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Project Proposal


This self-directed project is mainly focused on the changes of political system in Myanmar
after it gained independence which includes two parts: the timeline and model. The timeline
will display 15 important events, 5 important historical figures, 3 important holidays,
explanation about the national flags and symbols, as well as 3 interesting facts about
Myanmar. The theme of the timeline is Aung San Suu Kyis life graph. It will show the
information based on the perspective of Aung San Suu Kyi. In addition to the timeline,
Shwedagon Pagoda is the model that will be created. It is one of the most famous tourist
attractions and most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar. Therefore, it should be good place
to represent the culture in Myanmar.


The purpose of this project is to explain the audiences about the changes of political systems in
Myanmar after it gained independence in 1947 and how Aung San Suu Kyi influences the current
political system in Myanmar. In addition, we aim to show how much important of endurance of Aung
San Suu Kyi has an impact on her success.

Research Questions

1. How the political system of Myanmar changed throughout the history after it gained
independence ?

2. Who is Aung San Suu Kyi and why does she become very important person in

3. How much important of Aung San Suu Kyis endurance has an impact on her success?
Mind Map #1

Here is the first mind map that records my very basic knowledge about Myanmar.
It is done without any research.

Action Plan

Tasks: To be completed by:

Finish all the information about important people. These
people includes Aung San, Aung San Suu Kyi, Ne Win, U 19/4/17
Nu, and Than Shwe. All of them has an impact on
Myanmars political system nowadays.
Finish researching the information about the main events
between 1947-1990. These information tell how the 21/4/17
government emerging in the country. ANd how it change.
Research about the country's name. Why and How does it
change from Burma to Myanmar?
Research about the 2012 and 2015 election. Both of these
years are the major change in Myanmar.
Start the proposal by designing the topic, plan about the 23/4/17
theme of timeline, and brainstorm whats going to be the
final model. The proposal is included in the final product,
too. Therefore, it might take time to finished.

Brainstorming the research question together and help to edit 28/4/17

each others proposal.
Finalizing the timeline and the model
Planning about what materials need to be used to make the 29/4/17
model. Listing the equipments and do some research about
the methods. Write the instruction to make it.
Buy the equipments for the final product and the timeline. 3/5/17
These include the broad and decoration stuffs.

Start putting the main information in the timeline, then

decorate the board as a plan.

Start making a final model by followed the instruction that

written before.

Check the work and make sure the information is putting in

the correct order. Then prepare for the presentation by 15/5/17
separating the speaking part to each other equally (Based on
understanding on that topic).

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