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The art of cinematography

The reason that I choose to write about cinematography was that since I was a
child,I was truly fascinated by films in general as I finded them the closest art
form to life because they combine music,dialog, the acting of the protagonists
and most important ,the directors vision who actually tells the story.So as I
always thought that films are the most suitable way to preserve our past ,our
memories and our feelings ,when I decided what my paper should contain I
choose to write about the history of film ,about the steps which were made since
its invention till now, and about the way that people use it to express their vision
of life.

My first thwo chapters includes information about the first attempts to create
devices capable of showing motion pictures and the first camera called pinhole
camera , , followed by the more advanced camera obscura, which was first
described in detail by Alhazen in his Book of Optics (1021),.His function is based
on a on a naturally occurring phenomenon (the rectilinear propagation of light
and it has been noticed for the first time in the 5th century BC in China.

Furthermore,in chapter three I described a period in filming that came after the
inventing of the film camera and when ,although people could project moving
pictures ,they still couldnt reproduce the sound and the color.Looking back now
there is the impression that all the movies made at that time were completely
black and white and completely silent which is not true.Even then,films were
colorised using a technique called tinting .The color was added only on darker
areas leaving the white areas largely untouched.

In most countries, inter-titles came to be used to provide dialogue and narration

for the silent film,and these were commonly accompanied by live musicians in an
orchestra.All those elements were added to enhance the viewers' experience,and
they were like it very much indeed ,as when flmmakers invented the real color
films they were not so satisfied as it was expected.

The transition between silent and black and white fims trough those which could
reproduce color and film was difficult because there occurred many technical
problems ,and because many actors with heavy accents and disagreeable voices
saw their careers ended.

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