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Molloy College

Division of Education

Lesson Plan Template

Michelle Grant Dr. Giourokakis

EDU 329 April 6, 2017
Grade 5 Civil War History


After being shown a power point about the Civil War and participating in a class discussion
about the causes of the war, students will research documents from this specific time in history
and write in a well-constructed paragraph, two causes of the Civil War, with no grade lower than
a 2 out of 4, based on a teacher-constructed rubric.

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.

This will be evident when students research documents and write a well-constructed paragraph
on the causes of the Civil War

New York Social Studies State Standard (5.1.5. History of the United States)
Key turning points and the events in the history of the United States can be organized into
different historical time periods.

This will be evident when students participate in a class discussion about the causes of the Civil

Teacher-constructed Rubric
Computers (computer lab time)

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Smart Board for Power Point
Teacher-created Power Point
Red and blue index cards
Two hula hoops
List of recommended websites
Checklists used to evaluate students work
Example paragraph
Extra paper, pens, pencils, and erasers
Pencil grips

(20 minutes)

Split classroom in half.

Hand students a red or blue card.
Students with the red cards sit on the right side of the room, students with blue on the left.
Discuss that the red symbolizes the North, while the blue symbolizes the South.
Students from each table will hold hands in a circle and try to get a hula hoop around the
circle without breaking hands.
The first group of students to complete the task and sit down win and receive a pencil as a
Once students are back in their seats, discuss how that activity symbolized Lincolns
struggle to preserve the Union.
Question: Why do you think I did this activity?


1: The teacher will show a power-point. (30 minutes-Day 1)

2: Students will take notes on a note-taking guide during the power point with the purpose
question in mind: What caused the Civil War? (10 minutes to review their notes- Day 1)

3: The class will have a discussion addressing the purpose question. (Does anyone have any
questions?) (20 minutes-Day 2)

4: Students will research information about the Civil War from three out of four recommended
websites. They will identify two causes of the Civil War. (What were two causes of the Civil
War?) (15 minutes- Day 2)

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
5: Students will write a paragraph about two causes of the Civil War. (Provide example
paragraph.) (25 minutes- Day 2) (25 minutes- Day 3)

6: Advanced students will write a short response (2-3 sentences) about one website that they used
while writing their paragraph. They will answer the question: Which website was your favorite
and why? (Did you like the websites that were recommended to you? What did you learn from
7: All students will switch paragraphs with an assigned partner. Have them read each others
paragraphs and discuss. (What did you learn from working with your partner?) (20 minutes- Day
8: The teacher will close the lesson by having students write a short response (2-3 sentences)
evaluating why they think the two causes led to the Civil War (opinion based.) How do you think
the Civil War could have been avoided? (20 minutes- Day 3)

1. Discussion
This will be evident when the students are discussing the causes of the Civil War.
2. Scaffolding
This will be evident when the teacher helps the students take notes and write a paragraph
by providing a note-taking guide and an example paragraph.

Students: John McDermott, Casey Smith, Nick Olson, Kelsey Johnson.

John McDermott: Struggling learner (ADD diagnosed- has trouble focusing).

John struggles to focus and attention will be re-focused and re-directed through use of
specific non-verbal cues. During class discussion, the teacher looks at John and points to his/her
eye as an indicator for John to focus.

Casey Smith: Grapho-motor challenges.

Casey profiles with grapho-motor challenges and will be provided with pencil grips
during small writing assignments, such as the paragraph discussing two causes of the Civil War.

Nick Olson: English Language Learner.

Nick is an English learner and will be provided with a peer buddy throughout all
activities in the lesson. He will also be given sentence starters when writing the paragraph in
Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Kelsey Johnson: Kelsey is advanced in her academics and will be required to write a short
response (2-3 sentences) about one website she used while writing her paragraph. She will
answer the question: Which website was your favorite and why?

All students will be provided with a checklist, but this will benefit Casey, John, and Nick to help
keep them on task.


Struggling students will be provided with an example paragraph as a guide while writing their
Average students will have the option of using the example paragraph as a guide while writing
their own.
Advanced students will not be provided with an example paragraph while writing their own.
After completing their paragraph, they will write a short response (2-3 sentences) about one
website that they used while writing their paragraph. They will answer the question: Which
website was your favorite and why?
Visual learners
Visual learners will benefit from the power point as a visual aid for note-taking.
Auditory learners
Auditory learners will benefit from the class discussion following the power point.

All students will be given a checklist, but this will benefit the struggling and visual students to
give them a set list of tasks to look at.

Students will use writing strategies to create a well-constructed paragraph about two causes of
the Civil War, with no grade lower than a 2 out of 4, based on a teacher-constructed rubric.


Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Homework: Write a paragraph comparing how society is now to how it was during the time of
the Civil War. (5-7 sentences.)


Direct Teacher Intervention

The student, under direction instruction with the teacher will explain and evaluate two causes of
the Civil War.
Academic Enrichment
The student will write a journal entry about what they learned about the causes of the Civil War,
opinions should also be included.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Name: Date:

Note Taking Guide

Directions: Write the information in the boxes as indicated.


Facts Key Terms

Example: The Civil War started in 1861. Example: Abolitionist

Example: Abe Lincoln



Example: The Election of Lincoln in 1860

Important Question

Example: What was Lincolns main goal for the country before the Civil War?

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Sentence Starters

The Civil War started and was a conflict between

. Two causes of this

war . The first

cause . An example of this was

. This effected the

citizens because . The second cause

. An example of this was

. This effected society by

. Both the and the

helped contribute to the Civil War.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Assignment Sheet

Directions: Write a paragraph about two causes of the Civil War.

Use three out of four of the recommended websites provided to

you. Your paragraph should be 8-12 sentences. Include details

and examples and proofread!

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Causes of the Civil War
Recommended Websites





Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Example Paragraph

The Civil War started in 1861 and was a conflict between the northern and

southern citizens in the United States. Two causes of this war were the debate over

slavery and the start of Lincolns Presidency in 1860. An example of the

contradicting opinions in the country regarding slavery was the Dred Scott

Decision of 1857. The case denied a slave named Dred Scott citizenship solely

because he was African-American. The case claimed that any person with African

blood could not be a U.S citizen. This angered many northerners because they felt

that it was an injustice; while the southerners felt that it was perfectly fair. The

different point of views regarding the human and governmental rights of African

Americans eventually led to the Civil War. Lincolns election in 1860 attributed to

the start of the Civil War because it infuriated the Southern population. They felt

that Lincoln did not understand their needs or dreams for the future. The citizens

of the south believed that they lacked a president who related to them. Both the

contradiction over the issue of slavery and Lincolns election helped contribute to

the Civil War.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Participated at least once in the class discussion
Note taking guide completed
Three websites chosen from list of recommended

Identify two causes of the Civil War
Write paragraph
Switch paragraphs with a partner
Read and discuss your partners paragraph
Complete homework assignment

Paragraph Rubric

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
1 Student performed at a below-average level, frequent
grammatical errors, did not accurately state two causes of
the Civil War. The paragraph lacked details and little to no
explanation was given on the topic. No effort was evident.

2 Student performed at an average level, few grammatical

errors, stated two causes of the Civil War. The paragraph
had some details and a brief explanation was given on the
topic. Minimal effort was evident.

3 Student performed at a slightly above-average level,

almost no grammatical errors, accurately stated two
causes of the Civil War. The paragraph provided key details
and an explanation was given on the topic. Some effort
was evident.

4 Student performed at an extremely above-average level,

no grammatical errors, clearly and accurately stated two
causes of the Civil War. The paragraph provided multiple
details and a specific explanation was given on the topic.
Exceptional effort was evident.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

American Civil War. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

Causes of the Civil War: A Balanced Answer. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

Causes Of The Civil War. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

Causes Of The Civil War. (2014). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

English Language Arts Standards Reading: Literature Grade 5. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02,

2017, from

Kelly, M. (n.d.). 5 Things That Caused the U.S. Civil War. Retrieved April 02, 2017, from

New York State Standards for Social Studies: Grade 5. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from


S. (2013, September 25). Causes of the Civil War by Shmoop. Retrieved April 06, 2017, from

Teaching, home of the National History Education Clearinghouse. (n.d.). Retrieved

April 02, 2017, from


Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

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