SaaS Transition TechM

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SW , 1950 IT(IT, SI, IT

) 1960 SW . IT
. IT
SW SW Customize
. 1990 , SW, SW IT
SW .

, SW SaaS PaaS,
IT CSB(Cloud Service Brokerage)[1] . CSB
SaaS(Software as a Service), PaaS(Platform as a Service), IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service)

SaaS SW ,
, SW. 1999
SaaS , 2004 Amazon IaaS , 2008 PaaS
SaaS , Gartner Hype
Cycle[2] .
SaaS . 2017 SaaS
50 . [3]

SW (Standardization)
(Customization) .
, .
1900 , , (Mass
Customization) [4] . SW
, .

. SW Mass Customization Source Code SW
(UI, Data Model, Workflow ) . Mass
Customization Parameter Configuration, API-based Integration, Service Orchestration,
Custom Metadata SW .


SaaS , SW ASP(Application Service Provider)

[5] . SaaS , ASP SaaS

Single-Tenant , SaaS Multitenant .
Multitenant (Tenant) SW Single Instance
, Single-Tenant SW Instance . Multitenant
Single-Instance Database , Tenant Customization
, SLA Database Run-Time .
SW Configuration, Customization, , SW
Instance Instance . [6]

, ,
ASP SaaS .

SW Customization SW Source Code

, .
, ,

ERP, CRM, SCM UI, Workflow, Data Model

Customization , Source Code Customization SW
Single Tenant ASP ,
Instance ,

Customization Metadata Run-Time SW

Multitenant SaaS .

Customization SW SW ASP
SaaS , SaaS
. ASP SaaS .

SaaS Self-Service .

SaaS CMP(Cloud Management Platform)[7] , , ,

, SLA , IT , , , IT
(B/OSS: Business Support Services, Operations Support Services)

SaaS IaaS PaaS SW , ,

Elasticity, Scalability, Multitenancy , Big Data
Analytics, IoT, Containerization, DevOps, Serverless Computing
. [8]


SaaS Global
Best Practice SaaS
. ,
. IT
SaaS .
SaaS .

SW Mass Customization .
SW Source Code ,
, . SW
SaaS , Single Code Base
. Customization SW Middleware SW Single Code
Base , SW Mass Customization

SaaS .

Customization SW SW SaaS
. SaaS GSIP(Global SaaS

Incubating Project) SaaS

1. :

? Single Code Base Demand-Side Economies of Scale[9]

2. : PaaS[8] IaaS ? Multitenancy[6],

Single Instance, Elasticity/Scalability ?

3. : CMP(Cloud Management Platform)[7]

? IT Service Management, Cloud
Business Management B/OSS

4. : Lean Startup[10,11], Agile[12] Fail Fast, Fail Cheap,

Fail Often ? SaaS
, Learn &

Discover ?

5. : SOA[13] API , Framework

? REST Web Services API , ,

? ,

6. : PaaS ,
SaaS / ? Complementor

Positive Feedback Effect ? [14, 15]

7. : SaaS , Niche
? Value

Proposition[16] ?

. .
[17-22] .

[1] Gartner, The Role of CSB in the Cloud Services Value Chain, October 4, 2011.
[2] Gartner, Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing, August 3, 2016.
[3] Gartner, Gartner Says Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market to Grow 18 Percent in 2017, February 22,
2017. (
[4] B. J. Pine II,. Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition. Boston, Mass.: Harvard
Business School, 1992.
[5] Wikipedia, Application service provider, April 2017.
[6] Wikipedia, Multitenancy, April 2017.
[7] Gartner, Market Guide for Cloud Management Platforms: Large, Emerging and Open Source Software
Vendors, April 28, 2016.
[8] Gartner, Platform as a Service: Definition, Taxonomy and Vendor Landscape 2016, May 31, 2016.
[9] G. G. Parker, M. W. Van Alstyne and S. P. Choudary, Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are
Transforming the EconomyAnd How to Make Them Work for You, Norton & Company, 2016.
[10] S. Blank, The Four Steps to the Epiphany, K&S Ranch, 2013.
[11] E. Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically
Successful Businesses, Crown Business, 2011.
[12] Wikipedia, Agile software development, April 2017.
[13] Wikipedia, Software-oriented architecture, April 2017.
[14] M. A. Cusumano, The Business of Software: What Every Manager, Programmer, and Entrepreneur Must
Know to Thrive and Survive in Good Times and Bad, Free Press, 2004.
[15] S. Jansen, S. Brinkkemper and M. A. Cusumano, Software Ecosystems: Analyzing and Managing Business
Networks in the Software Industry, Elgar Pub, 2014.
[16] Wikipedia, Value Proposition, April 2017.
[17] , SaaS , 1, K-ICT ,
2013. (
[18] , , 4, K-ICT
, 2014.
[19] June Sung Park, Software Engineering in the Context of Business Systems, in Ivar Jacobson and Harold
Lawson (ed.) Software Engineering in the Systems Context, College Publications: London, 2015.
[20] , , 2015 , , 2016.
pp. 28-37. ( )
[21] , 4 3 , 2016 , ,
2016. (
[22] , BA ? SW, 2017.

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