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Spencer Speziale

Mr. Hogan
Physics CP period 6/7
December 20, 2016
1.)Title: Forces and Newtons Law

2.) Introduction

In physics we did an exciting experiment in class. The experiment involved forces

such as friction force (Ff), normal force (Fn), pulling force (Fp), and weight (W). Friction

is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material

elements sliding against each other. Normal force is the component, perpendicular to the

surface (surface being a plane) of contact, of the contact force exerted on an object.

Pulling force is to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a

particular position. Together my lab partner and me had to work together to gather the

best results as possible.

3.) Results
In the experiment we had many results. The results we received were very much

alike on every trial we tested. After a few trials we learned that the more blocks used the

longer the rubber band will stretch. We conquered that 1 block was equaled to 1 stretch

on the rubber band. Also, we learned that the friction force on the block we were pulling

as more blocks were added was harder to pull since the friction force increased. Lastly,

we realized that adding more blocks does not change the weight of the block being

pulled as it adds more squeeze force to it.

4.) Analysis

In physics we did an exciting experiment in class. The experiment involved forces

such as friction force (Ff), normal force (Fn), pulling force (Fp), and weight (W). Friction

is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material

elements sliding against each other. Normal force is the component, perpendicular to the
surface (surface being a plane) of contact, of the contact force exerted on an object.

Pulling force is to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a

particular position. Together my lab partner and me had to work together to gather the

best results as possible. The purpose of this experiment was to give the students a

better understanding of friction force (Ff), normal force (Fn), pulling force (Fp), and

weight (W). Firstly, we picked a partner in the class to work with. With this partner we

determined what was the best way to approach it and begin the experiment. We jumped

right into it and started to read the instructions. After, we gathered our materials to set up

the lab. Firstly, we started with our blocks and string to figure out how we were going to

attack this experiment. Then, we tied a knot around block one and tested results with

multiple blocks being added onto block one every trial. As we went we recorded our data

so we had the best results as possible.

5.) Materials





-Lab Partner

6.) Procedure
1. Get together with your lab partner.

2. Then, sit next to them and get ready to start the lab.

3. Begin getting materials.

4. Then, set up the experiment.

5. Start with Block #1

6. Then, tie a knot around block 1 with the string provided

7. Do a trial run and see the results you get when you pull the block
8. Set up another block added to block 1

9. Test another trail by pulling the blocks.

10. Create a data table with Number of blocks on top, friction force, and normal force.

12. After you finish the lab remember to clean up your lab area!

7.) Conclusion

Our hypothesis was that if the experiment were set up correctly we would have

the same results every trial. My other hypothesis was if more blocks were added then

the weight would be increased. After conducting the experiment, I concluded my

hypothesis was correct for the first part but also incorrect for the second part. In all, this

experiment was very helpful as it taught me the difference between an object's friction

force and normal force. Although I struggled with that I finally understood how to do it

and everything became a lot easier for me. After fixing my mistakes I learned that I

should try a lot more changes can occur so doing more trials helps create the most

accurate results possible. One major thing that I can do next time in the experiment is to

ask more students in my class on how they are going about this experiment.

Number of blocks on top Friction Force (Ff) Normal Force (Fn)

0 0 0

1 1 2

2 2 4

3 3 6

4 4 8

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