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UNIT-III [April-15]

5. a) Describe the closed cycle OTEC system, with its advantages
over open cycle system 8 Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) Examination
b) What types of sits are considered suitable for wave power Mechanical Engineering
development? 4 VIII SEMESTER
6. a) Explain with sketches the various methods of tidal power MODERN ENERGY SYSTEMS
(Effective from the admitted batch 201011)
generation. What are the limitations of each method? 8
b) What do you understand by spring and neap tides? How are they Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
caused? 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT-IV Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
7. a) Comment on the safety issues related to the use of hydrogen 4 All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
b) Explain various methods of production of hydrogen for use as Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
energy carrier 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. a) Write a brief note on hydrogen transportation 6 1. a) What is meant by Betz criteria? Derive condition for maximum
b) Write short notes on fossil fuel method of hydrogen production 6 power developed by wind turbine 6
UNIT-V b) What principles may be used for measurement of wind speed?
What is the standard height of for measurement of wind speed? 6
9. a) Explain the process of production of biogas from biomass. What
is the main advantage of anaerobic digestion of biomass? 6 OR
b) Describe various energy extraction technologies used with hydro 2. a) Compare the strip theory with free-wake analysis which are used
thermal resources (geothermal systems) 6 to predict HAWT performance 6
OR b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal and
vertical axis windmills. What methods are used to overcome
10. a) What are the different biomass energy resources and what is the the fluctuating power generation of wind turbine? 6
energy yield from each of them? 8
b) What is the current status of geothermal energy in India? 4 UNIT-II
3. a) Explain various designs of blades of HAWT and their features 8
[08/VIII S/315] b) Comment on environmental impacts of wind turbines 4
4. a) Describe the different schemes for wind electric generation. Also
describe the generator control schemes 8
b) Evaluate the suitability of various types of generators for wind-
power generation 4
UNIT-III [April-15]
5. a) Describe the closed cycle OTEC system, with its advantages
over open cycle system 8 Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) Examination
b) What types of sits are considered suitable for wave power Mechanical Engineering
development? 4 VIII SEMESTER
6. a) Explain with sketches the various methods of tidal power MODERN ENERGY SYSTEMS
(Effective from the admitted batch 201011)
generation. What are the limitations of each method? 8
b) What do you understand by spring and neap tides? How are they Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
caused? 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT-IV Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
7. a) Comment on the safety issues related to the use of hydrogen 4 All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
b) Explain various methods of production of hydrogen for use as Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
energy carrier 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. a) Write a brief note on hydrogen transportation 6 1. a) What is meant by Betz criteria? Derive condition for maximum
b) Write short notes on fossil fuel method of hydrogen production 6 power developed by wind turbine 6
UNIT-V b) What principles may be used for measurement of wind speed?
What is the standard height of for measurement of wind speed? 6
9. a) Explain the process of production of biogas from biomass. What
is the main advantage of anaerobic digestion of biomass? 6 OR
b) Describe various energy extraction technologies used with hydro 2. a) Compare the strip theory with free-wake analysis which are used
thermal resources (geothermal systems) 6 to predict HAWT performance 6
OR b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal and
vertical axis windmills. What methods are used to overcome
10. a) What are the different biomass energy resources and what is the the fluctuating power generation of wind turbine? 6
energy yield from each of them? 8
b) What is the current status of geothermal energy in India? 4 UNIT-II
3. a) Explain various designs of blades of HAWT and their features 8
[08/VIII S/315] b) Comment on environmental impacts of wind turbines 4
4. a) Describe the different schemes for wind electric generation. Also
describe the generator control schemes 8
b) Evaluate the suitability of various types of generators for wind-
power generation 4

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