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Foliar B, Cu and Zn Applications to Hass Avocado Trees.

Translocation and Effects on Tree Growth and Cropping
M.D. Torres, and J.M. Farr J.M. Hermoso
CIFA de Mlaga Estacin Experimental La Mayora
Churriana, Mlaga, Spain Algarrobo-Costa, Mlaga, Spain

Keywords: Persea americana, micronutrients, yield, fruit tree

Mature Hass avocado trees received Cu, Zn or B foliar sprays and their
combinations in summer or early autumn. Sprayed trees had significantly higher
copper contents in the fruit epicarp, inflorescences and spring shoots but not in the
mesocarp, endocarp-seed or in mature leaves the following year. B and Zn
concentrations were similar in all cases. Yield, fruit size and dry matter content of
the mesocarp were not affected by any of the sprays. Solubor (20.8% B) sprayed to
small branches at prebloom or full bloom did not increase B concentrations of
mature leaves in September probably due to a dilution effect. When applied to whole
trees B concentrations were significantly higher in mature spring grown leaves and
slightly higher in summer grown leaves. Solubor treated half leaves exported most of
the absorbed B in about 20 days to the rest of the tree and not to the neighbouring
untreated half leaf.
The ability to increase plant B concentration by Solubor, boric acid,
borosilicate or trietanolamine-B in basic or acid solutions was tested in pot trees.
When sprayed in early autumn to recently grown leaves only the acidified sprays
showed a very small but significant increase in B concentration of spring grown
leaves sampled the following year (21.5 vs. 19.1 ppm). Pot trees were sprayed at
different stages of spring shoot development. Bark B content, measured in
December, was slightly but significantly increased by the early sprays to young
quickly expanding leaves.

Minimum B, Zn and Cu leaf levels for avocados have been established for
different countries, with generally little variation between them. Goodall et al. (1979)
recommend for California conditions B >49 ppm, Zn >29 ppm and Cu >4 ppm in spring
grown leaves sampled in autumn. A long term survey of Spanish avocado orchards (Jaime
et al.,1986) showed very low B (most under 20 ppm), low Zn (most under 22 ppm) and
marginal Cu (4 - 6 ppm generally) in orchards without B, Zn or Cu fertilisation. Winter
foliar applications of B increased fruit set of Topa-Topa (Subires, 1990) but not of Hass
avocado trees (unpublished). In Topa-Topa but not on Hass, B and Cu leaf levels were
markedly higher the summer after application. At the time there was not a clear
explanation for the contrasting results.
Under Spanish conditions Hass avocado trees behave much as a deciduous
species, shedding most of the previous year leaves at the flowering-spring shoot growth
period (April). In different deciduous fruit species B autumn foliar sprays have been
sometimes successful in increasing flower B content and fruit set even without leaf
deficiency symptoms (Anon, 1991). Prebloom B applications to old leaves and expanding
inflorescences have increased yields, in some years, of Hass avocado trees of low B
content (25 ppm) (Lovatt, 1999). The capacity of the method to increase leaf B content in
the following summer is studied here on individual tree branches and whole trees. To
know how avocado leaves of different ages absorb and mobilise leaf applied boron would
be of interest for a foliar fertilisation program. This has been studied in individual leaves
of matures trees and in whole nursery trees. For the same purpose four B sources, three
wetting agents and two solution pH were also compared.

Proc. IS on Foliar Nutrition

Eds. M.Tagliavini et al.
Acta Hort. 594, ISHS 2002

Foliar B, Cu and Zn Sprays to Adult Trees

B (Solubor. Borax. Sodium borates, 20.5% B), Cu (Cupravit. Bayer. Copper
oxychloride, 50% Cu) and Zn (Fercampo. Zinc sulphate. 22% Zn) foliar sprays were
applied over a period of three years (Table 1) to adult Hass trees on Mexican race
rootstock. The design was on randomised blocks with sixteen single tree replicates.
Blocks were established according to the previous four crops. Mature leave blades,
excluding the petiole, from the spring growth were analysed in early July and late
September. In early July spring growth leaves are hardening. Trees were sprayed with
hand guns to run off using 2.350 Lha-1. The wetting agent Agral (Zeneca,
Nonylphenilpolyethyl-polyethylenglycol ether 20% w/v), at 1%, was used after 9/27/91.
For analysis the leaves were thoroughly scrapped with a tooth brush and a 1% detergent
solution (Mistol) and in distilled water before drying at 65 C in a convection stove.
Flower panicles and growing shoots, including leaves, were sampled at full bloom and
dried without washing. Tissue analysis was done by groups of four trees of similar
previous crops, except panicles and young shoots in 1991 that were analysed tree by tree.
In March and April 1992 fruits were separated into epicarp, mesocarp and
endocarp-seed. Mesocarp (2 mm slices) was dried in a microwave oven (10 minutes at
500 W). Cu and Zn were analysed after dry digestion by atomic absorption spectrometry
(Anon, 1994), B by azomethine method and colorimetry (Lachica, 1976).

Prebloom and Full Bloom B Applications to Adult Trees

Branch applications. Small, 1-2 cm base diameter, well spread branches around each
mature tree were sprayed prebloom and full bloom with Solubor at .3, .6 or 1%, at pH 6.3
with HN03 or 8.7 (natural). Control leaves were sprayed with water (pH 7.9). The
experiment had ten single tree replicates, each tree acting as a block.
Whole tree applications. Eighteen mature trees were selected for uniformity. Five of
them were sprayed once with 1% Solubor at early panicle extension, March 14. Five were
also sprayed at early bloom, April 10. The 8 remaining trees were not sprayed. The spray
pH was adjusted with HN03 to 6.5. Nu-Film 17 (Agrichem. Pynolene 9%) was added as a
wetting agent at .1%.

B Translocation from Treated Leaves of Adult Trees

The experiment was done on three mature Hass trees, which acted as replicates, on
Topa-Topa rootstock, with good fruit load and shoot growth.
A .5% Solubor solution, with .1% Agral and HNO3 to pH 6.5 was carefully
applied with a sponge to both sides of leaf halves, trying not to wet the midrib. On June
21, the treatment was applied to one recently expanded leaf per shoot, still retaining part
of their pink colour, while the terminal leaves in the shoot were still expanding. On July
24, the same treatment was applied to a mature leaf in a different shoot that had stopped
growth. Control leaves were tagged on neighbouring shoots. Leaves, 12 per sample, were
analysed 4 hours, 24 hours, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 days after treatment. The two sides,
treated and untreated, and the midrib were analysed separately. Only the lamina analysis
are reported here. To prevent cross contamination a different brush was used for each leaf

Influence of B Sources, Wetting Agents and Solution Ph on Leaf B Uptake by Pot

Hass grafted nursery plants of 75 cm height were sprayed with: Solubor (20.8%
B), H3 BO3 (17,8% B), Luqsabor (Luqsa. Trietanolamine - B, 10% B) and Foliboro (Q.
Meristem. Fritted borosilicate, 10% B). Concentrations were adjusted to provide a
0.017% B. Two wetting agents, Agral and Silwet L-77 (Union Carbide. Silicone-polyester

copolymer), both at 0.1% were compared with a control without wetting agent. Two
solution pH were also compared, natural and acidified with HNO3. Natural solutions pH
were 7.9 for control, 7.7 for boric acid and 8.6 - 8.9 for Solubor, Luqsabor and Foliboro.
The acidified were 6.2 - 6.4. The design was fully randomised with four single tree
replicates per treatment. Sprays were applied in early October 1991, near the end of the
autumn shoot growth period.

B uptake by Leaves at Different Stages of Development

Large (1.2 m height) pot grown Hass on Topa-Topa plants were sprayed with
Solubor at three stages of their spring growth: early shoot growth (April 29) with red
leaves smaller than half their definitive size, late shoot growth (May 28) when most
leaves were still pink but had almost reached their final size and recently mature growth
(July 2) with fully grown mature leaves. Two Solubor concentrations were compared .1
and .3%. On May 28 . 5% was also tested.
Two pH were compared, natural (8.5) and acidified with HN03 (6.5). Control trees
were sprayed with distilled water. The design was fully randomised with six single tree
replicates per treatment. The following January, after mechanical separation of the
epidermis, bark was analysed by groups of two trees.


Foliar B, Cu and Zn Sprays to Adult Trees

On Cu sprayed trees inflorescences sampled at full bloom had a significantly
higher Cu content that controls. For spring growing shoots differences were not
statistically significant (Table 2). No differences remained in mature leaves sampled in
July or September. Yields for the three years of the experiment, relative to the previous
four years, varied between 2.03 and 2.30 and were similar for all treatments. When
analysed in March - April of 1992, no significant differences of mesocarp (31.3 - 33.9) or
epicarp (24.5-27.3) percentage dry matter were found between treatments. Mean fruit size
(189 - 247 g depending on fruit load) and percentage increase in trunk cross sectional area
(5.3 to 11.9 depending on treatment) were also similar for all treatments.
B and Zn concentrations in spring grown leaves of sprayed trees were similar to
unsprayed controls when sampled in July (10 - 18 ppm B depending on fruit load and
treatment) (8 - 27 ppm. Zn). Also in inflorescences (18 - 27 ppm B and 31 - 36 Zn) spring
growing shoots (23 - 27 ppm B and 41 - 46 ppm Zn) at full bloom as well as seeds (8 - 16
ppm B and 14 - 15 ppm Zn), mesocarp (3 - 18 ppm B and 15 - 18 ppm Zn) and epicarp
(16 - 27 ppm B and 24 - 32 ppm Zn) of mature fruits in 1992. Spring grown leaves
sprayed with Zn in July had a significantly higher concentration than controls when
sampled in September (18 vs 11 ppm).

Prebloom and Full Bloom B Applications onto Adult Trees

When sprayed to small branches leaf B concentrations of mature, spring grown
leaves sampled in the autumn were similar for the three concentrations tested, .3, .6 and 1
percent Solubor and control (13 - 15 ppm). The 1% concentration had a toxic effect on
inflorescences at the south side of the trees.
Treatments applied to whole trees significantly increased B concentration in
spring and summer grown mature leaves, both sampled in autumn (Table 3) In summer
leaves the effect was smaller. Due probably to the small number of trees involved, yields
were very variable and non significantly affected by treatments.

B Translocation from Treated Leaf Halves of Adult Trees

Boron concentrations were significantly higher in the treated half of the leaves up
to 20 days after the application (Figure 1A). They were not statistically different for both
application dates, probably because only three trees (replicates) were used. Untreated leaf
halves and control leaves had similar contents (Figure 1B).

Influence of B Sources, Wetting Agents and Solution Ph on Leaf B Uptake by Pot
The acidified sprays slightly but significantly increased B concentration in spring
growth leaves (21.5 vs. 19.1 pp.) sampled in December but not in July. The four B
sources and the two wetting agents had similar B concentrations in spring growth leaves
sampled in July and December. None of the treatments affected trunk (wood and bark) B
concentrations in December.

B Uptake by Leaves at Different Stages of Development

The solution pH had no affect on bark B content measured the following winter.
Only the .3% Solubor spray to small pink leaves significantly increased B content over
the distilled water sprayed controls (Table 4).

In experiment 1 only the Cu sprays significantly increased the inflorescence but
not the mature spring grown leaf concentration. Absorption and/or translocation of B and
Zn were clearly insufficient in this experiment. None of the Cu, B or Zn treatments
affected vegetative growth or yield. In our experience it is unlikely that much higher
spray concentrations could be applied without risking toxicity. Autumn sprays to correct
Zn deficiency have advanced defoliation of Zn SO4 sprayed peach trees, reducing N
remobilization (Castagnoli et al., 1990). Probably the base leaf B and Zn concentrations
in this experiment were too low to allow sufficient translocation to the inflorescence
(Loneragan et al., 1976). Only Cu, that was near or at sufficiency level, did translocate to
the expanding bloom. Results have been better with autumn sprays to other fruit tree
species. In a group of experiments with cherry trees, Hanson (1991a) increased yields
most consistently when leaf B levels were below 25 ppm. dry weight. Flower B contents
were increased by about 50%, but summer leaf B contents were not affected.
In experiment 2, B bloom sprays were applied to individual branches of mature
trees. Due to dilution, in autumn there was no measurable effect on B content of spring
grown leaves. When whole trees were sprayed B concentrations were considerably higher
on mature spring grown leaves sampled in autumn. A significant but smaller effect was
still apparent in summer grown leaves. B absorption by the avocado inflorescence appears
therefore to be considerable. The different rates of absorption by avocado leaves and
inflorescences could be attributed to the epicuticular wax layer present in leaves but not in
inflorescences (Newett, 2000).
In experiment 3, B concentration in treated avocado leaf halves decreased to levels
similar to controls in about 20 days. Hanson (1991b) found that apple, pear and plum
required 9 days and cherry 33 days to reach the control levels. It is remarkable that most
of the B did no enter the untreated half leaf but was probably exported to the growing
meristems (Shelp, 1993). In apple, pear, prune and sweet cherry most of the foliarly
absorbed B is exported in a few hours after treatment (Pichioni et al., 1995). If this also
happens in avocado leaf concentrations in Figure 1 could greatly underestimate leaf B
In experiments 4 and 5, the ability of foliar sprays to increase tree B content was
tested in pot trees. Even when very young expanding leaves were sprayed, presumably
with a thin cuticle and wax layer (Leece, 1978), no mayor increase in B content of the
following leaf flush or shoot bark were registered. Addition of wetting agents or acidifiers
to the spray did not consistently influence tree content. This would rule out leaf sprays as
a way of increasing B content of field grown avocado trees with a smaller leaf area/tree
weight ratio than the pot trees used here.
Prebloom and/or full bloom applications to whole mature trees consistently
increased leaf B contents but effects on yield were variable. In a recent review, (Newett,
2000), reported similarly inconsistent results in other avocado experiments.
Seen in perspective the results of Subires (1990) mentioned in the introduction

could be explained on phenological grounds. Topa-Topa, a Mexican race cultivar, flowers
in winter and Hass, an almost pure Guatemalan race cultivar, does it in spring. Winter
applications to Topa-Topa, at prebloom or full bloom, increased Cu and B of the
following year leaves. Yields in one of the years were increased by the B application. No
effects were recorded when mature Hass leaves were sprayed in winter with no bloom

Literature Cited
Anon., 1991. Boron. Micronutrient Bureau.Micronutrient News and Information 11 (4):6-
Anon., 1994. Mtodos oficiales de anlisis. Tomo III. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y
Alimentacin. Madrid.
Castagnoli, S.P., Je Jong, T.M., Weinbaum, S.A. and Johnson, R.S. 1990. Autumn foliage
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Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 115 (1):79-83.
Goodall, G.E., Embleton, T.W. and Platt, R.G. 1979. Avocado fertilization. University of
California. Division of Agricultural Sciences. Leaflet 2024.
Hanson, E.J. 1991a. Sour cherry trees respond to foliar boron applications. Hort. Science.
26 (9):1142-1145.
Hanson, E.J. 1991b. Movement of Boron out of tree fruit leaves. Hort. Science 26
Jaime, S., Farr, J.M. and Aguilar, A. 1986. Composicin mineral de las hojas de
aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en plantaciones comerciales de la provincia de
Mlaga (Espaa) II. Microelementos. An.Edafol. Agrobiol. XLV (3-4):521-529.
Lachica, M. 1976. Estudio sobre la determinacin de B en plantas con Azomethina-H. In:
A. Cottenie (Ed). Colloque Inter. Sur le contrle de l'alimentation des plantes
cultives. Gent. Belgique. Vol. 2:52.
Leece, D.R. 1978. Foliar absorption in Prunus domestica L. I. Nature and development of
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Loneragan, J.F., Snowball, K. and Robson, A.D. 1976. Remobilization of nutrients and its
significance in plant nutrition. In: I.F. Wardlaw and J.B. Passiura (Eds) Transport and
transfer processes in plants. Academic Press: 463-469.
Lovatt, C.J. 1999. Timing citrus and avocado foliar nutrient applications to increase fruit
set and size. Hort. Technology 9 (4):607-612.
Newett, S. 2000. Little evidence to support the use of foliar applied nutrients in avocado.
Talking Avocados. 6:24-27.
Picchioni, G.A., Weinbaum, S.A. and Brown, P.H. 1995. Retention and kinetics of uptake
and export of foliage-applied, labelled Boron by apple, pear, prune and sweet cherry
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Shelp, B.J. 1993. Physiology and biochemistry of boron in plants. In: U.C. Gupta (Ed).
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Subires, M.J. 1990. Micronutrientes en el cultivo del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.).
Doctor Thesis. University of Mlaga. Spain.


Table 1. Foliar B, Cu and Zn sprays to adult trees. Applied chemicals and concentrations.

Acidifier Application dates
B1 (Solubor) HNO3 5.6 11/15/90 (.6%) and 10/17/91 (.2%)
HNO3 5.6 11/15/90 (.6%) and 10/17/91 (.2%)
B2 (Solubor)
6.3 9/11/91 (.8%) and 9/11/92 (.08%)
Cu (Cupravit) CuSO4 (.2%) 5.7 11/28/90 (.3%) and 10/30/91 (.3%)
Zn1 (Zn Sulfate) 6.9 7/5/91 (.3%) and 7/6/92 (.3%)
7/5/91 (.3%) and 7/6/92 (.3%)
Zn2 (Zn Sulfate) 6.9
9/27/91 (.3%) and 9/28/92 (.3%)

Table 2. Foliar B, Cu and Zn sprays to adult trees. Cu content of spring flower panicles
and vegetative shoots (ppm).
B1 B2 Cu Zn1 Zn2 B2 + B2 + Cu + B2 + Cu Control L.S.
Cu Zn2 Zn2 + Zn2
Flower 1991 8a 9a 13b 9a 10a 13b 10a 13b 13b 9a ***
panicle 1992 7a 7a 12b 10ab 7a 13b 7a 12b 12b 8a ***
Shoot 1992 7 6 10 9 8 8 8 10 10 7 N.S.

Table 3. Prebloom and full bloom applications to adult trees. Applications to whole trees.

Leaf B concentration (ppm)

Spring growth Summer growth
ab b
Prebloom 50 31
b b
Prebloom + Full bloom 55 31
a a
Control 44 26
L.S. * *

Table 4. B uptake by young and mature leaves. Bark B concentration

Leaf stage Small Growing Near full expansion Recently mature Control
Solubor (%) .1 .3 .1 .3 .5 .1 .3
Bark B (ppm) 22 29 b 24 a
25 ab
25 ab 27 ab
25 ab 23 a


70 Treated half leaf 6/21 Treated half leaf 7/24

Untreated half leaf 6/21 Untreated half leaf 7/24

Lamina B (ppm)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Days after 1st treatment

70 Untreated half leaf 6/21 Untreated half leaf 7/24

Control leaf 6/21 Control leaf 7/24

Lamina B (ppm)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Days after 1st treatment

Fig. 1. Boron translocation from treated leaves.


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