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Student Teacher Science Lesson Planning Template

Date 13/3/2017 Student Maryam Khalifa Alkhatri

Time 9:00-9:30 School New world American privet school
MCT Garnel Desravins Class Grade 3/A
Lesson Unit 6: people and resources No of
unit/page Lesson: pollution students
pages: from 256-257
Context of the lesson
This is the first lesson comes after natural recourses
Teaching goal
The overall aim of this lesson is know the meaning of pollution and the types.
Learning objectives: Students will be able to:
- Know the meaning of pollution
- Identify the types of pollution (air, land, water pollution).
- Identify the causes of pollution of each type.
Assumptions about prior learning: Students will be familiar with:
- Some materials.
Anticipated problems and possible solutions:
- Some students may take long time doing the activity so I will give them specific time to finish.
- Some students may need help but they don't ask to so I will observe the class to help who need
Personal focus for this lesson
- Provide safe learning environment for all students.
- Observe students while they are working.
Target language Teacher language:
- Pollution - Pollution
- Land pollution
- Water pollution
- Air pollution
Main tasks or activities Resources and teaching aids
- Open-ended question. - Pictures (abut pollution)
- Discussion - Scissors.
- Sorting activity - Folders
- Flip book activity - A3 paper
- Earth
- Power point

Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
- Group work - On their desk
- Whole class
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model

Key Question:
What happen to the earth? Why is the earth sad? What is pollution?
Teacher: Student:
- Greeting students and set up the class: - Greet the teacher.
"Good after noon? How are you? - Brain storming.
- Teacher will have a box that have the - Answer questions.
earth inside the box, teacher will knock
the box, then the teacher will open the
box and pull out the earth then she will
ask the students do you know who is
this? S: yes it is the earth, T:know the
earth is happy right S:yes, then the
teacher will place in random students
desk a plastic page that have some
garbage etc. then they have to place all
of these beside the earth then the earth
will be sad, that teacher will ask the
students what happen to the earth? The
earth is sad now? Why was the earth
Why the earth sad?----------
After answering the question the teacher will
place letters on the bored then the student will
have to collect the letters and make the
(pollution) word
Then we will know the definition of pollution.

Activities (list) Driving Question
- After the teacher introduces the definition - what will happen to the fish or the living
of pollution, she will introduce the types of creatures inside the water?
pollution. - Can we eat the fish if the water is dirty?
- Teacher there are three types of pollution - what causes the land pollution?
(teacher will put the picture on the bored - What will happen to the plants?
and the students should predict the - what causes the air pollution?
answer (water pollution/ land pollution/ air -
- Teacher will ask the students what can you
see in the picture that cause the water
pollution? (the oil, chemicals) what will
happen to the fish or the living creatures
inside the water?
Can we eat the fish if the water is dirty?
Then to the next one is the land pollution,
teacher will ask them what causes the land
What will happen to the plants?
After that the air pollution, what causes the
air pollution?
- After explaining these students will have
an activity, in this activity the students will
in three groups the teacher will have three
different color files the teacher will ask the
students to go and search for the file the
each group will have a circle that written
on air pollution and they have to stick the
pictures that related to the air pollution,
each group will have different topic :
After their exploring:
- Students will present the work.
- Teacher will ask some more questions about the topic.

Teacher: Student:
- Students should discuss while they - Work in groups.
working and ask questions if they

Activities: Teacher: Student
Make my own pollution book. Teacher will explain the how Student will have
they will make the book and answer the
Content Media: what they are going to write questions draw the
- Colors on it pictures and stick it
- Pollution book Students will have to answer on their note book.
what is pollution?
Extending/Application Then they have to write
Questions for Whole/Small about the water pollution and
Group Discourse: draw a picture of water
- What is pollution? pollution
Student Communication And do the same for the
Product (assessment): other two types.
- Answer questions Then they have to stick it on
their note book.

Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
Students will be able to:
- Observe - Classify: students will classify the
- Classify pictures that related to the air, land
- Communicate and water pollution.
- Summary about the lesson - Communicate: Oral presentation,
discuss with each other.
Knowledge Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
- Identify the meaning of pollutions. - Oral presentation.
- Identify the three types of pollution
and the causes.
Teacher: Student
- Ask the students question to - Answer the questions.
make sure that the objectives are
"What is pollution?
What are the three types of
What are the causes of each
pollution type?

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