity scale exposures versus 'true' exposures LIMITATIONS OF THE VALIDITY SCALE
of research interest by asking a small additional group APPROACH
of respondents (who are similar in composition to the The validity scale strategy is not offered as a final
larger case and control groups) to rate all exposures panacea for the problem of recall bias. Its success and
according to the likelihood that each exposure is a risk utility will be dependent upon the ability to locate
factor for the disease under investigation. equally plausible but false risk factors or to verify
If previous research on the outcome of current inter- selected exposures through independent records. In
est is sufficient in scope, sophistication, and diversity, it many studies, it may not be possible to meet either of
would also be helpful to identify specific exposures these conditions.
which appeared to be risk factors in initial retrospec- On a practical level, inclusion of 'irrelevant'
tive studies but which were ruled out as risk factors in exposure histories in a research protocol will add
later prospective research. These exposures would length to the interview. The added interview length
probably be the exposures most sensitive to influence will undoubtedly add cost to the study and may reduce
through recall bias. participation rates. From a cost-benefit perspective,
By comparing total validity scale scores for cases there must be a trade-off between internal validity
versus controls, it will first be possible to assess benefits versus budgetary and generalizability costs.
whether and to what extent recall bias is occurring. Finally, there is remarkably little research which
Most importantly, since the validity scale score is a systematically evaluates either whether or when recall
function of the extent of each respondent's recall bias, bias is likely to be a problem. Future utilization and
it may be entered into the final analysis as a statistical evaluation of the proposed validity scale approach may
control for recall bias. help to provide critical data on these issues.
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