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The cause of Tutankhamuns death

King Tutankhamun is an Egyptian king who ruled between 1332 to 1323 B.C.E. He
restored Egyptians religion. His father, Akhenaten wanted to destroy the belief in the
Egyptian gods and instead worship a sun disc called the Aten.
Tutankhamun died at the age of 19, and disappeared from history until 1922 when
Howard Carter discovered his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. He was put into three
coffins, the first two were made of gilded wood, but the innermost was made of solid
There were many conspiracy theories on how King Tutankhamun died. Some are
proven, but some were just thought up. The first theory that is widely known is that
he died from a chariot accident while he was hunting or in battle. This may be true
because his mummy showed a broken rib cage, a broken knee and a fractured skull.
The second theory is, he died from a hippo attack while he was out hunting. This
could also be true because in ancient Egypt, pharaohs would usually hunt hippos as
they were dangerous, ruined farmers' crops, overturned boats and stampeded. The
third theory is that he suffered from genetics deficiency that caused his death.
I think that the theory that he died from a horrific chariot accident is unlikely because
first of all, he has a clubbed foot. 130 walking canes were found in his tomb, so that
proves that he heavily relied on his walking sticks to walk, making it impossible for
him to ride a chariot.
I dont think that he got killed by a hippo attack because he wouldnt even go hunting
with that bad foot of his. Anyone who suffered from a broken rib from a hippo attack
would have died on the spot, as it mend that the hippo had ran over you.
He got the clubbed foot when he was born as 2,000 computer scans proved both his
parents were brothers and sisters, and that he suffered from hormonal imbalances,
and inherited the illnesses, so I believe that the last theory caused his life. His
immediate line were dying early, and they were dying earlier each generation, says
the Mail Online. Scientist also proved that he only suffered from one broken bone
before his death which was at the knee while the broken rib cage and skull occurred
after he was mummified. This break may have happen due to natural causes as his
body was mummified.
I believe that the last theory proved to be the most factual one as there are many
sources and investigations to back it up. I also feel that it is also the most compelling
of all theories amongst the three.

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