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General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 1

1.1 Origin of the Report

As per required for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, I was required to complete

an internship in a suitable business organization and submit a report on my findings. I had been

selected to work as an Internee in Janata Bank Limited, Savar Corporate Branch for a period of 2

months from April, 2016 to May, 2016. Asish Kumar Sarkar, HR division, Janata Bank Limited

appointed me as an Internee. After discussion and getting consent, I started to work on General

Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited.

Without practical exposure, theory can never be fruitful. For this reason, B.B.A program has

been designed in such a way that a student can get practical knowledge. A student needs to go for

practical orientation in some organization where his/her duty is to bear all the some things from

operations and activities of that branch.

This internship report is generated under the supervision of Assistant Professor, Mr. Awal Al

Kabir, Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Business Studies, Jahangirnagar


1.2 Purpose of the study

Janata Bank Limited is a state owned commercial bank and is catering the need of the mass

business people which established in 1971. The chosen topic of my report is General Banking

Activities and Human Resource Management practice of Janata Bank Ltd. We know that
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 2

General Banking work for people and HRM is engaged in creating for human resource. So I

think for the study on General Banking Activities and HRM practice of Janata Bank Ltd is one of

the best organization in Bangladesh. The report mainly serve the following two purposes:

To relate the theoretical approaches with the actual existing scenario regarding of HRM
To fulfill the requirement of the BBA program.

1.3 Objective of the study

Everything has an objective. The objective of the study is to gather practical knowledge on

banking system, management and function. This internship gives me a chance to co-ordinate

with the theoretical knowledge and the practical experience and to evaluate General Banking

Activities and Human Resource Management practice of Janata Bank Ltd.

1.3.1 General Objective:

To know about the management system of Janata Bank Limited as a public commercial

Bank, its formation, and its functional and financial aspects.

To have a clear knowledge about all the division and departments of Janata Bank Limited

Savar Corporate Branch.

To achieve the practical knowledge that will be helpful for future life.
To apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field.
To have exposure to the functions of general banking section.
To observe the working environment in commercial banks.
To study existing banker customer relationship.
To be acquainted with the procedures of several schemes of deposits.
To recommend some suggestions based on findings.
To improve corresponding, report writing ability.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 3

To familiarize the working hours, values and environment of the bank.

To analyze the financing system of the Bank and find out whether the bank needs any

1.4 Methodology of the study

This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the period of internship.

For preparing this report, I have undergone group discussion and interviewed with officers and

clients of the bank. Data regarding the completion of this research are collected from both

primary and secondary sources.

1.4.1 Primary Sources are as follows:-

Appointment with the top officials of the Bank

By interviewing clients of the Bank

1.4.2 Secondary Sources are as follows:-

Internal Sources

Annual report of Janata Bank Limited

Files & Folder
Memos & Circulars

External Sources

Web sites
Periodicals Published by Bangladesh Bank
Study related books and journals

1.5 Scope of Study

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 4

Janata Bank Limited is one of the largest Government bank in Bangladesh which is to develop a

balanced & sound economic, social & industrial sector of Bangladesh. As I was intern at Savar

Corporate Branch so the scope of the study is only limited to this branch. This report covers

about Janata Bank Limited especially General Banking and HRM practice. This study provides

insight into General Banking works, HR practice in this bank. This study also examines the

organizational structure, culture, values, and background objectives etc. of the bank While

preparing this report I do not have any limitations, the employees of Savar Corporate Branch was

very helped me a lot and I have used both primary and secondary data which available to me.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

Despite full co-operation from the Bank and Bank's officials, I faced some limitations. The

notable some of these are under

Inexperience on practical work to do so.

It was very difficult to collect the information from various personnel for their job

As some of the fields of banking are still not covered by our courses, there was difficulty

in understanding some activities.

Another limitation of this report is Bank's policy of not disclosing some data and

information for confidential reason, which could be very much useful

Because of the limitation of information, some assumptions were made. So there may be

some personal mistake in the report.

Omissions and error may be there due to lack of my prior experience in preparing a

professional report like this one; nevertheless, I have tried utmost to avoid mistakes.
There may not have the sufficient data in the branch office.

Three months time is not proper to perfectly represents on this task.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 5

1.7 Data Processing & Analysis

Collected information have then processed & compiled with the aid of MS Word, Excel & other

related computer software. Necessary tables have been prepared on the basis of collected data

and various statistical techniques have been applied to analyses on the basis of classified

information. Detail explanation and analysis have also been incorporated in the report.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 6

2.1 General banking

General banking is the starting point of all the banking operations. It is the department, which

provides day-to-day services to the customers. Every day it receives deposits from the

customers and meets their demand for cash by honoring cheques. It opens new

accounts, remit funds, issues bank drafts and pay orders etc. Since bank is confined to

provide the services every day, general banking is also known as retail banking (Saima,


A management system describes the set of procedures an organization needs to follow in order to

meet its objectives. In some small organizations, there may not be an official system, just

our way of doing things that is mostly kept in the heads of the staff. But the larger the

organization, the more likely that procedures need to be recorded to ensure everyone is

clear on who does what. This process of systemizing how things are done is known as a

management system (ISO. Org).

Many financial institutions are operating in every country. The bank is a one of the financial

institution. But it differs from other firm because the bank collects money from customer

as a deposit and gives money to customer as a loan. So the bank acts as financial

intermediaries between the depositors and borrowers. Deposits are liabilities to the bank.

Deposit must be maintained by the bank to maximize the profit (Shelagh Heffernan2005).

The bank acts as a debtor and creditor, principal and agent, bailer and bile and mortgagor and

mortgagee between the customer and the bank. Banking liked to do more successful than
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 7

others in Worldwide after 1970, banks took action for continuous improvement among

other financial institution. In 1970, the bank of England published their true cost and

profit report for first initiative (Ravid Rogers 1999).

Banks non-financial service includes unit trust, pension fund, stock broking, and insurance and

real estate services. Almost all banks are also active in off balance sheet business to

improve their profitability. (Shelagh Heffernan 2005).

The bank maintains financial statement such as balance sheet and profit and loss account to

measure their financial performance. Main source of bank is a customer deposit. Deposits

are reported on the balance sheet as a liability. These deposits are used by the bank for

investment. This is assets for the bank. The bank capital arises from different between the

total liability and total asset. On the other hand bank increasing their fund by issuing

bonds and equity. (Barbara Casu 2006).

According to the Heffernan (2005) payment system is defined as an intermediate function and

its facilitate transferring claims ownership in banking sector.

Generally some institution such as local authorities and public utilities are receiving a big

amount of money as a regular payment. So this method is selected by these institutions to

receive direct debit from the customer account. (D.P .Whiting 1994)

The current account holders have authority to withdraw money from bank by using cheque. In

recent year bank gives further facilities to current account holder such as interest on the

cleared balance from day to day, provide debit card to withdraw money from ATM, and

possibility to changing fund by switch. Current account has the main different facilities. It
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 8

includes the acceptance of deposit, credit provision, and it helps to transferring fund to

third party. (Whiting, 1994).

E banking is concerned as division of general allocation method in retail banking, and its

proposed by all bigger banks. Although e banking in the formation of ATMs and phone

banking isnt a new aspect , and a lot of banks providing this services because of growth

of the internet user , and also a lot of customers use the online banking services.(Barbara


Herzberg had close links with Maslow and believed in a two-factor theory of motivation. He

argued that there were certain factors that a business could introduce that would

directly motivate employees to work harder (motivators). However there were also

factors that would de-motivate an employee if not present but would not in themselves

actually motivate employees to work harder (hygiene factors), (Rilley 2015).

2.2 Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) is considered a critical organizational resource that helps

an organization sustain its effectiveness. It is one important area that influences a number

of employees' attitudes and behavior such as intent to leave, levels of job satisfaction, and

organizational commitment (Lee & Heard, 2000).

Buck and Watsons (2002) indicated nine important HRM practices such as decentralization,

Compensation, Participation, training, development, employment security, social

interactions, management style, communications, and performance appraisal.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 9

According to Klaus et al. (2003), through better job assignment or work design, employees may

display greater commitment, leading to better job performance. On the basis of the above

literature review, the study consider the following dimensions of HRM practices have

impacts on employees satisfaction towards organization such as recruitment and

selection systems, compensation package, job security, career growth, training and

development, management style, job design and responsibilities, reward and motivation,

and working environment

The motivation and opportunity focused bundles of Human Resource practices positively related

to affective commitment and negatively related to turnover (Gardner et. al., 2007).

Wayne et. al. (1997) suggested that HRM practices that signaled the organization's intentions to

invest in employees (such as developmental experiences and training) produced higher

levels of affective organizational commitment.

HR practices such as pay, benefits and training are negatively related to turnover because they

motivate employees and "lock" them to their jobs (Lazear, 1986; Madrian, 1994; Gruber

& Madrian, 1994).

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 10



3.1 Beginning of Banking in Bangladesh

After independence the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was formally to cover

the charge of the administration of the territory now constitute Bangladesh. In an attempt to

rehabilitate the war-devastated banking of Bangladesh, the government promulgated a law called

Bangladesh Bank (temporary) order, 1971 (Acting Presidents Order No.2 of 1971). By this

order, the State Bank of Pakistan was declared to be deemed as offices, branches and assets of

Bangladesh Bank. On that date there existed 14 scheduled banks with about 3042 branches all

over the country.

On the 16th December, 1971, there existed the following 12 banks in Bangladesh, namely:-

National Bank of Pakistan

Bank of Bahwalpur Ltd
Premier Bank Ltd.
Habib Bank Ltd.
Commerce Bank Ltd.
United Bank Ltd.
Union Bank Ltd.
Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd.
Standard Bank Ltd.
Australasia Bank Ltd.
Eastern Mercantile Bank Ltd.
Eastern Banking Corporation Ltd

3.2 Nationalization of Banks in Bangladesh

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 11

Immediately after the liberation war in 1971, Government of Bangladesh consolidated banks

authority and decided to adopt socialist pattern of society as its goal. Hence in order to

implement the above mentioned state policy; the Government of Bangladesh decides to

nationalize all the banks of the country accordingly on the 26th March, 1972, Bangladesh Banks

(Nationalization) Order, 1972(President order No. 26 of 1972) was promulgated. The

undertakings of existing banks specified in the 1st column of the table below stands transferred

to and vested in, the new banks mentioned in the 2nd column of the said table:

Nationalization of Banks

Existing Bank New Bank

1. National Bank. Sonali Bank.
2. Bank of Bahwalpur Ltd
3. Premier Bank Ltd.
4. Habib Bank Ltd. Agrani Bank
5. Commerce Bank Ltd.
6. United Bank Ltd. Janata Bank.
7. Union Bank Ltd.
8. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. Rupali Bank.
9. Standard Bank Ltd.
10. Australasia Bank Ltd.
11. Eastern Mercantile Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank.
12. Eastern Banking Corporation Ltd. Uttara Bank

Table-1 Nationalization of Banks

3.3 An Overview of Janata Bank

Janata Bank Limited to explore the world of progressive Banking in Bangladesh. It is a

state owned commercial bank and is catering the need of the mass business people which

established in 1971. It was corporatized on 15thNovember 2007. Janata Bank was born with a
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 12

new concept of purposeful banking sub serving the growing and diversified financial needs of

planned economic development of the country.

Their commitment and the peoples belief in they have given them the edge over others

to earn this trust about the safe keeping of their money in the right kind of banking channel.

Janata Bank Limited, one of the state owned commercial banks in Bangladesh, has an

authorized capital of TK. 20000 million (approx. US$ 283.33 million), paid up capital of TK.

5000.00 million, reserve of TK.10823.01 million and retained surplus TK. 5167.18 million. The

Bank has a total asset of TK. 345233.92 million as on 31st December 2010. Immediately after

the emergence of Bangladesh in 1971, the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank

Limited were renamed as Janata Bank. On 15th November, 2007 the bank has been corporatized

and renamed as Janata Bank Limited.

Janata Bank Limited operates through 908 branches including 4 overseas branches at

United Arab Emirates.

The Bank employs more than 14151(As on 03.02.2016).

The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the socio- economic development of

the nation by operating a commercially sound banking organization, providing credit to viable

borrowers, efficiently delivered and competitively priced, simultaneously protecting depositors

funds and providing a satisfactory return on equity to the owners.

The Board of Directors is composed of 13 (Thirteen) members headed by a Chairman.

The Directors are representatives from both public and private sectors.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 13

The Bank is headed by the Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, who is a

reputed banker.

3.4 Company Profile

Features Values
Name Janata Bank Limited
Genesis Janata Bank Limited, the 2nd largest State Owned Commercial Bank

(SCB) in Bangladesh, is playing pivotal role in overall financial activities

of the country. The Bank emerged as Janata Bank by combining the

erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited under the Banks

Nationalization Order (Presidents Order- 26) of 1972 and was

restructured as a limited company in November, 2007. Since inception in

1972 the Bank has commendably contributed to the socio-economic

development of Bangladesh and helped structuring solid financial ground

of the country as well. Janata Bank runs its business with 908 branches

across the country including 4 overseas branches in United Arab Emirates.

Registered Address Janata Bhaban, 110, Motijheel Commercial Area Dhaka - 1000,

Legal Status Public Limited Company
Chairman Shaikh Md. Wahid-uz-Zaman
Managing Director & Md. Abdus Salam

Company Secretary Md. Mosaddake-Ul-Alam
Date of Incorporation 21 May 2007
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 14

Authorized Capital BDT 30,000 Million

Paid up Capital BDT 19,140 Million
Face value per share BDT 100 per share
Shareholding Pattern 100% Share owned by the Government of Bangladesh
Number of 14151(As on 03.02.2016)

Banking license 31 May 2007

obtained from

Bangladesh Bank
Phone 9560000, 9566020, 9556245-49, 9565041-45, 9560027-30
Fax 88-02-9554460, 9553329, 9552078

Table-2 Company Profile

3.5 Core Values of Janata Bank Limited

Accountability All employees are responsibility for their actions, decisions, and


Balance Management Board taking a proactive stand to create and maintain a healthy

work-life balance for workers.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 15

Commitment Every employees are committed to provide great good service, and other

initiatives that impact lives within and outside the organization.

Diversity All employee respecting the diversity and giving the best of composition.

Establishing an employee equity program.

Empowerment They encouraging employees to take initiative and give the best.

Adopting an error-embracing environment to empower employees to lead and make


Innovation Everyone take pursuing new creative ideas that have the potential to change

the world.

Integrity Protection and safeguard of national and customer interest acting with honesty

and honor without compromising the truth.

Ownership Taking care of the company and customers as they were ones own.

Safety This organization ensuring the health and safety of employees and going beyond

the legal requirements to provide an accident-free workplace.

Team Work: Open communication, group discussion and interaction among employees to

ensure achieving common goal.

Transparency: Information is to be kept open for all without confidential information.

3.6 Vision
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 16

To become the effective largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to support socio-economic

development of the country and to be a leading bank in South Asia.

3.7 Mission

Janata Bank Limited will be an effective commercial bank by maintaining a stable growth

strategy, delivering high quality financial products, providing excellent customer service through

an experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in every step of

banking network.

3.8 Slogan

Fig-1 Slogan
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 17

3.9 JBL Organogram

Board of


Company Public
Affairs Relations DMD's
Department Department

GM Divisional GM Head
Office Office

Fig-2 JBL Organogram

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 18

3.10 List of Awards at a Glance

ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2014

(ICAB) awarded Janata Bank Limited with the ICAB National Awards for best presented

annual reports in 201

Asian Banking awards 2004.
Asian Banking Awards 2005
Best Bank-Bangladesh Awards: 2006,2007,2008,2009
Business Asia Most Respected Company Awards-2012 given by Business Asia
Award for success in sending foreign remittance through expatriate customers-2014
(ICMAB) recognized the achievements -2011,2012,2014
Citi Bank N.A. recognized Janata Bank Limiteds increasing leadership in the payment

space with 2013 Performance Excellence Awards.

Quality Recognition Award 2009
Asian Banking and Finance Wholesale Banking Awards 2014
Western Union (Worldwide Money Transfer C.) Asia Pacific awarded with Productive

Location Champion 2010 award.

General Banking Activities of Janata Bank Limited

4.1 General Banking

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 19

Janata Bank Limited offers all the major banking facilities and services to its customers. The

Bank with its network spreading throughout the country has a unique feature of sloughing back

savings from those places and then investing them into different loan portfolios. General

Banking activities include: Customer Service, Account Opening/Closing, Remittance, Deposit

Department, Account Department, Cash Department etc.

4.2 Account opening

To start the transaction permanently in a Janata Bank registration should be maintained

which is account opening. Md. Ataur Rahaman (Executive officer) is always ready to provide

this type of service By account opening one considered as own and loyal client to the bank.

Therefore it wants to retain this customer for a long time providing superior services. To open an

account some criterion client has to follow which helps to keep information about them to it. To

open account in the Janata Bank they have different account form to registry in different name.

Generally to open any account first of all collecting the form filling account holders name,

father name, mothers name, date of birth, citizenship, religion, present and permanent address

and signature. Introducers approved should be mandatory and filling nominees information like

A/C holder in the form. After this task he or she will be given a photocopy of voter ID card/valid

passport/Nationality Certificate and three copies photographs (two for A/C holder and another

one for nominee). Then officer will check it and give an A/C no. as well deposit book to deposit

money in the A/C no. Then the respective officer inputs data into Easy Banking Software. Then

he prints thanks letter for introducer and A/C holder and sends these letters in respective address
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 20

to verifying addresses of introducer & A/C holder. After verifying A/C holders address the

officer issue cheque books to withdraw money.

JBL (Janata Bank) focuses different importance to the different A/C. according to that the

requirement varies.

4.3 Deposit of Janata Bank Ltd.

Current Deposit

Saving Deposit

Special Notice Deposit

Fixed Deposit

Scheme Deposit

4.3.1 Current Deposit Account

Current Deposit account is the most important for the bank. This A/C is opened by business

people who are used to daily transaction for business purposes. People mostly maintain this

A/C to have daily transaction in any time and for security. No interest is paid in Current

Deposit Account due to any time withdraw from the bank and deposit to the bank. To open

this account, there some rules and regulation which is controlled by Bangladesh Bank
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 21

(Central Bank) have been maintained by Janata Bank (JBL). Below some criterions are given

to open this A/C. Current Deposit Account (Personnel)

Collect an Account opening form from the Bank.

Fill all the requirements of the form.

Nominee is must be specified.

Photograph is most important for any account two for holder and one for nominee

(Except institutional A/C).

To open this account the most important things is a photocopy of voter ID card/valid

passport//Nationality Certificate issued by local govt. must have to add with the account

opening form and also enclose the form 12 with the account opening form. Current Deposit Account (Sole Proprietorship)

Signature Card.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 22

Photograph 3 or 4 for holder attested by introducer and 2 for nominee of signatories

attested by A/C holder.

Copy of valid Trade License.

TIN Certificate.

18-A permission from Bangladesh Bank (for GSA & Agents only). Current Deposit Account (Partnership)

Signature Card.

Photography of signatories attested by introducer.

Partnership Deed.

Partners letter of authority to open account and authorization for operation.

Copy of valid Trade License.

18-A permission from Bangladesh Bank (for GSA & Agents only). Current Deposit Account (Limited Liability Company)

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 23

Signature Card.

Photograph of signatories attested by introducer.

Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Copy of Certificate of Incorporation and commencement of business.

Copy of Board Resolution to open the account and authorization for operation.

List of Directors and signatories along with addresses.

Latest copy of From XII. Current Deposit Account (Association/Trust/Society)

Signature Card.

Photograph of signatories attested by introducer.

Copy of Resolution of governing body to open the account and authorization for


Copy of consolation / bylaws/ rules.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 24

Certificate of registration.

List of authorized signatories and members of the governing bodies along with address.

Trust Deed (for Trust account only)

4.3.2 Saving Account

Saving account is quite different from Current A/C. Bank provide interest 5% at present to the

client to maintain deposit in. Here, client cannot withdraw his money any time as his wish.

Some restrictions have to follow to withdraw money per week. People are more interested to

open A/C for sending and receiving money from different source abroad and local as well

getting interest and security. To open it here some rules what should be maintained:

Account Opening Procedure

Collect an Account opening form from the Bank.

Fill all the requirements of the form.

Nominee is must be specified.

Photograph is most important for any account.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 25

The account holder sign of his/her own self in front or the specific bank principle

Officer in the account opening form.

To open this account the most important things is that Passport Photocopy or the Word

Commissioner Certificate must have to add with the account opening form.

4.3.3 Special Notice Deposit

Janata Bank Limited offers interest on customer's special notice deposit (SND) account

and gives facility to withdraw money at any time.

Requirements for opening a Special Notice Deposit Account:

Account Opening Form to be duly filled out and submitted to a chosen branch of Janata

Bank along with three passport sized recent photographs duly attested by an introducer

who must be an account holder of any Branch of Janata Bank.

Minimum maintenance charge is required.
An initial deposit is required for opening of the A/c.
Minimum balance is to be maintained (as instructed) in the A/c.
All required information and papers as per terms mentioned in the Account Opening

Other conditions (if any) are applicable.

4.3.4 Fixed Deposit Receive (FDR)

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 26

This product is totally different from the other products current and saving account.

Because in this case rules, regulation and other formalities are much lower. To have a fixed

big amount of money in the bank and it is an agreement for non-withdraw before maturity

period, risk is low. People are more inspired to get huge amount of money after time period

to have high interest. At present, JBL is offering up to 7.50~ 12.00% interest rate for various

time period prefixed by JBL.

Account Opening Procedure

Collecting a form and fill up all the requirements of A/C holder.

Nominee must be mentioned and related information also.

Two copies passport size photograph one for holder one for nominee.

Needed passport or /National ID card or commissioner certificate.

4.3.5 Janata Bank Saving Deposit Scheme (JBSDS)

Monthly saving scheme product brought to the welfare for the customers who call it as a Janata

Bank Saving Deposit Scheme (JBSDS). Who doesnt have the big amount of money to deposit at

a time in the bank but want to get accumulated money with profit after a certain period of time,

for them this opportunity is opened to deposit monthly in the bank. One can open this account
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 27

more than one as well as jointly. Minority can open account with guardian. This product has a

variation with different figure starting from 500 to 10,000 for 10 years like this:

4.4 Account Closing

For two reasons, one can be closed. One is by banker and other is by the customer.

By banker: If any customer doesnt maintain any transaction within six years and the A/C

balance becomes lower than the minimum balance, banker has the right to close an A/C.

By customer: If the customer wants to close his A/C, he writes an application to the manager

urging him to close his A/C.

But in practice, normally the customers dont close A/C willingly. At times, customers dont

maintain any transaction for long time. Is this situation at first, the A/C becomes dormant and

ultimately it is closed by the bank.

4.5 Personalized Services

Janata Bank Limited with its wide ranging branch network and skilled personnel provides

prompt and personalized services like issuing:

Demand Draft

Telegraphic Transfer
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 28

Mail Transfer

Pay Order

Security Deposit Receipt

Transfer of fund by special arrangement, I) Normal transfer ii) Electronic transfer through

Ready Cash Card

Janata Bank Limited Ghare-Ghare (House to House)

The following branches of Janata Bank Limited will collect Utility Bills (e. g. Electricity,

Telephone, Gas, WASA etc.) from customers through agents for payments against fixed service

charges: (i) Dhanmandi (ii) Gulshan Circle-II Corporate (iii) Satmasjid Road Corporate (iv)

Dhaka College Gate (v) Mirpur Section-10 (vi) Uttara Model Town Corporate and (vii)

Mohammadpur Corporate Branches.

4.6 One Stop Services

Janata Bank Limited, first among the Nationalized Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, has

introduced One Stop Service. The salient features of this system are as under:

A customer can deposit and withdraw money from a single counter.

The system of Token and Scroll has been discontinued.

Customers are getting prompt and personalized services from a single counter.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 29

Verification of signature is easy as the same is stored in the Computer.

4.7 General Credit Line

The main focus of Janata Bank Limited Credit Line/Program is financing business, trade

and industrial activities through an effective delivery system.

Janata Bank Limited offers credit to almost all sectors of commercial activities having

productive purpose.

Janata Bank Limited offers credit to almost all sectors of commercial activities having

productive purpose.

Credit is also offered to 15 (fifteen) thrust sectors, as earmarked by the Government, at a

reduced interest rate to develop frontier industries.

Credit facilities are offered to individuals, businessmen, small and big business houses,

traders, manufactures, corporate bodies, etc.

Loan is provided to the rural people for agricultural production and other off-farm


Prime customers enjoy prime rate in lending and other services.

Credit facilities are extended as per guide-lines of Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank of

Bangladesh) and operational procedures of the Bank.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 30

4.8 International Banking

Janata Bank Limited has already established a worldwide network and relationship in

international Banking through its 4 (four) overseas branches and 1198 foreign


The Bank has earned an excellent business reputation in handling and funding

international trade particularly in boosting export & import of the country.

The Bank finances exports within the frame-work of the export policy of the country.

It is one of the pioneers in promoting back to back Letter of Credit for the RMG

(Ready Made Garments) sector.

4.9 EXPORT Finance

To boost up country's Export, Janata Bank Limited has been providing different kinds of

assistance to exporters. Some of which are as under:-

Providing Pre-Shipment and Post-Shipment Finance, Export Guarantee and bonding

facility etc.

Concessional rate of interest for exports Finance.

Back to Back L/C under bonded Warehouse facility

Sight & Unasked L/C against Firm Contract for import of raw materials.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 31

Sight L/C under EDF

Exporter's Retention Quota A/C both interest bearing and non-interest bearing.

Export incentive Program.

Banking at Export Processing Zone

Scope for establishment of export oriented industry by 100% foreign investment and by


The sole bank to disburse Government Export Promotion Fund against export of

Computer Software & Data Entry Processing

Undergone to an agreement with Bangladesh Bank to obtain fund from Government EEF

(Equity & Entrepreneurship Fund) to build up entrepreneur's equity service export.

4.10 IMPORT Finance

Through quite a good number of Authorized Dealer Branches and 1198 nos. foreign

correspondents worldwide Janata Bank Limited has been extending full range import and

relevant finance facilities.

Opening of L/C at competitive/ reasonable margin and commission

Interest at concession rate on import finance to the prime customers & interest rebate

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 32

4.11 Financing IT Sector

The importance of Information Technology and the role it can play in the socio-economic

development of a nation cannot be over emphasized. The world has witnessed a phenomenal

growth in IT over the last two decades, and the countries, which made a conscious decision to

take advantage of such growth, have made unprecedented progress. Today we are living in the

Internet world. To hasten the growth of information Technology and to attract young energetic IT

professional Janata Bank Limited has launched a credit scheme titled "Financing Computer

Software Development & Data Export". The maximum loan amount is TK. 10 million, with debt

to equity ratio being 80: 20. The rate of interest is 11%. But anybody with export market

exposure can get the benefit at 7% interest rate plus 1% service charge. The main feature of this

scheme is to set up industrial based IT projects for development of software for data export and

that too on a very soft term. Janata Bank Limited has issued detailed guidelines for facilitating IT


4.12 Financing of Industries

Janata Bank Limited entrusted with the responsibility of developing industries within the frame

work of Industrial policy of the Government of Bangladesh and credit norms of Bangladesh

Bank as well as by the Investment Board. If the project is managerially, marketing point of view,

technically, commercially and financially viable, then Janata Bank Limited finance the project.

Sponsors/companies having prior experience in the related field are given priority.

4.13 Financing Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 33

Janata Bank Limited has been financing Small and Medium Enterprises with a view to

developing a balanced and dynamic industrial sector having a strong base of SMEs throughout

the country.

4.14 Foreign Remittance Services:

Janata Bank Limited has a network of more than 898 domestic branches in Bangladesh covering

whole of the country including the rural areas. Remittance services are available at all branches

and foreign remittances may be sent to any branch by the remitters favoring their beneficiaries.

Remittances are credited to the account of beneficiaries instantly or within shortest possible time.

Janata Bank Limited has correspondent banking relationship with all major banks & exchange

houses located in almost all the countries/cities. Expatriate Bangladeshis may send their hard

earned foreign currencies through those banks & exchange houses or may contact any renowned

banks nearby ( where they reside/work) to send their money to their dear ones in Bangladesh.

"To resolve the foreign remittance related problem/complain/enquiry, Janata Bank Limited has a

'Complain cell' at its Overseas Banking Division, Head Office, Dhaka. All Concerned are

requested to contact at the following address to resolve any problem related to foreign

Remittance." Facilities Offered to the Remitters Commission for issuance of Taka Drafts from

our UAE branches has been reduced and refined from AED 10.00 to AED 4.00 and commission

for issuance of TTs drawn on Bangladesh and payable at any bank branches are re-fixed at AED

12.00 from AED 30.00. Commission for issuances of Taka drafts at UAE branches has been

reduced irrespective of amount. 1% interest above the normal savings deposit rate is offered to

SB accounts receiving foreign remittance.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 34

4.15 Products & Services

Product and services is the main assets of any organization. Janata Bank provides all

commercial banking services to its clients focusing on the national interest and sustainable

growth. The major fields of its activities may be available of Janata Bank Ltd.

Consumer Credit Scheme

Special Deposit Scheme

Monthly Saving Scheme

Saving Insurance Scheme

Credit Card

Retail/Personal Banking

Credit programs

Micro Enterprises & Special Credit

Rural Banking / Credit Program

International Banking

Foreign Remittance and NRB Banking

Western Union Money Transfer

JBL ATM Service

JBL Power Card

4.15.1 Consumer Credit Scheme

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 35

Janata Bank Ltd. Consumer Credit Scheme gives clients a great opportunity to buy household

and office items on easy installments. This scheme gives clients the advantage of part

payment to cope with the high price tags of many necessary home and office appliances.

Television, Refrigerator, VCR, Personal Computer, Photocopier, Washing Machine, Furniture,

Microwave Oven, Car, and a number of other expensive items are now within their buying

range. With this scheme JBL makes better living possible for people living on fixed income.

Customers can buy those home and office equipments without over taxing their budget.

4.15.2 Special Deposit

For most of the people on fixed income the opportunity to supplement their monthly earning

is a golden one. And JBL Special Deposit Scheme gives a customer just that. Under this

scheme, customers can deposit money for a term of 5 years. The deposited money is fully

refundable at the expiry of the term. At the same time, during the term period they can enjoy a

monthly profit corresponding to their deposited amount. As for instance, under this scheme a

deposit of TK. 55,000/- gives a monthly income of TK.500/-.

Deposited Amount Monthly Benefit

TK. 55,000/- TK. 500/-

TK. 1,10,000/- TK. 1,000/-

TK. 1,65,000/- TK. 1,500/-

TK. 2,20,000/- TK. 2,000/-

Table-3 Special Deposit
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 36

4.15.3 Monthly Savings Scheme

This scheme is specially designed for the benefit of the limited income group members. This

helps to accumulate small monthly savings into a significant sum at the end of the term. So,

after the expiry of the term period the depositor will have a substantial amount to appreciate


A monthly deposit of TK.500/- or TK.1000/- for 5 or 8 years period earns in the end. TK.37,

896 /- or TK.75, 791/- respectively.

Monthly Instalment Return after Return after

5 years 8 years

TK. 500/- TK. 37, 896 TK. 70849/-

TK. 1,000/- TK. 75,791 TK.141697/-

TK. 2000/- TK. 1,51,583 TK. 2,83,570

TK. 3000 TK. 2,27,348 TK. 4,25,091

TK. 4000 TK. 3,03,166 TK. 5,66,788

Table-4 Monthly Savings Scheme

4.15.4 Q-cash

Janata Bank Limited, first among the Nationalized Commercial Banks, has introduced ATM

services. Janata Bank Limited is one of the pioneer members of Shared Q-cash consortium.

Janata Bank Limited offers Debit card and Credit card facilities.

If you have an account with any branch of our Bank, you can be the proud owner of Janata

Bank Limited Debit card and Credit card. If you don't, please open an account with Janata
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 37

Bank Limited right now and take the opportunity to be a proud owner of Janata Bank Limited

Q-cash (ATM) Card.

Debit card:

Picture-1 Debit card

Credit card:

Picture-2 Credit card

Presently Janata Bank Limited and other Q-cash Consortium member banks can provide

services to their customers through 4100 ATMs.

Besides the ATMs a card holder can enjoy the facilities of all ATMs of Network Sharing Banks.

i.e. BRAC Bank Limited and Dutch Bangla Bank Limited.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 38

Picture-3 Q-cash (ATM)

Q-cash (ATM) cardholders can use their cards to meet shopping needs through POS terminals

of American Express deployed at important shops, stores and malls.

4.15.5 Retail Banking

In addition to normal savings and current accounts, Janata Bank presents different deposit

schemes for retail clients. As a limited income person you may select one for yourself. The

schemes are Short term deposit, Term deposit, Sanchaya pension scheme and Deposit pension

scheme. The programs offer good terms and conditions.

4.15.6 Rural Banking

The bank extends its loan facility to create employment and achieve economic growth in

rural Bangladesh. It provides loan to farmers, fish and shrimp cultivators, and micro

entrepreneurs. They may have loan for agro equipment and other expenditure related to

production. All the efforts are targeted to employment generation and self-employment. Well, all

these loans are at easy terms.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 39

Almost 80% of our population lives in rural areas. So their economic empowerment is a

must for real and sustainable growth of our economy. So this bank works simultaneously to

create employment and to alleviate poverty.

As the success of a micro credit program depends mainly on intensive supervision, the

bank sometimes provides such credit in collaboration with other agencies. Collaborating GO or

NGO provide supervisors.

4.15.7 Micro Enterprise & Special Credit

Our rural population is badly submerged under poverty. To bring them above the poverty

level Janata Bank has taken up a good number of financing programs. Some of these are:

Small Farmers & Landless Laborers Development project (SFDP)

Swanirvar Credit Scheme
Co-operative Credit for rural poor
Lending through NGOs
Grain Storage Credit
Ghoroa Prokalpa/Family based micro credit
Women Entrepreneur Development Credit
Small Business Development loan Scheme

Further to the above the bank offers some special credit programs. Those are like:

Seed Development Program

Loan for Handicapped/Disabled people
Hybrid cow Rearing Program
Credit for Forestry and Horticulture/Nursery
Flower cultivation
Goat Rearing

So it is clear that Janata Bank tries to help almost all professions of our villages. Thus its

contributing quite substantially in reducing poverty and increasing growth.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 40

4.15.8 JBL ATM Services

ATM means automated teller machine. JBL ATM card give opportunity to their customer that

they can withdraw their money at any time, any days even holidays. By using ATM subscriber

can give various utility bill such as telephone, gas, electricity bills etc. actually ATM card is a

debit card. Janata Bank Ltd. has introduced ATM service to its Customers. The card will enable

to save their valued customers from any kind of predicament in emergency situation and time

consuming formalities. JBL ATM Card will give their distinguished Clients the opportunity to

withdraw cash at any time, even in holidays, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. Presently

Janata Bank Limited and other Q-cash Consortium member banks can provide services to their

customers through 4100 ATMs

Charges for ATM card

ATM cardholders have to pay 1000 taka annually and in the case of card lost subscriber also

pay additional 300 taka.

JBL Power Card

It is a prepaid card. No need of any account of JBL branch. Application form available at any

JBL branch and card center. No annual fee for the first year. Renewal fee TK. 200.00 only.

Local card limit 1000at minimum or its multiple. International card limit-US$ 500.00 at

minimum. Refill through any JBL branch. Drawing cash from JBL ATMs free of charge & from

ATMs under Q-Cash network-TK. 10.00 per transaction from other ATM-TK. 100.00. Loading

fee for international card will be charged @1% of the loaded amount. Cash withdraw fee

(abroad) 2% of the cash drawn amount or US $.2.00, whichever is higher. Accepted at all VISA
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 41

POS merchants. Cash withdrawal at all ATM booths bearing VISA and Q-Cash logo. (Except

HSBC Bangladesh). Utility bill payment. It is a prepaid card. No need of any account of JBL

branch. Application form available at any JBL branch and card center. No annual fee for the

first year. Renewal fee TK. 200.00 only. Local card limit 1000at minimum or its multiple.

International card limit-US$ 500.00 at minimum. Refill through any JBL branch.

Western Union Money Transfer

Joining with the worlds largest money transfer service Western Union, JBL has introduced

Bangladesh to the faster track of money remittance. Now money transfer between Bangladesh

and any other part of the globe is safer and faster than ever before. This simple transfer system,

being on line eliminates the complex process and makes it easy and convenient for both the

sender and the receiver. Through JBL Western Union Money Transfer Service, your money

will reach its destination within a few minutes.

Saving Insurance Scheme

This is an uncertain World and the threatening silhouettes of future catastrophes are always

looking around. This JBL scheme gives your family protection against the insecurities of the

world. This scheme is the first of its kind in Bangladesh. It combines the benefits of regular

savings and insurance scheme; so, you get the usual rate of interest on the deposited amount

while you enjoy the protection of a comprehensive insurance coverage. Under this scheme, the

beneficiary get equal the deposit in case of natural death of the account holder whereas in the

event of accidental death of the account holder the beneficiary will receive twice the deposit.

As for example, if a customer picks up Easy Class (TK.50, 000/-) he/she will get TK.50, 000/-
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 42

for natural death and TK.1, 00,000/- for accidental death apart from his/her deposited amount

and interest.


The Bank has in its use the latest information technology services of SWIFT and REUTERS.

L/C advising, transferring and quick transfers of remittances as well as other financial

correspondences have become very easy & speedy with the installations of SWIFT.

Small credit program for disbursement

JBL has been continuing its small credit program for disbursement of collateral free agricultural

loans among the poor farmers of Barindra area in Rajshahi district for improving their lot.

Alongside banking activities.

Support to foreign investors

Janata Bank Ltd., has now acquired strength and expertise to support the banking needs of the

foreign investors. JBL stepped into a new arena of business and opened its Off Shore Banking

Unit at Mohakhali to serve the wage earners and the foreign investors better than before.

Transparency and accountability

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 43

Transparency and accountability of a financial institution is reflected in its Annual Report

containing its Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. In recognition of this, JBL was

awarded Crest in 1999 and 2000, and Certificate of Appreciation in 2001 by the Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh.

4.16 Social responsibility


JBL has been continuously creating new fields of employment every year by way of

expansion of its business activities and branch network in 2007, the bank created employment

for 238 personnels.


Janata Bank Ltd. Foundation was established in 1989 for fulfilling responsibilities for welfare

of the society .It has been running the Janata Bank Ltd. public School and college in

Moghbazar, Dhaka. In 2008, 53 students appeared at the SSC Examination among them 25
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 44

students achieved Golden A+ and 32 students appeared at the H.S.C. examination among

them 4 students achieved Golden A+. The bank has been accommodating prospective

graduates recognized universities for completing their internship. JBL also awarded stipend

and scholarship to the brilliant children of the employees of the bank.

Sports & culture

Nation Bank has a tradition of patronizing and sponsoring sports and cultural of the country.

The Janata Bank Ltd. Volleyball league -2007 was arranged under patronization of the

Bank. JBL has been arranging annual picnic for gathering and recreation o its executives,

officers and staff.

Disaster relief

Janata Bank Ltd. always extends its helping hands and stands by the suffering and helpless

people in times of natural calamities. In 2007, Janata Bank Ltd. donated TK. 40.00 Lac to

help the victims of flood, TK. 20.00 Lac for relief operation for landslide victims and TK.

50.00 Lac for Sider victims to the relief fund of the Chief advisor and the Army Chief. The

Bank has also taken a pilot project for post flood agricultural rehabilitation at Sirajgonj. On

10th March 2009 a Payment Order for TK.25.00 Lac has been handed over to the honourable

Prime Minister as donation/financial assistance to the bereaved family members of the

martyred Army Officers killed in the BDR carnage held on 25th February 2009. On 1st April,

2009, JBL donated TK. 24.00 Lac to the honourable Prime Minister to hand over the same to

the family members of the martyred Army Officer which will be paid to 5 (five) families @
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 45

TK. 40,000/- per month to each family for 1 year which will continue for 10 years. Thus total

amount of donation will be TK. 2.40 Crore.


JBL always maintain their corporate social responsibility in various ways. JBL always

appreciate various kinds of fair, festival and other gatherings organized by different public or

public sectors

Chapter -5

Human Resource Management of Janata Bank Ltd.

5.1 Concept of Human Resource Management

Human resource management involves all management decisions and practices that directly

affect or influence the people, or human resources, who work for the organization. In modern

years, amplified concentration has been devoted to how organizations manage Human

Resources. This augmented focus comes from the comprehension that an organizations
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 46

employees facilitate an organization to attain its goals and the management of these human

resources is vital to an organizations success.

5.2 The objectives of HRM

To create and utilize an able and motivated workforce, to accomplish the basic

organizational goals.
To establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable working

relationships among all the members of the organization.

To secure the integration of individual or groups within the organization by co-ordination

of the individual and group goals with those of the organization.

To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as to match

it with the growth of the organization.

To attain an effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of organizational

To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate and equitable

wages, incentives, employee benefits and social security and measures for challenging

work, prestige, recognition, security, status.

To maintain high employees morale and sound human relations by sustaining and

improving the various conditions and facilities.

To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing training and

development programs.
To consider and contribute to the minimization of socio-economic evils such as

unemployment, under-employment, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth

and to improve the welfare of the society by providing employment opportunities to

women and disadvantaged sections of the society.

To provide an opportunity for expression and voice management.
To provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 47

To provide facilities and conditions of work and creation of favorable atmosphere for

maintaining stability of employment.

5.3 Importance of Human Resource Management

In the modern business world, professionals in the human resources area are essential

elements in the accomplishment of any organization. Their jobs entail a fresh level of

sophistication that is unmatched in human resources management. Not surprisingly, their status

in the organization has also been elevated. Even the name has changed. Although the terms

personnel and human resources management are frequently used interchangeably, it is important

to note that the two connote quite different aspects. Once, a single individual heading the

personal function, today the human resource department head may be a vice president sitting on

executive boards, and participating in the development of the overall organizational strategy.

Human Resource Management refers to the practices and policies one need to carry out the

people or personnel aspects of ones management job. These include:

Conducting job analysis (determining the nature of each employees job)

Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidate.
Selecting job candidates
Orienting and training new employees
Managing wages and salaries (determining how to compensate employees)
Providing incentives and benefits
Appraising performance
Communicating (interviewing, counseling, disciplining)
Training and development
Building employee commitment

5.4 Functions of HRM

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 48

Management of human resources consist of several inter-related function. These function are

common to all organization though every organization may broadly be classified into three types.

These are.

Managerial function
Operative function
Procurement Function

5.4.1 Managerial Function


5.4.2 Operative Function

The operative or service functions of human resource management are concerned with specific

activities of procuring, developing, compensating and maintaining an efficient work force.

5.4.3 Procurement Function

It is concerned with securing and employing the right kind and proper number of people required

to accomplish the organizational objectives. It consists of the following activities. Job analysis

It is the process of studying in a job so as to identify the nature and level of human resources

required to perform the job effectively. Job analysis is of two forms:

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 49

Job Description
Job Specification Human Resource Planning

It is the process of estimating the present and future manpower requirements of the organization,

preparing inventory of present manpower and formulating action programmers to bridge the gaps

in manpower. Recruitment

It is the process of searching for required human resource and stimulating them to apply for jobs

in the organization. Selection

It implies judging the suitability of different candidates for jobs in the organization and choosing

the most appropriate people.

5.5 Development Function

Human resource development is the process of improving the knowledge, skills, aptitudes and

values of employees so that they can perform the present and future jobs more effectively. This

function compromise the following activities:

Performance and Potential Appraisal

It implies systematic evaluation of employees with respect to their performance on the job

and their potential for development.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 50


Is the process by which employees learn knowledge, skills and attitudes to further

organizational and personal goals.

5.6 Compensation Functions

It refers to providing equitable and fair remuneration to employees for their contribution to the

attainment of organizational objectives. It consists of the following activities:

Job Evaluation

It is the process of determining the relative worth of a job.

Wage and Salary Administration

It implies developing and operating a suitable wage and salary programmer.


It involves payment of bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 as well as non-

statutory bonus and other incentives.

5.7 Maintenance Function

It is concerned with protecting and promoting and promoting the physical and mental health of

employees for this purpose several types of fringe benefit such as housing, medical aid,

educational facilities, conveyance facilities, etc. are provided to employees. Social security
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 51

measures like provident fund, pension, gratuity, maternity benefits, injury/disablement

allowance, group insurance, etc. are also arranged.

5.8 Human Resource Management in Janata Bank Ltd.

In spite of all innovative and scholarly improvements HR remain the absolute most

powerful variable behind the achievement of any association. Janata Bank Limited trust that an

equipped, conferred and completely roused group of HR is the principle main thrust for

performing at the most elevated amount in a savagely focused money related business sector like


Accordingly, the Banks strategy is to attract, retain and motivate the most talented and

success driving people. The Bank has developed a detailed HR manual and service rules

covering the recruitment guidelines, promotion criteria, training and other related issues. HR

manual and service rules are reviewed and updated so as to keep it time befitting and upholding

employees stake at the Banks success. The core strength of HRD at Janata Bank Limited is its

transparency and continuous endeavors for achieving the excellence.

5.9 Recruitment and Selection Process of Janata Bank Limited

Recruiting is important because the best- qualified applicants must be found to fill

vacancies. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified or suitable applicants to

fill vacancies. The methods and procedures used to acquire an understanding about jobs are

called job analysis. There are mainly two sources of recruitment: internal and external.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 52

On the other hand selection is a process of hiring suitable people for job. Right man for

right job is the main goal of selection. The selection process involves many steps such as

preliminary reception of application, interviewing, test, medical test, references and final

decision of hiring.

Based on these two definitions of recruitment and selection SBL also practices a formal

established recruitment and selection procedures

The bank has selected candidates for Direct Recruitment on the basis of total marks

obtained by them in MCQ, Written and Viva Voce test.

All rules and regulations of the Ministry of Public Administration, Govt. of the Peoples

Republic of Bangladesh in respect of quotas (Merit, Son/Daughter of Freedom Fighter and Grand

Son/Daughter of Freedom Fighter, Woman, Tribal, General District and Physically Challenged)

regarding recruitment have been maintained properly.

The appointment letter has been sent to both the present and permanent address of the

selected candidates by registered post.

The supporting certificates submitted by the candidates selected on the quota of

Son/Daughter of Freedom Fighter, Grand Son/Daughter of Freedom Fighter, Tribal, and

Physically Challenged will have to be verified from the concerned

Office/Directorate/Ministry by 30th April, 2013. If any adverse report is received from

the concerned Office/Directorate/Ministry regarding verification of the said certificates

/papers, the appointment of the respective candidates will be cancelled.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 53

After selection of candidates for direct recruitment, some candidates are kept in the

Panel/Waiting List in order of merit for recruitment against the vacant post if any. This

Panel will remain valid till ..2013(Assume date)

Recruitment Chart of JBL:

Fig-3 Recruitment Chart

5.10 Selection Process in Janata Bank Ltd.

Selection is a decision making process. A process is a number of interrelated activities. The

selection process is a series of steps through which applicants pass. For example, a candidate

who fails to qualify for a particular step is not eligible for appearing for the subsequent step.

Result of each step is crucial. Failure of any step disqualifies the candidate from attempting the

next step.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 54

5.11 Training and Development in Janata Bank Ltd.

Every organization needs well-trained people to perform the activities that have to be done. If

current or potential job occupants can meet this requirement, training is not important. At the

time of recruitment employees possess a certain amount of knowledge and skill. As time passes

their knowledge becomes obsolete unless it is updated by proper training. When this is not the

case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adaptability of


This strategy includes:

Providing staff with training to take on new roles

Providing current staff with development opportunities to prepare them for future


5.12 Performance Appraisal and Compensation in Janata Bank Ltd.

Although helping others improve their performance is one of the managers most important

tasks, most managers freely admit performance appraisal and improvement coaching gives them

difficulty. Judging an employees performance accurately is not always easy. Often it is even

harder to convey that judgment to the employee in a constructive and painless manner and to

translate feedback on past performance into future improvement. Determining appropriate

compensation is a related task of great importance.

5.13 Promotions, Transfers, Demotions, and Separations in Janata Bank Ltd.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 55

The movement of personnel within an organization- their promotion, transfer, demotion and

separation- is a major aspect of human resource management. The actual decisions about whom

to promote and who to fire can also be among the most difficult, and important, a manager has to


5.14 HR Practice at Savar Corporate Branch, Janata Bank Ltd.

Effective utilization of employees involves allocation of additional authority and responsibility,

as and when they acquire adequate expertise and competence. Secondly, good work of an

employee is to be recognized and rewarded. Thirdly, career development involves vertical

movement of employees. Finally, higher vacancies in the organization are to be filled up

progressively. In Branch level, Establishment Section plays the role of HR. Abdul Malek Khan,

(Officer) in Savar Corporate Branch is charged with this administration. This section prepared-

Monthly salary.
Yearly Budget.
Office order for employees.
Sent regular official statement at PO & Ho in SBL.
Maintain correspondence with PO and HO.
Prepared charges and suspense vouchers.
Maintain leave record register.
Made procedures for PRL.
Stocked office stationary for employees.
Made memorandum for employees.
Prepared festival & incentive bonus.

5.16 Job Circular of Janata Bank Ltd. At online

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 56

5.17 Benefits of Employees of Janata Bank Ltd.

An employee of Janata Bank Ltd. gets some benefits form the government

Annual leave
Festival leave and bonus
Sick leave
Maternity leave
Lunch facility
Housing allowance
House building loan
Promotion and

These benefits are discussed in following-

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 57

Annual leave

Government provides 10 days casual leave to the employees of Janata Bank Ltd. each

year without public holidays.

Festival leave and bonus

The employees of this bank enjoy two times festival leave and bonus each year equal to

their basic with six days.

Sick leave

Employees get minimum 2.5 months and minimum 4 months sick leave.

Maternity leave

The employees of this bank enjoy 6 months maternity leave continuously.


The employees of Janata Bank Ltd. Enjoy the pension facilities.Pension depends on

the last basic. It is given after retirement.


Gratuity is provided on the basis of employees will. For example, if any employee

wants to deduct 10% of basic, after his or her retirement will get 10% gratuity with

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 58

Lunch facility

The employees of this bank also enjoy the lunch facility. The government provides TK.

150 per day for lunch to the employee.

Housing allowance
Government provides housing allowance to the employees basis on the place. Such as an

employee who works in any branch of Dhaka he will get 60% housing allowance of

basic, an employee who works in outpost he gets 40% housing allowance, an employee

who works in

districtbranch he or she will get 55 housing allowance of basic and anysubordinate or

lower level employee gets 60% housing allowance form the government.
House building loan
Housing building loan also is provided to the employees. Housingbuilding loan depends

on the time and basic. An employee gets such loan in a specific rate of basic at a lower

interest rate. Employee can take this loan when their need.
Promotion is given after three years each. It depends on the banking diploma, computer

literacy and employees performance. By promotion any employee can take higher

Rewards is provide basis on the working performance. An employee who performs his

works properly he will get such facility. It is provided to the employees so that they can

perform their job properly.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 59

5.18 Salary Sheet

Fig-4 Salary Sheet

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 60


SWOT Analysis of Janata Bank Ltd.

6.1 Strengths

Anything that a company can do well or anything that is internally favorable to the

company is known as strength of that company. Internal Strengths of Janata Bank Ltd.


Janata Bank Ltd. is the second largest commercial bank of the country. The bank has

wide network having 908 branches in urban & rural areas include outside the country.

The bank has a well-educated and trained workforce.

The bank has sustainability plans as indicated in its approach to diversify its line of

banking business.

Government bank & Government support.

Sound organization showing good relationship. Top management is visionary.

Wide image.

Unlimited trustiness about JBL to rural people.

High commitments for customers.

Qualified and experiences personnel etc.

Co-ordination and co-operation among the staff

Attractive Location

Old Bank so greater reliance to customer

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 61

6.2 Weakness

Anything a company does poorly or any resource that a company lacks is called

weakness of that company. Internal weaknesses of the bank are:

Excessive Classified Loans.

Some of the directors are not professional bankers, thus hindering effective decision


Lack of technological resources as well as Internet banking

Lack of knowledge of customer profile
Insufficient focus on quality customer service and mortgage banking

Backwardness in using modern banking technology.

Higher rate of cost of fund.

More dependence to government section & self-finance project in export & import.

Overall expenditures are high.

Insufficiency in commercial export & import.

Absence of service providing mentality

Absence of IT applications.

Somewhat manual based

The bank is so slow modernization.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 62

6.3 Opportunities

Any favorable condition that exists in the external environment is known as opportunity of that


More Experienced & Managerial know-how

Opportunity to expand geographically within Bangladesh.
Customers are looking for good quality and have the willingness to bank with Janata


Expansion of business by using local branches & foreign subsidiary branches network.

Expansion of interbank foreign exchange business.

Expanding commercial import & export.

Financing to export oriented industries.

Incentives for export of nontraditional industrial products.

High demand of credit.

High demand of small enterprise financing.

High demand of remittance facility.

6.4 Threats

Political instability of the country

Lack of Flexibility to adopt to any change

Continued deregulation and globalization of services.

Increase the competition of the banking sector.

Increase the on line banking.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 63

More number of banks of other banks has commenced business as outlets of western


Tough competition with Govt. Private & Foreign commercial banks.

Defaulting culture of the borrowers.

Unwillingness to work of some of employees.

Undue interference of the Govt.

Low interest rate in export financing imposed by the Govt.

Interfere of Combined Bargaining Agent (CBA)

Some rules and regulations of Bangladesh Bank.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 64




This branch office space is not large as its operation.

Aggression of CBA is a vital problem.

CBA affected the overall performance. High authorities are caught at their revolt.
Main Sources of Income is Foreign Exchange Business. Other business should be
Elaborated. But in my branch there is no Foreign Exchange department.
Service of this bank is not fully modernized.
Sudden changes of government policies are a vital problem.
Maximum branches are not computerized so it effect the efficiency of the employee and

customers are disturbed for delay of service.

Lack of smooth co-ordination.
Service of this branch is not attractive.
Products are not up dated. Schemes rate are very low than Private Banks.
Salary structure is not good. To serve a huge employees, salary is poor which
Demotivates qualified employees.
Corruption exists. From Upper level to lower level SSS, all hanker after money. For
Money, they work many illegal works such as loan sanction without proper documents.
Ensure proper division labor in the desk. Unfortunately, someone works more,
Someone passes time by gossiping.
Development Human Resources which is a must for service organization.


There are some recommendations, if the bank follows the recommendation mentioned bellow, it

will overcome its problem.

Bank must enrich their service like private commercial bank most likely one stop service,

ATM service, ready cash service etc.

Smooth co-ordination should be needed.
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 65

Bank needs efficient employees who must be honest. To ensure this proper supervision is

The branch need large office space for its vast banking operation.
Bank should open a computer section, it is the demand for modern era.
Activities of CBA should be reduced.
All banking activities should be performed using IT
Bank should neglect the manual based operation
All branches should be well decorated
Staff and officers should speak polite and low voice
Bank should introduce new product
Bank should consider experience, written test and viva examination in cases of promotion
Bank should provide appropriate training
Bank should take motivational effort
To limit interferences of CBA.
The entire department should be well informed regarding their goals and objectives. It is

essential to execute company objectives into individual target.

There must be a clear allocation of responsibilities authority and accountability.
The bank should introduce more promotional activities.
Development of Human Resources.

Guarantee the correct correspondence framework.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 66



Janata Bank Ltd. is the second largest state owned commercial bank in Bangladesh. Janata Bank

was born with a new concept of purposeful banking sub serving the growing and diversified

financial needs of planned economic development of the country. To become the effective largest

commercial bank in Bangladesh to support socio-economic development of the country and to be

a leading bank in South Asia. The bank is playing an important role in the socioeconomic

development through the development of industrial sector. The bank provides all the

conventional banking service as well as some specialized financing activities to the economy


Finally I can say if the bank controls its expenses and takes proper steps to overcome its

limitation, it will become a first rows bank of Bangladesh. So in conclusion it can be said that

every organization has its positives as well as negatives and in case of Janata Bank Ltd. existence

of the later one is less than the earlier one and as the management is determine to reach the pick

of success it seems that in near future the negatives will be eliminated. New things are innovative

by its management and if the new generation should be enter into employer then the bank should

success in long run.

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 67


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General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 69


Books, Periodicals & Annual Report

Annual Report(2014) of Janata Bank Limited

Annual Report(2015) of Janata Bank Limited
Bangladesh Bank Guideline for General Banking
Circulars of Janata Bank Limited

General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 70

Job Circular
General Banking Activities and HRM Practice of Janata Bank Limited 71

Financial Statement

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