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Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________


Standards: Using Audience and Authors Purpose to persuade, trace and evaluate arguments; write
arguments to support claims
Resources- Notebooks w/notes, practice work, magazines, and radio ad examples, independent
You are a creative consultant at a large advertising firm. The economy is tough and business has
been slow. One day, a group comes to you with a concept that they want you to create an ad
campaign for. They plan on using it in magazine advertisements, radio advertisements, on billboards,
and in commercial advertisements (extra credit).
Your job is to come up with the BEST campaign that you can to save your advertising firm from
going under! (This account would mean multi-millions of dollars for your company!) In the campaign,
your client wants to know the following information.

What you will create:

1. A magazine advertisement (one full page, OR a full two-page spread)
a minimum of FOUR persuasive language techniques
a minimum of THREE persuasive visual considerations
a 7 - 10 sentence paragraph writing reflection that answers the
questions from the Guiding Questions & Brainstorm chart
2. A billboard
a minimum of FOUR persuasive language techniques
a minimum of THREE persuasive visual considerations
a 7 - 10 sentence paragraph writing reflection that answers the
questions from the Guiding Questions & Brainstorm chart
3. A 30 - 60 second radio advertisement
a minimum of SIX persuasive language techniques
a minimum of 30 seconds long (no more than 60 seconds)
a 5 - 7 sentence paragraph writing reflection that fully answers the
relevant questions from the Guiding Questions & Brainstorm chart

Topics to choose from (you may choose your own topic, but it MUST be approved before
you begin)
Sustainable farming is better than factory farming
Dont eat meat
Grow Your Own Vegetables
Unprocessed food is healthier than processed food
Organic vs. traditional meat
Responsible chicken farming
Responsible Fishing
Anti-fast food
Educate yourself about where your food comes from
Read Over the Summer

Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________

Timeline (10 classwork points each day. Do the work, get an A, leave class with nothing
done, get an F)

Today: Introduce project, choose topic, begin brainstorming

My chosen advertising topic is: ______________________________________
HOMEWORK: Brainstorm at least THREE ideas PER product

Monday: Complete Rough Draft of Magazine Advertisement

Visual persuasive techniques used:________________________________________________________
Language persuasive techniques used: ____________________________________________________
HOMEWORK: Complete Final Draft of Magazine Advertisement

Tuesday: Complete Rough Draft of Billboard Advertisement

Visual persuasive techniques used:________________________________________________________
Language persuasive techniques used: ______________________________________________________
HOMEWORK: Complete Final Draft of Billboard Advertisement

Wednesday: Complete Rough Draft of Radio Advertising; practice with partner to time it (must be no
less than 45 seconds)
Finish any other advertisements not already completed: _______________________________________
Language persuasive techniques used: ____________________________________________________
HOMEWORK: Complete Final Draft of Radio Advertisement

Thursday: Complete written response for each advertisement (3 total paragraphs). Your written
response should answer the first eight questions on the Guiding Questions & Brainstorm page.

Friday: All projects DUE. Begin presentations!

Presentations will be given in small groups. Students will use a rubric to grade each others
advertisements as they are being presented. (Each advertisement will receive a separate project
Groupmates will also be grading participation and effort throughout the entire week, to include

Week 2: Finish Presentations, Writing Reflection

Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________

Guiding Questions & Brainstorm

Question Example Brainstorm

Whom are you targeting? Neutrogena targets
teenage girls
How are you going to target Through Emma Watson
them? because they feel that
young girls want to be
like her. . .
Which type of persuasive color, placement, type
techniques will you use? of image
*Must use TWO visual (for print
ads) generalization,
*Must use at least FOUR exaggeration,
language techniques bandwagon
Why do you think this will be Because teenage girls
most effective? admire Emma Watson
and she has to have
good skin.
Where will you place the Neutrogena
advertisement? commercials come on
Radio: Which time of day and during Gossip Girl. . .
Billboard: On which road, near
which landmarks and why?

What magazines and on what Seventeen magazine. .

sections of the magazine will .
you place the magazine ads?
What will your SLOGAN be? Why Are you in good
did you choose this slogan? hands? Thats All
How, do you think, your target States stand. . .
demographic will respond? /Animal CARE 2016
and Beyond (Perdue
What will your LOGO be? Why Golden Arches for
did you choose this logo? How, McDonalds/ the Perdue
do you think, your target household for Perdue
demographic will respond? chicken farms.
Can we see a copy of your Create a script: Use
SCRIPT for the radio the persuasive
advertisment? language techniques
(Youll need to have a well and the guidelines to
written script ready! This should help you.
include what the client will hear,
to include any sound effects you
may use.)

Keep in mind the examples are very quick examples to help you comprehend what the client is looking
for . . . youre going to have to EXPLAIN to the company, in detail, EXACTLY what you are planning on
doing! (Written response) Keep in mind, each decision you make could mean costing your client
thousands of dollars! Your client will want to see all of this, drawn up, and looking VERY professional
(they wont spend millions of dollars on someone who does the bare minimum). You will need to work
with your creative team to draw up some ideas and brainstorm (create the scripts, visualize the
campaign). Then, you will work with your design team to put it all together. Feel free to ask your
project supervisor (aka. Ms. Wilder) for help, but this is YOUR campaign . . . do something youll be
proud of and SAVE YOUR FIRM!

Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________

Participation and Respect

(Complete after all group presentations have been given)
10 8 7 6 0

On Task and Student was on Student was on Student was on Student was on The student was
Work Output task and task and task and task and distracted,
completed each completed each completed each completed each interrupted
daily task on the daily task on the daily task on the daily task on the frequently, did not
timeline; the timeline; the timeline; the timeline; the listen, gave harsh
student showed student showed student showed student showed criticism, did not
up with the final up with the final up with the final up with the final complete the peer
drafts completed, drafts completed, drafts completed, drafts completed, grading sheet
or nearly or nearly or nearly or nearly independently,
completed, completed, completed, completed, and/or was
removed from by
the teacher

Respect of Student was Student was Student was Student was The student was
Peers and respectful of other respectful of other respectful of other respectful of other distracted,
Students students learning students learning students learning students learning interrupted
time and did not time and did not time and did not time and did not frequently, did not
interrupt them interrupt them interrupt them interrupt them listen, gave harsh
with off-task with off-task with off-task with off-task criticism, did not
comments and comments and comments and comments and complete the peer
behavior, the behavior, the behavior, the behavior, the grading sheet
student was not student was not student was not student was not independently,
redirected by the redirected by the redirected by the redirected by the and/or was
teacher more than teacher more than teacher more than teacher more than removed from by
once once once once the teacher

Active Listening Student was Student was Student was Student was The student was
During attentive, sitting attentive, sitting mostly attentive, somewhat distracted,
Presentations up, looking at the up, looking at the sitting up, and attentive and may interrupted
presenter, taking presenter, may may have become have been frequently, did not
notes on the not have taken distracted once or distracted more listen, gave harsh
presentation, and notes on the twice by than twice, criticism, did not
waited to ask presentations, and presentations of student was complete the peer
questions until may have other groups, may slouching or grading sheet
presentations interrupted once not have taken leaning back, may independently,
were over. or twice to ask notes. not have been and/or was
questions. looking at removed from the
presenter. group by the
Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________

Ad Campaign
(To be completed after each student finishes their presentation, before moving on to next
10 8 7 6 4

Meets all the Wow, this student From what I can It was a decent Uh oh! This The student only
requirements went above and tell, this student project, but the student was completed one
beyond! They met all the project student forgot two missing three or advertisement,
included all the requirements; of the more more than two
required requirements. requirements requirements were
persuasive OR missing on at
techniques, and OR least two of the
had a few extras only one advertisements
to really make requirement was The student was
their project pop! missing, not bad! missing one of the
advertisement, or
the writing
reflections were
not completed

Neatness Oh my gosh, this Wow, this kid This project was the project is not Messy or sloppy
was the cleanest clearly made this about as neat and the messiest Ive presentation, it
project I have ever as neat as presentable as a ever seen, but this looks rushed and
seen! There were possible. There regular class is not presentation does not
no noticeable may be a few assignment. quality neatness represent the
tears, or stray small tear, or students best
marks. This is stray spots or efforts; its clear
worthy of being marks, but the they did not spend
put in a frame! project is nice and time on the
clean. The student appearance.
clearly took care
with it.

Creativity Wow! This was so This was so This was a neat This project was The
creative this creative for this project and nice to not boring, but it advertisement
person should student! Their look at. They didnt really look appears largely
consider a job in ideas and clearly tried very like it was the copied from
marketing, presentation came hard, but when students own another
advertising, or from their own put in a group ideas, or it did not advertisement or
design...somethin imagination and with similar hold my attention another student, it
g creative! Ive are awesome and persuasive ads, it for very long. does not
never seen fun to look at! It may not stand represent original
anything like this! definitely held my out. thought, or the
They could earn attention! assignment was
lots of money for not completed
how creative they

Effectiveness of Students Students Students Students Students

Persuasive persuasive persuasive persuasive persuasive persuasive
Techniques techniques were techniques were techniques were techniques were techniques were
so effective, I very effective, but present, but I present, but not not recognizable,
wanted to do I have one or two wasnt ready do immediately and the student
whatever Im questions, or want whatever they recognizable; had to point out
being persuaded some time to wanted me to do. each technique to
me to do! think before I do It was a nice OR the group
whatever Im advertisement,
OR being persuaded but it didnt really The student OR
to. affect me. technically
Students use of followed the The students
persuasive OR OR persuasive project was
techniques were technique, but completely off-
so effective, I Students Students failed to make me topic
completely persuasive persuasive interested in
understand their techniques were techniques were whatever they OR
main idea, theme, very effective, but present, but I had were trying to
concept I wanted a little to ask questions persuade me to Persuasive
more explanation and they needed do techniques were
to fully to justify/explain not present; did
understand their use of the not connect with
how/why/what I techniques to what was learned
was being make it more in class
persuaded to clear

Name: ________________________________________Period: _______________

Project Introduction Scavenger Hunt:

1. What resources may you use for the project?

2. How does this project relate to the real world? (Hint: what is the scenario?)
3. What are the requirements for the three DIFFERENT types of ads?
4. What three topics interest you most AND WHY?? (OR- what other options can
you come up with?)
5. Which step should be completed by Monday?
6. Which step will be the most difficult for you and why?
7. What is the due date for this project? (HINT: you have to do some math! ;D)
8. How would a person receive a 90-100 on this project?(Hint: BE SPECIFIC and
cite the Rubric)
9. What elements would need to be missing to not pass the project? (Hint: BE
SPECIFIC and cite the Rubric)
10. Describe the expectations during the presentations? (Hint: BE SPECIFIC
and cite the Rubric)

11. What other questions do you have that COULD NOT be answered by CAREFULLY
reading this packet?


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