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2/27/2017 Rubric For Assessment Task

Sort and Match Reflection

Name: ________________________ Teacher: Assessment Task

Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
The students
Spelling and explanation
sentence clarity. I contains 1 or 2
am not asking spelling errors but
you to have Students explanation sentences are
students explanation No spelling errors,
perfect grammar contains 1 or 2 readable with no
contains 3 or more sentences are clear
but utilize your spelling errors and 1 punctuation errors. ____
spelling and punctuation and properly
spell check and or 2 punctuation or Students
errors punctuated.
use proper errors. explanation
punctuation and contains no spelling
sentence errors but sentences
structure. have 1 or 2
punctuation errors.
Student correctly
classifies the
equation and
properly uses
vocabulary from Student correctly
5.1 and 5.2 to classifies the
explain the equation but uses 5
match. or less vocabulary
Student incorrectly Students incorrectly Student correctly
Vocabulary I am in their explanation.
classifies the equation classifies the classifies the
looking or Student
and uses 3 or less equation and uses 5 equation and uses 6 ____
for:relative incorrectly
vocabulary in their or less vocabulary in or more vocabulary
maximum, classifies the
explanation their explanation. in their explanation
relative equation but uses at
minimum, least 6 vocabulary
multiple zeros, terms in their
turning points, explanation.
degree, leading
number of zeros,
and end behavior.
Students explanation
contains 3 or more
The mathematics
basic math errors that The students
used throughout
Students explanation do not indicate a lack explanation
is correct and the The students
contains 3 or more math of understanding of contains 1 or 2
student explanation
errors that indicate a lack the concept or math errors that do ____
demonstrates an contains no math
of understanding of the Students explanation not indicate a lack
understanding of errors
concept has 2 or less math of understanding of
the concepts
errors that indicate a the concept.
being applied.
lack of understanding
of the concept.
The equation, no pieces match two pieces are not a one piece is not a All 4 pieces are a ____ 1/2
2/27/2017 Rubric For Assessment Task

graph, zeros and match match match

chosen are a true
The students
The students explanation is
explanation is Students explanation
explanation shows logical and clearly
logical and Students explanation shows a developing
an ability to analyze explained and the
demonstrates and shows no understanding understanding of of
polynomial student has clearly ____
understanding of of how to analyze how to analyze
equations but logic demonstrated an
how to analyze polynomials equations. polynomial
is hard to follow at ability to analyze
polynomial equations.
times. polynomial
Total----> ____

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