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Tayah McHenry

Dr. Cook
Friday 6:00
April 21, 2017

World War II
It is important to learn about WWII because many peoples lives were lost and
it was a very important time in history. It helped the U.S. remain free. It shows how
bad Hitler was to Jews and how racist he was towards people of different ethnicity.
He forced a boy who was mixed to get a vasectomy done so that he could no
reproduce children of another race. Hitler was an evil dictator and he wanted to take
over the world. No one could stand up against him and win. He invaded Paris and
they surrendered. Over forty thousand people were dead throughout Europe. Hitler
also invaded Poland. There many Jews were hung. He could not be defeated. He
then decides to go against Great Britain and realizes that he cannot defeat them
himself. The axis powers are formed and they decide they want to rule the world.
This shows how big of a dictator Hitler was and how he could manipulate people
into anything he wanted. He set up many concentration camps for Jews and had
soldiers torture them and kill them. This war was filled with racism and hate. Hitler
needed to be defeated.
The Japanese were a big part in the war because they are the reason that the
United States joined the war. Japan sneak attacked the U.S. and bombed Pearl
Harbor. The Japanese had over three hundred dive bombers and planes. Killing
many American soldiers and destroying many naval ships. Franklin Roosevelt got
the ocean battlefields ready for war. The next day, the congress declared war on
Japan. Adolf Hitler then declared war on the United States. We were now part of
World War II. Many American soldiers wanted to enter the war because they wanted
to defeat Hitler. The Japanese and Germans were awful to the people. They had
camps for Jews and other people to be tortured. It was so hot outside that
sometimes the Japanese would set people outside to bake and die in the scorching
heat. The United States defeated the Japanese. This is significant in history because
it shows how many lives were affected and how evil the German and Japanese
soldiers were. The Japanese defeated the Chinese and killed people with no mercy.
They went through and killed everyone, even children. They tortured people and the
Chinese had to watch their family members get murdered right in front of them.
We should study this topic because it shows how strong we were as a country.
How we many people wanted to fight for our country and that they wanted to defeat
the enemies. We should always remember how this war had such an impact on
soldiers and families. We should always show respect to soldiers because they fight
for our freedom and for our rights.

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