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EJ AEs ca DIs' TANT FIRES Written by Howard Chaykin Art by Gil Kane & Kevin Nowlan In Etseworids heroes are taken from thelr usual settings and put Into strange times and places—some. that have existed or might have, existed, and/others that can't, couldn't or shouldn't exist. ‘The result is stories that. make characters who are as familiar as yestorday seam as fresh as tomorrow. ‘SUPERMAN: DISTANT FIRES Published by D¢ Comics, 1700 Blopdstay. New York, New York 10039) Copyright © 1998 All rignis reserved. Superman, Batman, Wonder Women, Elseworlds and all characters, the Distinctive likenesses thereol, and lh related indisia.are tracemarks.of DG Camlasy The stories, characters and incidents featured in this publication are entirely TetiGinal Be Comics. A division of Warner Bros, — ’& Time Warner Entortainmant Company Printed in Canada Publication design by Eddie Ortiz Cover art by Gil Kane & Kevin Nowlan with Matt Hollingsworth. Coloring & Separations by Matt Hollingsworth ‘Superman created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster Batman created by Bob’Kane Wondef)Woman créatediby William Moulton Marston yf eee ‘peo Gl MISE HORE, Lage AND YOU GANT G2 HaME ASAIN, you ware MUTATED SAVASES WHO Have tuwesere> SHE EARTH -2AND E'VE SEEN NO owe © counp SRAGITABLY CALL PE AU WEAPONS BEFORE... a Bust out Eavenine. -o3'bL CALL YoU ERTPTONITE. | 72. Make THE TREE | Actoss war was once ime es | Z| Peis ee, _evieboeks. BEtAN, Son Kear PANE rou GO GUY GARDNER, ON THE STHER HAND. 4 Some= its | Sue wider Heecie Ss HELPED IN NO. SY sma Measuee, BuT ONN 1S. RIGHT. WE USED 70 BE Agte to Take cane OF His wine or ARs WHEN THE autemiond Become THe Magoarry MEUM” ATED ABE THe ANOMALIES. HAVEN'T we LEARNED My Tillie FRO THE Poa oF rue Peaner? He REAL | pur irs, okies Pear STILE A warreR, iD WEE ean Ce eum vy Us Sten le cuanise PS REMAKE IT? HE S80 to se cAULED AW SUPERM. We, SLARK: feker orate yougseLr HE WIND Howls eeom [Bp BUT Or KOWERE as fp BATSON SuRIEKS Hi ANTea re THE aks =-AND A BOLT OF Everay FeANeroems THe Brrter, bes PaiR- FLLep BILL BATSON Inte THe BOLBLy SRINNI Ne ORIMSON- : ED be ey a J ~ : If Does THE ONLY Hines HE can METH Wie cece LOATHING FURY BATSON SuFERS A TOF Baw. AC THAN! Bored. THE MAN WHO WAS ONCE Tie WORLe'S MIBHTIEST MORTAL HAS BEEN TITILLATED, TEASED AND FINALLY HUMILIATED: ANP APTER EAH FORA, WE ALL SEEM FO Be EXPERIENCING. AN INCREMENTAL. BETHEN OF OSE Powees AND ABILITIES SHE Serr SET US APAR! FILLED WITH ay AND PTUMIEM, DIANA AND 2 MALE A UNION OF OUR LIVES, WaAL-EL OF KRTPION, “Mow Paonounee eit MAM AND WIFE. PROT POWELL LENE DIS: (APPEAR IN A BLU .,BUT ALL WITH A Se Be, THE PERTH a1 WHERIT THE Same AnD aasTeR Pr IN DOAUNION, Me etre mi Tez a PART: EATENS: HAMM a & even We To SERVE = fet E LOOK ON mM HELPLESS PIAMAY Ag ORION An CASSANDRA “WALLY West AND 30 many OTHERS. LEAVE Wit BATSON 5A WORLD MORE AERAID, Sr TE AGEIMONy, FINALLY TAI Ie REVENGE For THE SupLese ASSAucT WE'VE eSumir te “AND Now evERY ime ne eaves Down FREER BATSON INS cu POWERS THE: RUINED ex BELOW. THEEARTH THEYRE BESINS TO COME SROERED AS KRYPTON, THE PLANET D Soni Skit, BigiNTEcRITES AROUNE ME ora E WATT FoR Die FONE IN My BELSON TRY MAPNESS =e = a AND hice WH. BRUCE! come PLEREY! Ay rarer Zone Brean EnuOT Atte wayse LE Fa WaALLow IN ELEY (oasee SVE HAD BRING ME THE WER BING AND Barrer, BRUCE C. eur as m1, Aneryes OnRAD THe lace d Ww Gaw | Jenette Kahn President & EditorinChiet Paul Levitz VP & Publisher Mike Carlin Executive Editor Frank Berrios Assistant Editor of Georg Brewer Design Director Robbin Brosterman Art Director ea \ Richard Bruning VP-Croative Director Patrick Caldon | ¥P-Finance & Operations: Terri Cunningham VP-Managing Editor Dorothy Crouch \VP-Licensed Publishing Joel Ehrlich Senior VP-Advertising & Promotions: Lillian Laserson VP & General Counsel . Ss Bob Rozakis secutive Director Production Me re far as | know, I’m it. The sole survivor of a holocaust... Me Tee tere meh BIRECT SA i | 004 i eiga1e20se2 al] I

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