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Instructions for Assignment, Practical and Theory Test

Course for Discrete Structures for test on 10 April 2017

Only Back book exercises for test
1. Set Relations, Functions
2. Permutations and Combinations
3. Trees
4. Generating Functions
5. Recurrence Relation (Excluding Master theorem)
6. Growth of the functions (Excluding Appendix A)

Principal of Mathematical Induction
From Question 1.33 to 1.52 Page (60, 61 Acc. To Bunk n Books)
Permutation and Combination
From Question 2.2 to 2.48 (Alternate questions eg. 2.2,2.4,2.6)
Note- Also do all the back exercise questions voluntarily and if you had
any problem sort it out with Charu Mam.
Practical :
Submit your all practicals by 5th of April to
Do send it in .rar or .zip file And Name the folder as following
<RollNo Student_Name>
If it is not send properly then would be rejected

With Regards Yusuf Parvez


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