3rd Grade Lesson Plan: Standard

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3rd Grade Lesson Plan

Literary Principle Focus: Talking, Visual Representing, Viewing


Introduce a topic and group related information together; include

illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension.


Students will present to their peers about their chosen career.

Cognitive Objective:

In their assigned station, students will present clearly to students of the

school for up to five minutes, based on their career interest with or better
on the rubric

Affective Objective:

While at the career fair, students will ask questions and listen attentively to
the presenters, scoring or better on a checklist.


-Students will dress up as their future career

Introduction in classroom (15 minutes)

-Welcome class and ask students to sit quietly in their seats.

-Introduce the Career Fair Project Fair we will host the today.

Students,today we will be going to the gym where you will be talking with other students
who want to become like the future-yous! Remember to answer their questions as best as
you can and if you get stuck, you can ask the adult who is there!

Pair up with the person sitting next to you and give a 5 minute explanation about
your job. Allow your partner to ask questions and prepare yourself on how you will
answer. If you have any questions, ask me. After 5 minutes switch. In 15 minutes we will
be going to the gym.
Career Fair in the School Gym (remainder of class period)

Allow students the entire class period to present to their peers.

Assessment (10 minutes)

Listen to each students 5 minute presentation and ask questions.

Cognitive Objective Assessment:

In their assigned station, students will present clearly to students of the

school for up to five minutes, based on their career interest with or better
on the rubric
2 1 0

Speaks Student spoke clearly St was not clear Student did not
clearly present

Presents Student presents for Student presents less than Student did not
at least 4 under 4 minutes present

Affective Objective Checklist:

While at the career fair, students will ask questions and listen attentively to
the presenters, scoring or better on a checklist.
2 1 0

Remain Student stayed in their seat Student occasionally got out of Student did not
seated while in the computer lab their seat remain seated

Stayed on Student stayed on task and Student occassionally visited Student did not
task did not visit other website other websites stay on task

Raised Student raised hand when Student occasionally raised Student did not
hand they wished to speak hand when wanting to speak raise their hand

Wrap-Up (5 minutes)
How did you feel presenting about your career today?

Do you still see yourself doing that career?

What did you learn from the adults who may have helped answer the questions?
Students in the TAG program will be expected to present for 10
minutes and include more details.

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