Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering

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Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering Second Edition Michel Lalanne and Guy Ferraris Preface In the design of rotating machinery it is necessary to predict the dynamic behavior of rotors in bending and in torsion. These predictions are as follows: 1. The static and dynamic behavior in torsion 1s performed. The natural frequencies which give the critical speeds must be determined. In addition, when electric motors or generators are present, the dynamic behavior during start-up or under short-circuit conditions must be predicted. 2. The dynamic behavior in bending is performed last. The natural frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation, which give the critical speeds, and possible instabilities must be determined. Then, the effect of forces of excitation is calculated, mass unbalance being the most important of these. This book mainly focuses on the influence of bending; the influence of torsion, which in general is easy to predict, is dealt with in Chapter 9. Equations are obtained systematically in the following way. First the expressions for the kinetic and strain energies of the rotor elements and the virtual work of external forces are calculated. A numerical method is then used and Lagrange’s equations are applied. The Rayleigh— Ritz method gives simple models for understanding the basic phenomena, and the finite element method ts convenient for industrial problems. The authors have adopted a systematic but practical approach in order to make the book concise and useful. Particular care has been taken to make the presentation easy to read and understand. It is, however, necessary to have some background knowledge of rigid body mechanics, strength of materials, matrix calculations, differential equations and mechanical vibrations: see, for example, [37] or [39]. Vill PREFACE This book is for engineers, and undergraduate and graduate students, concerned with predictions in rotordynamics. Part of the material presented has been used by the authors for courses at INSA, Lyon, at INPG, Grenoble, at the CISM, Udine, and at the University of Campinas, Brazil. Chapter | looks at the characteristics of rotor elements: disk kinetic energy, shaft kinetic and strain energies, virtual work of the forces created by bearings and mass unbalance kinetic energy. Chapter 2 considers simple monorotor models and shows basic phenomena with equations which, when damping is not present, can be easily obtained and solved by hand calculations. In the two cases of symmetric and asymmetric rotors, the following aspects are presented: the Campbell diagram (natural frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation), the responses to mass unbalance, and an asynchronous force and a harmonic force fixed in space. Instability problems are also considered. Finally, the influence of bearing damping ts shown. Chapter 3 considers simple coaxial multirotor models and shows basic phenomena with equations which, when damping is not present, can be easily obtained and solved by hand calculations. In the two cases of symmetric and asymmetric rotors, the following aspects are presented: the Campbell diagram and the responses to mass unbalances. Finally, the influence of bearing damping 1s shown. Chapter 4 introduces the finite elements to be used and the main general equations. First, the finite elements of rotors are given, followed by the equations for monorotor and coaxial multirotors. The methods used by the authors for solving these equations are examined: a direct method which does not reduce the number of degrees of freedom, and a pseudo-modal method which allows considerable saving of computer time and core memory. Chapter 5 1s devoted to the description of an industrial computer program, SYSROTOR, of which a reduced version can be obtained freely on the Internet. After presenting the program, a data set is presented and explained, and results on an industrial application are given. Chapter 6 links the simple models of Chapters 2 and 3 to the industria! applications of Chapter 7. Among the topics presented are a test on the accuracy of the pseudo-modal method, several comments on transmis- sibility to the foundations, and shaft, disk and bearing modeling. Chapter 7 deals with several industrial applications: a hybrid turbo- molecular pump, a turbocharger, a centrifugal compressor, a steam PREFACE 1X turbine, a centrifugal compressor fitted with active magnetic bearings, a propfan and an air turbine starter. Chapter 8 deals with transient motions and passing through critical speeds. Chapter 9 is devoted to torsion: determination of minimum shaft radius, critical speeds of branched systems, and transient motions due to start-up torque and short-circuits in electric motors or generators. An industrial electric-motor/centrifugal-compressor unit 1s examined. Chapter 10 looks briefly at several miscellaneous topics: the asymmetric shaft, equations with periodic coefficients, and the influence of axial torque. This book is not concerned with the determination of bearing characteristics, or with balancing and fluid influence as in pumps. SI units are used, and when calculations are performed, as in Chapter 2, at least eight digits are used for all the calculations; in most cases the results shown are rounded off to four significant figures. We would like to thank Dr Ronald Eshleman, President of the Vibration Institute, who first encouraged us to write on rotordynamics when he was visiting professor at INSA and who was in favor of a new edition including a computer program. We also thank our friends and colleagues at INSA, including A. Berlioz and A. Thivillier who have implemented the computer program on the Internet. Michel Lalanne Guy Ferraris Acknowledgements Study and development of the methods presented in this book have been aided to a great extent by contracts from companies (SNECMA, SNIAS, Framatome Thermodyn, Microturbo, Metravib, Graffenstaden, Techno- fan, Fives Cail Babcock, Allied Signal, Alcatel-Alsthom, Spretec, ELF, Vibratech, Petrobras) and state organizations (DRET, MRT, Ecan Indret) over a period of nearly twenty years. We thank them for their financial support and, along with the Société de Mécanique Magnetique, we wish to thank them for their permission to publish some of the results featured in this volume. We are very grateful to Jean-Marc Pugnet, Head of the Research and Development Department at Framatome Thermodyn, who has provided information on several industrial applications and with whom we have had many fruitful discussions on practical rotordynamics over the years. Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of this book have been published previously by John Wiley [37]; Section 10.2 was published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers [29]; Section 3.3 was published by Gauthier Villars [3]; parts of Chapter 3 were published by the Vibration Institute [41] and the Journal of Sound and Vibration [19]; application 7.2 was published by NAFEMS [24]; and parts of Chapters 3 and 6, and applications 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.6, were published by the Techniques de I’ Ingénieur [42]. We are also grateful for their kind permission to use this material freely. We thank Dutch Airbus, DLR, Aérospatiale, Technofan and all the European partners involved in the DUPRIN project (Ducted Propfan Investigation) for their permission to publish the results on the propfan and ALCATEL-CIT for the permission to publish the results on the hybrid turbomolecular pump. Applications on monorotors (7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5) were performed using the computer program SYSROTOR (licence CNRS-INSA de Lyon, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures). I Characteristics of Rotor Elements The basic elements of a rotor are the disk, the shaft, the bearings and the seals [2, 37]. The mass unbalances which cannot be completely avoided must also be considered. Kinetic energy expressions are necessary to characterize the disk, shaft and mass unbalances. Strain energy is neces- sary to characterize the shaft. The forces due to bearings or seals are used to calculate their virtual work, and then the corresponding forces acting on the shaft are obtained. The general rotor equations are provided by means of the following steps: The kinetic energy 7, the strain energy U and the virtual work 6W of external forces are calculated for the elements of the system. A numerical method 1s chosen: The Rayleigh—Ritz method for a very small number of degrees of freedom, and the finite element method for engineering applications. Lagrange’s equations are applied in the following form: d (5 | OT OU (1.1) dt \dqi) 3g aq where N(1l y L.] 2 , ! (Hr) " ec ) | © ue If the shaft 1s subjected to a constant axial force Fo, there is a second contribution to the strain energy of the shaft given by L Fo U>5 = | — (€) + En) dr (1.19) o » Owing to symmetry, the first term under the integral will vanish over the cross-sectional area; and so, using (1.8) and (1.9), (1.19) becomes Fo [ wy ea) U5 —_= — d 1.20 pu (s + Oy 5 ( Z Jo The combined strain energy, U; + U2, 1s then E tt O2ut\* O2yr\? us== | [Ie (—*) an (2) lay . of le (Se) (SS) | Fo ir Ou" ; Ow"* ; | — dy 1.2] "2, (Ge) (ay) |® we To avoid periodic terms explicitly function of time, it 1s necessary, because of the bearing properties (1.3), to express the strain energy as a function of u and w, components of the displacement in Rp. Using x H t ucos%t—wsinQt (1.22) 2k Wy | usinQ’t+weos Qt (1.23) which can be deduced from the Figure 1.2, Equation (1.21) 1s written as E [* Ou O2w\" U. = — lL. t cos Qt — sin (dr . I 1.( Oy? i) 0? _ Ow\" + I, (sin Or Dy + cos Qt —_ | dy (1.24) L(G)" 2 Jo Oy Oy > BEARINGS AND SEALS 7 Finally, for the most common case of a symmetric shaft (1.e. J, = /, = J), the strain energy becomes EI (© | (a2u\? (d2w\? Fy {© | (Ou\? (dw? = — __ ——_ zy —_ _ 7 d Us = 5 I (5 (55) Js 2 | (5) (F) , (1.25) 1.3 BEARINGS AND SEALS The stiffness and viscous damping terms are assumed to be known, and the bending influence can in general be neglected (Figure 1.3). The virtual work 6W of the forces acting on the shaft can be written as OW = —k,, udu — ky, wou — k,, wow — k, udw (1.26) — Cy, UOU — Cy, WOU — C2, WOW — Cx, UdW or OW = F,6, + Fydw (1.27) where F, and Fy, are the components of the generalized force. In matrix form, Equations (1.26) and (1.27) give fl=-te ellel-Ee eI] «= Figure 1.3. Bearing stiffness and Cox damping 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF ROTOR ELEMENTS Frequently k,, # k,, and cy # cz, and in addition it is very common that ky- # ky and cy- F Czy. Let us now consider the case when the equations are expressed using the displacement components in R, and supposing that only k,, and k-- are non-zero. The expression for the virtual work is then OW = — ky. (wu cosQt+ w"* sin Qt) (6u* cos Qt + 6w" sin Or) —k..(—u"* sinQt + w* cos Ot) (—é6u* sinOQt + 6" cos Or) (1.29) OT sin 20) f éW=- tks cos“Qt + k.. sin’?Qt)u* + (hi — kw bur Ow: ( Ky —k ec ) ue _ 5 — sin2Qt - tks sin- Qt + k- cos“8tt)w r | (1.30) Equation (1.30) shows that, if ky, #4 k,,, terms coming from the bearing will contain explicitly the time in the rotating frame R. This leads to extreme difficulties in solving the equations (see Chapter 10). Then the rotor equations have to be written in the inertial reference frame Ry. 1.4 MASS UNBALANCE The unbalance ts defined by a mass m, situated at a distance d from the geometric center of the shaft; its kinetic energy 7, has to be calculated. The mass remains in a plane perpendicular to the y axis and its coordinate along the y axis 1s a constant (Figure 1.4). In Ro the coordinates of the mass are u+dsinQt OD =! constant (1.31) w+dcos(t MASS UNBALANCE 9 Figure 1.4. Mass unbalance Then u+ dQlcos Qt y= = 0 (1.32) f w — dQsin Qt and the kinetic energy of the mass 1s Mu /.9 a) > 72 , . ; Ty => (u“ +w°t+O%d*+20ducosQt—2QwdsinQOr) (1.33) The term m,*d?/2 is a constant and has no influence on the equations. The mass m, 1s much smaller then the mass of the rotor, so the expression for the kinetic energy can be written as Ty ~ m,Qdu (cos Qt — wsinQr) (1.34) Application of Lagrange’s equations will give the so-called centrifugal force vector. 2 Monorotors: Simple Models, Basic Phenomena The aim of this chapter is to show the main basic phenomena occurring in rotordynamics by using a simple but realistic example modeled by equations that are easy to solve by hand calculations. The numerical method chosen here is that of Rayleigh—Ritz, and to start with two rotors are studied: the first one is symmetric, the second is asymmetric as the behavior of symmetric and asymmetric rotors is different. Then the instability effect is shown, and lastly the influence of damping on the bahaviour of rotors 1s briefly presented. The main basic phenomena are: e natural frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation, the Campbell diagram, and instability; e the effects of forces of excitation: mass unbalance, an asynchronous force, and a harmonic force fixed in space. 2.1 DETERMINATION OF THE MODEL Ro(X YZ) is the inertial frame, the rotor axis is along the Y axis, and the speed of rotation {2 is constant (Figure 2.1). In order to make hand calculations, only one degree of freedom is used for the displacements in the X and the Z directions. The rotor is then supposed to be simply supported at both ends. It consists of e asymmetric shaft of length L; e asymmetric disk with a mass unbalance, both situated at y = /;; e a bearing situated at y = h. 12 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA L Figure 2.1. Model of the rotor Depending on the characteristics used for the bearing, the rotor will be said to be symmetric or asymmetric. In addition, forces are supposed to exist at y = /,. The expressions for kinetic energy, strain energy and virtual work given in Chapter | are used for each element of the rotor, and the constant term appearing in the expression for the kinetic energy is systematically canceled as its contribution to the equations is nil. The expressions for the displacements in the x and z directions are respectively u(y, t) = f(viai(t) = fora (2.1) wy, t) = f(yja2(t) = fyan (2.2) where g, and g2 are generalized independent coordinates. As the angular displacements y' and 6 (Figure 2.2) are small, they are Jp v--® Figure 2.2. Coordinates DETERMINATION OF THE MODEL 13 approximated by Ow df(y) — 2 ~ 4! 7, = gly)q, 2.3 Q x ay 2(¥)q2 (2.3) and _ Ou dfly) _ | Va Ray g(y)qi (2.4) The second-order derivatives of u and w are necessary to express the Strain energy; their expressions are 071 d* f(y) O-w d* f(y) dy? ay? 2 = h(y)q2 (2.6) 2.1.1 The disk The kinetic energy 7p of the disk comes from Equations (2.1)—(2.4) above and Equation (1.6) in Chapter 1: Tp =3Mp f7(h) (47 +495) + 54ova (hi) (47 + 93) (2.7) — Ipy Qg7(l)qQ q2 which can be written as Ip = + [Mp f*(h) + Ipx 8°(11)] (97 + q3) 7 Ipy 28° (11) 4192 (2.8) 2.1.2 The shaft The kinetic energy 7s of the shaft comes from Equations (2.1 )-(2.4) above and Equation (1.7) in Chapter 1: L L ps . pl -2 3, +2 Ts => | f?(y) dy (97 + 43) +> | g°(y) dy(q7 + 43) 0 0 (2.9) — 2pIQ I g*(y) dygig id MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA and L L , Ts = i105 | f*(y) dy + pl | g“(y) | (9; + 93) 0 ; ° (2.10) = 2p10| g°(y) dy qigz 0 Hence the kinetic energy 7 of the disk—shaft assembly is T=Ip+Ts (2.11) that is T= b| Mp £°(h) to, &(h)+es | f*(y)dy+ pl | eds} (9, +43) 0 ( 9 9 : —. 1 pve (ti) + 2p | ed] fue (2.12) 0 Equation (2.12) can be written in a more compact form as T =$m(qj7 +45) —-Qaqgq (2.13) The strain energy of the shaft, Us, comes from Equations (2.5) and (2.6) above and Equation (1.25) in Chapter |. Then, if the axial force 1s nil, El [~ 2 2 2 Us = > h*(y)dy (q7 + 43) (2.14) QO Equation (2.14) can be written in a more compact form as Us = ak (qj +95) (2.15) 2.1.3 The bearing The virtual work done by the forces due to the bearing acting on the shaft is given by Equation (1.26) in Chapter |. Hence OW = — kyu(ly)6u(l2) — kez w(l2 )du(l2) — kz wl )Ow( lr) _ k.,u(lz)dw(l2) = Cyl (7 du(ls) ~~ CyeW(lr JOu(ly) (2. 16) — c-.W(b )dw(h) _ C.,U(1 )dw(ly) + — DETERMINATION OF THE MODEL Using Equations (2.1) and (2.2), (2.16) becomes OW = — ke f?(la)qi6q1 — kee f7(2) qn dq — kez f(b) andq2 — kx f7 (lL) q16q2 — Cx f*(b)g16q1 — Cy: f(b) g26q) ~ Cz f(b) Q26q2 — Cx f? (La) G1 6q2 OW = Fq\6q; + Fq26q2 15 (2.17) (2.18) a simple identification of the expressions (2.17) and (2.18) gives the two components Fq, and Fq2 of the generalized force acting on the shaft. 2.1.4 Mass unbalance From Equations (2.1) and (2.2) and Equation (1.34) in Chapter 1, the kinetic energy of the mass unbalance is Ty = md f(h,)(g; cos Qt — gz sin Nr} 2.1.5 Forces The two components of the forces are supposed to be i= F\(t) _— F(t) and, as their action is supposed to act at y = ls, OW = F,(t)du(l3) + F2(t)dw(ls) which can be written as dW = Fi(t) f(b)6qi + Fo(t) f(b) 62 (2.19) (2.22) (2.23) 16 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA a simple identification of expression (2.23) with (2.18) shows that the two components of the force are Pq) = Fi(t) fds) (2.24) Fqg = Fo(t) f(ls) (2.25) 2.1.6 Numerical data Basic data for the disk Inner radius R; = 0.01 m Outer radius R> = 0.15m Thickness h = 0.03 m p = 7800 kg/m° fl} = L/3 Then Mp, /px = /p:, and Jp, are obtained. These quantities are Mp = 7(R5 — Ri)hp = 16.47kg (2.26) M lpr — Ip; = Tt (3Ri + 3R5 + h*) = 9.427 x 10°“ kgm* (2.27) Mp , p92 5 . Ipy = (Ri + R5)=0.1861kgm* (2.28) 20 Basic data for the shaft Length L = 0.4m Cross-sectional radius R; = 0.01 m po = 7800 kg/m° E=2~x10!'N/mr Then S and /7 are obtained as S = wR* = 3.142 x 10°? m* (2.29) 4 [= si = 7.854 x 10°? m’ (2.30) DETERMINATION OF THE MODEL 17 Basic data for mass unbalance Mass m, = 107-*kg Distance d = R» = 0.15m Basic data for the bearing In the first rotor which will be studied below there is no bearing influence and the rotor is said to be symmetric. In the second rotor the stiffness k-- acts and the rotor is said to be asymmetric. This rotor can be built easily; a spring acts on the outer ring of a roller bearing, the mass of which 1s neglected in our calculations. The spring is situated at /) = 2L/3, its stiffness is k.. = 5 x 10°N/m, and (2.17) gives 6bW = —5 x 10° f°(2L/3)qrdq (2.31) Displacement function The displacement chosen 1s the exact first mode shape of a beam with constant cross-section in bending, simply supported at both ends; 1.e. f(y) = sin — = sin — (2.32) Then 2(y) = , COS = = 4 COs a (2.33) 2 2 : h(y) = -(+) sin = = -(<) sin 7 (2.34) Kinetic energy The kinetic energy of the disk, 7p, 1s given by (2.7): Tp = 6.175(g? + G3) + 0.7269(g? + g2) —2.870NG1q2 ~— (2.35) 18 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA Then Tp = 6.902(4; + 95) — 2.870 2q1q2 (2.36) The kinetic energy of the shaft, 7s, 1s given by (2.9) and at first two integrals have to be calculated: L , 0.4 ry | f-(y)dy = sin?’ — dy = 0.2m (2.37) 0 5 0.4 and L 9 0.4 | g-(y)dy = (—) | cos? a dy = 12.34m™' (2.38) Then Ts =0.2450(g; + 45) + 3.779 x 10°*(q4 + 43) (2.30) ~ 1.512 x 10 37 NG\q _ which becomes Ts = 0.2454(qg? + 43) — 1.512 x 107° QGiq (2.40) The kinetic energy of the mass unbalance, 7,, is given by (2.19), and T, = 1.299 x 107° A(cos Ntg; — sinNrg) (2.41) The kinetic energy of the system is then T=Tp+7s+Ty (2.42) = 7.147(g5 + 95) — 2.871 Qqi@ + 1.299 x 10°? A(cosNtg, — sinQtq) — (2.43) Strain energy The strain energy is given by Equation (2.14) as Lo 0.4 4 |. h?(y) dy = |. (<) sin? a dy =7.610x 102m (2.44) SYMMETRIC ROTOR 19 Then Us = 5.977 x 10° (q? +45) (2.45) Forces due to the stiffness k,. The expression (2.31) becomes 6bW = —3.75 x 10° qodqr (2.46) and from (2.18) we have Fq, =0 (2.47) Fq2 = —3.75 x 10° q2 (2.48) Equations of the rotor The two rotor equations come from d {OT OT ou dt ) Oq Oq 1 ( and d /OT OT ou dt & Og? Og? 42 ( 2.2 SYMMETRIC ROTOR The application of Equations (2.49) and (2.50), with the kinetic energy given by the addition of (2.13) and (2.19), the strain energy given by (2.15), and no bearing influence, gives the equations mq, — aQlgo + kq = m,dQ? f(l,) sin Qt (2.51) mgr + ag, + kqz = md? f(l;) cos Qt (2.52) 20 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA The application of (2.49) and (2.50), with the kinetic energy given by (2.43), the strain energy given by (2.45), and no bearing influence, gives the equations 1.299 x 10° O7 sinQr 14.29g, — 2.871Qg2 + 1.195 x 10° gy (2.53) 14.294 + 2.87109, + 1.195 x 10° g> = 1.299 x 10° N*% cos D1 (2.54) 2.2.1 Natural frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation: the Campbell diagram At first, the rotor 1s studied in free motion. Then Equations (2.51) and (2.52) become mq, — aldo + kq, = 0 (2. Nd I wm on mq2 +aQq, +kq2 = 0 These equations can be written in the following matrix form: m Ol qd QO -ajlq kK O;l qt | Oma) le oll] fo elafae es The middle 2 x 2 matrix multiplied by {2 gives the gyroscopic (Coriolis) effect. The other two 2 x 2 matrices are respectively the mass and stiffness matrices. The solutions of (2.57) have to be sought tn the form q =Qie" (2.58) g2 = Qre”" (2.59) Substituting (2.58) and (2.59) in (2.57) gives the homogeneous set of equations k+mr- -aQr { {Qu _ yen aQlr k+ | oi =0 (2.60) SYMMETRIC ROTOR 21 The trivial solution, Q; = Q> = 0, 1s of no interest. The non-trivial solutions are associated with the values which bring to zero the value of the determinant of the matrix. The expansion of the determinant gives the characteristic equation (k + mr?) +47? r? =0 (2.61) which can be written as 2.4 20¢2),2 , 7? mr” + (2km+a°Q*)r° +k* =0 (2.62) At rest ((Q2 = 0) the roots of (2.62) are rio = 139 =F Wig =i Wy) = — 4 (2.63) and the angular frequencies at rest are Wig = W090 = K (2.64) Mm Under rotating conditions (QQ 4 0) the roots of (2.62) are r; and rz and the corresponding angular frequencies are w, and w». The expression of the first root 1s Hence ry = Ju (2.66) Then 22 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA The expression of the second root is 202 2, ,2 , > an Am-w%o r5 = s+ S(t 1+ 722 (2.68 ) Hence Then Uy == (2.70) From (2.67) and (2.70) it can be observed that WwW) Wp = W < Wr (2.71) In addition, Equations (2.65) and (2.68) show that r7 and rs are negative quantities, so that r; and rz are imaginary quantities and the general solution of the motion given in (2.58) and (2.59) stays limited in time: the rotor is stable. The representation of the angular frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation, w) = w)(QQ) and w2 = w({{2), is the Campbell diagram. In general the diagram shows Fy = wy /2n (2.72) Fy = w2/2n (2.73) as a function of the speed of rotation N given in revolutions per minute (rpm), which is related to {2 (rad/s) by N = 30Q2/7 (2.74) Here w and {2 are angular frequencies and F the frequency. In all that follows this distinction in terminology will be dropped and all three will be called frequencies. Which frequency is intended will be clear from the symbol used or the units required. SYMMETRIC ROTOR 23 The mode shapes (in general called modes) have to be considered now. The first equation in (2.60) gives aQr QO» = 2.15 C1 k + mr? (2.79) The modes corresponding to (2.66) (1.e. to + jw ) are, if (2.60) 1s used, Qi (jwi) = jQ2( ju) (2.76) Q1(—jw1) = —jQ2(—jwr) (2.77) The modes corresponding to (2.69) (1.e. to +jw2) are, 1f (2.60) is used, O1( jw2) = —jQ2(jwr) (2.78) Q1(—jw2) = jQ2(—jwr) (2.79) The general expression of the free motion of the system can now be written. Using (2.58), (2.59) and (2.76)-(2.79).: gq, = JA, e/"" — jBy ee" — jAy ef! + jBy 2! (2.80) q2 = A ejwit + B, e Jui + A> e Jw2 + B> e Jen (2.81 The four constants A;, B,;, A. and B, are determined by the initial conditions. Let us first choose a set of initial conditions which shows only the frequency w . At fo = 0: qi = 9 (2.82) q2 = 920 (2.83) qi = —W1420 (2.84) q2 = 0 (2.85) Then 0 — A; —B,; —A.+ Bp qzo = A; + By + A2 + B2 ( ~W1G29 = —Ayw, — Byw, + Aow, + Bows (2.88 O = Ayw, — Byw; + Aru» — Bowy ( 24 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA and A> = B> =0 (2.90) A, = qu/2 (2.91) By = q20/2 (2.92) Equations (2.80) and (2.81) become qi = > ( jel" — je") (2.93} __ 420 Jail Just gq. = 7 (e +e ) (2.94) and as et! — cosw, tt jsinuyt (2.95 } the expressions for g; and q2 are qi = —q2 sinwyt (2.96) G2 = G29 COS wit (2.97) The displacements u and w of a point situated at y = / of the axis of the rotor are given by (2.1), (2.2) and the expressions for g,; and gz; then l u(l, t) = —qo sin - sinw ;f = —Rsinwyt (2.98) | _ Tl w (7, t) = G29 SM T COS W)f = Rcoswyt (2.99) These two expressions give | u-(1,t) + w2(1,t) = goo sin ; (2.100) Hence the points situated on the axis of the rotor remain on circles. With the set of initial conditions chosen, the orbit 1s described (Figure 2.3) ina sense opposite to the sense of rotation (2; the rotor is in the situation of backward whirl (BW). SYMMETRIC ROTOR whirl 25 Figure 2.3. Rotor orbit: backward Let us now choose another set of initial conditions which show only the frequency w. At fo = 0: di = 0 q2 = 9 qi =0 G2 = —W2410 This set of initial conditions leads to 41 = Fig COS wt d2 = —q10 sin Wf Then . Tl u(l, t) = gio sin Tr COS wot = Rcos wot om . w(/, t) = —qio sin T Sina rt = —Rsinwt (2.107) (2.108) The points situated on the rotor axis remain on circles. Here the orbit 1s described (Figure 2.4) in the same sense as that of the rotation (2; the rotor 1s in the situation of forward whirl (FW). 26 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA Z Wt = 1/2 Figure 2.4. Rotor orbit: forward whirl Let us now look at the rotor defined by (2.53) and (2.54). The characteristic equation of the free motion 1s r? + (1.672 x 10° + 4.034 x 10°797)r? + 6.993 x 10? =O (2.109) and the frequencies at rest are Pio = 5 = F20 = 3 = 46.02 Hz (2.110) W/} l 8.292 x 10° Fy) = — =—,| 8.362 104+2.017 x 10-222 [ 1 — 4/1 + —————. On On ou * ( T Q2 (2.111) 8.292 x 106 Fy =? = | 8.362 x 104 + 2.017x 10-202 (1-4 4/1 4 2 2x 27 -2 (2.112) The Campbell diagram for F; = F,;(N) and Fy = F2(N) is shown in Figure 2.5, where the intersections of F,(N) and F2(N) with two straight SYMMETRIC ROTOR 27 80 F (Hz) F = N/60 F = 0.5 N/60 D FW B : A | | C | BW | | | | | | | | i 65 7140 9000 { 4 rpm 0 Figure 2.5. Campbell diagram lines are shown. Points A and B correspond to the intersection with F = N/60; at the corresponding points a frequency of the rotor equals the frequency of the rotation. Points C and D correspond to the intersections with F = 0.5 N/60; at the corresponding points, a frequency of the rotor equals half of the frequency of rotation. It is of interest to get a general expression for the frequencies corresponding to points A, B, C and D. The general relationship between w and { is w= st (2.113) where s = | in A and B, and s = 0.5 in C and D. Expressions (2.66) and (2.69) give r=tjwo=+tjsQ (2.114) which, substituted in (2.62), leads to s4m? 04 — (2km +.4707)s70? +k? = 0 (2.115) and s?(s*m? — a7)0Q4 — 2kms*0? +k? =0 (2.116) 28 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA The solutions of (2.116) are 2.117 lon Pw + a) | | = s(sm — a) (2.118) s(sm — a) and, from (2.113), k wy) = $4 /———— (2.119) s(sm + a) | which corresponds to points A (s = 1) and C (s = 0.5), and = 5\ a (2.120) s(sm — a) which corresponds to points B (s = 1) and D (s = 0:5). For the application considered here: in A, Fy = 42.00Hz,N = 2520rpm ( in B, Fo = 51.48 Hz, N = 3089 rpm ( in C, F, = 38.87 Hz,N = 4665 rpm (2.123 in D, F2 = 59.50Hz,N = 7140 rpm ( 2.2.2 Response to forces of excitation Here only the steady-state response 1s calculated. The general solution of Equation (2.55) and (2.56) is not considered. Mass unbalance Equations (2.51) and (2.52), with m* = m, f(1,), become mg, — aQg@o +kq; = m*dO? sin (2.125) mgr + aQgq, +kqz = m*dQY cos Qt (2.126) SYMMETRIC ROTOR 29 As there is no damping, solutions can be sought in the form 7d} = Q,sinQt (2.127) 2.128) Pio G2 = Q2cos Qt Substituting (2.127) and (2.128) in (2.125) and (2.126) gives —mO? OQ, + aN? OQ. +kQ, = m*dQ (2.129) —~m0?Q5+a2’*Q, +kQ> = m* dO (2.130) Then QO; = Q2= md" (2.131) i * k+(a—m)2 The critical speed {2,, due to the mass unbalance, corresponds to the value which makes the displacement infinite. For the denominator of (2.131) to vanish, Q, = (2.132) The result shows only one critical speed which corresponds to the value of (22 given in (2.118) when s = 1. The corresponding value is that of point B in Figure 2.5. As Q; = Q2 the orbits described by the rotor axis are circles, and the whirl, as can be seen from the equations, 1s a forward whirl (FW). The position of the mass unbalance is shown in Figure 2.6. Let us now look at the rotor defined by Equations (2.53) and (2.54). The displacements due to unbalance are 1.299 x 10°92 ee 2.133 1.195 x 10° — 11.429 | QO; =Q= and the critical speed corresponds to (,/27 = 51.48Hz; that is, N = 3089rpm. The result is that observed in free motion (Equation (2.122)). It is noted from (2.131) that, when (2 grows, the limiting value 30 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA (a 2Q $2, Figure 2.6. Position of the mass unbalance of the displacement is md 21 = 103| =| 2.134) a-—m which gives, for the rotor considered here, 1O;| = |O2| = 1.137 x 10°° m The amplitude of the response Q, is presented in Figure 2.7. E Amp (m) — 3089 | 10-4 r L c r FW C 9000 : rpm 0 Figure 2.7. Mass unbalance response SYMMETRIC ROTOR 31 Asynchronous force Under operating conditions a rotor can be excited by asynchronous rotating forces. Let us suppose that the components of the force acting on the rotor are Fq, = FosinsQt f() = FsinsQt (2.135) Fq2. = FocossQt f(h) = FeossQt (2.136) The equations to be solved are then mq, —aQg.+kq, = FsinsQt (2.137) mq. +aQ0q, +kq2. = FcossQt (2.138) Here, too, solutions can be sought as gi = Q,sinsQt (2.139) gq. = Oo. cossQt (2.140) and the solutions are F Q,=Q = (2.141) k + (as — ms?) The critical speed {§2,, due to the asynchronous force, corresponds to the value which makes the displacement infinite. For the denominator of (2.141) to vanish, k 2. = sms Ta (2.142) The result shows only one critical speed which corresponds to the value of (22 given in (2.118). As Q; = Q> the orbits described are circles and the whirl is always forward (FW). For the rotor defined in (2.53) and (2.54) with s = 0.5, F ————___7___~_____. 2.143 1.195 x 10® — 2.13807 ( QO; =Q2. = 32 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA Amp (m) 7140 10-4 trim toi 2 9000 0 Figure 2.8. Asynchronous force response and the critical speed corresponds to ()./2a7 = 59.50 Hz; rpm that is N = 7140rpm. The amplitude of the response Q; = Q> is presented in Figure 2.8, with F = IN. Harmonic force fixed in space The force is assumed to act only along the x direction at y = J; = 2L/3. Then, using (2.24) and (2.25), its components are Faq, = Fo sin wt f (15) = F sinwt Fq? = 0 The equations to be solved are then mq, —~a9%q2+kq, =Fsinwt mgo + a§lq, +kqz = 0 Here too, as there is no damping, solutions can be sought as qi = Q| sinwt d2 = Q2coswt (2.144) (2.145) (2.146) (2.147) (2.148) (2.149) SYMMETRIC ROTOR 33 and the result is k—mw?2)F QO; = hom PF _ (2.150) (k — mw y — a? Q2uw2 QO> — Tr aMwF (2.151) (k — mw2)? — a202u? The critical frequencies correspond to the value of w which makes the denominator of (2.150) and (2.151) vanish; that is m*w* — (2km +.a*07)w? +k? =0 (2.152) Equation (2.152) is the same equation as (2.62) with r = + jw, and the two critical frequencies can also be obtained directly from the Campbell diagram. As Q; # Q> the orbits described are ellipses. When w < wo the whirl is backward (BW); when wyo < w the whirl is forward (FW). In laboratory tests these excitation forms can be reproduced and used to draw the Campbell diagram from experiments. At a given speed (2, the frequencies w;,({2) and w2(Q) are obtained by exciting the rotor with an electromagnetic shaker through the external ring of a roller bearing. 39.81 Amp (m) 53.20 PTI TT aT OTe inti Figure 2.9. Harmonic force fixed in space response 34 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA For the rotor previously defined in (2.53) and (2.54): (1.195 x 10° — 14.29w7)F (1.195 x 10° — 14.29w?)* — 8.24302w? —2.8/]/1wF (1.195 x 106 — 14.29w?)* — 8.24302w? The maximum amplitude of the response, Amp (that is, |Q,| or |Q>|), has been calculated for N = 4000rpm and presented in Figure 2.9, with F=IN. QO; = (2.153) Q2 = (2.154) 2.3 ASYMMETRIC ROTOR The asymmetry is introduced by a spring k.. as shown in Equations (2.17), (2.18), (2.47) and (2.48). Then ky =k (2.155) ky =k +k. f7 (12) (2.156) Equations (2.51) and (2.52) become mg, —aQgo +kyq, = m* dO sinQt (2.157) mgr +aNg, +koq. = m*dQ* cosQt (2.158) Equations (2.53) and (2.54) become 14.29g, — 2.871Qg + 1.195 x 10°q, = 1.299 x 107° 2% sin Qs (2.159) 14.2995 + 2.871g, + 1.570 x 10°%q. = 1.299 x 10° N* cos Nt (2.160) | 2.3.1 Natural frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation: the Campbell diagram Again the rotor is studied in free motion. Equations (2.157) and (2.158) become mq, —aQ@2 +k, q, = 0 (2.161) mq2 +aQgq, +koq2 = 0 (2.162) ASYMMETRIC ROTOR 35 Solutions have to be sought in the form of (2.58) and (2.59) which, substituted in Equations (2.161) and (2.162), give a homogeneous set of equations in Q, and Q>: ky + mr? —aQlr OF _ aQr k> oe S| = 0 (2.163) The non-trivial solutions come from the values of r which bring to zero the value of the determinant of the matrix. The expansion of the determinant gives the characteristic equation mor? + (kim + kgm +.a°O*)r? + ky ko = 0 (2.164) At rest (QQ = 0), the two roots of (2.164) are k 2 2 2 | = eo 2.165 rio =J “10 mn ( 2 29 K2 20 ~J 20 = (2.166) Hence Ky Wig = 4/— (2.167) m [k W909 = -* (2.168) m Under rotating conditions (Q 4 0): r= +juy (2.169) ro = + Jur (2.170) with 36 MONOROTORS: SIMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA The expressions dw, /dQ and dw» /dQ can be calculated, and they show respectively that: dw if ——Q, then, < | dQ e202 Hence Ww}, Wig < W29 < WwW? (2.173) Equations (2.171) and (2.172) show that w; and w2 are real quantities; sO r; and rz are imaginary quantities and the rotor is stable. The mode shapes have also to be considered. The first equation in (2.163) gives aQlrQ> fi ~ ky + mre (2.174) The calculations corresponding to free motion are not given here as they are much more complex than those for the symmetric rotor. It 1s easy to observe that Q; # Q2; the orbits described by the rotor axis are ellipses. The characteristic equation of the rotor defined by (2.159) and (2.160) 1S r? + (1.935 x 10° + 4.034 x 107° 7)r? + 9.187 x 10? =0 (2.175) and the frequencies at rest are Fy = 1° = 46.02 Hz (2.176) 2 W/30) Fx = = 52.75 Hz (2.177) 27 | The Campbell diagram for Fy = F\(N) and Fz = F(N) is shown in Figure 2.10, where the intersections with F = N/60 and F = 0.5N/60 are shown. Points A and B correspond to F = N/60 and points C and D to F = 0.5N/60. The general equation which gives the values of the frequencies at points A, B, C and D can be obtained from (2.114) and (2.164). ASYMMETRIC ROTOR 37 80, F (Hz) F = N/60 F = 0.5 N/60 D FW §2.75 B | | ! | | : BW : | | | 3 7731 9000 0 ) = pm Figure 2.10. Campbell diagram These give s4m?04 — (ky m+kymt+a’Q’)s?7Q? + ky ko = 0 (2.178) that is s*(s?m? —a*)\4 — m(k, + ky)s°Q? + ky ko = 0 (2.179) For the example considered here: in A, Fy = 44.03 Hz,N = 2642 rpm ( in B, Fy = 56.29 Hz, N = 3377 rpm (2.181 in C, Fy = 41.15 Hz,N = 4938 rpm ( in D, Fy = 64.42 Hz,N = 7731 rpm ( 2.3.2 Response to forces of excitation Here, too, only the steady-state response 1s calculated. The general solution of (2.161) and (2.162) is not considered. 38 MONOROTORS: SEMPLE MODELS, BASIC PHENOMENA Mass unbalance The equations to be solved are (2.157) and (2.158) and the solutions can be sought as in (2.127) and (2.128). The results are (ko —(m+a)Q?)m* dQ? OF mA — m2) — a2 ae _ 2\n* AO? 02 = Gn mt) a (2-189) The critical speeds due to mass unbalance are then given by (ky —mQ?)(ky — mQ’) — a?Q* =0 (2.186) that 1s (m= — a7)Q? — m(ky + ko) 2? + ky ko =0 (2.187) Equation (2.187) is the same as Equation (2.179) when s = I. Hence the two speeds of rotation appearing in (2.180) and (2.181) are critical speeds. The orbits described by the rotor axis are ellipses as |Q;| 4 |Q2}, and the sense of the whirl is of significant interest. Let us suppose (Figure 2.11) that at instant ¢ the rotor axis is in A. The cross product OA A dOA gives the sense of the whirl. The components of OA are QO, sinQ)t OA = 0 (2.188) Q, cos %2t Then QO,Q2cos Qtdt dOA = 0 (2.189) —Q>1) sin Qrdt and 0 OA AdOA = | Q,Q2Qd1 (2.190) 0 ASYMMETRIC ROTOR 39 0 Figure 2.11. Sense of the whirl Then if 0 < Q;Q>, the whirl 1s forward (FW), and if Q,;Q> < O the whirl is backward (BW). Equations (2.184) and (2.185) show that the sign of QQ» is that of the expression E(Q*) = (ky — (m+ a)Q7) (ky — (m+. a)Q?) (2.191) Then, as k; < kp: ky m+a ifQ< FW (2.192) k k K | Wy << < WwW? (2.198) m+a and : < Wy (2. 199) m+a Using (2.192), (2.193), (2.194), (2.198) and (2.199) gives the sense of the whirl, which is summarized in Figure 2.12. For the rotor defined in (2.159) and (2.160): (1.570 x 10° = 17.177) 1.299 x 10° ~ 196.104 — 3.954 x 1070? + 1.877 x 10! (L195 x 10° — 17.1707) 1.299 x 10° N° ~~ 196.194 — 3.954 x 1072 + 1.877 x 10!2 QO; (2.200) Q3 (2.201) When wr <2, Q; and Q> are such that |Q;| = |Q2| = 1.13 x 10°°m. The maximum amplitude (that is, |Q;| or |Q2|) of the response 1s presented in Figure 2.13. Figure 2.12. Variation of the sense of the whirl ASYMMETRIC ROTOR 41 Amp (m) Ptr Trae ie ttm 0 Figure 2.13. Mass unbalanse response Asynchronous force The force is the same as for the symmetric rotor case, and so the equations to be solved are mq, — aQt0g2 +k, q; = FsinsQQt (2.202) mq2 +aQq, + k2q2 = FeossQt (2.203) Solutions are sought as for (2.139) and (2.140), and hence [ko — (ms* + as)Q?|F ee 2.204 C1 s2(s*m* — a*)Q4 — m(k, + ko)s?0? + ky ky ( k, — (ms? +. as)Q?|F 0 = = OOOO fi { ir : (2.205) s*(s*m* — a*)Q4 — m(k, + k2)s7Q? + ky ko The critical speeds are given by the same equations as (2.179), the orbits are elliptical, and 1t can be shown that the sense of the whirl 1s, as for the

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