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College Visit Reflection

College/University Visited: Rhode Island College Campus

Location: Providence, RI

Who attended this visit with you?

Freddie, Classmates, Diego and Sye

What question did you ask today? What sports they had? How good was their nursing program?

What are three things you did on your visit?

1. Campus tour

2. Information session

3. Eat lunch

What is one new thing you learned about this particular college/university or life beyond high school in
general, that you did not know before?
They are the cheapest universities in the country.

What did want to do/hear/see that you did not get to do/hear/see?
The new nursing program that they just built.

Reflecting on this visit, what is one question you didnt ask but will ask on a future visit to a different
college/university? I asked all the questions I needed too.

After seeing what this college/university has to offer, are you interested in attending it? Why or why not?
Yes, I would like to attend for the nursing program.
Overall Impressions

How did you truly feel about this campus? What did you like most? Least?
I feel good about the campus, its pretty big.

What seemed different or special about this college?

The different programs that they offer.

Do you feel you would be happy attending this school? Explain your answer using what you learned at this
college. Yes, for the nursing program I would be glad to attend Rhode Island College.

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