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Kelly Judge

EDA 523-90

Spring 2017

West Chester University

Materials Adaptation Assignment

(Not Modified) Review Sheet for Unit 4 Test
Directions: Make flash cards for the vocabulary words below. In addition, please answer the questions below in
complete sentences. These topics and vocabulary words will be on your test.

This work is due on: January 26th, Thursday.

Your unit 4 test is on January 27th, Friday.

Egypt: a nation in northeast Africa, first settled around 3100 B.C.E.

Nile River: the longest river in the world, flowing through eastern Africa to a delta in northeastern Egypt
around 3100 B.C.E.
Pharaohs: a ruler of ancient Egypt
Khufu: ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom period. Today, he is best known as the
builder of a famous pyramid.
Ramses II: an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, known as Ramses the Great; skilled as a military leader; and
responsible for building many monuments, including the temple at Abu Simbel
Afterlife: a life after death
Social Pyramid: the pharaoh and those associated with divinity were at the top, and servants and slaves made
up the bottom
Mummy: a body of a human being or animal that has been ceremonially preserved
Sphinx: a mythical figure of ancient Egypt having the body of a lion and the head of a man, a ram, or a hawk.
Pyramids: Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs.

1. Describe Egypts geographical features? Why are these important?
2. How does a person become a pharaoh?
3. Describe in 3 sentences one Egyptian ruler that you learned about in class. Include when they ruled,
what they were most known for, and why this ruler was important.
4. What was Ramses most famous for? What was King Tut most famous for? What was Cleopatra most
famous for? Which of the three rulers do you think had a bigger impact on Egyptian culture? Why?
5. Why did the Egyptians create the pyramids? What were the pyramids used for?

Describe the mummification process in one-two paragraphs.
(Modified) Review Sheet for Unit 4 Test
This work is due on: January 26th, Thursday.
Your unit 4 test is on January 27th, Friday.

Directions: Study flash cards for the vocabulary words below on my quizlet page! Go to this website:
Egypt: a nation in northeast Africa, first settled around 3100 B.C.E.

Nile River: the longest river in the world, flowing through eastern Africa to a delta in
northeastern Egypt around 3100 B.C.E.

Pharaohs: a ruler of ancient Egypt

Khufu: ruled from about 2551 to 2528 B.C.E., during the Old Kingdom period. Today, he is
best known as the builder of a famous pyramid.

Ramses II: an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, known as Ramses the Great; skilled as a military
leader; and responsible for building many monuments, including the temple at Abu Simbel

Afterlife: a life after death

Social Pyramid: the pharaoh and those associated with divinity were at the top, and servants
and slaves made up the bottom

Mummy: a body of a human being or animal that has been ceremonially preserved

Sphinx: a mythical figure of ancient Egypt having the body of a lion and the head of a man, a
ram, or a hawk.

Pyramids: Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs

Questions: Please answer the following questions below.

1. Draw Egypts desert area and Nile River area in detail. Use color!
Desert Area Nile River Area

2. How does a person become a pharaoh?

A person becomes a pharaoh by being a part of a

3. What was Ramses most famous for? What was King Tut most famous for? What was Cleopatra most
famous for?
Describe the mummification process in one paragraph.

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