Learning Aim A Topics

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This page is going to cover the revision topics you will need to know for the 'Unit 2
Technology Systems' exam. The exam will require students to have a good understanding
of the three learning outcomes. Learning outcome A, B and C. Each learning outcome will
have information about a range of different topics. It is important that you go through each
topic and use the extended resources that have been added to this page to help you with
understanding the concepts. In addition to this, it is also important to go through the
quizzes/questions that will be added on here to check you have understood the topic and
any particular areas you need to focus on to improve further.

Unit 2 Learning Outcome A

Applications of technology systems and issues

Technology systems have changed the way organisations operate. Technology systems are
used by many organisations from different sectors, all having different purposes. We will
cover some of the benefits of using technology systems as well as drawbacks to them for
example cost, environmental issues, training and safety concerns. Finally, we will finish off
with why it is important as an individual and more importantly as organisations to develop a
technology system.

The use of technology in different sectors

The examples below will briefly explain how technology is used in different sectors. You
have to remember that the list isn't exhaustive so technology maybe used for many other
purposes, some of which may not have been included..

Health sector:
To monitor heart beats, breathing and other process in life support systems

To keep a record of patients and illnesses they have had
To prescribe drugs and identify allergies

Finance sector:
To calculate loans and savings
To calculate profits and losses
To follow the price of stocks and to be able to purchase and sell stocks based on
user inputs

Construction sector:
To plan projects
To plan designs
To create architect drawings using Computer Aided Design

Retail sector:
To track sales
To track profits and losses
To track deliveries
To produce reports using point of sales systems
To advertise and sell products online

Manufacturing sector:
The use of Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacture (CAD/CAM)
To control the robots to design parts
To control machines

Note: Robots are good at production tasks because they don't get tired, they are very
accurate, they can work for long hours, they can work in dangerous conditions and they can
do repetitive tasks.


We should now have some ideas about how technology is used in different sectors. For
example majority of supermarkets use technology to reduce their costs, increase sales by
serving customers more quickly and also using technology to have enough staff working
each day and enough stock ordered for the day.

In other sectors like education, technology is used for teaching and learning. For example,
Go4Schools, is used to track student data, ShowMyhomework is used to set homework
which means that the teacher is able to add attachments and it is much more flexible than
paper based set homework. The other clear benefits being the ability to go back and access
the resources set for previous homework, something which you cannot do without
technology systems.


Some videos to help you see where ICT is used and some of the services that companies
Video 1

Video 2


Issues involved in the use of technology systems

Environmental issues

We always say how good technology is and how much money it can save, this is true, but
you also have to remember that technology has issues, in particular, environmental issues.

Benefits of technology on the environment

Technology can be used to reduce our carbon footprint. This can be done by
using teleconferencing which means there isn't a need for travelling. We can
communicate with people from all over the world and we can share information with
many individuals from different locations.

We can use technology to control how often we use devices, how much power they
consume, whether they are running at their optimum settings and when devices should
be turned off. All of this helps the environment because we are using less energy.
We use the Internet to also reduce the need to travel as we can do most of our
shopping online. The thing you have to remember is that the product will still have to be
delivered but it does make it more convenient.

Drawback of technology on the environment

Servers, computers, printers are always left on and most of the electricity that is
wasted is by servers that are constantly running and not utilising the full potential and
Computers age and traditionally businesses get rid of any computer that is 5 years or
older. This has a bad effect on the environment because some of the equipment cannot
be recycled and there are components within the motherboard that are hazardous/toxic
towards the environment.
All computers require power to keep them running, this power (electricity) has to be
produced which means that we will have more C02 in the atmosphere.

Videos demonstrating IT and how it is helping the environment

Video 3

Video 4


Computer security and copyright
Computers make it so easy for us to create information which is essentially data that is
processed. It is very easy for us to create different forms of information using a computer.
What makes it even better is that this information can be shared. We can share this
information using networks, which means we can send it to different people and depending
on the system we are using, we can even work collaboratively on the information.

The thing that we have to remember is that this information is in digital form which makes
this data risky. It means that whatever technology system we are using, it is at risk of attack
from individuals that do not have the authorised access access to the system and from
malicious software.

Why do people attack systems?

To cause damage to systems
For fun and enjoyment
To challenge themselves
To steal data and make money from it
To use the computers to attack other networks

What are some of the security risks?

Malware is the name given to anything that is malicious. You will often see on websites that
it is referred to as malicious software. It is a group of software that can cause damage to
computers but that may not always be the case. Below I have listed some of the malicious
software that are out there. Do not forget that a software is basically a program that has
been coded. It is has been coded using a language such as VB or C++ etc..


A computer virus is a malicious program that attaches itself to files. The files are called
hosts. They are generally spread through the use of emails i.e. in the form of attachments.
The host, i.e. file can be spread across different devices i.e. each time you copy the file, you
are spreading the virus. Think of it like a human virus. I would class viruses as destructive
malicious programs that can cause a lot of damage to computers.


Spyware: Spyware is not malicious and in most cases it will not cause any damage to the
computer. Spyware is classed as privacy invasive software which means that they generally
track your browsing history such as the things you have purchased and looked at etc..

There are some spyware that can be a nuisance and slow down your computer but they
won't necessarily cause any damage to your computer like a virus does which can make
some computers inoperable. The software will collect information without the users
knowledge and that is why it is a security risk. Some freeware software you install will be
bundled with spyware and some do specify that they will track and collect information from
your computer.


Worm: A worm is a malicious program. It is a program that replicates itself and spreads to
different networks. When it replicates, it uses resources and slow down the computer. It
spreads across different computers using computer networks. A worm does not attach itself
to anything compared to a virus. Worms also cause damage to networks compared to
viruses that corrupting system files. There are some types of worms that just spread across
different networks and do not cause any damage.

Trojan horse

A trojan horse is a non-replicating malware, unlike worms, a trojan horse will contain
malicious code and when that code is executed it will cause damage to the computer. The
code itself will determine what actions it will perform so it is the individual who has created it
that decides how the malicious program will behave. The trojan horse will appear inside of
programs, tools that will appear to be useful and harmless but once it is clicked on, it will
activate its malicious code and cause damage to the computer.


We have gone through the main types of malware but you also have to remember that
when you are entering data using forms or data into different website, you cannot be sure
that the data you are entering is kept secure. Most companies take security seriously and if
you are transmitting sensitive data such as credit card details then they will encrypt that
information. You can tell if a website is encrypting your information as it will have a padlock.

Encrypting data is the process of making data secure by changing the original data into a
form that is not understandable. The data can only be converted back to the original form if
the individual has the key that was used to encrypt the data. Why would you encrypt data?
You encrypt data so that if anyone gets hold of the data they will not be able to access the
data and read the contents.

We know how important security is and individuals and business all try to keep their
computers safe because more and more of us are shopping online and we are transmitting
sensitive information across the Internet

How can we keep safe online?

1. Keep all of your software up to date
2. Use different passwords on different website.with each password being a minimum
of 8 characters containing uppercase, lowercase and numbers
3. Do not share your password with anyone
4. Use an antivirus software such as AVG
5. Use a firewall such as Comodo to prevent hackers accessing your computer
6. Make sure the website is using a padlock before log-in
7. In terms of networks, you can add restrictions and you can add different levels of
access for data
8. Do not use torrents or download illegal software as these are bundled with malicious

Think about the last example. At school you have access to the R-drive but you cannot add
anything to it or delete anything. The permission you have is Read, and you are denied
Write and Delete. The same thing is true for the G-drive. This is the staff drive and no
student has access to this drive. This is essentially different levels of access for different
users. This is so data is not deleted and the system is not compromised.

You can find some of the things we have discussed in the link below and you can do some
extra research yourself but for the exam it is important you know the definitions.



The Internet has made it so much easier for us to share information. A few years ago over
30 percent of all Internet traffic was from bit-torrent. This is the technology that allows
individuals to share information. This makes it easier to share pirated material as you view
what you want and you can download it from other individuals. If you have not created that
information or software then it means that it is copyrighted. This means that it is protected
by copyright laws which gives the owner the power to prosecute anyone if they are using
their work as their own.

Copyright law covers the following:

Artwork, photographs, Digital documents

Developing technology systems

In today's world, everyone is looking for that competitive advantage. This is quite true for
businesses as they want to have that edge over their competitors. Technology is one way
that allows business to take advantage of it. Businesses usually improve their technology or
develop new technology to:
Cut down cost: This can be done by automating certain processes which means you
will cut down on number of staff working. It can also be done by using IT to reduce
energy consumption
Improve product
Improve service: This can be done by automating certain processes so it can be
done quickly and to make it easier for customers to interact with the system and staff to
manage it
Competitive advantage: If you develop a system that offers some form of reporting or
a service that other businesses do not offer, you will have an advantage. For example
you may have a system that is built-in to boilers that will track the last time it was
serviced, when it needs parts replacing and self-diagnosis

Applications of technology systems and issues

1. Give three examples of the uses of technology systems in different sectors, e.g. finance
and construction

2. what are the environmental benefits and drawbacks of using technology

3. Give three reasons why an organisation might want to develop and improve its
technology system

4. Give two benefits of using robots in (Computer Aided Manufacturer) systems examples of

Note: Questions taken from: BTEC First Information and Creative Technology | Pearson.

Things you will need to reflect on

Using technology in businesses is an important part of reducing cost, improving service as
well as performance. You also have to consider Health and Safety.

The health and safety I am referring to are the following:

1. Regular breaks: It is important that when you are using computers that you take regular
breaks to prevent repetitive strain injuries and to rest your eyes

2. Positioning: It is important that you are sitting properly, your back is straight, your feet
well supported, your eyes slightly above the screen and you hands not too far away from
the keyboard. The reason why we do this is to prevent strain or discomfort. It is also a
requirement for businesses to ensure that their staff are able to use the devices properly
and that appropriate measures are put in place to reduce RSI

3. We mentioned about security already but it an important aspect of technology systems

Key terms

Malware: malware is a name given to malicious software. We went through different types
of malware and the characteristics of them as well

Sustainability: this involves protecting the environment and using resources that does not
danger the environment.

Computer hardware devices

The term hardware is given to anything we can physically touch. It is used to describe
physical devices and components used in computer systems. For example, if we looked at
a desktop computer. we have the input: mouse / keyboard, output: monitor and we have the
base unit as well. Software is code, or programs/applications that we use to control the

Hardware devices
It is important that you know about different computer systems and what they are used for
as well as the features they have. The table below will go through this.

System Features Key uses

Portable computer, small in size and quite Mobile computing, ability to access
powerful. Wi-Fi or use 3G.

Personal Different types of processor: single core, dual Browsing the Internet, running
Computer core, quad core word processing software, playing
Processor speed: 3.05 ghz games etc ...

RAM: example 2 GB, 4 GB

Type of operating system: Linux, Windows, OS X

Storage capacity: 500 GB, 1 TB (solid state or


Network connectivity: Wired or wireless

Powerful computers that have lots of storage Providing different roles such
Server space, good cooling and plenty of RAM to be able as print server role, file server role
to handle all the requirements and application server
Web browsing, gaming,
Tablet Touch screen, compact
social media
Programmable Devices with digital control, for example a
Controlling the hardware
digital devices television, microwave over
A computer that is designed not only to play
Games console games but to also other multimedia functionality Gaming
that it offers

Hardware devices uses

Hardware devices are used by technology systems for:

Input: this is where you are sending instructions or commands to the system. For example
clicking on something is using an input device such as a mouse to send instructions to the
computer. Devices: mouse, keyboard, touch-pad, microphone, sensors and digital camera

Output: this is where you see the results of instructions that have been processed. In
others words this can also be the transfer of information out of the system. For example to
be displayed onto the monitor. Devices: monitor, speaker, printer, projector, robots arms

Storage: this is where all of your data is going to be saved such as your documents,
images, music, videos etc... This data will still reside when the computer is turned off. There
are different types of storage devices such as optical media i.e. CDs, DVD, magnetic media
such as hard disks and solid state drives

Different types of printers

Inkjet: These are quite cheap to purchase but you will usually have to pay for the
cartridges once they run out and over time this will cost more than the device. Companies
generally tend to sell the printers at a low cost and sell the cartridges at a higher price. This
is probably where most of their profits come from. This form of printer is common in homes
as it is quite inexpensive and seen in offices as well. The reason why people use these

printers is that they produce high quality printing and so are ideal for printing photos but not
recommended for large volume printing.

How does it work?

The print head assembly is the heart of the printer. This is what fires the ink droplets onto
the printer. The printer has a nozzle, depending on the design that fires the ink. The only
drawback I can think of from personal experience is that the nozzle can dry up if you don't
use the printer for long period of time.

Laser: Laser is quite common in offices and it is gaining popularity in homes due to the cost
side. Laser is much cheaper to run and maintain compares to inkjet. Initially you will pay the
printer but the toner itself can cost quite a bit though compares to inkjet it is much cheaper
in the long run,

How does it work?

The printer uses a laser. The laser is used to create an image of each document, an image
made of toner. The powder sticks to the page due to static electricity.

Video that shows this process

Automated systems
Businesses not only use traditional desktop computers but also use specialist devices to
help improve efficiency and productivity in their business. Automated systems are examples
of specialist devices that make our lives easier by doing processes without the need for
constant input. These systems can perform activities and monitor them. For example,
central heating systems that control the temperature. These systems are also commonly
used in supermarkets, factories etc...

Automated What is it? Input devices Output devices

Self-service This is a system

checkout that allows you
to checkout Scanner which is
items yourself used to read the
and it is a products using the bar
system that code Speakers that that tell you if there are u
allows you to Payment inputs from bagging area
pay for the coins, cards or notes or to give you instructions
items. This There are scales Printer that will print the receipt and the
system is quite which you will notice that your money back as change
useful if you only will calculate the weight
before and after. If it is
have a few
not happy it will tell you
items that you
have purchased
and want to pay.
Production Hardware will be
line the robots and
Pressure sensors
the way the
would be used to feel the
robots are
product components
controlled. The Controlling robots to manufacture comp
optical sensors are
software is used
used to locate the
to control the product components
robots and the
production line.

Automated What is it? Input devices Output devices


Self-service This is a system Scanner which is Speakers that that tell you if there
checkout that allows you used to read the are unexpected items in the bagging

to checkout
items yourself
and it is a products using the bar
system that code
allows you to Payment inputs from area or to give you instructions
pay for the coins, cards or notes Printer that will print the receipt and
items. This There are scales
the device that will give your money
system is quite which you will notice that
will calculate the weight back as change
useful if you only
have a few before and after. If it is
not happy it will tell you
items that you
have purchased
and want to pay.
Production Hardware will be
line the robots and
Pressure sensors
the way the
would be used to feel the
robots are
product components Controlling robots to manufacture
controlled. The
optical sensors are components
software is used
used to locate the
to control the product components
robots and the
production line.

Other Devices

You also have other devices that can be used to capture data and store store this data in
technology systems.

Optical character reader (OCR): This is used to scan document into text. If we have an
image and the image has some text then this can be used to read the text of the image. It
can be used as a data entry form where the source is the original paper such as a passport
or any other document. The other uses for this is also to convert hard copies of documents
to digital format that will allow us to make changes and edits to the documents.

Optical mark reader (OMR): This is used to take inputs from documents that have been
completed by humans for example a survey, questionnaire or even an exam that consists of

multiple choice questions. The system can then take the inputs and award the appropriate
marks for each question once it has scanned through the answers.

Magnetic strip readers: These are found on the back of most credit cards, membership
cards and loyalty cards. To read the data we need to use a card reader which will require
the card to be swiped. This then allows the data to be read.

RFID: Radio frequency identification systems. These are like bar codes on products that are
used to identify products and track them . The technology uses radio frequency to transfer
data. Some labels require no power because the readers will power them when being read.

Let's see if you can answer the following questions

1. List 3 features of a Personal Computer

2. Explain the key uses of a Tablet and Laptop

3. List 2 input devices and 2 output devices

4. List 3 storage devices used in technology systems

5. Give one reason why it is better to buy a laser printer instead of an inkjet

6. Give reasons as to why businesses would use automated systems

7. Identify the inputs and outputs of a self-service checkout

8. Explain what OCR and OMR is and where they are used

Computer networking and transferring data

The simplest definition of a network is where two or more devices that are connected
together and communicating with each other. The reason why we have networks is so that
computer can communicate with each other and transfer data as well as sharing resources.

What resources can we share?

Security policies
Hardware such as printers, scanners etc

Types of networks

Local Area Network. This is a type of network that is found in homes, offices and small
buildings. It is a type of network that is set-up in a small geographical location. You all have
LANs at home. If you have a router, which is a device that allows you to connect other
devices like laptops and PCs together, you have a network. LANs connect devices together
at a single location, i.e. the ones mentioned above. At school, you have a LAN.


Wide Area Network. It is a type of network that is used in large geographical location. It is
used to connect LANs together. When the LANs are connected together, they are then able
to share resources. It is as if the networks in different locations are in a single location.


You have a company with several offices. The main office is in London and you have other
offices in Peterborough and Cambridge. If the networks were not connected together, they
would be LANs and they would reside in a central location, i.e. that particular building or

office. If the networks are connected together via WAN then they are able to communicate
with each other. The biggest public WAN is the Internet as it is collection of networks that
are connected together over a large geographical location.


Personal Area Network. This type of network is used for transmission between different
devices. It is used to transfer data between a computer and a phone or a phone and a
phone. For example, if you had a mobile phone and the phone had images, you would use
a PAN to transfer those images to the computer.

Mobile broad band

An example of a mobile network is 3G. This is used to connect your mobile phone to the
Internet. Phones have 3G built into them however if you are using a laptop then you would
need to use a 3G dongle. A dongle is a piece of hardware that is used on laptops and they
are connected via the USB as it provides the functionality such as Wi-Fi.

Uses of network systems

Managing users

One of the things that networks are used for is to manage users and implement policies. For
example, if we didn't have a network, we would have computers that are stand-alone
meaning that every computer would not be managed and you could not log-in to different
computers with your username and password instead just one, the computer that the
username and password was initially set-up on. When we have a network, we can manage
the users and we can manage the things they look at and access. For example, at school
we have different network drives, students are only able to access the network drives that
they were given permission to access.


When we set up networks, the main reason for this is to share resources. We use networks
to share resources and data. This is so that users that are logged-in to the network can
access applications, data and printers etc... A lot of people don't realise that the Internet

itself is shared between different devices. At school we have a shared drive such as the R
drive which allows you to access work that I have put on there. Without a network, this
would be impossible.


It is the network infrastructure that allows us to communicate with each other online. For
example, Facebook & Twitter or two examples of social networking that allows us to
communicate with each other. We have website like Love Film and Netflix that allows us to
stream movies and TV shows online. We also have forums, online games where we can
play against each other or join communities. There is also LAN parties where individuals are
playing against each other in a single room.


We can use networks to communicate with each other. For example we have applications
like Skype which is an instant messaging and in addition to text chat, we can also video
chat. This helps the environment as we reduce the need to travel to different locations to
meet people. We can also use email which is a much more efficient way of communicating
with another individual compared to sending letters.

Benefits of networks
Reduce costs

Networks reduce the cost because it allows us to share resources i.e. data and applications
that can be accessed by different devices. It saves us money because a printer is shared
between different devices so there isn't a need for a printer for each computer. It makes it
easier to manage the computer because they are all connected together, they can be
managed centrally and thus reduce hours wasted managing individual computers and
performing software installations or other maintenance.

Networks also allow us to communicate with each other so we save money as we don't
have to commute to different locations and we can do a video conference.


It is networks that allows individuals to work from home to do their work without having to go
in to the office. This helps the environment and also allows the employee to live a balanced
life style in particular those who have kids or other responsibilities.

Synchronising data
We synchronise data if we are using different devices that have similar information. For
example if you have an Ipod and this is connected to Itunes, you would usually synchronise
the device to your computer to ensure that both of them have the same songs, videos and
pictures. This is usually done for example if a song was purchased on the computer and
you wanted to transfer this song to your phone and or vice versa. We synchronise data
usually using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, infrared or using the USB (data) cable. When the devices
are connected together, you are forming a Personal Area Network (PAN) so that older
information gets updated.

Synchronising will bring data on devices up to date. This can be pictures, podcasts etc... If
you are using cloud storage such as Dropbox, that will synchronise data from your
computer to the server and the from the server to your computer. This is to ensure that both
have the same data. You may for example update a file on the server, this file be not have
been updated on the laptop, this is where the synchronisation will occur to ensure both have
the same data.

If I connect another device to Dropbox, this new device will not have any data and it will
have to be synced so that it gets the data and it is up to date. Just remember that when
you sync devices you are making sure that both devices have the same up to date

Physical methods of transferring data

If we want to connect devices together physically, we have to use cables and cables use
cabled topology. When we are using cables we have to ensure we are using the right ones
and they are appropriate for the job.

The different types of cables that you need to be aware of:

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), This type of cable is widely used. You will see this
being used in homes and offices. This type of cable is used to connect your computer to

a switch and it is also used to connect a printer to the network. This type of cable is
used in LAN and they use RJ45 connectors. The cables are put into different categories.
For example CAT5 which is fast ethernet is cable of 100 mega bits per second and CAT
6 which is GIGABIT. Another way of putting is that CAT 5 can support up to 12.5
megabytes per second and CAT 6 can support 125 megabytes per second. You can
imagine how quick a movie will be to transfer across.

Source: http://img.misco.eu/resources/images/products//100/VDK/29/2965-1B/2965-
Optical fibre: This is used for fast connections where speed is a requirement. You
will not see home users dealing with this type of cable but the Internet Service Providers
using it to connect switches together. This type of cable is very expensive and it is not
designed to be moved and connected to a workstation.

Source: http://images.maplinmedia.co.uk/maplin-fibre-optic-om1-sc-sc-10m-grey.jpg?

Coaxial cables (coax): This is used to connect homes to optical broadband
systems. This type of cable usually uses copper coaxial cabling, which is slower though
newer cables use UTP as we mentioned above. Coax is recommended for short
distances but it is not the preferred choice for long distances.

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/73/RG-59.jpg/400px-RG-

Wireless methods of transferring data

There are many methods of transferring data without the use of cables. In this section we
will go through the list:

Wi-Fi: This is a very common type of communication used to transfer data. It is commonly
used in homes with the aid of a wireless router. Many devices such as laptops, tablets and
games console support Wi-Fi meaning that more devices can be connected and sharing
resources in the home network. This is used to connect these devices to LANs.




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