Canadian Drug Laws and Standards: Appendix D

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appendix D

Canadian Drug Laws and Standards

Two national laws, with their amendments, regulate drug- sion, and use of opiates, cocaine, marijuana, and methadone.
related standards and practices. The Health Protection Branch Additional provisions:
of the Department of National Health and Welfare is respon- Restrict possession of the above drugs to authorized
sible for administering and enforcing the laws, which are people
described below. Require people possessing the drugs to keep them in a
The Food and Drugs Act, initially passed in 1953 and secure place, maintain strict dispensing records, and
amended periodically since then, regulates the manufacture, promptly report any thefts or other losses
distribution, advertising, labeling, and use of drugs. Specific Require prescriptions for dispensing narcotics
provisions: Require that containers with prescribed narcotics be la-
Empower the government to control the marketing of beled with the symbol N
drugs according to proof of safety and effectiveness Specify four levels of controlled drugs. The first level, nar-
Require that drugs comply with the standards under cotics, includes single drugs and preparations containing
which the drugs are approved for sale or the standards cocaine, codeine, heroin, hydrocodone, hydromorphone,
listed in specific pharmacopeiae methadone, morphine, oxycodone, and pentazocine. The
Direct the government to supervise the manufacturing second level, controlled drugs or Schedule G, includes
processes of some drugs non-narcotic prescription drugs, the use of which is
Classify drugs (eg, antihypertensives, antimicrobials, restricted to treatment of certain disorders (eg, amphet-
hormones) that require a prescription and specify that amines, methylphenidate, pentobarbital, and secobar-
refills must be designated on the original prescription bital). The third level restricts anabolic steroids, amo-
and obtained within 6 months (Schedule F) barbital, phenobarbital, diethylpropion, and nalbuphine.
Specify symbols to be placed on containers of the dif- The fourth level (Schedule H) includes substances
ferent classifications of drugs with no recognized medicinal uses (eg, hallucinogens
Require proof of appropriate drug release from oral such as LSD).
dosage formulations Nurses in Canada are governed by these national laws;
Prohibit advertising of prescription and controlled drugs there also may be local and provincial laws. Legal posses-
to the public sion of a narcotic by a nurse is restricted to the following
Prohibit the sale of contaminated, adulterated, or unsafe circumstances:
drugs When administering to a client according to a physicians
Establish requirements for labeling order
Prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive labeling of drug When performing custodial care of narcotics as an agent
products of a health care facility
The Narcotic Control Act, originally passed in 1961 and When receiving a prescribed narcotic for medical
amended periodically since then, restricts the sale, posses- treatment


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