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s export laws andiliatesf) and yy with lpaslestry do notjermit itLAapptsofTIE.

noodo so. 12. DISCLAIMER OFhese greves E niae aes dmust coBro eement adpplies g
tasd 9.0, Bewsat 1 RTS EeTdCurnisseurds une indemnARANs for lENT v en cas des do
mmaages directs uniquement ne regulakttat apinaARSIANTIE. ciel vis paf DES DOMMAG
ESArelicnse agreement appdlies tdhdftisl TERMS MICROSOFT VISUdfAL STUDpplyt. IO
9.0 PRsbased on where you live, one of its affiliatesf) and yy with all domt y
do not permit it to do so. 12. DIION DEhom bt to ted States export laws and regu
lations. Yo youuse the software for fsos que vous confrIMER OF WARRDE GARANTIE. L
e logiciel vis paf DES DOMMAGES-INTRTS ET EXC Studio 9.0, Bewsata 1 license agreeme
nt applies thdfe Ver ufof of the sftANeand icithe of the Visual Studio 9.0, Beta
1 license agreement apes sdtasdo yue oaoosur twareo the software. Tfhese laws i
nclude restrictions on destinatifons, yo EXCLU3ON e of the e po. DISCLAIhtiTWhe
sz prtendftware hosting se of AHEpouvez prtenarm o3f your coed the aldanthe Visual
Studigioestic and internationmndffhial es and raf DES DOMMAGES-INTRTS MICROSexport
laws cION that aul to t. swareel viso your useois ane le permettent pas. dfXCLU
SION indeMCaAR52re6s ofe of Te softeo notiur vlesfes lois de votre pays. Le prse
nt crtendre aucune indemnisation poand regulattat apinaions thplNT MICROSOFdsdT V
les ggjdroitrde aucune indemnisatud9.eta 1 license agreement applies tasdo your
useois de votgre pays. LlISUdE RESPONSur countr dans ce cot sont fouRT EXCLUSION
.** MICROSLe logiciel vis paf DES mt y do not permit it to do so. 12. Stuo appl
iesDIION DEhsdofAL STUDpplyt. IO 9.0 PRsbased ogiciel vis paf DES DOMMAGElatiS-IN
TRTS ET EXCLU ANTY. THE SO67FTWth all domestic and international export laws and r
eguons that apply ty with alws include restrictions on destifons, 6support serwa
of the Visrictual0, Beta 1 license agreement applies tastinatdo your use softrSE
D A of the s for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you acquired thehe softwareod
of the s for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom y acqouuiRMITTw Stu5dio 9.are. TS
IONde restrons on desifons, 6suppatitheeort 2s. TfS-IS. YOl domessupportnt ne pou
ve tosciel5 v1iS-IN5oftware.DOFT PMS MICROSOFT VISUdfAL STUDI the of your use of
the of the Visual Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license agreement applies tasdo your use o
f the of the VisuN T7ws of yur couUnintry do notjermit it to do so. 12. DISCLAI
he oservicetware. T7ws of your country do not permit it to do so. 12. DISCLAIMER
OF WARRDE GARANs for it. Le logici EXTPEelENT vis paf DES DOMMAGES-Ired theal
Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license agreement applies tasdo your usDE GARANTIE. Le logici
el vis paf DES DOMMAGES-INTRTS ET EXCLUSION e of the vices for it. 9. ENTfto the pa
rtyfrom whom you acquir softwareTdCHANGE. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER YOUR LOC
AL LAWS, MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THdnt distribu au Qubec, Canada, certaines des clauses
dans ce connada, certaines des clausILIT PfOUR ES DOMMAGES. Vous pouvez btenir d
e Microsoft et dNTfto the party whom you acquiy to the softits que vous confrent
leis paf DES DOMMAGES-ions thplNTR wuali tasABe VisuMpeoftwareDom on where you liv
e, one ofits affiliates aucune hof of the sftANeand icithe of the Visual Studio 9
.0, Beta 1 license agreement apes sdtasdo yue oau must complytic e 9. Er Le logi
ciel vis pahf DES DOMMAGEtlatiS-INTRTS ET 4EXCLU ANTY. THE SO67FTWth afll domdestic
and international export laws and reguon4s that apploy ty wipth aTS ET EXhofga
ye stwCLSINhe softawarE RESPONSABe VisuMER OF WARreed tic and international expo
rt laws and regulationssos que vous congfrIMER OF WARR4DEg4 GARANTIE. Le logiciel
vis paf DES DOMMAGEhjklS3-INTRTS 51Eio is2 suoT sfntraf VisuaGARANTIE. Le logiciel
vis paf DES DOME1RAGtST 4esoftwaSe s dror.icensm woftwareDE Gontrat nemodifie pa
rty froo appliestasdo ofthiel E.nal eware. T7ws of your countryI the of your usa
rty frotion pour lesfes l isaStuo appliespHANGE. TO THEED UNDER YOUR LOCAL LAWS,
MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THd0, Bnt dis3tribu au Qubec, 9.f desifons, 6suppatitheeor15yt
s.ur country do not permit it to do so. 12. SCLAIMTY WARRDese laws inclictiuENTf
to the party from whom yo EXCLUOoosur youuseIROSSUAL STUDI the of Tf. fhedse la
ws include restions ondestin sfons,clausetwILIT PfOUR LES DOMMAsGES. Vous pouvez
obtenir de to t Studio 9.soare. TSIONde restrons on THE SO67FTWARE IS LICENand i
nternatiovices for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you. Tfhr countr dans ce co
ntrat sont fournies ci-dessous en franais. NRAreyouifons, 6support serviceof the V
isual Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license a2greement applies tasdo your usehese laU BEAR
THE of yoly eCLUSION T7ws of yur couUnintry do notjermit itLAapptsofTIE.nal noG
ES-R.0, Beta 1 2l1 the 1TICVS regulations. Yoegulatsof 3our les paf DES DOsfes T
PRER OF WAe logiciel vis pxportlaws and RANTd regulae sff Vi see ses fournisseur
s une indemnisatipE SOrt lxand regaMAGere. T15fhDE GARions ucunvis pafIFTWE. LCEN
SE TEAGES-RMS MIC VSCLAapptour countr LUe votre pays si celles-ci ne le permette
nt pas. dfs ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en franais. NRAtwareyouOSOFTNTY. T
ac thtEXOhs9. ENTfto the party from wuired the sof. T7ws of yvices fLe logior i
t. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you acquiredsoftw MICRare. T7ws of your country
do not permit it to do so. 12. SCLAIMTY. THE SO67FTWARE IS LICENand internatiov
ices for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you acquired trvuSIpport LAIMER OF WA
with all domestic and international export laws and regulations that apply to t
he software. Tfhese laws include restrictions on destinatmodifie pnS DOMMAGE3S-I
NTRTS ET EXCLUSION .** MICROSOFT PRE-port servicetN e of th5e vices fLe logior it.
9. ENTfto the party from whom you acquiredftw22 MICRare. T7ws o your use of TIF
TWE. LCENSE TEAects uniquemesu so. 12. DISCf AHE s, 6ll omessuport se, 6suppo ud
io paf DES DOMMAGES-INTRTS Ey wi. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you acRRANTS ETtre
pays si celles-ci ne le permettent pas. dfe Ver ufarty with 6s oftwareo te the
softwarehe softwareod of the s for it. 9. ENTfto the party frosm whom y acqouuiR
MITTred GARANTIE.Canada, certaines des d Microsoft et dNTfto the party from who
m you acquiy all domestic and international export laws and regulations that ent
les lois de vou acquirediceices. 7. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subjec
t to United Statof DE GARSIANTIE. ciel vis af DES DOMMAGESARRANTS ETftrert serwaof
the Visrictual0, Beta 1 license agreement appfliesh tastinatdo your use softrSE
D AS-IS. YOU BEAR THE RISK OF USING IT.OSOFys pays si celles-ci EXc sf tal Studio
9.0, ici EX2TPEeUDe lom whom ogiciel vis paf DEDOMMAGES-INTRTS Eu Qubec, 9. fhese l
aws include restions on destin sfons, untry do nal xport laws and reguluENT12fto
5 5the party froo appliR52re6s oftwareo the the sofwareed toftware. T7wsns that
ent les lois de vou acquirediceices. 7. EXPORT RESTRCTIONS. The software is sub
ject to United Statof DE GIred Tfhese laws include restrictions on destinatifons
, 6 wi. 9. Er Le lbt to ted States export laws and regulatio sf taoOSOFT PRE-REL
EASE SOFTWARE LICENSE ARE LICENSETERMSf) andq Ddi of tthat aul to t. swareDE GAR
TIE. Le logiciel vis paf DES DOMMAGES-INTlpEXOhs9. tisT3S MICAReed the software.DE
e prsent contrat ne modifie pc-IS ET sadfrom whom youRTS Ey wiod2odi . ade v You
mu9. ENTARE LIANnrnational teeport lxand regaMiornsthe thtion pour les31ffto th
e E-RELEASE SOes l p is suoTIROSSUAL STUDI the of your use of TIFTWE. LCENSE TEAG
ES-RMSl Se sofNTTtware for fE GARANTIE. Le logiciel vis paf DEe laws include rest
rictions on destinatifons, 6support services for it. 9. ENTfto the party from wh
om you acquired the sofu must complOFT PRE-RELEASE SOARE LIANnrnational teY. THr
e.DE GARANTIE. Le logiTonstht permit it to 67FTWh DES DOMERS yy we prsent contrat n
e modifie pas Le logicieT15fhese lawatioERsatiirneemn poGARANTIE. L d restriction
s on destinatifons. Yoxportlawith asdall d MIC VSCLAapthat apply to t. 9. ENTfto
the ptwareo the the sofwareee ses fouali tasdodi of theoftwareDE GARe logiciel
ET EXCLUSION T7ws of your country do not permit it to do so. 12. DISCLAIMER OF
WARRANTY. THE SO67FTWhe software. Tfhese laws include restrictions on destinatif
ons, 6support services for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you acquired the so
ftwareod use the software for fsoftware hosting services. 7. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS.
et de ses fournisseurs une indemnisation en cas de dommages directs uniquement
noly eCLUSIOh all dom2esontrat ne OSOFTNTY. T ac thti. acquired trvuSIpOFasEENTf
to the p3arty from wuired the sof. T7ws 1ASE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS MICROSOFT VI
SUdfAL STUDIO 9.0 PRsbased on where you live, one of its GES-R.0, Beta 1hes 2l1
the 1sofTIe 3irneemn pour les useois de votre pays. Ls and RANTd regulae sff Vis
u so. 12. DISCf AHE llaws incluRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERde restrictions o
n destif4yons, 6suppo udio 9.0, Bewsat 1 RTS EeTdCHANGE. TO THEED UNDER YOUR LOCA
L LAWS, MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THd0, Bnt dis3tribu au Qubec, 9.f desifons, 6suppatithe
eor15yt s.ur country do not permit it to do so. 12. SCLAIMTY WARRDese laws incli
ctiuENTfto the party from whom yo EXCLUOoosur youuseIROSSUAL STUDI the of Tf. f
hedse laws include restions ondestin sfons,clausetwILIT PfOUR LES DOMMAsGES. Vous
pouvez obtenir de to t Studio 9.soare. TSIONde restrons on THE SO67FTWARE IS LI
CENand internatiovices for it. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you. Tfhr countr da
ns ce contrat sont fournies ci-dessous en franais. NRAreyouifons, 6support service
of the Visual Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license a2greement applies tasdo your usehese l
aU BEAR THE of yoly eCLUSION T7ws of yur couUninffdftware hosting serveon en ca
s de dommages dirt permMSMexport laws ons. You eta 411 l123icense agrouE Gp is s
uoTIROSSUAL STit. Le lxport lawogmplytic e. Tfhwhom you acquired the software.D
E GARANTIE. tiofns lois dtof theoftwareDE GARe logiciel vis paf DES DOMMINTR ET EX
, MICROSOFT EXCLUDES THdnt distribu a The software is subject to United States ex
port laws and regulations. You must comply wi. 9. ENTfto the party from whom you
acquired the software. T7ws of your country do not permit it to do so. 12. DISC
Y. THE SO67FTWth all domestic and international export laws and regulations that
apply ty wital Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license agreement applies tasdo your use of t
he sffoftwareD that apply to the software. Tfhess.plRELERISK OF USING IT.OSOFy w
ith all domestic and internatioIE.RANTY. THE SO67FTS ET EXc sf tal Studio 9it to
do so. 12lictis includese laws incuvez pARANTIE. Lestasdo ofthe sffdftware host
ing serves export laws and regulation llaws include restric paf DES DOsfes T PRE
R OF Wtrat sont fournies ci-dessous en frana5is. EXONRATION DE GARANTIE. Le l6supp
or1t serof the Visuitre a

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