Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common Error Conditions and Messages

1. In ProMax 3.2 I am receiving a Compile error in hidden module message or

Microsoft Forms Could not load some objects while using ProMax, how can
I correct this?

2. What should I do if I receive the error Compile error in hidden module:

CB_ExcelHelper when opening ProMax 4.0?

3. What causes an error message stating that Visio is not installed or improperly

4. Why does the ProMax "splash screen" appear, but fail to continue to open the

5. How can I check that I have the most up-to-date version of ProMax?

6. In ProMax 3.2, what causes Visual Basic System Error "ClassFactory cannot
supply requested class. System Error &H80040111", and ProMax "Error number:
800AC472"? Other error may appear as well, such as "Compile error in hidden
module: Navigator", or "Visual Basic out of memory"?

7. I received an error about an Invalid Type Library when opening a ProMax file.
What should I do?

SQL Server Installation Issues and Errors

8. How do I fix the error SQL Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance
Specified [xFFFFFFFF] or Could not open a connection to SQL Server?

9. My antivirus software indicates a Trojan horse in the ProMax distribution DVD.

Do I need to be concerned?

10. I receive a message that the ProMax password for SQL installation is not
secure enough, how can I change this password?

11. How do I fix the error "...The FILESIZE property is incorrect."?

Security Device Issues

12. How do I activate or update my HASP key?

13. How do I find the security device number?

14. How do I solve the Sentinel key error 382/1/31 and A license for the
requested feature is not available (31) errors?
15. How do I solve Sentinel Key Error 382/1/33?

16. How do I solve Sentinel Key Error 382/1/41 and A license for the
requested feature is not available (41) errors?

Licensing Wizard Issues

17. I don't see the Licensing Wizard in my ProMax folder from the Start menu;
where can I find it?

18. I receive a "The remote server returned an unexpected response: (407)

Proxy Authentication Required." error after pressing the "Submit Activation
Data" button in the Licensing Wizard. How can I fix this?

19. I receive a "The remote server returned an unexpected response: (417)

Expectation failed." error after pressing the Submit Activation Data" button in
the Licensing Wizard. How can I fix this?

20. I receive a "The program can't start because mfc100u.dll is missing from
your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." error when
attempting to start the Licensing Wizard. How can I fix this?

21. Does the Licensing Wizard have to be installed on every computer within my

System Requirements and Compatibility

22. What are the minimum operating system requirements?

23. What versions of Microsoft Visio and Office are supported?

24. Can I use Remote Desktop Services to run ProMax?

ProMax Configuration and Customization

25. What are some of the common configuration changes I can make in

26. Where do I find the Options.xml file?

27. Where can I obtain more information on XML file structure?

28. What program do I use to edit Options.xml and other XML files?

29. How do I change the default or startup unit set for ProMax?

30. How do I change the units on a particular property in one of the unit sets?

31. How do I add my own unit set to ProMax?

32. How do I configure ProMax to use A4 size paper?

33. Can I change the content or order of the default set of properties that are
displayed or reported with a stream?

34. Can I change the content or order of the process stream properties tooltip?

User Interface Issues and Questions

35. Where can I find the ProMax Scenario Tool Add-in and User Defined Report

36. How do I reset my ProMax menus and toolbars and other settings to their
original condition?

37. Ive accidentally closed one or more of my Visio stencils. How do I get the
stencils back?

38. Can some blocks have multiple connections on one point? Which ones?

39. Sometimes the block names are on top of the streams such that the block
name can be read, and sometimes the stream strikes through the block name.
What causes this?

40. Can I import/export data from Excel into/from the program for calculation
into a flowsheet?

41. Can I copy streams and/or flowsheets with their information to another
stream or flowsheet?

42. How do I create my own process shapes?

General Simulation Issues

43. How do I prevent hydrate and freeze-out checks in simulations where they
are likely not to occur (e.g., amine systems)?

44. What is the propagation terminal? When would one use a propagation

45. How do I obtain a desired UA or Approach Temperature in a heat exchanger?

46. Is the RVP calculated in the ProMax Vapor Pressure Analysis in units of psig
or psia?

47. Where do I set a fixed or constant circulation rate in a recycle loop (e.g., in
an amine unit or glycol dehydration unit)?

48. Can a battery of scenarios or parametric study be run, in some automated

way, on a given ProMax project?

49. How do I run ProMax from Excel?

Dehydration Specific Questions

50. Which property package should I use for glycol dehydration applications?

51. Which property package should I use for aqueous methanol applications?

52. Do I need to set the weight percent glycol in the Make-Up/Blow-Down

operation as in the amine unit simulation?

53. How can I model a dehy absorber with 10 trays if I assume 25% overall tray

Acid Gas Treating (Amine) Specific Questions

54. Which property package should I use for amine unit simulations?

55. Which property package should I use for sour water stripping applications?

56. How do I model a liquid-liquid amine treater?

57. How do I specify the weight percent amine in my amine unit simulation?

58. I want to specify rich loading in my amine absorber. How can I make this

59. How do I specify the stripper reboiler steam rate?

60. Can I easily determine the Lean and/or Rich Amine Loading?

61. Does ProMax report the pH of a stream?

62. Can ProMax predict the effects of acid addition on stripper performance?

63. Is it possible to model a stripper with a reclaimer?

64. How can I model a single stage contactor for liquid-liquid treating (or
simulate a static mixer), since the distillation column has a minimum of 2

Heat Exchanger Rating Questions

65. How do I access Exchanger Rating?

66. Why can't I rate my air cooled (fin fan) heat exchanger in ProMax?

67. I am rating a Shell and Tube exchanger, but the fluids are reversed on my
specification sheet. Why?

68. How do I model plugged tubes in the Exchanger Rating?

Separator Sizing Questions

69. How do I access Separator Sizing?

Reporting Questions

70. Why does my RTF output not work in WordPerfect or other RTF compatible

71. I sent my RTF or Excel report to someone that does not have ProMax and the
Report Navigator does not appear. Why?

72. I need to provide the client with a Heat and Material Balance of my process
along with Equipment Specification Sheets for some of the pumps and heat
exchangers. Is there a way to generate these from ProMax?

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