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Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________

Pythagorean Theorem Mini-Project

Congratulations! You have now completed a unit on Pythagorean Theorem! As opposed to a quiz
or test, the class decided that this units assessment will be in the form of a mini-project. Below
you will find all necessary information regarding the mini-project including project guidelines,
requirements outline, rubric, and an example. The project is worth a total of 40 points. If you
should have any questions, do not hesitate to ask or e-mail me.

Project Guidelines:
For your mini-project, you must come up with two word problems that incorporate the use of
triangles and Pythagorean Theorem. The first word problem will incorporate only a two-
dimensional triangle. Your second word problem will require a three-dimensional object as well
as one (or two depending on the problem and figure) triangles. Your word problems must note
what side length needs to be found. You will also want to show how one can find the missing
side length of your triangles through Be sure to have fun with the creation of your problems! You
can make it funny and entertaining! You may choose to create your project through a word
document, PowerPoint, posterboard, song, or however you wish to do so, but please note that
figures must be constructed and work must be shown. An example is attached for your reference.

Project Requirements:
Name, Period, Date, and Title
Word Problem One - 2D figure
Construction of triangle whose side length must be found (please use a ruler!)
Label the known side lengths and units
List of all work to show how you find the triangles missing side length
Word Problem Two - 3D figure
Construction of 3D figure (please use a ruler for all straight edges!)
Label the known side lengths and units
Construction of at least the resulting triangle whose side length must be found (please use a ruler
for all straight edges!)
Label the known side lengths and units
List of all work to show how you find the triangles missing side length

Grading Rubric:
Requirements Accuracy Organization Creativity

Exemplary (10) All requirements of All mathematical The project is held The project features
the bulleted list are work pertaining to together and color and is
met. the question is material is presented engaging for others.
solved correctly. in an organized

Good (7.5) All, but one or two All mathematical Material is presented The project features
requirements of the work pertaining to in an organized unique problems,
bulleted list are the question has one fashion; however, but lacks color.
met. or two errors. the project has some
smudges or tears.

Average (5) Only half of the All mathematical The project features The project features
requirements of the work pertaining to some tears or color, but the
bulleted list are the question has smudges and most problems are not
met. three or more errors. information is unique.
unclear which
problem it pertains

Below Average Less than half of All mathematical The project is The project lacks
(2.5) the requirements of work pertaining to significantly creativity - problems
the bulleted list are the question is damaged and are basic and there is
met. largely inaccurate, material is confusing no color.
information is as to which problem
missing, or it does it pertains to.
not pertain to the
Ashley Roman
Period 4
March 16, 2017
The Bermuda Triangle!

Word Problem One (Two-Dimensional): Charlie Roman has been picking apples from the
apples tree for two days now. With a total of ninety-nine apples, he only has one left to pick. That
apple is on the very tip top of the apple tree. To get to that red delicious apple, Charlie needs a
new, longer ladder. If the tree is twelve feet and stands at a ninety-degree angle to the ground,
and Charlie is exactly nine feet from the tree, what size ladder does he need?

Word Problem Two (Three-Dimensional): Charlie Roman is at it again! He now wants to

create the worlds largest ice cream cone (that is a lot of sugar)! In order to create the worlds
largest ice cream cone, Charlie must find the slant height of the cone. If the radius of the circle
portion is exactly 9 inches, and the height from center of the circle to the tip of the cone is 40
inches, how many miles is the slant height of Charlies ice cream cone?

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