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Table of Content Rawls Versus Locke &Nozick 43

Abstract 3 The Copyright Holders 43
Summary in Danish 3 The Owners of Megaupload 44
Introduction 4 Legitimate Users of Megaupload 44
Problem Definition 4 All Potential Users 45
Delimitation 5 Harvey Versus Locke and Nozick 45
Methods 5 Rawls Versus Harvey 48
Motivation 6 The Four Perspectives from Rawls Standpoint 50
Dimensions 7 The Copyright Holders 50
What is ACTA, SOPA, PIPA and CISPA? 8 The Owners of Megaupload 51
History of Copyright Law 11 Legitimate Users of Megaupload 51
Famous Cases Concerning Copyright Infringement 14 All Potential Users 52
History of Megaupload & Kim Dotcom 16 Copyright Expiration, is it logical? 53
Why Was Megaupload Shut Down? 21 Criticism of Megaupload 56
Theories 22 The Sky is Rising 57
Locke 23 Kim Dotcom, Copyright Violator 66
Nozick 27 Future Internet Legislation and its Effects 67
Utilitarianism 30 Consequences of Shutting Down Megaupload 68
Rawls & Deontology 32 Conclusion 70
Harvey 38 Work Cited 76
Discussion 40
Four Perspectives on Megaupload 40
Megaupload & Other Services 42

Abstract Summary in Danish
This paper offers an insight into the history of
copyright law and the history of Megaupload and
Dette projekt omhandler Megaupload og arresteringen
further explains the proposed internet legislations
af Kim Dotcom. Dimensionerne er Historie og Kultur
ACTA, SOPA, PIPA and CISPA. This paper analyses
samt Filosofi og Videnskabsteori. For at analysere
the ethical aspects of the shutdown of Megaupload
de etiske aspekter af lukningen af Megaupload, har vi
and the arrest of Kim Dotcom. The project seeks to
brugt teorier af Locke, Nozick, Rawls og Harvey, for
shed light on the case by applying relevant theories
at f en forstelse af de forskellige parters rolle i
concerning property rights and ownership by Locke,
sagen om Megaupload. Ydermere bruger dette
Rawls, Nozick and Harvey. The case is discussed
projekt rapportenThe Sky Is Rising, hvilket giver
from four different perspectives. It further analyses
en indsigt vedrrende emnet ulovlig fildeling. Blandt
and interprets the report The Sky Is Rising in order
andre elementer der bliver udforsket er utilitarisme,
to gain insight on the subject of illegal file sharing.
deontologi samt teser hvor de forskellige filosoffer
The case study ventures into an interpretation of the
nvnt i denne opgave bliver sat op imod hinanden, for
Megaupload case with the use of concepts such as
bedre at give lseren nogle vrktjer til at kunne
utilitarianism and deontology.
fortolke sagen vedrrende Megaupload. Projektet
konkluderer ikke nogen definitive svar p de etiske
sprgsml vedrrende Kim Dotcoms arrestation og
lukningen af Megaupload. Dog giver teorierne et

indblik i sagernes etiske aspekter.
This project will discuss the ethical nature of sharing
media and information on the Internet by using
philosophical theories on ownership rights. The
Introduction project will also discuss the legal background of the
arrest of Kim Dotcom and the shutdown of
On the 19th of January, 2011 the file sharing website We will also explore was shut down by the U.S various pieces of legislation governments are
department of justice for allegedly allowing users to attempting to pass and what consequences they could
access copyrighted material for free (Megaupload have for the exchange of information on the Internet.
Shut Down). The websites shutdown and the arrest of
its founder Kim Dotcom, created a storm of
controversy and started a worldwide debate about Problem Definition
copyright law on the Internet and governments rights
to enforce them (Laurenti). At the same time, new What are the ethics of ownership concerning media on
pieces of government legislation such as ACTA and the Internet, which is commonly available yet has
SOPA were being discussed which would radically legal restrictions on its accessibility?
change how freely information could be shared on the
web (1TheRevolutionIsNow).

I. How can the ethical theories concerning multinational scale of the case coupled with our
ownership by John Locke, Robert inexperience with law, we decided not to explore this
Nozick, John Rawls, and David Harvey in depth. Also we did not explore the value of the free
be applied to the case of Megaupload, sharing of music from a perspective related to cultural
and what insights do they bring forth. theory, though this is somewhat explored in our
II. What were the ethical and legal aspects writings on utilitarianism. We also chose not to do our
of the arrest of Kim Dotcom? own original empirical/qualitative research such as
III. How has the Internet affected the interviews for example. We chose to do this to reduce
market for music and film and how have subjectivity and we felt that by researching a variety
major corporations responded of articles we gained a comprehensive understanding
of the situation at hand.

The purpose of this section is to outline what the
reader may assume will address in this project, but In order to explore intellectual property rights,
have chosen not to. The Megaupload case and the together with the legal case against Megaupload and
copyright issues behind it are interesting to explore its founder Kim Dotcom, we have read articles from a
from a legal perspective, but because of the massive, variety of websites/publications about the case.

Furthermore we will use theories by John Locke, aspects concerning the shutdown of the file sharing
Robert Nozick, John Rawls and David Harvey in website As humanities students we
order to analyze the case from a philosophical and believed this offered us an excellent opportunity to
ethical standpoint. These theorists will be presented apply humanistic theories and investigative methods
individually and compared later in the project. We to a pertinent and controversial issue. We were
will also use these philosophers to discuss the nature fascinated with exploring this because we ourselves
of intellectual property, specifically in the context of grew up alongside the Internet and the opportunities it
the music and film industry. Furthermore we will look supplied for the spread of information. It interested us
at the ethical and legal aspects of the arrest of Kim greatly to discuss the increasing criminalization of
Dotcom using the same theories. Our main source for activities that many people our age see as universal
researching these philosophical theories was the and non harmful such as the free sharing of film and
online version of the Stanford Encyclopedia of music. Besides from the immediate ramifications of
Philosophy, as well as original texts from respective the shutdown of the website, we also believed that this
philosophers. case could be generalized to offer an understanding of
how information is spread online in future and what
legal circumstances surround this.
The changes in the legal system that are supposed to
This project primarily analyzes the ethical and legal occur might radically change our world, so it is

crucial that we are aware of the situation at hand. We The first dimension, Philosophy & Science will be
are the ones who have to take a stand if this legislation explored through the legal and ethical aspects
violates our basic rights. Since we face different surrounding the shutdown of Megaupload and the
ethical approaches to the Internet content in the arrest of Kim Dotcom. More specifically we will
developing world, we find it both important and address various theories of property ownership such
fascinating to research and discuss the ethical and as that of Locke, Nozick, Rawl and Harvey. The
legal aspects of the case along with the philosophical philosophical fields of Utilitarianism and Deontology
theories of ownership in order to find the best possible will be featured in this project. Since law is largely
outcome for these dramatic changes. based on abstract ethical concepts it is fascinating to
explore what could be described as a grey zone for
this, since the legal and ethical circumstances of
Dimensions Megauploads shutdown were convoluted and
This project will focus on two dimensions, Philosophy
& Science and History & Culture. While certain Our second dimension is History & Culture. This will
elements of other dimensions will inevitably be be explored through the history of copyright law and
present, we will focus on the knowledge and theories popular social concepts of ownership. We will also be
related to these two. discussing the development of technology in modern
society and how this relates to and influences

arguably outdated notions of ownership concerning concerning copyright law on the Internet.
media. Megaupload will serve as a primary case study
for this. The first of these proposed pieces of legislation was
PIPA (Protect IP Act), which would allow the U.S
What is ACTA, SOPA, PIPA & CISPA? government to take down "rogue websites dedicated
to infringing or counterfeit goods" (Musil).
In recent years as information has become more easily Unsurprisingly, supporters of the bill included
shared on the Internet, the issue of information companies such as Universal and Sony who felt that
ownership has risen in a new and unpredictable the availability of their media content on the Internet
medium. Four important pieces of legislation related was damaging to their business (Spence). While it was
to this have been SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and CISPA. clear that traditional copyright laws were rampantly
All were proposed alterations to law which attempted being disregarded on the web, the public at large still
to radically change how governments could deal with had issues with this bill. One major aspect of this was
information on the Internet, while the pieces of its drafting process. While the public was largely
legislation specifically mentioned copyright unaware of the bill during its creation, many
infringement issues. These laws were widely corporations had direct ties to individuals in the
discussed by the public as threats to freedom and tools government who were writing it. This was seen as a
of censorship for governments. This section aims to compromise in the relationship a government would
educate the reader on the current political situation ideally have with its people, working transparently to

insure their rights are upheld and creating the best violation of both freedom of speech and due court
possible environment for their happiness and success process (1TheRevolutionIsNow).
SOPA was essentially a rewrite of PIPA, which was
Companies such as Google were also opposed to this more extreme in its plans for copyright infringement
legislation, as it potentially threatened the future of on the Internet. For example it would have given the
their businesses (The Undersigned). Wikipedia United States government the ability to take down any
notably blacked out their website for twenty four website, which they believed to be infringing
hours to show dissent towards the legislation (Musil). copyright material and arrest those responsible (PC
World). Critics of the bill argued that this was a
Megauploads case serves as an example of what the ridiculous notion considering the nature of how
future could look like for websites, which information is spread on the web. Given that someone
governments and companies dislike. While the were o upload a picture of a cartoon character on their
takedown of Megaupload had a questionable legal Facebook, that person would under SOPA could be
basis and garnered much criticism from the public, deemed a criminal and face a fine and prison time.
with legislation like PIPA it would be far easier for
governments to arrest and suspend rights for ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement,
individuals, who they believe are connected to these which was extremely similar in nature to the two
malicious websites. Some individuals see this as a previous pieces of legislation, was originally proposed

by USA and Japan in 2008 (Walsh). In 2011 the international cooperation, in order to combat
agreement was signed by Australia, Canada, Japan, trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy
Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and (Europa).
the United States. In January 2012 it was signed by
the European Union and 22 out of the 27 membership The most recent of these bills is CISPA or Cyber
countries. But while many countries have signed the Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
bill, none have ratified it, which would bring it into (CISPA) While this bill is focused more on cyber
actual law (Solon). security, it still contains many facets of the previous
pieces of proposed law, which would give the
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA government much more control over online content.
is a multinational treaty with the purpose to establish Almost as soon as the proposed bill was formulated,
international standards for intellectual property rights. it was criticized for threatening civil rights by giving
The agreement also aims to establish international the U.S government the right to access private
rules concerning counterfeit goods, generic medicines browsing data (Masnick). The bill passed on the 26th
and copyright infringements. This will create a new of April, 2012 but has been criticized by president
governing forum outside the existing ones, such as the Obama for threatening civil liberties.
World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual
Property Rights and the United Nation. If ACTA
passes, it will bring about stricter laws for

The History of Copyright Law to various works in early renaissance Italy. For
example, a book outlining the history of Venice was
Since the projects main focus is on intellectual granted protection from copying in the city
property, this section will introduce the reader to the (Armstrong). Starting at about the same time, England
history of government legislation, to help them and France, whose legal systems would become
understand the current situation at hand. The ethical hugely influential abroad, began granting copyrights
concept of copyright is an idea that stretches back to on certain products. These legal protections differed
the beginnings of human civilization. The notion that from our modern concept, because they protected
an idea or product belongs to the person, who created large commodity industries such as oil and leather
it has a well documented prevalence in Western from competition within their nations borders
culture first exemplified in Greece long before the (Deazley 6).
birth of Christ (Plowman). For the purpose of brevity
and remaining concise, this section will outline the The first somewhat universal copyright law was
history of copyright from roughly the 16th century passed in England in 1709, which gave authors rights
onwards, when it first became an issue for national over their books for a period of fourteen years after
governments/organizations, as well as being written the books were first written. The law intended
into common law in some countries. to develop a reading public and encourage progress in
the sciences by protecting authors. The law also
The first recorded cases of protected copyright belong officially created the public domain, in which works

can be used freely after a certain period of time, rather as
than belonging to publishers or authors forever. The
issue with this was it only gave protection to works The United States has also heavily contributed to the
within England, which technically allowed books to modern concepts of copyright law. Because the
be copied by anyone in other British regions. This country was founded with enlightenment principles in
sparked a long standing debate between book mind, many early influential thinkers and politicians
publishers, who wanted revenue, and the British gave the subject much thought. The Articles of the
government, who wanted cheap books to circulate Federation (a precursor to the constitution) stated
within the country. In 1774 this was ultimately "that nothing is more properly a man's own than the
resolved by Parliament instating a truly common fruit of his study, and that the protection and security
copyright law, which was to be enforced universally of literary property would greatly tend to encourage
and instated that copyright could only be claimed for a genius and to promote useful discoveries."And later in
limited time, rather than the publishers demand for the Constitution "To promote the progress of science
infinite copyright (Deazley 14). This conflict of and useful arts." (Yu)
interest between those who believe that limited
copyright aids public education and those who wish to The next major trend in copyright law was its
extend it, to protect artists and authors livelihoods internationalization. The Berne Conference(s), were
has continued into the present day. Parallels can be held in 1886, 1908, 1928, 1948, 1967, and 1971 in
drawn to the controversies surrounding websites such various European cities. The major points raised

during the conferences was the establishment of the Naturally often governments do not concern
author's life plus fifty years before works entered the themselves much with copyright infringement unless
public domain, that all governments have to give encouraged by private companies. A notable and early
equal copyright protection to foreign citizens as they example of this was Napster, which was shut down in
give their own, and introducing the concept of moral 2002, because of pressure from various music labels
right into legislation, which allocated authors legal for sharing music without their consent (US).
protection over defamation of their works (McQueen).
These types of trials have become more common in
In recent times as the Internet has become a more recent years, one notable example being Viacom
prominent medium for the exchange of information, filing a lawsuit against Youtube over infringed
specific legislation has been passed concerning the material on their website. What ultimately ties all
content which circulates on it. This is most notably these trials together is the Digital Millennium
shown by the adoption of the World Intellectual Copyright Act, specifically DMCA Title II, which
Property Organization Copyright Treaty in 1996. protects online services from being punished for their
Though this bill addressed information technology, it users uploading copyrighted materials. Services such
was far too broad and general to create meaningful as Youtube and Megaupload also allow companies to
change in the flow of copyright data and information claim ownership over content that should be taken
(Drathos & Brithewait). down, as outlined in their terms of service. While this
technicality allowed Youtube to win its case against

Viacom, the circumstances surrounding Megaupload
have not allowed for a proper trial to take place amd Until the present, highly controversial case against
the future will tell whether this occurs (Copyright Megaupload, several cases have earlier hit the
Infringement). spotlight in the 20th century, revolving around
copyright infringement. One of the more high profile
More recently legislation such as the Stop Online cases in recent history was the dispute surrounding
Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act have called for Beatles member and music icon George Harrison.
radically increased government intervention online Harrisons single entitled My Sweet Lord was
and aimed to make it far easier for government to released in January of 1971 as his first solo-single.
potentially censor the Internet. While these types of However a song called Hes So Fine recorded by
legislation continue to receive much resistance, they the Chiffons in 1962 happened to be extremely similar,
demonstrate an increasing trend of attempted with only minor details distinguishing them.
government control of Internet content. Therefore, Therefore, on February 10th, 1971, Bright Tunes filed
certain examples of cases, where the copyright laws a lawsuit against George Harrison including his
were being broken, are given below in order to take a English and American companies. The lawsuit also
closer look into their results. included Apple Records, BMI and Hansen

Famous Cases concerning copyright-infringement In February of 1976, Harrisons attorneys tried to

determine the difference between the two songs, and to be easier to resolve. The reason for that was that
they did not succeed. In the end, the judge handling Harrisons song was a simple case of copying another
the case convicted Harrison of copyright infringement, song, which others before him already had created,
even though he did not believe that he plagiarized The and therefore their copyrights were violated . It was
Chiffon's song on purpose. Therefore he was found easy to identify the infringer and the infringed. Now,
guilty of subconscious plagiarism and he was in the case of Megaupload, one could argue that at
sentenced to pay a fine of 587,000.00 dollars. least some of the users hold a clear amount of
Harrison then paid the full amount in 1981 and the responsibility with their copyright-violating actions,
case was closed (Famous Copyright Infringement). which in essence is the trademark service Megaupload
provides (quick file sharing of rather sizeable amounts
This case displays an interesting parallel between of data), should one choose to use it in that way.
lawsuits filed in more modern times, and those filed
before the Internet revolutionized the entire Another high profile case was the one against Vanilla
entertainment industry. The allegations towards Ice in 1990, when he was a household name, known
Megaupload and Kim Dotcom contain a variety of to many because of his hit titled Ice Ice Baby. He
aspects, which must be taken into consideration, such sampled music from Queen and David Bowie's song
as the element of responsibility regarding the alleged Under Pressure without their consent or license.
wrongdoings of Megaupload and its founder Kim However, one could argue he needed some outside
Dotcom. The case against Harrison on paper seemed inspiration in the process of creating hits, considering

the fact that he did so in a very sloppy manner, only mean in which to enforce the principles and various
slightly changing the rhythm of the bassline. The case laws concerning copyright-infringement.
never went to court, and Vanilla Ice settled with
Queen and David Bowie for an undisclosed amount of
money (Famous Copyright Cases). History of Megaupload & Kim Dotcom

These two cases, one more recent than the other, share The aim of this section is to provide a brief history of
certain similarities with each other. Perhaps, one and the legal case that ultimately led
could argue that they are diametric opposites to one to its shutdown in January of 2012 and the arrest of its
another. Harrison was only found guilty of founder, Kim Dotcom. While not providing much
subconscious plagiarism, and Vanilla Ice apparently analysis, this part of the project should help the reader
acted very consciously. Furthermore, in both cases the grasp the complicated legal circumstances
victims were given compensation. surrounding the website, which this project is based
Regardless of the outcome of the mentioned cases, the
common denominator seems to be that the people When Megaupload was shut down, the Internet lost 2
offended by those who are found guilty, in one way or to 3 percent of its total volume, and at the time of its
another, are always given compensation. Therefore, shutdown, Megaupload accounted for up to 40 percent
money is a highly crucial element of justice, and a of all file downloads on the Internet (Brodkin). The

company is currently accused of costing copyright
holders more than 500 million USD in lost revenue The point at which Megaupload officially became
(Hodson). an issue with the United States government was in
October of 2011, when it was included on a list of
Megaupload was first founded on the 17th of July, Piracy sites created by the Motion Picture Association
2005 in Hong Kong and included a variety of web of America and submitted to the Office of the US
services such as image, video, and music hosting. Trade Representative. This list included a variety of
Like most websites it took Megaupload some time to websites which allowed users to share potentially
rise to prominence on the Internet, as a tool for the copyright material and requested the government to
easy sharing of information (Domain Tools). prosecute these sites using existing legislation and
create new laws which would make the process easier
The website became unavailable to Hong Kong based in the future (Ernesto, 28 Oct 2011).
users in 2009, while the United States did not become
directly involved in website until 2010. The reason for Megauploads response to this was rather unorthodox,
this has never been disclosed by any employee of it released a music video for an original song in
Megaupload, but it has been suggested by Hong Kong December of 2011, featuring mainstream artists such
customs officials that the intent behind this was to as Will.I.Am and Kanye West. Both of whom
hinder investigation by the Hong Kong government. supported the website and its goal of making
(GovHK). information and media easier to share than ever before.

P.Diddy was quoted as saying When Im sending my
hits out I use Megaupload, cos its fast. I can receive As a result of this Megaupload threatened to sue
hits and I can send em out,(MrKimDotCom). While Universal Music Group for wrongfully taking down
this was an audacious move on Megauploads part their music video and pledged to combat emerging
that raised much discussion, it did not necessarily do government legislation such as SOPA and PIPA,
much to hinder its legal troubles. The day after the which would vastly increase the governments power
video was released it was pulled from Youtube to control content on the Internet. UMGs response to
because of pressure from Universal Music on this was to outline their contract with Youtube, which
copyright grounds. These actions were highly technically gave them the right to take down any
questionable; Megaupload had signed contracts with video they desired. After a short private legal battle
all the featured artists in the Music Video and had not the Megaupload song was again made available on
sampled any music belonging to Universal. Kim Youtube and is available for viewing today (Michaels).
Dotcoms response was UMG did something illegal
and unfair by reporting Megas content to be Only five days after the Megaupload song was made
infringing. They had no right to do that. We reserve available again on Youtube. Megaupload was placed
our rights to take legal action. But wed like to give on a list created by the United States Trade
them the opportunity to apologize.Later the video Representative, which named sites under scrutiny by
was unblocked again only to be taken down minutes the U.S government for violating international
later (Enigmax, 10 Dec 2011). copyright agreements. Many organizations and

individuals took issue with this list, as it was created Representative list of rogue websites (Enigmax, 12
largely through the lobbying and input of Dec 2012).
organizations such as the MPAA (Motion Picture
Association of America) and RIAA (Recording Before Megauploads investigation could yield results,
Industry Association of America). The report stated the website was shut down by the FBI in late January
These are marketplaces that have been the subject of of 2012. Three datacenters around the world, which
enforcement action or that may merit further hosted their servers were raided by the authorities and
investigation for possible intellectual property rights Kim Dotcom and the other founders were arrested in
infringements. The scale and popularity of these New Zealand. Kim stated Mega has nothing to fear.
markets can cause economic harm to U.S. and other Our business is legitimate and protected by the
IP right holders, This signaled the United States DMCA and similar laws around the world. We work
governments official entry into the case (Enigmax, with the best lawyers and play by the rules .We take
10 Dec 2012). our legal obligations seriously. Megas war chest is
full and we have strong supporters backing us,
Megauploads response to this was to investigate the (Enigmax, 18 Dec 2011).
legal circumstances that allowed their song to be
removed from Youtube and how organizations like The arrest garnered large amounts of debate and
the MPAA influenced the United States governments caused some pro-Megaupload groups, such as
decision to include them on the United States Trade Anonymous to digitally attack various government

and entertainment industry websites (Albanesius). imagine what will happen if it passes.
Immediately after the shutdown of Megaupload the The Internet as we know it will end. FIGHT BACK."
Hacker - or hacktivist group Anonymous launched (Wilcox)
its largest attack ever, dubbed Operation Payback.
The attack took down several high profile websites On February 22nd, 2012 Kim Dotcom was released
including ones representing the United States on bail. Though he still faced charges related to the
Department of Justice, the Recording Industry of shutdown of Megaupload (Ernesto, 22 Feb, 2012).
America, the Motion picture Association, Universal
Music Group and many others (Anonymous Downs). On March 18th, 2012 New Zealand judge Judith
Potter declared that Kim Dotcoms arrest and the
Anonymous stated several reasons for their attacks shutdown of Megaupload was null and void because
and operative Barrett Brown stated: "The the court order the police used in the arrest should not
raid on Megaupload Thursday proved that the feds have been granted. Because of this Kim Dotcom could
dont need SOPA or its sister potentially have his money and property returned to
legislation, PIPA, in order to pose a blow to the Web," him (Enigmax, March 18th, 2012).
(IT Networks). The hacker group also encouraged
others to react against Megauploads shutdown and In late April of 2012 Kim Dotcom was granted access
tweeted: "Megaupload to $750,000 that was seized from him as well as his
was taken down w/out SOPA being law. Now Mercedes-Benz G55AMG. While the case was still

playing out this demonstrated a continuing trend of Megaupload could eventually have been the top
the Courts favoring Kim Dotcom (Ernesto, April 28th, website listed, if it wasnt shut down on January 19.
2012). Nevertheless, it is interesting to discuss, why the
American government decided to shut down
Kim Dotcom and his associates are still facing Megaupload, instead of the other websites.
prosecution as of May, 2012, and the U.S government
has attempted to pass legislation; which aims to make
it easier for them to take down sites such as
Megaupload. Currently, many special interest groups
are fighting for either more or less government control
of the Internet.

Why was Megaupload shut down?

There are a few theories explaining why it was

Internet piracy and free file sharing are common Megaupload, and not the other services that was shut

practices, which are encouraged by many websites. down, this is discussed on a variety of websites;

The top websites for this (based on unique visitors) however the viewpoint, which most often is repeated

are listed in the chart below. As clearly shown, is that of a new, completely legal, internet service
Megaupload is in the third position. Its not certain, if created by Kim Dotcom, called Megabox was about to

be launched. This had to be stopped, in order to Musicians had to fit into the labels standards.
protect the existing media corporations. This service Nowadays, it is becoming more common for
was supposed to allow artists to sell their music musicians, to have more freedom and use the record
directly to the consumers, so they could keep up to labels for the skills and creativity of their employees.
90% of their earnings. Furthermore, another new This could have been furthered even more with these
service called Megakey, was supposed to be started, new services.
in order to pay the artists, for the songs which are
available for free (Thier). Therefore, Kim Dotcom claims that shutting down
Megaupload, was a conspiracy on the highest political
By signing the contracts with the popular and level, plotted by the copyright holders who felt
legitimate partners, such as Rovi, Amazon, Gracenote threatened by his services (Ernesto, April 20, 2012).
and 7digital. Megabox was about to become an
enormous threat to all the record labels. Even though
the transformation of how music labels functioned
started shifting some time ago, Megabox would be the Theories
point of no return for the music labels. Before, record
labels were the ones allowing the artists to use their This section will outline the philosophical theories we
equipment to produce and record music, as well as will use in order to explore the ethical nature of the
influencing the art these musicians produce. Megaupload service. The relevant philosophical

work(s) of John Locke, Robert Nozick, John Rawls to what would become the United States, which
and David Harvey will be addressed. As well as the influenced his views on ownership and the role of
fields of Utilitarianism and Deontology. government (Uzgalis).

John Lockes primary theory of ownership is one

Locke based on the idea of natural rights, often referred to as
the Labor theory of property. According to Locke,
This section will explain John Lockes ethical and who lived in the 17th century, the human concept of
philosophical views on property, as laid out in his ownership, is derived from the bible, which states that
1689 work Two Treatises of Government. God created earth for human beings to inhabit and
Afterwards, these views will be applied to the share. He aims to solve the dilemma this assumption
circumstances surrounding the functioning and creates, that if humanity as a whole are meant to share
shutdown of Megaupload. the earth and all of its bounty, how can a single person
claim to own anything?
John Locke was born in 1632 near Bristol England,
and attended Oxford University. Throughout his life His answer to this, is that human beings claim
he wrote a variety of hugely influential texts, within a ownership of things, from nature through labor. This
variety of fields, notably philosophy and civics. He argument begins with the assumption, that a person
lived in England, during his early life and later moved owns their own body and by extension of that the

products of the work they perform, with their body Another important and relevant aspect of Lockes
becomes their property. This in Lockes view, is what theory, is that he believes the rights of the individual
separates something from common ownership, which with respect to ownership, supersede those of the
he claims is when things are in a state of nature government. He states that the government cannot
(Locke, 116). "dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily. He
also claims that any government or organization that
Whatsoever, then, he removes out of violates these rules is prone to be overthrown (Locke,
the state that Nature hath provided and 138).
left it in, he hath mixed his labor with
it, and joined to it something that is his After this Locke states that it is an obligation for
own, and thereby makes it his individuals to take what they themselves can
property- John Locke (Locke, 116) responsibly use, in order to not create waste. He
claims, though that this is often remedied by simple
A simple example of this, is a farmer owning land and economics, as a person will normally trade excess
the fruit it bears because he is the one who plants items for something more desirable. This according to
seeds, waters them, harvests the crops on it. The Lockes theory, is the root human economy, as
example that Locke gives, is going out and picking an individuals will seek to maximize their own comfort
apple from a wild tree, by picking it, you have by mixing their labor, with the environment to create
removed it from the commons and made it yours. products to trade, creating desirable commodities for

everyone else (Locke, 121). Megaupload, deprive them of the money they deserve
for their labor of creating art. The problem with this
Since John Locke mentions mostly simple understanding though is that in a digital age, where a
commodities such as food and animals, for example song can be infinitely reproduced as it is downloaded,
he goes into great detail about taking an apple in order and how much it is reproduced is simply a question of
to feed oneself is a natural right which should be how many people want to listen to it.
fulfilled. Applying his theories to artistic endeavors is
challenging. Since production of media requires A notable example of this is his concept of waste, it
multiple parties to participate, such as record labels, makes sense with perishable commodities such as
the music artists, the distributors and the purchasing apples, if one picks too many and they rot, you lose
public for example, it can be difficult to say who potential money and people lose potential apples they
exactly picked the apple, originally thereby could have bought, thereby everybody loses. But the
definitively owning the rights to a cultural product. same principle does not directly apply to media on the
Internet, which is non-perishable. One could say that
If one is to say that the artists are the ones who the quality of life the stars achieve is a more
created the cultural product, according to Lockes appropriate form of waste, in the context of file
labor theory of value, they are the ones who sharing. Locke states that people should only acquire
definitively own it and have the right to sell it and what they can reasonably use to their advantage, and
make personal gain. Thereby services such as acquiring more so is an offense against nature. If for

example an artist makes a good living recording of his own labor, (Megaupload) taken away from him
music and playing it live, they do not live in excess, unjustly. He is even more innocent, in the whole
regardless of whether or not some people download affair according to Locke if one views the illegal
their material for free. They can be said to fit this sharing on Megaupload not as Kims fault, but that of
description. But both fabulously successful as well as irresponsible users. Regardless though he was
struggling artists were shared on Megauploads notorious for his lavish lifestyle, (again an example of
servers, which makes it difficult to support or waste) which means he is not without fault in the
condemn this service, as a whole based on this case in according to Locke.
Another interesting point to explore is the concept of
Locke also stated that governments should not the common in Lockes book this is nature, where
"dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily anything can be taken without consequence. In
(Locke, 138). This can be applied to the United States modern times though has the Internet become a kind
shutdown of Megaupload. Kim Dotcom had his of cultural common? Everything is available to
business and many human rights taken away from him, everyone and almost always without consequence. In
when he was arrested. And so far the United States this sense does a piece of media become yours just
and New Zealand court system has not produced because you apply the labor of bothering to download
definitive justification, to support their actions against it? Whether or not this is legally and ethically sound,
him. So according to Lockes theory he had the result it has clearly become our present reality.

state has any rights to interfere in our lives (Nozick).
In conclusion, Lockes theory does not provide any
definitive answers to this case, but does provide some Nozicks Entitlement Theory, inspired by the work of
valuable insights into the case, such as providing a John Locke (Duignan), maintains the idea that people
base for exploring who owns media on the Internet. are to be treated as ends rather than means. For
His theory also inspired many other philosophers, Nozick, only free market exchanges treat and respects
which we will use to explore the issues surrounding people as equals and therefore as ends. To him it is
Megaupload in this project. not relevant whether or not a society produces the
overall greatest well being amongst its citizens. The
Entitlement Theory itself is historical and
Nozick unpatterned. It claims that we can tell if the
distribution of things is justified by looking into the
Robert Nozick, born Novermber 16, 1938, died history of the distribution. The theory furthermore
January 23, 2002, was an American political claims, that it does not demand that the distribution of
philosopher often referred to as the philosophical any just acquisitions or transfers to be correlated with
father of libertarianism. In his philosophical anything (Nozick) . His theory holds three principles:
centerpiece, Anarchy, State and Utopia (1974),
Nozick argues for the minimal state, and that people The justification principle of how things may be
have rights so essential that it raises the question if the acquired: If a persons initial acquisition of a given

holding was just, then the acquisition is just. his point through also known as The Wilt
Chamberlain argument. The example is meant to
The principle of justice in transfer: Things may be show that no patterned theory of just distribution is
acquired from others, who themselves acquired them actually just itself, and that patterned distribution is
in a just way. not compatible with freedom and is therefore
unjustified. All free exchanges of things that have
The rectification principle: Is to rectify violations of been acquired justly should be distributed as the
either of the first two principles and redistributing people, in possession of them, see fit.
things to their rightful owners. (Kilcullen)
The Wilt Chamberlain argument: One must
Nozick believes that these principles are maintained if imagine a given society in which there is a particular
peoples current possessions were acquired in a just pattern of equal distribution: D1. In this society Wilt
way, then the transfer principle were to determine if, Chamberlain is one of the best basketball players
subsequently, any distribution was just. For example. around and many teams seek to capture his signature.
a consequence of this being that any taxes paid over Chamberlain chooses to play for a specific team
the cost to preserve institutions of just transfer, are though on the condition that at each game every
unjust. spectator puts 25 cents in a box at the gate that goes to
him. Over the course of a season one million people
Nozick uses a famous and clever example of getting will have contributed to this box and so Chamberlain

now has 250.000 dollars more than everyone else. A provides, and has provided, for these things to be
distribution that is not compatible with D1. Then, transferred unjustly. It is however, as is also evident in
does Chamberlain have the right to keep the money, the DMCA agreement, not Kim Dotcoms
and is D2 just? In Nozicks opinion it is a clear yes. responsibility what material his users put up for others
All the spectators that put money in the box did it to download for free, and since he himself doesnt
voluntarily, and the ones that did not want to pay or share, or transfer, the copyrighted material directly, he
see Chamberlain still have their money. So no one has cant be held responsible. While Nozick is mainly
any reasons to feel unjustly done: thus there is not any concerned with the material world, we have accepted
injustice in his earnings. (Feser) that a non-material thing such as a song or a movie
is considered as an actual thing that should be
Looking at the case of Megaupload and Kim Dotcom respected by the Entitlement Theorys three principles.
though Robert Nozicks eyes and applying the Therefore, there is no problem in the idea of the
entitlement theory to it, one could argue that there are governments aim to protect the owners of the
both reasons to sympathize with Kim Dotcom but also illegally shared copyrighted material.
with the authorities that want to prosecute him. If we
agree with the fact that a song or a movie is an actual
thing, or a holding as Nozick would call it, that one
can claim ownership over, then one would look with
skepticism at Kim Dotcoms Megaupload, as it

Utilitarianism However, even though it seems to be pretty similar to
hedonism, which is all about pleasure. The main
In this chapter a description and discussion of the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill distinguished
above term will be given in order to analyze two kinds of hedonism an ethical one, which is
Megauploads case, by questioning and considering combined with egoism, and altruistic hedonism,
its relevance and relation to the ethical features of which is more similar to utilitarianism.
There is an example of a study, where the neurology
As the name indicates, the philosophical theory of scientists from Iowa tested a couple of people with
utilitarianism relates to the principle that the well- destroyed prefrontal cortices, which is responsible for
being of the people is of high priority. If one is able to emotions by asking them a question: would you
make the society happy, actions should be taken in quietly strangle your child if it started cry, while you
order to do so. Even if it is bad for an individual, and a couple of other people were hiding from the
actions should still be taken if the outcome is better soldiers in the basement, and that was the only way to
for society as a whole. The exact opposite of survive?. In most of the cases the answer was yes,
utilitarianism is deontology, which stands for overall and therefore it was counted as a extreme utilitarian
legality of actions and prioritizes rules and order. solution. This example shows how ethically and
Another example of opposite thinking is ethical emotionally inadequate the idea that is utilitarianism.
egoism, which stands for the well being of the unit. (Koenig)

Campbell in New Zealand in the beginning of January,
Megaupload was designed to share anything people the business is seven years old. We have been sued
wanted. Books, music and movies were the most only once, never by any, you know, movie company
commonly shared forms of media. Each of them can or big content company and we have spent millions of
be a source of entertainment, knowledge, culture dollars on legal advice over the last few years and our
and/or ideology. They are powerful tools in order to legal advisers have always told us that we are secure
create a viewpoint to stand up for newly adopted and that we are protected by the DMCA which is a
values and change one's way of life. By giving out law in the US that is protecting online service
these forms of knowledge for free the gates to providers of liability for the actions of their users, so it
education and other societal goods became open to came completely unexpected. (3news).
anyone with an internet connection. Therefore, an Therefore, it becomes clear that the only party
extremely useful service was provided. People are disapproving the idea of sharing goods for free is the
happy when they get things for free, and its exactly government to which all the taxes from the sold goods
what Megaupload allowed them to do. go to. It is obvious that the government prefers
deontological values, and wants people to obey the
It could be considered that creative artists might be rules to reduce chaos and help provide financial
furious that their hard work is being distributed for resources for them. Kim Dotcom followed the rules
free, without any benefits for them. However, as Kim outlined in the DMCA and he didnt break any laws.
Dotcom stated in an exclusive interview given to John He found a loophole in the legislation system and

formed Megauploads user policy along this legal However, some of the aspects of utilitarianism, such
grey zone. As technology improves and changes, as the almost overall happiness and focus on the
rights and legal systems should be updated, and outcome more than the means, match to the values
changed in order to cover changes brought on by represented by Megaupload. Megaupload is an
technology. Its a great example of how the value of example of a collision between ethics and the
knowledge and logical thinking gives a great defense principle of the maximum utility, in terms of
to any desired actions. (Masnick) balancing on the edge of whats legal and illegal.

However, by comparing to what Kim Dotcom said in Rawls and Deontology

an interview and whats written in the section
Criticism of Megaupload, its clear to see that In this section we have chosen to focus on deontology,
Dotcom is avoiding the part on the less fair features of since this field of philosophy can be used to
Megaupload. He gives the rights to the copyrights investigate if free file sharing on the internet is an
holders to remove the copyrighted file, but he knows immoral act. Furthermore, we have chosen to use
it isnt gone until no one needs it anymore. Rawls concept of the veil of ignorance to
understand why illegal file sharing is so prevalent
Was Megaupload an example of an utilitarian tool? around the globe. Rawls two principles will be used
As the discussion indicates this statement might be to see if and how these principles are being respected,
considered too strong to apply to Megauploads ethics. concerning copyrighted intellectual property and the

Megaupload case. child from drowning, even though the parents could
have saved two children who were not theirs.
John Rawls was an American political philosopher in Deontologists would say that some actions cannot be
the liberal tradition. He studied at Princeton and justified by their effect no matter how morally good
Oxford University. In 1962 Rawls joined the faculty the consequences will be. A deontologist would argue
at Harvard, where he taught for more than thirty years. that some actions are morally forbidden, for example
Rawls work is mainly inspired by Immanuel Kant killing or torturing a person, since this action would
and his most important work is titled A Theory of not respect the rights of the individual. According to
Justice (Wenar). Rawls agents cannot make wrong choices, even if
they minimize the number of the subsequent wrong
This section aims to provide a general view of what outcomes. A persons rights must never be violated,
deontology is. This is relevant since Rawls theory is no matter how much good is created (Alexander,
a deontological one. Larry, & Moore).

An action is considered morally correct if it is in An example given is that: A must not violate Xs
accordance with duties and obligations in a given rights, in order to apprehend B and C, who are
society. The duty for example is to put your family violating Y and Zs rights. One could argue that
and friends before others. A deontologist would claim violation of two citizens rights, is worse than that of
that it is a parent's duty or obligation to save their one citizens rights. But a deontologist will argue that

one cannot violate one citizens rights in order to dismemberment (Rawls 1999:53). Furthermore, the
secure others. Therefore A is not allowed to violate first principle can never be compromised, so
Xs rights in order to apprehend B and C from economic advantages can be earned by certain groups
violating Y and Zs rights (Alexander, Larry, and in society (Rawls 1999:54). In the second principle of
Moore). justice, Rawls claims that every individual with the
same talents should have the same opportunities
A deontologist believes that every individual has the regardless of their social class. Furthermore, the
right to do whatever they want, as long as they do not difference principle claims that material wealth should
violate the rights of other individuals in the given be distributed fairly among citizens, but inequalities
society. (Alexander, Larry and Moore) are acceptable if their advantages are in favor of the
lowest class in society, this means a greater total
John Rawls theory of justice as fairness is about how product can be achieved by making inequalities in
liberty and equality should be distributed fairly among salary and wages, but only if the lowest class will
citizens in society. Rawls has two principles of justice. benefit from it by e.g. better institutions (Wenar).
In the first he claims that every citizen should have
the same basic rights and liberties. Such as free Rawls uses the concept, the original position. This
speech, property rights, together with other concept is a thought experiment, where each citizen
fundamental civil rights, as well as freedom from has a representative, and all these representatives have
psychological oppression, physical assault and to come to an agreement on which principles of

justice should order the political institutions of the there will be no do-overs, when the veil of ignorance
real citizens. In the original position Rawls uses is repealed and the representatives will see, which
another concept called the veil of ignorance, which group of citizens they represented. (Wenar)
prevents representatives from being influenced by
arbitrary facts about the citizens. This means that race, In the following section, we will apply Rawls
gender, ethnicity, age, income etc. is not known by the concepts of the veil of ignorance and his two
representatives, since these facts are not supposed to principles of justice together with the general view of
make the representatives favor or disfavor one group a deontologist to discuss the four perspectives of
in society. The veil of ignorance screens out specific Megaupload.
information about citizens society. That is irrelevant
in getting a clear view of the permanent just social Rawls or a deontologist would say that the property
system. The purpose of the veil of ignorance is that right is a fundamental right that each citizen has.
no party can pursue an agreement on principles that Therefore, he would argue that it is wrong to infringe
will be in favor of group which they represent, since on the copyright or intellectual property which artists
no party knows who they represent. Therefore, every hold. Uploading copyrighted material of artists music,
one of the representatives has to make an agreement movies, art etc. would be considered an immoral act
that they all can agree upon. Therefore, justice is by Rawls and a deontologist. Therefore, a
fairly distributed since every representative has think deontologist would determine that uploading
about each social class, accepting the agreement, so intellectual property is an immoral action and can

therefore not be accepted. An action can only be they want at an online file sharing site, where they can
accepted if it is made by a duty or obligation or get the product for free, or a onetime fee, instead of
because it is your right to do so (e.g. free speech). But paying the full price for the physical product. In this
by uploading a music file, and thereby violating an section we will try to establish the how a deontologist
artists (an individual) copyright, to ensure would see the arrest and shutdown of Megaupload.
satisfaction in the public sphere, it is not acceptable, The expanding use of file sharing services by the
since it is not ones duty, obligation or right to violate consumers might be because of the unjust distribution
others property. of fairness between the parts. Rawls might argue that
the agreement is unjust because it is made by
Rawls concept of the veil of ignorance is not used representatives who knew which group they
to make the agreement between the record/movie represented and therefore the record/movie companies
companies, the artists and the consumers, since justice representatives might have favored their group to gain
is not fairly distributed against the three parts in this the most privileges. Another interesting thing that
agreement. The record company has the advantages of could have made the distributing of fairness unjust, is
deciding the market price of the music album or the that the record/movie companies themselves has made
movie etc. and how big of a percentage of the income this agreement and wants the artists to accept it in
the artists get. Therefore, the consumer might not order to get the music distributed out to the consumers,
believe that the price is fair. This may result in the and the record companies expects the consumers to
consumers searching the Internet to find the product, pay the price that is imposed on each product. But

Rawls might also argue that the people who use file immoral, since they are crushing Kim Dotcoms
sharing are compromising the first principle, which possibilities to fulfill his duty and obligation towards
states that each citizen has the right to private property. his family. Even though one could argue that Kim
Then the people who use file sharing services are Dotcom was using the artists work to earn money and
violating the artists copyrights to save their own therefore, he himself is violating the rights of the
money. Rawls might argue that they are artists. Why should his rights not be violated to ensure
compromising the first principle, to ensure an that the copyright holders rights are not being
economic advantage towards themselves, the first violated?
principle is not being respected since the illegal
downloading of copyrighted files are not in favor of A deontologist would argue using the example from
everyone. the first section, which states that As (Kim Dotcom)
rights, should not be violated in order to keep B and
A deontologist would argue that Megaupload is Kim Cs (copyright holders/entertainment industry) rights
Dotcoms property.Therefore, the FBI does not have intact. Therefore, a deontologist might argue that Kim
any obligation, duty or right to violate Kim Dotcoms Dotcoms rights should not be violated in order to
property rights, to ensure that the clients interests are ensure the rights of the copyright holders. Therefore,
maintained. Because it is violating Kim Dotcoms Rawls first principle is not respected by the FBI, since
right to own a company. A deontologist would they violate Kim Dotcom rights to own property (his
consider the FBIs actions towards Megaupload company Megaupload). Therefore, a deontologist

would argue that the FBI is compromising Kim extent Marxism, can be applied in a viable context
Dotcoms rights in order to ensure the economic when referring to Kim Dotcom and the case revolving
advantages for the entertainment industry. By shutting around him and Megaupload.
down Megaupload, the FBI did not just violate Kim
Dotcoms rights, but also the rights of the users who David Harvey is a distinguished professor of
used it for legal purposes. Rawls might argue that the anthropology at the graduate center of the City
FBI, tried to compromise the first principle in order to University of New York, who was born on October
secure a larger economic advantages for the 31st, 1935 in Kent, England. He received his PhD in
entertainment industry and copyright holders, which Geography from the University of Cambridge in 1961
according to Rawls views is an immoral act. (David Harvey). He is an internationally recognized
social theorist. He is in the top 20 most cited authors
in the humanities. As well as the world's most cited
Harvey geographer (Bodman, Andrew R 1991). Harvey
mentions in his book A Brief History of Neo-
This section will focus on theories by David Harvey. Liberalism that: Neo-liberalism is a theory of
It seeks to explain the works of Harvey, together with political economic practices that proposes that human
how they are relevant to our case study concerning well-being can best be advanced by liberating
Megaupload. Furthermore, it will be discussed how individual entrepenual freedoms and skills within an
Harvey's thoughts on neo-liberalism, and to some institutional framework characterized by strong

private property rights, free markets and free trade! Michael J. Thompson continues to interpret Harvey
Therefore, one could say that Harvey defines what the by saying: Neoliberalism is the intensification of the
world of trading, and what the nature of copyright-law influence and dominance of capital; it is the elevation
is today. This is further elaborated on by Michael of capitalism, as a mode of production. This could be
Thompson , who interprets Harveys work argued to entail the essence of the entire matter of the
(Thompson Michael J, 2005, 22-25). Harveys idea is case surrounding the website Megaupload and its
that we are witnessing, through the process of neo- founder. Megaupload threatened the previously
liberalisation, a deepening penetration of capitalism mentioned process of capitalist production which
into political and social institutions, as well as cultural consequently cheated the offended companies
consciousness in itself. Harvey's theories can economically. This is a process Michael J. Thompson
therefore be argued as a description of the power that elaborates on in the following quote by Karl Marx in
international copyright-holders possess. A power Harvey's book, Marx explicitly argued that capital is
displayed in the arrest of Kim Dotcom, following a process that puts into motion all of the other
what the corporations found to be copyright infringing dimensions of modern economic, political, social, and
acts by Kim Dotcom and Megaupload. One could cultural life. It creates the wage system, influences
argue that many western societies live by liberal values, goals, and the ethics of individuals, transforms
standards, and therefore liberal values must be our relation to nature, to ourselves, and to our
preserved by any legal means possible. community, and constantly seeks to mold state
imperatives until they are in harmony with its own

(Thompson Michael J, 2005, 22-25). in this section. Goldman says, The governments
prosecution of Megaupload demonstrates the
It can be argued as it is also mentioned in Michael J. implications of the government acting as a proxy for
Thompsons interpretations of Harvey that the essence private commercial interests. The government is using
of neoliberalism (for Harvey) is a rightward shift in its enforcement powers to accomplish what most
Marxist class struggle. Neoliberalism is not a new turn copyright owners havent been willing to do in civil
in the history of capitalism. It is more simply, and court, (Ernesto, 2 May, 2012).
more insidiously, an intensification of it.
According to Santa Clara University School of Law,
law professor Eric Goldman, the prosecution and Four Perspectives on Megaupload
launch of a criminal case against Megaupload is a
depressing display of abuse of government authority, Before entering the projects discussion part, it is
that ignores basic constitutional rights in order to important to establish four important groups with
protect private commercial interests (Ernesto, 2 May, different interests in the case concerning the shutdown
2012). Furthermore, he claims that the shutdown of of Megaupload.
the worlds most popular file sharing website was
desirable for the entertainment industry, which was in Much has been mentioned previously in the project
line with the notions and statements mentioned earlier about both the perspective of the copyright holders

and that of Megaupload, but it is also important to users. This though is more relevantly discussed on a
cover the perspective of the users of Megaupload. non-specific theoretical level concerning the ethics in
No exact figure is known on the subject of what sharing art freely.
percentage of Megauploads uploaded material was
legitimate and not copyright infringing, but some While applying relevant theories, the discussion part
users did actually use the online service for legal will seek to cover and discuss the ethical issues
purposes such as sharing photos and videos with concerning the shutdown from four perspectives:
friends, or collaborating with others on music tracks.
(Brodkin) This issue and these people are often - The copyright holders, represented by the U.S.
overlooked when the media discusses the shutdown of justice department and corporation such as Universal
Megaupload. The premium users paid money for an Music, that want Megaupload convicted of illegally
account and have not received any compensation, nor sharing copyrighted material.
have they been able to gain access to their legally - The owners of Megaupload who claim protection
uploaded material that is still on Megauploads from such a conviction under the DMCA
confiscated servers (Burns). - The legitimate users of Megaupload who could
claim a loss of private material.
It is interesting to look at the morale and the principle - All potential users of Megaupload (especially
of sharing art for free, and therefore the project will concerning the opinion that art should be shared
cover the perspective of all Megauploads potential freely.)

Megaupload and Other Services that matter. After all, the premium subscribers have a
way faster up/download speed when transferring files,
Megaupload and their entire system of usage politics which arguably is only something people would pay
could very well be hypothetically applied to that of for if it was among the best and superior ways of
the e.g danish postal service to explore two similar sending and receiving media and information.
service policies on privacy, however in a reverse kind
of way. Post Danmark are obligated to protect private In the end, besides from the fact that the service
user information, they do so internally and in their provides transferring packages, or files as it were; it is
communication over the internet (Personlige hard to argue it being similar to any kind of traditional
oplysninger). In an article by PC World, concerning postal service, a regular service like the one
the shutdown of Megaupload in January of 2012, mentioned above or UPS (United Parcel Service) for
there is a quote stating that - Megaupload's terms of example. Now UPS is arguably one of the most
use agreement states users store their data with the recognizable brands within their field of work,
service "at their own risk" (Mello). Thereby they are delivering packages all over the world in various ways.
vaguely stating that they cannot be held accountable UPS provides delivery by airplanes, trucks,
for whatever content is uploaded to Megaupload.. One motorcycles, and other vehicles worldwide (UPS:
could argue that Megaupload is designed to service Globalt). Therefore it is nothing like Megaupload,
those with intentions to perform illegal actions, and considering the fact that they only provide delivery of
therefore has a somewhat vague policy concerning software (files) online, by the means of the internet.

However this might be sufficient for those whom only Justice stands for. Namely that liberty and equality
require software e.g music, movies or audio books, should be distributed fairly among citizens of a given
but for those seeking hardware like machines, tools or society. To Nozick, the only way for a society to treat
IT equipment, Megaupload is not the service theyre its citizens equally and have as much liberty as
looking for. possible is when the state interferes as little as
possible and only works as a nightwatcher. Nozick
Megaupload's general advantage remains being able was hugely influenced by Locke, but Lockes concept
to getting software without paying the fee for a DVD of of waste is not not compatible with Nozicks
or Blu-Ray disc in a store for example, and the vast entitlement theory or his general view on peoples
speed when uploading/downloading stuff, a speed the obligations to society or the common good.
UPS would have a hard time competing with! In the
end the only money changing hands in the process, is
between the premium subscribers and The copyright holders
Out of the four perspectives described above, Rawls
and Nozick conflict the most on the subject. When
Rawls vs. Locke and Nozick applying Rawls veil of ignorance to the
Megaupload case, it could be argued that there is an
Nozick is against the very idea that Rawls Theory of unjust distribution of fairness. To Nozick, such a

claim is irrelevant as he wasnt interested in any other held accountable for it. Most likely in both the eyes of
ideas of fairness other than fair or justly acquired the law and those of the three philosophers.
If Lockes concept of waste is applied to the
Megaupload case or more specifically to Kim Dotcom,
The owners of Megaupload it could be argued that he lived in excess of what is
considered a non-wasteful lifestyle and therefore is
Rawls, Nozick and Locke are all in agreement that not at least morally innocent.
Kim Dotcom and the fellow owners of Megaupload
had their company taken away from them unjustly. It
is though, also apparent that the Megaupload service Legitimate users of Megaupload
was used to violate the rights of others, and therefore
the whole service in itself is in a grey zone, when Nozick sees nothing wrong with the idea of a law
looking at it through these three philosophers eyes. institution that seeks to make sure that unjustly
Legally the company according to Kim Dotcom is transferred holdings are given back to their rightful
protected under the DMCA but there have been owners. Therefore, in principle he wouldnt be against
indications that it has indirectly encouraged the an investigation of Megaupload. The problem though
uploading of copyright infringing material (Hart). with the U.S. justice departments investigation of
This encouragement is too speculative for them to be Megaupload is that it confiscated all their servers and

thereby, all of the companies material including freely on the internet if the copyright holders were not
legally uploaded content. Because of the confiscation given some sort of compensation for their unjustly
of servers the legitimate users of Megaupload had transferred holdings. Nozick, and the rectification
their legally uploaded material taken away. To Nozick principle, would at least seek to have people with
this would mean that these users had their holdings illegally downloaded copyright infringing material to
transferred unjustly and that these holdings ought to delete it, as it is not a just acquisition. Locke would
be returned to them. In that sense, Nozick is thus in agree with this as the art is the product of someones
agreement with Rawls view that the legitimate users labour and it is taken without payment.
of Megaupload have had their property rights violated.

Harvey vs. Locke and Nozick

All potential users
This section will take a look at the various branches of
Nozick and Rawls both agree on the fact that liberalism, as interpreted by Robert Nozick and David
uploading and downloading copyright infringing Harvey. Nozick's entitlement theory concerning
material is wrong. To Rawls, it is considered an libertarianism, states that the only thing or concept
immoral act that violates the rights of others. To which respects people as equals, is that of free market
Nozick, it is considered a violation of the Transfer exchange. This is a theory which consists of three
Principle. Both would therefore be against sharing art principles, as seen in the section below

(Libertarianism) entitled to, and should be our own property. One
could argue that what for Nozick would be unjust, if a
1. Transfer principle: Holdings (actually) freely commodity belonging to someone was taken away
acquired from others who acquired them in a from that person without any sort of compensation.
just way are justly acquired.
2. Acquisition principle: Persons are entitled to David Harvey proposes another theory called neo-
holdings initially acquired in a just way liberalism (Harvey). Basically, it is the idea that
(according to the Lockean Proviso). political and economic practices can be best advanced
3. Rectification principle: Rectify violations of 1 by liberation of the individuals entrepreneurial
or 2 by restoring holdings to their rightful freedoms, characterized within an institutional
owners, or a "one time" redistribution according framework of strong property rights, free markets and
to the Difference Principle. free trade. Therefore, it could be argued that Harvey's
interpretations rely on a foundation of thoughts
Nozick elaborates by saying that people in this system inspired by Nozick. To put it simply, it is a somewhat
are ends in themselves, so to him this is akin to similar interpretation of what Nozick argues, and what
saying that free market exchange has a neutral and follows, is basically the same thing, being the
therefore positive outcome. Furthermore, Nozick blossoming of society. However, the idea outlined by
argues that we as humans own ourselves completely Harvey, remains a thesis which is in sharp contrast to
in every aspect, and whatever we produce, we are his own view and personal opinions.

toward some form of social, economic and political
Harvey & The Four Dimensions transformation. Harvey sees neo-liberalism, as an
intensification of liberalism, which is not what he
David Harvey would probably argue that the rights of himself prefers. He wants everyone to get their fair
the copyright-holders, whom arerepresented by the share of society and its goods. However, it is also
U.S. justice department and corporation such as possible to argue that Harvey would want
Universal Music that want Megaupload convicted of Megaupload to continue their services, since it
illegally sharing copyrighted material. Being an provides a platform where everyone freely could have
orthodox Marxist, and anti-capitalist, would be access to art.
ethically wrong to acquire something, which
essentially doesn't belong to you. Furthermore, it When considering the owners of Megaupload, Harvey
could be seen as an immoral and imperialist act in the might dig deeper to the core of the discussion
eyes of Harvey (Thompson, Michael J, page 26). surrounding Megauploads protection under the
Thompson states that Harveys position is explicitly DMCA ( Digital Millennium Copyright Act). His
anti-capitalist, and his hope is that the rhetoric of neo- marxist beliefs might compel him to side with
liberalism will be unmasked by the various realities Megaupload, as he might like it more than siding with
most specifically, massive economic inequalities the capitalist companies. Furthermore, he would
that it spawns. Only then will social movements be probably see the entire industry of entertainment as
able to gain political traction, and move society ruthless and imperialistic.

on society and property, furthermore a discussion
Speaking of the legitimate users of Megaupload, who comparing the philosopher and the social scientists
could claim a loss of private material due to the different views and beliefs will be done. This
websites shutdown, Harvey might argue that they discussion can be difficult since Harvey is criticizing
will remain the losers in this ongoing struggle. He the societys liberal practices and Rawls work is
might also state that their so called private material theoretical. That being said, they share some similar
should be released for everyone to enjoy. This leads to opinions.
the final perspective: all potential users of
Megaupload (especially concerning the opinion that Harvey claims that neo-liberalism is a modernization
art should be shared freely.) Here Harvey would of the old liberal thoughts. Harvey also states that
almost undoubtedly argue that yes, as powerful of a capital has become more than money, property etc.
tool the internet happens to be, the Internet should be capital has become the organizing principle of modern
used as a platform for sharing of information, society. Harvey argues that neoliberalism is not a new
entertainment and knowledge etc. way of thinking, but has been resurrected in
opposition to the welfare state.
Marx says in Thompson's work,
Rawls vs. Harvey
That capital is a process that puts into
This section will discuss Rawls and Harveys views motion all of the other dimensions of modern

economic, political, social, and cultural life. It creates doing so, the corporate companies violate the first
the wage system, influences values, goals, and the principle, which states that every citizen should have
ethics of individuals, transforms our relation to nature, the same rights. Rawls might argue that if the
to ourselves, and to our community, and constantly companies can influence the government, so the laws
seeks to mold state imperatives until they are in would be made for their advantage, the lowest social
harmony with its own (Thompson Michael J, 2005, class might not receive any advantages. Therefore
23). Rawls might argue that it is made clear that, the
people who make the laws in a neo-liberalistic are not
Harvey claims that, the corporate companies seek to being empathetic to the lowest class, since they know
make the state or government create laws and that they do not belong there. Therefore Rawls would
legislation, which are in favor of the corporations. argue that the laws are not made while being under
the veil of ignorance, therefore Rawls would argue
If Rawls was to comment on this sort of political that the laws are made unjustly and therefore they
system, which Harvey criticizes, with use of his cannot be to the advantages of the people.
theory of justice, He might argue that justice was not
distributed fairly. Since the corporate companies, who Harvey argues that the rhetoric of the neo-liberal
makes the capital can make demands to the societies concerning individual freedom, equality and
government so that laws in the society are in favor of promises of prosperity and growth, are beginning to
the corporate companies. Rawls might argue that by show themselves to be falsities. To support this

argument, Harvey argues that the economic elite are essential liberties. Therefore Rawls would not be in
being favored in the neo-liberal state, over the favor of the neoliberal way of thinking. As Harvey
population at large and the environment (Harvey describes neo-liberalism, it is the opposite to what
2005:70-71). Rawls states in his book, A Theory of Justice, that one
may not compromise the first principle in order to
Harvey claims that the private property rights are an make a greater profit in favor of one self. This is not
important factor in the neo-liberal state; Harvey also the case in a neo-liberal state since corporate
argues that corporate companies would do anything to companies are the ones being favored over the public
keep their property right. Rawls would argue that and the environment; thereby many individuals are
property rights are a right every citizen in a society being set aside in order to favor the economy.
should have. Rawls would also argue that no
individual or company should violate other
individuals rights in order to gain more from their
own property, company etc. The Four Perspectives From Rawls standpoint

Rawls would say that a corporate company can earn The copyright holders
as much money as possible, as long as it is in
advantages of the lowest class in society and it does Rawls would argue that the individual has the right to
not violate the first principle, each persons rights to own property; Rawls also argues that no citizen within

the society should not compromise this right in order government, to ensure that the copyright of artist and
to gain something that will favor him/her only. The the entertainment industry. Therefore Rawls would
perspective of the copyright holders in this case, is argue that the FBI and the United States Government
that they are against Megaupload, they claim that they are making an immoral act, in order to ensure that the
user of Megaupload are violating the copyright of artists and the entertainment industry.
artist/entertainment industrys right to own property.

The legitimate users

The owners of Megaupload
The legitimate users of Megaupload, who have paid
Again we address the same problem as before, since for an account and only used the service to upload and
Rawls would argue that Kim Dotcom and his download material that they themselves have the
associate have the right to own Megaupload, since rights to, such as photos, videos and important
legally Kim dotcom cannot be held accountable to documents etc. When Megaupload was shut down by
what content might be found on the companys server. the FBI and the United States government, these
So from their perspectives their way to make a living legitimate users rights was violated because they
was taken from them which a deontologist would could not access their private files. There have been
argue were their duty, and thereby their property right many complaints by users who wanted to be able to
was violated by the FBI and the United States access their legal files. Rawls would argue that the

FBI and the United States government, had no right order to gain something that only accommodates
to stop the accessibility to the legitimate users private ones own needs.
files, since the files does not violate other individuals
rights, and therefore have the FBI and the United To end this part, we can conclude that Rawls view
States violated the legitimate users property right, to leaves us with a paradox. Rawls would argue that it
ensure that copyrights of the artist and the was wrong of the FBI to shutdown Megaupload, since
entertainment industry. it was Kim Dotcoms property. On the other hand
Rawls would also argue that the users of Megaupload
violate the copyrights holders rights, since they share
All potential users their material on the internet without the copyright
holders consent. So no matter what solution that had
Rawls would argue that free file sharing is an immoral been chosen Rawls would argue that at least one
act since no individual has the right to take another party's rights is being violated and through a
individual's property, and use it without the approval deontologists view it will be considered an immoral
of the rightful owner. Therefore no individual has the act.
right to share other individuals property for free.
Rawls would argue that the individuals, who upload
copyrighted material, are making an immoral act,
since the first principle cannot be compromised in

Copyright Expiration, is it logical?

Now first of all it should be mentioned that in practice

an international law which applies worldwide does
not exist. However a huge amount of laws, treaties
and legislations exist though they are arguably
incoherent and ineffective.The following agreements
from the Berne Convention are arguably some of the
more significant legislations concerning international
copyright history. Some of which is displayed in the
figure beneath, which entails the details concerning
works published outside of the United States of
Works Published Abroad After 1 January 1978
To see special cases look for the link below in
works cited.
Date of publication conditions Copyright Term

Now to argue whether or not the law displayed in the published in the U.S after 2002 the author owns
figure above is logical might seem a bit futile, copyright for 70 years after his passing. If it is a work
considering that it is only valid within the Berne of corporate authorship then it is 95 years from
Convention, and not in the United States. The figure publication, or 120 years from creation, whichever
states that all works except that of photographic and expires first. However these rules do not apply outside
cinematographic content, shall be copyrighted for at the U.S which contributed to the controversy
least 50 years after the author's death, but parties are surrounding the arrest of Kim Dotcom, and in the case
free to provide longer terms. For photography, the against Megaupload this confusion seemed to be an
Berne Convention sets a minimum term of 25 years inevitable considering the alleged crimes are
from the year the photograph was created, and for performed in the border-free virtual world of
cinematography the minimum is 50 years after first cyberspace. Therefore it can then be hard finding the
showing, or 50 years after creation if it hasn't been proper way or system in which Kim Dotcom and
shown within 50 years after the creation. Countries Megaupload could be prosecuted, and according to
under the older revisions of the treaty may choose to Eric Goldman the transition hasn't gone smoothly. He
provide their own protection terms, and certain types argues that the people against Kim Dotcom have
of works (such as phonorecords and motion pictures) chosen to disregard his constitutional rights, and he
may be provided shorter terms (Wikipedia, see work cannot be held accountable for the actions performed
cited). Now according to the source of the figure by the users of Megaupload. To conclude whether or
mentioned above, for works registered or first not copyright-expiration is logical, one could argue

that yes they are, but only to a certain degree and piracy. Mark Muligan, an analyst from Forrester
within their separate areas and concepts. They do not Research, said that the number of visits does not
seem to co-work, or coexist in harmony, making them indicate the number of illegal downloads (BBC News).
in a sense useless when faced with a case such as this To demonstrate this, Megaupload had given several
one. major and minor companies in the United States and
elsewhere, the right to delete any file, which violates
their copyright.
Criticism of Megaupload
Another point of criticism was that when a file was
In January 2011, MarkMonitor, a company that uploaded to Megaupload which already had existed
provides Internet brand protection service created a there, the uploader was asked, if they would like to
report entitled "Traffic Report: Online Piracy and link it with the already existing file. Therefore, a
Counterfeiting" (Traffic Report). In this report they single file could contain multiple links. This created a
claimed that Megaupload and Megavideo together problem for copyright holders, since a file could exist
with Rapidshare (a similar file sharing site), were the even though the link was disabled.
top three digital piracy sites, with more than 21 billion
hits per year. Megauploads response to this was that The hacker group Anonymous, shut down the
any violations of their terms of service concerning the homepages of the Department of Justice, Universal
DMCA would be taken seriously, which includes Music Group, Motion Picture Association of America

and Recording Industry of America to show the now disabled. Our service can only be used to upload
dissatisfaction with how the United States have and retrieve files that you have uploaded personally.
handled the case against Megaupload. Furthermore it (
is a protest for freedom on the Internet, and a fight for
a censor free Internet (CBS News).
The Sky is Rising
Many law abiding citizens used Megaupload for legal
purposes. Now complain about the fact that they Ever since the first file sharing services as Napster
cannot access to their files. These files could be and KaZaA became popular the music industry has
family photos, important work files etc. claimed a loss of revenue as a direct consequence of
these services. The report The Sky is Rising written
Many similar file sharing sites have changed the way by Mike Masnick concludes though that more artists
you can share files with each other. e. g. are making money than ever before, and that the has withdrawn the possibility for a overall value of the entertainment industry is higher
third party download. This means that you not are than ever (Masnick & Ho). Masnick says: "Overall
able to share files, even legal files, with family, the entertainment industry is growing rapidly and has
friends and co-workers. made a been doing so consistently over the last 10 to 15 years,
statement 48 hours after the shutdown of Megaupload, which is the period we've heard the complaints and
saying, all sharing functionality on is fears that the industry is being destroyed. People are

spending more money per household on entertainment. service. The experiment was a success and Coelho
If they just wanted stuff for free, we'd see the opposite. went from selling 1.000 books in Russia to selling
The market has exploded with new options, and more than 100.000 in two years. Coelho has since
maybe part of the issue is that the major movie studios used this method of reaching new readers on other
and record labels face more competition." Masnicks markets (Masnick & Ho).
report though was not produced to glorify piracy as he
says that: online infringement is a problem for Though one cannot contest the fact that file sharing
those who don't adjust. If you do adapt, and recognize services like Megaupload have contributed to a drop
what you can do with these things, you could be better in overall record sales, it is interesting to look at how
off." (Moltke) the music industry and the overall entertainment
industry can possibly benefit from these online
An interesting example of the positive economic services.
possibilities of sharing material online for free is the
Brazilian author Paulo Coelhos book The
Alchemist. Coelho, who has sold more than 100
million books worldwide, did not sell a lot of books
on the Russian market, he then decided to experiment
and uploaded a Russian translated version of The
Alchemist to The Pirate Bay, a free file sharing

In this section the ethical issues of file sharing will be
contrasted with the global economy. The statistics
reflecting the tendencies behind entertainment content
such as music, movies, video games and books will be
analyzed, different approaches and explanations will
be presented concerning the Internet and its properties.

The Sky is Rising is one of the first (of a few)

reports that claim the entertainment industry in recent
years has been growing despite widespread Internet
piracy. In this 36 pages long document the authors
Michael Masnick and Michael Ho discuss the
statistics behind content such as movies, computer
games, music and books. It offers valuable insight
because the Internet is being presented as an agent

which lets entertainment become more widespread
than ever, and not just making entertainment available A great example of the discontent of how the Internet
for free. affects the industry can be heard from the chief
executive of the Recording Industry Association of
According to the document, the value of the America, Cary. H. Sherman, who wrote an article for
worldwide entertainment industry from 1998 until the New York Times, in which he complained about
2010 has gone up from $449 billion to $745. the shrinking number of record labels, the number of
(Masnick & Ho, 2012, 2). However, the overall people buying physical albums and the number of
growth of the economy must be taken into official labor workers in the field (Sherman). As
consideration. Especially in America, the amount of explained in the report, this is mostly experienced by
money spent on entertainment per month has risen the more traditional music labels who are facing
from 5 to 15 % of peoples income. The report states competition from iTunes for example or websites such
more people became employed in the entertainment as Kickstarter (Masnick & Ho).
industry and not just as part of big corporations, but
mostly independently. Therefore, its possible that the The report gives a number of statistics demonstrating
myth of crumbling entertainment industry might be that a new cultural renaissance of sorts has come
due to the fact that major corporations are no longer about due to the internet. Their theory of whats
necessary for artists to produce and promote new occurring, which praises the Internet, is also backed
material. (Masnick & Ho, 2012, 3). by the quotations of the people who wrongly

predicted the end of the industry, which is common straight to the musicians. The next case study is of the
with the advent of new technologies. The authors comedian Louis C.K. Louis implies even more that
point out the main three opportunities given by the its enough to be human, open and awesome to
Internet nowadays: absolute abundance in make money in the piracy driven world (Masnick &
entertainment, the opportunity for the artists who, Ho).
before the Internet era, were exploited by the people
who didnt have any involvement in their art. This However, as seen in the graphics below the case of
made the business more challenging for big names, Louis C.K seems to be isolated from general Internet
who had their status beforehand, and more open for piracy tendencies. Chances are people appreciated the
the independent artists, who had no support from the fresh idea for a while, but then when given a choice of
industry. As a result of this more open system though, free downloads the story of a human, open and
there has never been more competition than nowadays. awesome man might not be enough to convince
(Masnick & Ho). people to resign from the Internet piracy. The
uniqueness of his business strategy let Louis CK win
The authors take three websites into account which a battle with the Internet piracy, but apparently its not
enable artists to spread their content and make money enough to win the whole war. A month after the
on the Internet. In all these cases, the fans are willing release of the Sky is Rising on the website
to pay more than suggested, if they appreciate the, Masnick wrote another article discussing
value of the music and if the money that they pay goes the responses to the original article. In this more

recent article, he claims that online infringement is an punish those who pirate music illegally.
issue because of the people who dont adjust to
changing times. However, it might seem to be figure.jpg
hopeless for people to adjust if the system doesnt

Music units shipped in the United States not shrinking but evolving. Music is being sold over
the internet. In the article in which this table was used,
the author states that The digital revolution in music
has changed the entire industry by altering the
consumption habits of music fans. Although piracy
could also be a factor, the data weve seen thus far
suggests that it plays only a minor role - if any at all
(Ernesto, 18 Apr 2012). Before the digital era whole
albums had to be bought, whereas now people can
buy only the tracks they like. It might mean that since
single songs cost less than entire albums the income
will be reduced, however, on the other hand people
will be willing to buy more single songs, since they
will not waste money on the songs they dont want.
Hence, its more proof that if Internet is being and should be studied from all the angles, it has done a lot

music-industry-no-100418/ for entertainment industry.

Also, as seen in the table above, the music industry is The report is strongly connected to this project,

because since the ethical and political side of the
existence and shutdown of Megaupload are being Nevertheless, whats striking in such a report built on
studied, the actual data on how this kind of websites so many case studies concerning the increasing value
might have influenced the industry will help us better of entertaining business, is that theres no
understand its advantages and disadvantages and then consideration that there might be other factors than
assess the issues concerning the case. the Internet which helped entertainment industry to
grow. Its important to see the correlation between the
The report clearly states that the Internet is meant to rise of the entertainment industry and the shifts of the
be used as a file sharing device, and since its people from the agriculture and manufacture sector to
economical for the industry, it must be ethical as well. the service sector, as seen in the table below, which
In the first section of the report theres a discussion on have changed consumer habits.
how the gatekeepers of the industry are not needed
anymore, and that instead of them, the enablers of the
artists appeared. The report very subjectively presents
the gatekeepers and the old system as antagonists,
who have to be replaced by those who dont want to
make money on the innocent artists. The Internet is
showed here as the glorious savior of the repressed

Change in Employment Profile by sector in Ireland in (
2020 The development of the world has changed the
distribution of commodities and therefore more
people are allowed to have a job within the service
sector. Since the education sector has grown as well,
and along with that people have become more
educated and started becoming more culturally aware.
Previously, when the jobs were more repetitive and
more physically demanding, there was not much time
or energy left to be interested in the arts. However,
since people have started moving to urbanized areas,
different values have started to be prioritized. Of
course, the Internet is a great agent in spreading the
artistic content. Nevertheless, the rise of interest in
arts seems to be a natural order of things, where the
Internet is just a response to the newly created needs
of the society.

Kim Dotcom, copyright violator? Megaupload site. They would have to remove
numerous links, which were allowing users to violate
Kim Dotcom has been accused of copyright their copyright. This would take a lot of time, if the
infringement, by providing the file sharing network case was viewed like this, and therefore, Kim Dotcom
Megaupload, but is he responsible for his service cannot be held responsible for his service, being used
being used for sharing of copyrighted material? We to share copyrighted material. As the companies
might never know if Kim Dotcom had intended his actually had the authority to remove copyrighted
service to be used for pirated material, unless at some material from the service, plus the fact that
point he admits it, but nevertheless the service has Megaupload was not allowed to look into peoples
been used for this. One could argue that Kim Dotcom, accounts, due to the laws concerning privacy.
even if he wanted, would not be able to prevent
copyrighted material from being shared on his service, Every user had to accept the terms of service, where a
because Megauploads terms of service stated that user agrees that files chosen for sharing are not
Megaupload was not allowed to look at what people violating any copyright laws. Since Megaupload as a
uploaded. company has to respect the peoples privacy, they
cannot access their users account, and check it for
One could actually claim that the copyright holders copyrighted material, because it would violate
are accountable for their own losses because of the peoples rights to privacy. Therefore, Megaupload as
fact that they had the option to delete links from the a company was not legally involved in the upload of

the illegal file, since the user had claimed that he to remove or close a web page containing copyright
owned the file, and that sharing it did not violate any infringing material. The con would be that every
copyright laws. Hence, Megaupload had to trust their Internet service provider (ISP) would have to give the
users. However, since their users were people with log in information of their customers to the police or
minds of their own, they might have not believed that government without reason. This would censor the
what they were doing was wrong. Thus they might Internet as we know it from China, India, Iran and
have uploaded material they did not hold the other countries where free speech is not allowed. This
copyright to. would also give governments easier acces into our
private lives, as they would be allowed to check every
minor search on the Internet. Social medias, such as
Future Internet legislation and its effects Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, would have to
observe every user at their site to prevent intellectual
There are both pros and cons of the discussed Internet property material from being uploaded when people,
legislation agreements if passed. The pros would be for instance, make a link to a video on Youtube.
that it would be easier for copyright holders to get the Another con to this agreement would be ending the
money they are entitled to for their products, be it an production of generic medicine to third world
inventor, artist, movie company etc. together with countries where people with AIDS who cannot afford
stopping the trade of counterfeit goods, another pro the medicine would die.
with this agreement would be that it should be easier

The Consequences of Shutting Down Megaupload proved that the feds dont need SOPA or its sister
legislation, PIPA, in order to pose a blow to the
When Megaupload was shut down the 18th of January Web,"and a statement tweeted from Anonymous
2012 the Internet lost 2 to 3 percent of its total volume Twitter account read: "The government takes down
in traffic, and at the time of its shutdown Megaupload Megaupload? 15 minutes later Anonymous takes
accounted for up to 40 percent of all the downloaded down government and record label sites."The hacker
files on the Internet.The company is currently accused group also encouraged others to react against
of costing copyright holders more than 500m USD in Megauploads shutdown and tweeted: "Megaupload
lost revenue and was shut down by the US department was taken down w/out SOPA being law. Now
of Justice and the FBI. Immediately after the imagine what will happen if it passes. The Internet as
shutdown of Megaupload the Hacker - or hacktivist we know it will end. FIGHT BACK."Anonymous
group Anonymous launched its largest attack ever attacks happened just a day after several of the
dubbed Operation Payback.The attack took down worlds most popular and used websites including
several high profile websites of among others the Google and Wikipedia went dark in protest of the two
United States Department of Justice, the Recording proposed anti piracy laws SOPA and PIPA. Wikipedia
Industry of America, the Motion picture Association went dark and featured just a short text that read:
and Universal Music Group. Anonymous stated "Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge."
several reasons for their attacks and operative Barrett On January the 20th Megauploads German founder
Brown stated:"The raid on Megaupload Thursday Kim Dotcom, born Kim Schmitz, was arrested in a

large-scale operation in his house in Auckland, New shutdown, on January the 18th, MegaVideo,
Zealand. The arrest was an international operation Megauploads video streaming service, accounted for
carried out by New Zealand police in cooperation 34,1 percent of all file sharing traffic and was the
with the FBI of America and the American Justice most used website with Filesonic as its closest
Department, Hong Kong Customs and the Hong Kong competitor with 19,1 percent of the traffic. January
department of Justice. 19th, the day after Megauploads shutdown, file
Kim Dotcom was denied bail on January the 25th sharing in the United States didnt decrease much;
because of suspicion that he might flee to Germany, people who had previously used MegaVideo now
but he was granted bail on February the 22nd, though used other file sharing websites with Putlocker and
with the restrictions that he stays at least 80 NovaMov as the most popular. As a consequence of
kilometers away from his Coatesville resident and Megauploads shutdown Filesonic and several other
does not have access to the Internet. file sharing sites though stopped the function to share
links to files.
One must presume that with shutting down of
Megaupload the United States prosecutors and the Ever since the first file sharing services as Napster
major record labels and film companies, which and KaZaA became popular the music industry has
claimed to have lost revenue, would have hoped for claimed a loss in revenue as a direct consequence of
less illegal downloads of their copyrighted material, these services, the report The Sky is Rising
but not much changed. Just a day after Megauploads produced by Mike Masnick though concludes that

more artists are making money than ever before and services like Megaupload has contributed to a drop in
that the value of the overall entertainment industry is the overall record sales, it is interesting to look at how
higher than ever. Masnick says: "Overall the the music industry and the overall entertainment
entertainment industry is growing rapidly and has industry maybe can benefit from these online services.
been doing so consistently over the last 10 to 15
years," "Which is the period we've heard the
complaints and fears that the industry is being Conclusion
destroyed. People are spending more money per
household on entertainment. If they just wanted stuff The structure of the case against Megaupload displays
for free, we'd see the opposite. The market has the same discourses as seen throughout history, with
exploded with new options, and maybe part of the the cases against Vanilla Ice and other famous
issue is that the major movie studios and record labels performers for example. There has always been
face more competition."Masnicks report though was contention between those owning copyright and those
not produced to glorify piracy as he says desiring the free spread and use of information. One
that: online infringement is a problem for those could argue that the debate surrounding the awareness
who don't adjust. If you do adapt, and recognize what of issues concerning copyright have become more
you can do with these things, you could be better off." intense (Copyright Term).

Though one cannot contest the fact that file sharing One of the major aspects in the case against

Megaupload is proving whether or not Kim Dotcom is rights without any kind of compensation is wrong.
guilty of copyright infringement. However, as earlier
mentioned, it remains a hypothetical question if he is By applying David Harveys beliefs, the project states
indeed a criminal, and furthermore if he is one that the practices surrounding copyright are flawed.
intentionally. However, Kim Dotcom believes that he Harvey displays through his interpretations of
and his company should be under the protection of the neoliberalism that the system is uneven, since the big
DMCA. Furthermore, this case will be much more corporate companies influence the government to
easily resolved if legislation like ACTA was in effect make laws in their favor. Harvey argues that only one
worldwide. Such legislation is not currently active, minor group is favored. Furthermore, he argues that
and this is a worldwide dilemma - since there is no the class struggle has shifted, and eventually he hopes
definitive legislation, one could call this a grey zone. that the very system will crumble and fall upon itself.

Seen from an ethical standpoint, Megaupload is a grey Lockes ideology is liberal, he believes that the
zone without definitive answers because of the products of ones labour is owned by one self.
multiple perspectives and parties with conflicting Lockes waste principle argues that it is immoral to
interest and rights. This project utilizes theories from claim more than one can use. Nozick, inspired by
four different philosophers: Locke, Nozick, Rawls and Locke, argues that whatever you have in your
Harvey, who all share some common ground. They possession, rightfully earned, according to his
would all argue that violating other peoples property Entitlement Theory, should be yours to keep. Nozick

is not concerned with the common good of society, Megaupload and its activity, it does however, discuss
but with the rights of each citizen. According to him, current trends in the entertainment industry related to
all parties are in a ethical grey zone, for example Kim the service. The authors state their content with the
Dotcom may be guilty because he provided others the overall direction of the digital evolution. According to
opportunity to violate copyright, though it is not the authors, since the industry has grown a lot, piracy
certain he intended for this to occur. The government is not considered as harmful to the economy and
is also in this grey zone, since they violated Kim artists as it is for the record labels. Masnick and Ho
Dotcoms rights by shutting down Megaupload, but emphasize that it is companies and artists, not the
protected artists and companies rights. consumers, responsibility to adjust to the
opportunities given by Internet and file sharing
Rawls would largely agree with Nozick, but applying websites. Therefore, Megaupload is being considered
his thought experiment The Veil of Ignorance, as a common good, which didnt interfere with the
demonstrates that the entertainment corporations entertainment industries growth, which the
exercise too much control over financial and government was convinced that it did.
distributive system behind media entertainment,
which does not fairly represent the interests of artists Our use of these philosophers theories have not given
and consumers. any definitive answers, to whether or not the arrest of
Kim Dotcom was ethically correct. This was because,
The Sky is Rising doesnt directly support different parties in the case shared both positive and

negative ethical aspects according to the different

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