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Casper 1

To turn sharply. Drifting is useful in race-type situations, on the street and on the track,

to rotate the car and achieve a better corner line than would otherwise be possible

a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure. The contents drifted apart.
Navigation. (of a ship) the component of the movement that is due to the force of wind

and currents. Due to the winds and currents the ship drifted all night, leaving us 15 miles

off course.
To drive into heaps. The wind Drifted the snow.
The general intention or meaning of an argument or someones intentions. Do you catch

my drift?
Move passively, aimlessly, or involuntary into a certain situation or condition. She

slowly drifted off to sleep.


Madelyn Casper

Casper 2

English 1010

18 April 2017

Final Daft

Definition Remix
The words we are using every day describe and shape our lives. Words are essential in the way

we communicate today, whether they are verbal words or written words. There are many words

that we, as a society, use that either have multiple meanings, they used to have a different

meaning, or both. A word to describe that kind of word is homophone. The example of a

homophone that I am going to be elaborating on is drift.

According to the Merriam Webster, the word drift was originated in the 14th century,

approximately the 1250s - 1300s. It was a Middle English word related to the Old English word

of drfan, which means to drive ( Over

time the meaning of the word drift has changed and evolved a lot.

With this paper, my intended audience is really anyone who is literate, whether they are just

learning the English language, they have spoken English their entire life, or they just have taken

on a particular interest in the English language and the different kinds of words or words that it

has and uses. I hope that my audience will see that the language we are using everyday truly

influences our thinking and makes things happen.

1. With the writing of this paper I do have some specific goals that I hope to accomplish.

1. Teach the many different meanings of the word draft.

2. The importance of widening our vocabulary

3. Language matters
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I plan to execute my goals by finding a fun and interesting way to introduce each meaning of the

word. I want to not only give the definitions, but give a sentence or two to really help the reader

to get a feel for the meaning and the context in which it should be used.

The words we use reflect who we are, because of this it is important to widen our

vocabulary. If we go around using the same few and simple words all the time, it is going to

reflect that we are simple people that we dont bother to read to help expand our thinking and our


2) While planning and writing my definition remix, I used my knowledge of rhetorical analysis

to help me in my writings. I was able to use Kairos, because it is whats going on today, and that

falls into the category because it is using the language that people are using today. Society has to

share the same views on word, before it can be put into a dictionary therefore, I have used pathos

because I have shared each different meaning for the word drift that society accepts. Since I used

the dictionary format for my display for the meanings of the word drift, I also used the ethos

appeal. I had the use of ethos because I was trying to convince my audience that they need to

widen their vocabulary to help them with their future successes.

3) As I was reading the rubric for this assignment, I had many different ideas of what I could do

pop into my head. I had many different words I could use come to mind. I thought about using

bark, nails, mine, pool, bolt, season, novel, squash, draft, buckle, or current. Those were my

original thoughts; drift was never even on my radar. However, I just felt like those words were

not really words that I use too often. I wanted to use a word that I used and could recognize and

affiliate with, so I decided to use the word drift. When I started using the word drift, it was

mostly as a joke, or making fun of how others used it, but old habits die hard, and it just stuck.
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As I was trying to decide how I would display the different definitions, I thought about using

either an infographic or a regular layout of a dictionary page. I decided to present my definitions

in the dictionary format because I think an infographic would take too many slides, and as we all

know, if a presentation drags on, you just stop focusing.

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Works Cited

"Drift". Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 15 Apr. 2017. <>.

"Drift." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2017.

Drift. Urban Dictionary, Eternityinabox, 13 June 2006,

term=drift. Accessed 12 Apr. 2017.

Google. Google, Google, meaning&spf=387. Accessed

15 Apr. 2017.

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