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Wake Up VV April 25, 2017

News/Opinions Pg. 1,
2, 7

Sports- Pg. 3, 4

Reviews- Pg. 5, 6, and 7

Comics- Pg. 8

Goodbye Eighth Graders A Day Without an

Did you go to school?

By Lindsey Arteaga

On a Day without an
Immigrant, many kids skipped
school because they wanted to
protest Donald Trumps ban on
immigrants coming into the county.
Many students had opinions on
Donald Trumps actions.
I think that it is really
important because it shows how
By Emelia Frost and Owen Dearborn important immigrants are in our
daily life. said Chanpisey Ung, a
The eighth graders are going to high school this year. Schools they Venetia Valley student.
are attending in the fall are: Terra Linda High School, San Rafael Samara Olsen added, I say I
High School, Marin Academy, and other surrounding schools. dont understand why this decision
to ban people was made.
To most eighth grade students at Venetia Valley, their middle
Because of A Day without an
school experience was hard and sometimes stressful. However, some
Immigrant, I think that Donald
people found their middle school experience fun The Wake Up VV
Trump now has more respect for
team gave some 8th graders a survey.
immigrants because they showed
On the survey, one question was What advice do you have
him what it was like without their
for 6th and 7th graders?
help. At Venetia Valley K-8 grade
Susie Galindo, an 8th grader, said Be organized.
school, in the elementary school, 185
Jonathan Gongora, 8th grader at Venetia Valley said, Dont
kids were absent. In middle school,
argue with your teacher.
80 kids missed school. Crazy, right?
Students said that they will miss Venetia Valley.
Teachers had many things to
Ali Modan, an eighth grader, said, I will miss all of my
teachers the most because they put in so much hard work and effort
I was both sad and proud
to make me successful.
on The Day without an Immigrant. I
Good luck next year Eighth Graders! We know you will do
was proud of our community for
taking a stand against oppression.
Weather 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 But I was sad to see how many
families are affected by the
H: 64 H: H: 67 H: 70 H: 75 H: 75 misguided racist policies. said Mrs.
L: 52 L: 50 L: 53 L: 56 L: 55
Continued on Page 2
L: 52

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