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How do Students at Arizona State

University study?
By: Andrew Abraham, Michael Ma, Taylor Daugherty
Finding ways to help students at Questions:
ASU to improve their studying. 1. Who do you study with?
2. Where do you study the most?
Seeing if people really care about
3. How often do you study in a week?
school or not.
4. How long do you study for in one day?
Is studying helpful.
5. Do you enjoy the process of studying?
Do people at ASU enjoy studying. 6. What's your method of studying efficiently?
7. When do you study?
8. What subject is the hardest for you?
Who do you study with?

68 students out of 126 students

at ASU study better alone.
Who do you study with?
People might get distracted
We thought ASU students were
going to pick with friends
Learned that students at ASU 25 26

dont like studying with a tutor. 6 1

No one With your cell With friends With your pet With a tutor
phone right next to
Where do you study the most?
Most students at ASU study at
Four Students out of 126 students
Where do you study the most?
like to study outdoors.
Feeling safe affects where you
should study at.
Usually a person studies better at 25

a place they know about. 4 4

Home Outdoors/ campus Dorm Starbucks Library

How often do you study for in a week?
96% of students at ASU do study
at least once a week.
Most students do care about their Results:
grades. How often do you study for in a week?
Some students at ASU might not
be able to study everyday: 31
1. Having a job
2. Being an athlete
3. Personal issue, and etc.. 4

Everyday Once a week Twice a week Three times a week Never

How long do you study for in one day?
2 hours is the most common one.
Studying at least 30 minutes a day
will help you in the future.
How long do you study for in one day?
Studying for 7 hours
You will improve your learning
methods if you study everyday.

Less than an hour 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours or more

Do you enjoy the process of studying?
73 students out of 126 students at
ASU dont like studying.
Changing ways to help you enjoy Results:
studying. Do you enjoy the process of studying?

The topic you are studying. 73

What major you are in.

Studying with a person could
9 1

Yaay Nah Kind of I guess Being forced by my

Whats your method of studying efficiently?

Listen to music while studying.

Everybodys different
What's your method of studying
Students enjoy studying while it is
quiet. 53

Multitasking while studying.

5 7

With music Coffee With friends Completely quiet While eating

When do you study?

Most kids at ASU study at night.

Most people have time at night. Results:
Studying at night helps students When do you study?

recall the information better the


next day.
Going to bed after studying.

8 5

Morning Afternoon At night After work 3 in the morning.

What subject is the hardest for you?
Math is the hardest for most
students at ASU.
We thought Science was going Results:
to be the hardest topic. What subject is the hardest for you?

Learned that students at ASU are 69

better at classes that have to do

with more of reading.
Trying different ways to study
9 11 2 9
could help you. Literature Mathematics Science Computer Art History

A couple of things we have learned about ASU students that they would
rather study:
1. In a safe environment
2. Listening to music
3. Studying at home
4. Studying at night time
5. Dont like math

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